

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    well, it has been a long day, and the rest of the week isnt going to be to easy either lol
    bright part of the day.. we got to the pool and I water jogged for about 40 minutes, walked 2 1/2 miles , then we went out with aunt ,uncle and cousin for dinner, and even though I ordered a lunch portion it was way to much will get out and walk it off tomorrow morning..
    Poor DH is not feeling well right now, in the bathroom vomiting.. dont know if it was something he ate or what... well im off to check on the sick boy.. and will check in in the a.m.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    edited December 2014
    Stats for the day, no breaks! Had to ride easy!
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.18min, 14.4amph 3mi
    spin- 80ar 123aw, 12-16g, 13.8mi
    messed up breaks, no ride to dome
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.31min 9.2amph 2.7mi
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I've been reading about the hostage crisis in Sydney and the 6 people killed here in the states today. It's all so senseless. So sad. Why do people have to be so mean?!

    My temperature is over 100, and has been off and on all day. The hot tea has helped the nausea some, so I kept down half a sweet potato from dinner. So far anyway. I hope this is over by tomorrow. I've got stuff to do!

    Poor Spot! Hubby locked Spot in the bedroom with me and took the other two for a walk. I thought he would come back and take Spot walking (it's too hard to take all three at once) but he didn't. He said it was too cold and windy. Spot sat staring at the bedroom door waiting for his turn, but it never came. Hubby still does not quite accept Spot as a full member of the family yet. He's making progress though. I might take Spot with me to the studio tomorrow to make up for it.

    I've slept so much today that I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight. But I do feel tired, so maybe that won't be a problem. I need a clothespin for my nose, though. I've gone through two big boxes of Puffs today.

    Flu, be gone!!!!

    Good night ladies.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member

    Here I am with my friends at one of our line dance performances at a senior residence. I am the one with the red shoes.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did about 15 minutes of yoga today, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec then took the extremepump class for an hour. The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT (gotta burn those calories)

    Joyce one of my ornaments for the tree is a pickle. Not a real pickle. The story is that the pickle (which is green) is hidden on the tree. Whoever finds the pickle gets an extra present. We've really never done that.

    Cynthia - I'm pretty much over the stress eating. Used to be that I'd binge for days, but this morning I look at some M&M's Vince had and felt "yuk". Lynette asked me to make a cake for her. One part of me just can't say "no and that part will probably win out. But there's another part of me that doesn't even want to be bothered (yet) with sampling.

    Jan - actually, and this I didn't even realize, there were FOUR compartments in the nut dish. I was going to put cashews in one, walnuts in the other and I'd made these spinach garlic balls for the third. Only when I got the dish out I found out there were 4 compartments. Plus...I couldn't find the cashews. I suspect Vince may have eaten them since that's about the only nut that he'll eat. So what I did was put walnuts in all four compartments.

    DeeDee and Alison - we drive to FL all the time mainly so that we can take the cats with us. TECHNICALLY we're only supposed to have a max of 2 pets. And we have 4 cats. But it's not like we're there for a long time. Plus, I suspect that's so that you don't have 4 barking dogs. Cats don't make much sound

    DeeDee - I'll be thinking of you Friday. I'm sure everything will be fine

    Cynthia - I use sunscreen all the time during the summer. Vince said to me once "look at all that goop, do you know what it's doing to our fiters (for the pool)" I just answered him "I'd rather pay for a new filter than have to take chemo" He's never said anything more to me

    Jan - they're doing the annual cleaning of the pool at my Y, so no deep water this week. Well, I'll do a running/fast walking/walking interval at the branch closest to me.

    Had some of the walnuts left over. I didn't realize how high in calories they were!

    Denise called and I told her how I felt about her not bringing Melanie. Evidentally, she said that she might not bring Melanie, I think Vince took that to mean that she wasn't. Anyway, I don't know if I guilted her enough or not. She said she was going to the vet to get some "kitty qualudes"

    Sylvia - hun, you take care of yourself. I know that Melanie is just a cat. But it hurts just the same, I guess in a way it's like not ever seeing your grandchild. When Melanie was injured and Denise couldn't afford to have her taken care of, where did Melanie recuperate? You guessed it.

    Heidi - I'm guessing that no one came to story time because the parents are so busy with the holidays. Things'll go back to normal after the New Year

    Rita - sending hugs to you

    Heather - is that REALLY you??????

    Lesley - HUGS

    Beath - I'm so sorry about your sons

    Judy - welcome

    We played mahjongg here tonight, just got one maj but that's OK. We copied the last 4 episodes of Downtown Abbey onto my USB so I'm not sure when we'll watch, I'm thinking maybe Sunday.

    Alison - hope your hubby feels better fast

    Sylvia - pox on that flu!

    Michele in NC
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I attended a bell choir concert with my DS,DDIL, & DGS. It was beautiful. Just amazing. The group was so talented.

    Vicki, Beth, and others - I am right there with you on emotional eating. Gained back all the weight I had lost for December. Why, oh, why? I know that some of the eating came from anticipating DS backing out of the concert. He seems to have time for everyone but his mom. I have even teased me that he needs to put me on his schedule. (violins now play to accompany my whining) I was actually shocked that they said they wanted to go. I still ate yesterday even after I knew we were going to be together! At least tomorrow is a new day......

    Judy - welcome! I just retired in June. It is an adjustment. I have spent these months concentrating on exercising and eating healthier. I have discovered that having a set routine for my exercise and time with hubby have helped me. This group has been good support. Set some small attainable goals and plan how you are going to get there. You can do what you put your mind and heart to.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    P.S. Barbie and Heather - enjoyed the pictures
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Home after grocery shopping. Was good and had mixed sandwiches on grain bread at cafe. Felt like fish and chips but hubby said "NO!"
    Everything put away now. Hubby cooking dinner. cals for day = 1638, and only 317 cals for walking. So in line with what dietitian wanted.

    The gunman in Martin Place was an Iranian refugee, came in 1990s. He had killed his former wife for divorcing him. He had 40 convictions pending and was out on BAIL. How dare courts do this !!!! Shakes head.
    Man killed had tried to disarm gunman and woman was mother of 3 small children and a barrister.

    Back to training tomorrow.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good evening my friends. Cold damp day here today.
    Robin, I may have missed it but what all are you doing with your redo. Several years ago we did a complete redo, it was gutted except the drywalls . our house was in 1978 so the bathrooms are small. I would love to have a big bathroom, Now we have a small and a tiny one
    Heather you look so much better now. But you had a pretty blouse and necklace on!
    Tori, my laptop hasn't dies but I am getting a new one. Mine is just old, has gotten a bad virus twice, been in the shop once and is very slow. Sounds like all of our health stories!! I can't wait for Saturday to come. Michelle is going to go with me and we will buy a new one. I read Sundays adds today and made sure I pulled out all the laptop deals so I can compare. Although I have no idea what they are all talking about. I have one angel sitting on one shoulder telling me to get all the bells and whistles. Then another one sitting on the other shoulder telling me that I really don't need all those bells and whistles, I just want them. Those two angels also talk to me about what kind of car we should buy when the time comes to get a new one. I think I am also going to go to Best Buy this week during the day and talk to some of the salesmen and get an idea the pros and cons of several. Saturday evening will not be a good time to decide. I want it to be a wise choice, not a hurried one. I wish Michelle would come over in the afternoon but that's the only time she can go to the dog park. Although in some ways your MIL may feel relieved that her grouchy husband is gone, there still will be a spot in her heart that will feel empty for a long time. I know that's how I feel about Charlie. I know the many things I will be freed up to do things that I can't do now, the budget will be freed up some what but I know I will deeply miss those precious moments that he lets out some times.
    Barbie, your team looks very festive.
    Judy, welcome to the most treasured place on MFP!!! Retirement can be wonderful yet awful. When you were working your life had a lot of structure, now it is open. And this journey has to be a slow one. Rome wasn't built in a day. Your weight didn't jsut suddenly appear and it won't suddenly be where you want it to. I have been on my diet 2 years and have lost 60 wonderful pounds with about 30 more to go. I haven't lost anything in about 3 months and it is so frustrating.

    Well I did some more Christmas shopping done today. I had to park at the opposite end of the mall just because there were no other parking spaces. I had already made the decision to use my handicap plate just because I knew how exhausted I was last week when I shopped. One other benefit of parking outside of Macys was that I knew they had a restroom and I needed to go. Sometimes when I take my fiber tablets and water it works real fast, Well today was one of those days. So I went and did that task and went nextdoor to Rue 21 ( I didn't even know we had a store here) and got a pair of jeans that Trinity would like. Then went to my store to return two items that I hurriedly last week. Bad luck Joyce, didn't have my size. But in the mean time I soon found out I needed to go to the bathroom and and it was a BAD NEED, I mean URGENT. they know me real well at this store so the cashier said she would take me back to their restroom after she waited on the person behind me. That's when the trouble began. There is this thing called vaso vagal response. It can happen when you have a bowel movement, urinate or bear down hard. Your B/P drops suddenly. So I need to go to the bathroom bad, I realize that I am about to black out and I do not want the ladies to be calling for an ambulance and I am laying on the floor unconscious and have pooped my britches. So I think she finally saw me clinging to a rack and getting pretty pail so she quickly came over and got me to their bathroom and I had relief. I sure wished I carried room spray in my purse!!! Went to the sister store next door and found what I wanted then to the store next to that to return Trinities boring jeans. Their return policy said she couldn't return them after Jan 4th. Our Christmas is Jan 3rd! So they only gave instore credit but it never expired. So it was a win win situation! Then went to Hobby Lobby and found the pink zebra stripe storage bins. When I wrap those I will jsut use the Hobby Lobby very Christmasy bag and make a bow with a zebra strip bandana that she wanted.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm marking my place. Have a good night and a good day tomorrow.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited December 2014
    Lesley :) When I saw that on the news I thought about you. Such senseless violence :'( . I, too wonder how these criminals are let out on bail!

    Barbie :) Love the picture!!! Everyone looks so festive! I especially love the red shoes!!!

    Sylvia :) Hope you're feeling better today!

    Thanks for all the well wishes for hand <3 !!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

    DeeDee in NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    well didnt get alot of sleep last night.. thing DH got a bit of food poisoning.. we have friends coming in today, I am going to call and see if maybe they can come the week between christmas and new years. want DH to sort of rest up today.
    I need to run some errands today and do laundry and take care of sick hubby..
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning!!! Sun is out bright and supposed to be gorgeous and fairly warm with rain coming in later----I'll take it!!! Heading out shortly to clean up yard a bit.
    Tim (retired electrician I know from gym) and I got the cut phone line spliced and I now have a working landline again!!! He seems a bit doubtful that it will last and says I may end up calling the phone co, in the end. But, for now, it's working!!! Took him to lunch at a BBQ place (his choice).....that was all he wanted for payment. DH wanted to know all about what he did to fix it.

    Went to the jazz Christmas concert last night.......alone. DD is in the midst of an "I hate you and everything about you and everything you say and do and I'm done with you---for good this time!!!" hissy fit. And, as usual with her pattern, the trigger was something inconsecquential. Made her pay for the unused ticket and happily (peacefully and quietly!!!) went alone, then gave her ticket to the first young person I saw who needed a ticket. Got lost in the music and enjoyed it very much. They did a lot of jazzy Glenn Miller; very old stuff but sooooooo good. As the show began, the word "mindful" kept coming to me as I became engrossed and left behind all the stress and strife........both personal and worldly. She was still not speaking to me this am....working at lifeguard job to 3pm, then on to the show barn today.

    Dee Dee........Will be thinking of you Friday, sendng hugs and the hope that it's painless.

    Sylvia...........Hoping you feel better today.

    Heather.........Hope your technology issues are solved by now and all is well with DH.

    Rori........Hi, great to see you.........1.5 lbs.?? You'll be rid of that in no time!!!

    Barbie.........Love, love love the pic.......and the red shoes!!! I idn't realize there was a guy in your dance group; how neat.

    Toni...........Best wishes on resolving that friction with your DS........^^^see above^^^, you might have to prepare for a long haul of it......but, if it helps any, I can tell you I got better at handling it over time; what used to devastate me, now makes me shrug.......

    Lesley..........Bail?????? What were they thinking???????? And now, six more in Pa. and over a hundred in Pakistan............pure madness......and it goes on and on......

    Stay strong ladies.

    "It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves" Edmund Hillary

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! Just a quick check in before I buckle down to work.

    My daughter had a meltdown last night. It started out because she had spent the day in Raleigh with some "new friends" (people from the hospital--not the best idea IMO) and didn't get home until 7:30 p.m. The boy child and I had gone out to dinner at one of his favorite places (a planned event on my part--I bought a Groupon in anticipation of his winter break), and she was angry and hurt that we had dinner without her. Arrgghh! I did not apologize because there was nothing to apologize for and she eventually quit sobbing. I'm losing my mind here...

    Lesley - I'm so sorry about the situation in Sydney. I just don't get what goes on in people's minds.

    Sylvia - I hope you get better really soon, but take advantage of the enforced rest to let your body recharge.

    Beth - I hear on the eating everything in sight. I am so disgusted with myself and have to figure out a better way to deal with the stress. I am so sorry that your sons are having such a difficult time. It's a hard decision about schooling at home when you know that the depression will not lift as long as they are isolated, but the physical symptoms are exacerbated by the anxiety of returning to the classroom. It seems as if there ought to be a better solution, but I certainly never found one.

    Alison - I'm sorry your vacation has taken a turn for the bad. Hopefully, it was something simple and hubby will be feeling better soon. I hope you can take advantage of his need for rest to go outside and take a long walk or something else to relieve some stress.

    DeeDee - Thinking of you and your surgery. Please let us know how it turns out. I have redhead skin and had lots of sunburns as a kid so I'm constantly watching for spots to appear.

    Joyce - I'm so glad you made it to the bathroom in time! I hate that feeling.

    Thanks for the support everyone! I keep telling myself that I will make it through this one day at a time.

    Welcome to the newcomers! I've caught up with reading but my mind is not retaining, but know that you're all in thoughts.

    Carol in yet again rainy, dreary NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. I'm still running a fever today, and coughing but I think I feel a little better. Hooray. I'm going up to the studio because I have drafting to do, and I have store hours today. Most likely nobody will come in anyway.

    I'm trying to learn how to do facebook, and it's really hard. I don't completely understand how it works. Stuff shows up on my "page" that I absolutely do not believe in. What can I do about that? One lady posts nothing but wildly religious, anti Muslim, and anti immigrant stuff. Really hateful stuff all in the name of religion. Does that crap go out to anybody who is listed as one of my "friends"? I tried unfriending her, but those posts are still there. This is someone in our potters group, and I really don't know her very well, and now I don't think I want to.

    Well, I am showered, dressed and fed, so off I go to work. Fingers crossed that I make it through the day.

    I hope you all have a great day too.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Molly fantastic.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning,

    I forgot to add the step to dry the squash seeds on a cookie sheet before roasting them for those of you who are thinking of trying to roast them. They are similar to pumpkin seeds only smaller.

    Barbie what a wonderful picture. Barbie I have a similar necklace that lights up too. When I wear it to school they kids love it.

    Lesley adding my voice to how sad it is for the world that these things are happening. In our country instead of addressing the underlying issues and taking the stand all lives matter (A principal of a school got in trouble for making such a statement) we look for scapegoats. I have worked in a city school and first ring suburb for twenty years, so I have seen the seeds for both the problems that are happening now and the hope we are smart enough to make changes.

    I also sent a thank you note to two policeman who recently helped me. Even though it is not the popular thing to do they need our support right now. They are like soldiers in that they risk their lives for us every single day.

    Carol I have been using the saying "Just because you see the hook does not mean you need to bite." quite a bit lately. It does not change the situation but for me it helps have a different perspective that gives me say in how I will respond. It is a good quote for dieting too.

    I also find the better I eat in hard times the better I am able to handle the pressure. It is easier said than done.

    rose.gif MNMargaret
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi I am an old friend of Barbie. Want to tell he what a wonderful group of fiends she has here. She is the greatest.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
    I took your advice and had hubby take a new picture of me. I did one sitting down to compare with the old one sitting down.

    OK, I'm pretty happy with it.

    By the way, my weight was down another three pounds this morning, but I don't think it counts because I was sick. Probably dehydrated. It will no doubt come back.


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Sylvia, you look amazing so very proud of you...
    well got the old boy,pepto,immodium, pedialite and chicken soup, called out freinds early so they will not be coming at least for the next week or so, but did find out that my DB ,and family flying in tomorrow now thursday,, I will take bleach and water and scrub the house down.. dont want Faith who is 80 to get anything...
    Tom and the puppies lying down now, and I am going to try and put Toms new bike together wish me luck.. ;)