

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :D<3 Sylvia, you are an inspiration to all of us....I can see that your face is thinner.....now you need hubby or someone to take a photo of you at your newest low weight......do not be discouraged....you have made an amazing change thanks to your never give up attitude...also when I looked at your pictures again I noticed that your husband is a cutie :D

    :D (*) Jane, congrats on not eating the cookies

    o:) Yanniejannie, you can do anything for a few hours that would appall you if you had to do it for a lifetime...the Nutcracker will be over before you know and your DD will be very happy that you were there.

    smiley-cool05.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :D 18,000 steps today including three hours of dog walking
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    So many new friends joining in.....that's wonderful.

    Sylvia - all I can say is WOW to the studio, open house effort, weight loss and before and after pictures. You look like a whole new person!

    Heather - glad your dinner went well

    I too have had success on WW when I was in my 40s. I was trying it this time around when my endocrinologist said calories were the only way to go. She's right. It is working - slow- but working.

    Toni in Tennessee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm sitting at the lake with TWO dogs on my lap snoring. It's pretty sweet. My little sore throat has bloomed into a full blown sick. Fever, headache, joints ache, cough, runny nose. The whole shebang. I'm glad it waited till after my open house to get bad. I'm off from the studio on Sunday and Monday. I wanted to see the kids tomorrow, but this may not be a good time for that.

    My son is freaking out because he realized the kids will be out of school for 17 days at Christmastime. I think they will drive him nuts for that long a time. I remember those days. Hee hee. This must be karma times three!

    Well, the joke of the day yesterday was not funny in the least. It was making light of terrorism, so I won't repost that one, but here is the one for today:


    If pro is the opposite of con, what's the opposite of progress?



    Good night everyone. I'm taking Tylenol and going to bed.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
    Barbie, hubby really is a cutie, inside and out! Thanks for noticing.

    I don't know why that picture turned sideways. Did it do that on your device?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    Margaret, do you mean the display of my pottery or the display on the scale? Either way, it works. Thanks!


    Both qualify! Both are terrific!

  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    Goodmomkim, if your friends are busy try the website www.meetup.com. Every city has meetup groups and a variety of them, depending on your interests. There are hiking groups, dining groups, people interested in concerts or plays, crafts....You will never be bored if you join a couple.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    So what kinds of exercise do all of you like to do? Any new goals for the new year?
  • Bebubble
    Bebubble Posts: 938 Member
    Hi All! What a great looking group! I am bubble for Southern California. Glad to meet you all! Just trying to keep my head above weight gain this month! UGH!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did 1 hr of "10 Pounds Down" DVD today. Tomorrow the plan is to do some balance games on the Wii

    Had breakfast, made some buttermilk chicken for next week, some salsbury steaks, and now some baked cod. Need to go help Vince put some lights on the bushes

    Joyce - my stove has two large burners and there is an adjustment so that you can make them be even a little larger, and then two small burners and one warming burner. I also have a warming tray underneath my oven. Even so, at Christmas time I run out of burners. I don't know how you do it all.

    katla - I'm so glad for you that you're so pleased with your riding lessons. I still love that icon of the train under the tree.

    Eileen - so glad to see you! Congrats to your younger son. Be safe going to Wisconsin. What is the plan if there's bad weather when you are to come home?

    Pam - sounds like you have a plan for your dinner tonight. That's wonderful!

    I'm missing Bryan! I would really like to at least hear from him. Haven't heard from him since August. Vince FINALY boxed up the package to send him. I'm just sending him his mail, birthday/Christmas/Thanksgiving cards, some Doritos that Diana likes, and cat treats, oh, and these coasters that I made. I valued them at .50. Why he didn't box it up so that I could ship it when I was at the post office last time, I don't know. We'll put money into his PayPal account. It would be nice to send some sort of gift card, but I'd be concerned that the people at customs would open the box and take the card. This way we know that he'll get the money. Even tho I'm depresssed that he's not here and won't be, I need to keep myself cheery for Denise and Jess. It just isn't fair to them to impose my depression on them

    Cynthia - I don't think the vet would have any other suggestions for giving the meds to Loki. Vince talked to the pharmacist when we first got this drug and he told Vince that it also can be made into a capsule, he said the capsule was small. Maybe we should go that route and hopefully get the capsule into a pill pocket. He doesn't seem to have a problem taking the phenobarb in a pill pocket.

    I feel like I've missed out on so many of the holiday parties that I probably should have gone to. Well, next year I really want to start working on the decorations early and I'll be having lots and lots and lots of shirataki noodles. Maybe spaghetti squashes too. Anything to keep those calories down.

    Jamie - welcome! I've never tried weight watchers. To me, of all the "diet" programs out there, WW is the best. Yet, some things may not have any points since they are high in fiber, but they do still have calories.

    Heather - you are one amazing hostess! I'm sorry about your friend

    Sylvia - glad your show went so well. Sending good vibes to feel better fast. What an amazine studio you have. Thanks for the pic. Update: sure hope you get better real fast

    Lisa - welcome! You'll find out that all the ladies on here have lost weight. It DOES take a while, but it DOES come off. Stick with it.

    Sylvia - woohoo, you go girl getting into the 170's

    Gaille - welcome!

    Alison - give Pedro a wave from me!

    jane - congrats on not eating any of the cookies! I know that I couldn't do that. You have such strength

    Sylvia - you're right, that photo of you in the pink shirt IS terrible. Now you should be proud of the one of you in the blue shirt. What an amazing difference! And you're down even more! WTG!!!! I can see a difference (and for the better) in your face. Must be that it's such a slow change that you don't even notice it.

    barbie - I must be blind, I went back to Sylvia's pics but didn't find her hubby. Which pic was he in?

    Michele in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sylvia the second photo is fantastic. Your face HAS changed but get a new photo.
    Have had a lovely Sunday drive. Along the coast to Ulverstone and doggy walk along River Road. Then drove through Devonport and Wesley Vale to Bakers Beach, and another walk on beach. Then drove home and pork in oven for dinner.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    WOW, first time I have been here all day, well since last evening and I think it was 2 pages to catch up on. Welcome to all the new ladies, exciting to know we have some more new friends.

    Sylvia, your showroom is wonderful. I remember you talking about all the cleaning and it is beautiful. Glad you have a group of fellow artists you can set something up like that. Also I can see the lights you strung and it must have looked so festive. Loved the pick of your hubbie. So sorry you are full blown sick though. Poor son may not have you to take care of those wonderful grand kids. I like what you said about karma. Truly is.

    Michele, it's my daughter and niece that have our dinners so organized that they work it all out. The microwave is used a lot. Some foods aren't piping hot when they get to the table. But it's the family, occasion and fellowship that we have that counts the most, not the presentation. My oldest grand daughter and I make the corn casserole and I don't think the sweet potatoes has ever been done without youngest grand daughter putting on the marshmellows. She also 'helps' put the fruit salad together because it allows her to eat the grapes, apples and mini marshmellows. It is the most beautiful sounding mess you could ever hear. I think the two who keep it all organized would rather leave the kitchen and leave them handle it but we all enjoy the crowd and working together. It's not the same tradition we had when Mom had the house at her house but her kitchen was the size of a bathroom. It's at my house now and it's the way I want and enjoy it. Memories!!!!

    Cantata tomorrow. When I turn off the computer I have to remember to take my Forever Comfy and lumbar pillows and put them with my Bible and Cantata book. I will put the practice CD in my car and sing even though I don't need it.

    Watched a sappy Hallmark movie tonight and it was full of sappy Hallmark commercials. I had to call all my family and just tell them I love them!

    Joyce, indiana
  • Pamala28
    Pamala28 Posts: 18 Member
    Sylvia, I am very impressed with your studio and gallery. You use some nice colors in your glazes. The pinch pot your friend made are incredible. Does he use the same technique the Indians use in New Mexico?

    I paint. I am grateful that even at the age of 62 I am still learning and developing my work.

    Have a great Sunday all!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    Just checking in to say good morning as I am off to Portsmouth today to see my old schoolfriend. I wanted a picnic on her floor, but she has decided to tske me out. I'm going to use the opportunity to let her choose a small gift from me to have in her newly renovated apartment. Every time she looks at it she will be reminded of me! ! ! ! ! :laugh: Wish I could give her one of Sylvia's pots! :bigsmile:

    PS I over ate last night - mini binge! ! ! :sad: I think it was a reaction to being extra good at the dinner. Today is another day. :smile:

    Heather in freezing Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: you have come a long way; be proud of yourself! You are so much healthier, and I’m sure you notice the difference when walking etc. Your face HAS changed, a lot! Sorry you’re sick…but you’re now that much closer to being better!

    Michele: if Loki’s meds could be made into a capsule, as the pharmacist says, it might fit into one of those “pill shooter” things and the whole thing would be over quickly. A pill pocket would also work, although the pill pockets only worked about twice for my cat. :)

    Well guys, last night I saw shooting stars for the first time in my life! The Geminids shower is going on these days. I stood outside for about half an hour and saw two, but I saw them! Wished better health for my dog on the first one, and better health for me on the second one.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pamala, yes, his technique is very much like the Indians. He forms the pot all by hand, without a wheel, which takes many hours, and once it gets leather hard he burnishes it with a rock till it shines and he smoke fires it. Holding them in your hand, they feel like egg shells. At least the smaller ones do. He makes some that are enormous.

    I'm trying to learn to paint, because I think it will help my pottery, but I haven't been very serious about it. I used to paint watercolors, but that was many years ago.

    Michele, after the shock of seeing it wore off, I'm kind of glad I found that picture, and I am proud of how far I've come. I DO look different. I never want to be that person again. Doesn't she look miserable? I look at her and remember how miserable she was in so many ways. No wonder some people I haven't seen for a while don't recognize me! My hubby is in the pic that shows the glass display case. He's sitting behind it. On my screen that picture has turned sideways for some reason. Here's another picture of hubby with Bruno.


    Well, we are staying at the lake all day. Hubby is grading lab reports and I'm staying in bed. I hope you all have a great Sunday.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    In this picture, my sweet husband is sitting behind the counter. That glass case is filled with pinch pots made by my friend who has pancreatic cancer. He was the main one who wanted me to do the show, and it may be his last.


    This is the picture of Sylvia's hubby at the gallery

  • margaretlovell884
    Hello! I have just joined. I linked my FitBit to MyFitnessPal account so I will be able to track food, exercise, and sleep easily. My goal is to lose 80 pounds over the next 18 months. That is right around one pound per week. I'm going to do that through a combination of calorie counting, exercise, and mindful eating. I plan to support my mindfulness by practicing the 12 Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. I am in my mid-sixties and have been weight-aware (AKA dieting or compulsively overeating) since I was a teenager. I believe I have all the information I need about healthy eating, exercise, and self-acceptance, but I have never been able to lose weight and maintain the loss. I fear that a lifetime of yo-yo'ing means that I will never be able to have a relaxed attitude about food. I am hopeful that one day at a time I can figure out how to (re)start this journey toward wellbeing.
    Thanks, everyone.
    Margaret in Marietta, Georgia
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    Margaret - the bad news is that you will never be able to have a relaxed attitude about food. Our food culture is such that "normal" eating leads to weight gain.
    The good news is that you can lose the weight through calorie counting and nourish yourself by making better choices, even if it goes against the grain of our society, whose attitude to food has become distorted.
    You will be able to join the numbers of us who are committed to a lifetime of logging our food intake and taking more exercise for our health. It is sooooooo worth it. Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    I had a lovely time with my friend today. Her flat is not finished, but in a good state now. She took me to an Italian restaurant where I had a salad. I meant to put a drizzle of olive oil on it, but upended the container and all the olive oil went on my salad. :ohwell: Tasted delicious! :laugh:
    I was a bit shocked when I met my friend at the station because she looked so much fatter. For lunch she had Carbonara and two large glasses of white wine. Hmmmmm........ We did 50 mins walking and I clocked up 596 calories for the day as a whole. We went to my favourite department store and I bought her a house warming present and two cushions for our new bedroom. They have lovely pink, blue and purple to liven up the grey. :bigsmile: Then I came back on the train where DH had prepared me a lovely dinner! :love:
    Good day! We also confirmed that we both found one of our other friends an utter pain sometimes and our next trip together should be one that limits her input. I am voting for London and she is backing me. :bigsmile: I will propose it by email.

    Sylvia - congratulations on the weight loss! :flowerforyou: You will feel better and better and better!

    Heather in colder Hampshire UK
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,884 Member
    Hello to all: We seem to have a great number of new people. welcome and join in so we get to know you. One of the things I like most about the Christmas season is the music. DH and I went to the SD Symphony and Symphony Chorus Christmas Collage last night and it was as usual wonderful!! The young man who won last year's young musician contest played a cello piece with the orchestra. He was 12 and outstanding, such stage presence for such a youngster. He got a standing ovation.

    This afternoon we are going to a concert by a local group called Angelic. One of the ladies in the group was my DH's student way back when he was teaching high school. The group has recorded several CDs.

    I have a little more shopping to complete and hope to get that done tomorrow. Everyone take care and enjoy the season. Sue in SD
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. I’m being lazy today and haven’t gotten off my hiney much so far. We went to a museum yesterday that had a 40’ Christmas tree, loads of kids singing and playing instruments, and a display of ethnic Christmas trees. It also has permanent exhibits of railroads and Omaha in the 1800s. We also bought our live Christmas tree (we have a tree in every room), then DH and I had date night. I had a gift certificate from Outback from a former student, so we went there and then to see the Mockingjay. Fabulous! After Sunday dinner we will decorate the tree. I didn’t’ feel well this morning, so DH and DD went to church to see the childrens’ Christmas play without me.

    'Michele: your days are so full; do leave time for yourself?

    Katla: we had great fun yesterday and guess what? I am totally done shopping for the first time in years. I feel much less stressed about the whole season this year, so that’s agood change for me.

    Eileen: did you get all that rain?

    Kim: with depression it is so hard to see options. Can you do something social with a group where it’s free or low cost, like a church or a senior citizens’ group (I don’t know how old you are so if you are not that old…please forgive me!). Or volunteer with some organization?

    Yanniejannie: stay warm at your race!

    Cynthia: I haven’t cooked much of anything in our microwave but I’m sure many of the ladies here have.

    Juanita; sounds like success to me!

    Heather: avascular necrosis is when the blood supply is lost to the hip. It usually requires a hip replacement because by the time it’s discovered, the bone has already at least partially died.

    Sylvia: glad your open house went well. What beautiful pictures! I want to come and browse! I especially love the light turquoise pot behind your hubby!

    Sylvia: woohoo on the scales! AND you look amazing!!!!!!!!! You are inspirational! Get well soon!

    Eileen: I’d like my ticker to show up too but I can’t get it figured out. They used to show up then that got changed.

    Well It’s about time for dinner, so I am off. I need to call the eye dr tomorrow; my right eye has been bothering me for some time now, very itchy and hard to wear my contacts. Last night it was awful. I nearly scratched my eyeball out! Hubby looked under my eyelid and I have a large bump or something and that is the source of all the itching. Bleh. Can’t stand to wear my glasses! I feel like I can’t see or hear when I wear them. Ok I know that is just weird! Hope to have time to come back tomorrow. I miss posting daily like I used to be able to.

    Welcome newbies!

    Take care Meg from drizzly Omaha