

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of balance games on the Wii today. I don't think that burned a whole lot of calories, tho. The plan for tomorrow is to do a bit of yoga, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Joyce - I really like the way you look at things. I remember when Jessica first worked at the canine unit of New Bolton Center (I didn't even KNOW they had a canine unit) (for all you horse lovers, this was the place that Barbaro was taken to when he got injured.) My fear was that every time they needed to put down a dog, she'd want to bring it home. I was so shocked that she didn't want to bring one home. When I asked her about it, she said to me "they're helping mankind" (they were holding some sort of experiments).

    Cynthia - the hassle Loki gave us taking the medicine from the syringe, I doubt he'd accept the "pill shooter". Now the pharmacist did say that the capsules were small, so we might try it in a pill pocket. If that doesn't work, I guess we could try the pill shooter. Can't hurt.

    Sylvia - hubby IS good looking. Thanks for posting another pic, that was so sweet of you. You're right, the one lady in the picture does look miserable.

    Margaret - welcome, Heather is right, unfortunately, we can never be relaxed around food.

    Heather - society's attitude toward eating has been distorted???? You've seen the portion sizes in restaurants here in the US, it's sickening. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your friend.

    Yikes - our open house is tonight. While I was putting out the cookies, of course I had to try one just to be sure that it hadn't gone bad or something. Fortunately, I make them very small. I'm have walnuts, 3 different types of cookies and the magic cookie bars, some candy, these pizza rolls that Vince'll eat, mini-quiches and these pinwheels. I guess that should about cover it

    I really don't do cooking in my microwave, mainly just heating up things

    Was getting that "I want to snack on cookies" urge, so I had a salad with vinegar. That vinegar sure cuts down on cravings.

    Michele in NC
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    Michele, I don't have a bad weather plan if I am already in Wisconsin. I guess I'll play it by ear...praying for good weather the whole week. Have a lovely open house!

    Meg, we got quite a bit of rain...which we badly need. And it's supposed to rain again this week. They say it will have to rain a LOT to relieve our drought. Congratulations on the little granddaughter...I have been absent so long I missed that.

    Sylvia, I love your shop. Wish I had some talent like that.

    We're home from church for a couple of hours and then off to a Christmas concert. So much to do! I love it though.

    Eileen near (sunny) San Diego
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sun!!
    Walked to church,going to walk to the Christmas party tonite.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    edited December 2014
    stats from saturday:
    Jog at gym- 26.27min 8.32ap (or minute mile) 7-9sp 5k (or 3.1miles)
    walking in seattle- 2hrs 36.min, 11sec 3.86mi
    had fun walking around and drinking in seattle and yes, i counted them in my calorie count
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member
    stats for the run today:
    jingle bell run - seattle- 5k, but app showed me as 29.38min, 7.29min. mi, 4mi
    walking to car-14.38min .68mi
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good luck with your open house tonight Michele. I am afraid that I am always going to have to be aware of what I eat. That little red devil is always sitting on my shoulder and trying to convince me that that food won't hurt me. I love my chocolate. I can do really good with the deserts, nut the candy in my stockings are the worst. And the worst thing is that I don't want to say NO CANDY. I want it. What I need the most is the fortitude to just eat one piece a day. I am usually good enough to it right for a couple of days then that huge monster gets the better of me and I know the best thing for me is to just eat it al in one day so it is gone, gone, GONE

    My brother called as I was writing and now I have no idea what was in my brain. But I hadn't talked to him for awhile and they needed to talk to Ellie's and Trinity's Grandma so I had to be focused!!!!

    Cantata went very well today. It was a total of 8 songs and we sat twice. But by the end of the last song, I must admit I was getting a little dizzy. There was one of the sopranos that came in a note early twice but other than that it went really well. I took my comfy seat and little lumbar pillow and even wore tennis shoes. I really wish my orthotics would fit other shoes than just the tennis shoes.

    OK, the big question and please forgive me if I have asked it before. I am getting a new laptop for Christmas. At first I said I was going to get an Apple then I saw the prices. What I do on any computer does not warrant an apple computer. I don't do hardly any downloads, no record keeping. Mainly Face book, here and my MS forum. I don't use 'the cloud' or any other picture sites. I do some research on line when hubbie and I are having a discussion and it usually just takes me to Wikipedia. I order some from Amazon and my grand kids store, Justice and that's about it. So what do I need in the $300 or $350 range. I currently have a Compaq CQ60-615DX Notebook. I know I will more than likely have to go to one of the forms of Windows 8 and that is going to be confusing enough. I am planning on going out next Saturday.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Joyce, if that is all you do, you might just rather have a tablet. I use my tablet for everything you mentioned. The only time I go to the real computer is to use word processing, PowerPoint, or financial stuff related to the budget. I have an iPad, but you can get a Samsung or something similar for much less.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and hot day in Tasmania
    Day 2 week 4 of Jeannette's Challenge, have done Wii Boxing, JJ's Cardio kick-boxing next, walk around our woods after lunch. = 814
    Food is good, Muscle oats for breakfast, turkey burger lunch and butter chicken for dinner = 1958
    House: tidy up, ironing, cooking and some gardening = 308
    A good day so far.
    I am really enjoying Jeanntte's 15 week challenge, keeps me on my toes and LOVE her food.
    I did my Accu-measure callipers for fat and it say 20.5%, happy with that
    Joyce I have always had IBM and love Windows.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited December 2014
    (*) Sylvia...you have done amazingly well. I can see such a huge difference, including your face. I do understand about the face-thing, however, because I have a similar issue. My face will never be a "thin" face, so to speak. Genetic. I have always been told I have a round face. Now that I am over 60 yrs, my weight loss is not as evident in my face. You are an inspiration, Sylvia. I also love your shop.

    On another note, I have not been on the forum for a while, and cannot hope to possibly catch up with everyone. Welcome to all the newbies !!

    I have had to drop jazzercise due to back issues, but keeping up with yoga. For now, it's what I can do and actually feels great to do. I will defer any other activity choices for the new year.

    Gearing up for the holiday season, I went shopping today. Still a few more things to get, but we are keeping the craziness at a distance. At least, that is the plan.

    Love and hugs

    From sunny Vancouver Island, BC

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Today was my fudge testing day ... made one batch that was too soft ... but got it right on the second batch. Now I can move ahead with making fudge for family and friends. This is a recipe my late MIL was famous for. I was never able to duplicate her efforts while she was alive. Now we (my husband is the fudge beater) think we've got it. Problem is we have two batches of fudge in the house! Sampled some, of course, but we're sending the too soft batch home with DS#1 who eats anything chocolate. The other batch has been wrapped for my husband and I to take to our workplaces tomorrow and share the calories! >:)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,799 Member
    evening ladies~
    I am lying in a wonderful comfy king size bed, with Homer snoozing up here..
    we got here around 2, and am just settling in now....I just Hate that long car trip,but it is worth it to be able to have the puppies with us..
    it is chilly down here at night in the 40s,I had my winter jacket on to take the boys out for a walk, I am just hoping and praying that it warms up enough to go to the pool, that is what I adore to do down here, and look at all the birds..
    we went to Walmart and it was freakin crazy.. I get quite jittery when there are to many people and big crowds, I told Tom .. no more going at 6-7 in the morning ..
    picked up a few things..
    even though it is chilly I am bound and determined to get out and walk and exercise.. I need to get back on track and lose the extra weight, im getting flabby and it shows, im ashamed of myself..
    Sylvia, I am so Happy for you.. you look fabulous and your studio,just stunning, yes, If I was closer I would have bought something too..
    I spoke with my Dr about the pain, and what I am going to take is 2 tylenol and a 1/2 a flexeril to help with the pain.. this is the first night trying it out so wish me luck..
    we have friends coming over from the east coast tuesday, and then my DB and DSIL and her mom will be down on thursday and will be here through Sunday..tomorrow is a day to breath and get stuff together for the upcoming week...
    eating.. not great for the trip.. but did buy myself some greek 0 fat yogurt, fresh raseberries, brought my chia seeds, and slivered almonds so breakfast is covered ..
    from where we are it is 2 miles from the our place to the front of the park and back,, I will walk that daily and ride my bike, and if it is warm enough walk in the pool for an hour....
    well will check in in the a.m. and Sylvia I sure do hope you feel better,a nice cup of tea and a puppy or 2 on your lap should help, that and alot of rest
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited December 2014
    smiley-cool05.gif We don't do much related to the holidays but this afternoon I worked on matching easy line dances to holiday songs in preparation for teaching my class on Friday. It felt very festive and I think I've picked out some good music for dancing.

    :smiley: Jake was gone for a few hours this morning so I was able to enjoy having the house to myself. I ended up with extra dog walking but the girls like that because I always take them on a longer walk than Jake does.

    :smiley: Alison, having the puppies with you is definitely worth the agony of the long car trip. We hate having to go away without our dogs.

    :smiley: pipcd, congrats on completing the jinglebell run

    :mrgreen: Lesley, congrats on your good body fat percentage.....glad to hear the weather is warmer for you now.

    :mrgreen: Margaret from Georgia, will you be actively participating in Overeaters Anonymous or just using things you've learned from them? I have a friend who does Grey Sheet OA and has been very successful. She is an inspiration for me.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-sleep012.gif
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Took me a while to catch up on everyone, but I finally finished! So happy to see that we have so many new people. Welcome and congratulations on making the decision to join mfp. We are happy you are here and look forward to knowing you!

    Heather – Thanks for the great advise.

    My heart and prayers go out to all those on the Pacific coast who have had such bad weather.

    Barbie & Terri– I love the hats. It’s so nice of all you to volunteer to make them. I love the spirit of community from so many ladies on this site. It’s really wonderful to see.

    Eileen – I sure hope you get to go, too, especially so you can see your Dad. BTW two of my daughters live in the suburbs of Denver. That area is so beautiful. I hope your son enjoys living there.

    Kim – I’m really sorry to hear that you’re not having a very good Christmas season. I’m glad though that financially things will be better in a few months for you!

    Cynthia – My DH does the spaghetti squash in the microwave. It’s awesome. He cuts them in half, takes the seeds out. He places the first ½ in a corning ware dish with about ½ inch of water, then he cuts the second half into ½ again so that it will fit on the sides of the first one. He puts saran wrap over the whole thing so it will keep the steam in. He sets the microwave for 18 to 20 minutes.

    Sylvia – The gallery is beautiful! I’m so impressed. You and your friends did an outstanding job! I hope that the sales increase for you. Hoping you feel better, too! Congratulations on the weight loss, too! Girl, you deserve something good to happen…I’m so glad there is so much positive in your life right now! You look like you’re a lot more than 20 lbs down from your facebook picture. You look awesome!

    Yanniejannie – You are so right! Ten feet tall and bullet proof when we are teens and twenties.

    Leslie – So glad that your program is going so well for you!

    Margaret in Marietta, Georgia – What are the twelve steps of Overeaters Anonymous?

    Meg – Hope your eye gets better soon. Glad you are going to get it checked out.

    I had a difficult day today with my caloric intake. I woke up this morning and my blood sugar was a little low and I was really hungry! I'm not sure why, but I was just so hungry all day long! I guess it might have been because my wonderful neighbors across the street baked cookies and delivered some to us yesterday. DH ate all the cookies and left the spoons with candy on them for the granddaughters. DH shouldn't be eating them either because he is, also, diabetic, but they really don't elevate his blood sugar like they do mine. I was really disappointed in myself for overeating, but I have been eating less than my goal each day, so I added up all of the calories for the week and averaged them. It came out to less than my goal for the day. So, I guess that's not so bad. Tomorrow is a new day, however, and it's back to the plan. I want to reciprocate by giving my neighbor cookies, but there is no way on God's green earth that I'm going to make some. I would end up eating them, so it's going to be fresh oranges from our orange tree. LOL! My DD#3 came by yesterday and brought cracklins...seriously! I don't know how many times I have to ask her not to bring that stuff in the house! Again, DH is eating them. I really just want to throw them away, but then I would get fussed at. Oh, well, I didn't eat any and I don't plan to. Yay, me! Ha! Ha!

    Congratulations to all who have their Christmas decorations up and meals planned. Today, DH put up the Christmas tree and we reviewed all the gifts bought and made of note of what we still have left to buy.

    Barbie - if we didn't have grandchildren to think about, I doubt that we would be doing much for Christmas, but I really feel like we have to decorate even if it's really late.

    I'm so happy for all of you who have made great strides with your weight loss and maintenance. Hugs to all! Oh, and by the way, I love the wonderful Christmas tree with the train, emotionicons, and pictures. I love Christmas music, too. DH and I just sat for about an hour and listened to Christmas music today. It was nice.

    Good nigh!

    Barb from South Louisiana


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    I thought the open house went quite well. It does seem that more people wanted the hot apple cider than coffee.

    First Vince told me that when Denise comes down here, she won't be bringing Melanie. That makes me sad, I didn't get to see her at Thanksgiving, I would like to see her some. Then (and I know this was out of kindness) someone asked me about Bryan. As you know, I've been missing him lately, probably because it's so close to the holidays. But to have to admit that I haven't talked to him since August -- well, that hurt. So I'm eating, more out of depression than anything else. I know that. At least this doesn't happen all that often.

    One good thing was that I gave away all of the magic cookie bars. I know that I would have eaten them. I also gave away all of the dark chocolate mint kisses. I'm the only one who would havae eaten them, anyway.

    Joyce - glad the cantata went so well.

    Renny - so sorry you had to drop jazzercise but glad you're able to keep the yoga. That'll help your back.

    Beth - will you share your recipe for the fudge? I've never found a good recipe for a fudge that I can use

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions bout what laptop. KatieBug, I already have the iPad mini. I think that's part of my problem. I have a desk top in my office and that's what I get on when I am slowing my brain down at night. My laptop is on the living room, or goes with me when a loved one is in the hospital and I keep a thread going in the face book message section to keep every one up to date. Then I have my iPad with me about anywhere I go. I think some one needs to pull the plug on me. I am totally aware I am addicted to all of it, including my DVR but I just don't break the habit. I'm not really sure the ages of my computer and laptop. I do know that in all the years I have been using a computer, I am on my second computer and first laptop. My oldest daughter is pushing me to buy the Apple because it will last longer and won't have to be in the shop as often as my two are. My conceince is telling me to get a cheaper one. When I asked Charlie how much he thinks is appropriate to spend and we were spot on, around $350. I have found 1 refurbished apple for $500. It has a guaranty of 30 days :'( But the laptop will blacken out numerous times. The Geek squad at Best buy told me what it was and since it would have to send it off, them fix it and shipping Best Buys service charge, it would be better to just buy a new one. I'm in a pickle.

    Speaking of pickles I saw a stocking gift today that was individually wrapped pickles for the stocking. YUCK

    OK, now more on the story about me taking my laptop to the hospital and having this face book message for my family. This was my own idea, didn't get it from some one else, it was just common sense. Started when Mom was in Hospice and it is basically my sister and I living here with out husbands. All the rest of the family is at least 3 hours away, the furthest was 6 hours. None of them had the money or the time away from jobs to come and live in Evansville while Mom was there. I did two updates a day, more if needed. My sis and I pretty much lived in her inpatient hospice room. So we were up when the doctor got thee at 6 AM every morning. 6 AM :\ I have a brother that is a chaplain in a hospice in northern Kentucky and although he is the 4th child he is pretty much the thread that holds us all together. He said that he wouldn't have survived without that thread. So he took what I did and took it back to the CEO of his hospice and they added 3 computers with free wifi in a quiet area of the hospice so other families could do the same.

    I am so jealous of the ones of you who mention your husbands get involved in the Christmas tradition. Charlie doesn't help with the shopping, wrapping or anything. And when we have our Christmas he will sit in a seat, with his stocking that he knows has peanuts in it and sit there looking like Ebenezer Scrooge eating those peanuts, putting the shells and anything else on the carpet or couch. He never even looks in the stocking to find any gifts. Days later I will ask him and he doesn't even know what's in the stocking. He doesn't want to give or get any gifts. Christmas is a total bother to him. He just wants to get to the food. He does enjoy our kids and grand kids butall the other people are just invading our family time. OK, rant/vent over

    Good night all, Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Joyce/Drkatiebug: the tablet might well be a good idea. But I would suggest trying it out before you buy, because typing on a tablet is very different from typing on a regular keyboard. That might or might not be an issue for you.

    Allison: hope you have a great time.

    Michele: give yourself some room. I’m sorry about the stress eating and the reason for it, but you do so well all the time. You’ll be OK.

    We’re pretty much too tired to do a lot with Christmas. I did get cards done, though.

    Had a very restless night and feel foggy this morning.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Made it through Nutcracker, which was fairly painless and, of course, the kids in it were adorable. Been wide awake since 4am; thanks to DD's alarm which she sets an hour earlier than she has to get up. DD just left for friends barn; she's feeding this am. Yesterday was quiet; feeling rather restless for some reason. Friend from the gym supposed to come look at phone connection today. This is the one the tree guys cut, service has been spotty to nonexistent since DH's "fix" which I knew had little chance of working. The man coming today is a retired electrician so maybe it will actually get fixed. I hate to call the phone company after we've already messed with it.

    Ordered my Christmas gift yesterday. I have wanted to get 23and me done for some time and this is as good a time as any........and insures I won't end up with something on the order of a "hot chocolate frother" like last year............foam on top of hot chocolate is OK but who needs a machine to do it???

    Cynthia........Hope you get some good jobs news soon.

    Barb.......Hunger pangs be gone!!!!...(waving magic wand) If only it was that easy!!!

    Michelle....It's natural that you miss communication with Bryan at the holidays especially. I hope you get some contact with him to ease your longing. (Hugs) What did you end up using in the third space on the nut dish?

    Barbie........I keep forgetting to tell you how much I enjoyed seeing all those hats!!!

    Hope we all have great days.
    Stay strong, ladies.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Kim :) Wishing you lived closer!!! Sending you a hug <3 !

    Eileen :) It`s so nice to see you again! Hope you have wonderful traveling weather!

    Cynthia :) I`m so glad you got to see the shooting stars…I think it`s a magical sight!!! I love the night sky, I sat outside last night and did a bit of star gazing…beautiful (*) <3 !!! Sounds like two good wishes!!!!

    Sue in SD :) Sounds like a wonderful time at the Symphony, I love Christmas music too!

    Meg :) I bet the 40` tree was awesome :love:!!!! Glad you`re getting your eye checked out!

    Joyce :) So glad the Cantata went well, I would have loved to have heard the beautiful singing! I have a Dell computer, I will updating to an Apple next year! Pickles for stockings…I agree….YUCK :noway:!

    Lesley :) Congrats on the BF!!!!

    Renny :) Sorry you`re having back issues! I`m glad yoga is feeling good for you!

    Beth :) Fudge…I love it, it`s a good thing I have no clue how to make it! I like “sharing the calories”!!! Hope your son is doing better!

    Alison :) So glad you`re in FL now!!!! I would drive too, just so the furbaby could come along! I hope you have a fabulous time and get some much needed relaxation in!

    Barbie :) Do you have any more performances for the holidays? Loved the pic of all the hats, I`m sure the kids will love them!

    Barb :) Congrats on keeping to your average goal for the week, I would call that a NSV :bigsmile:!!!

    Michele :) So glad the open house went well!!!! So sorry that Bryan hasn`t been in touch with you for awhile :'( !

    Cynthia :) Hope the fogginess passes and you feel better!

    Yanniejannie :) I remember those years when I was invincible, those thoughts will pass! Glad you made it through the Nutcracker; I go every couple of years. The first time my hubby went, he wanted to know why they weren’t talking :laugh:. Nutcrackers kind of freak me out, they`re a bit scary looking :o . What is 23 and me? A hot chocolate frother…LOL! Glad you`re getting what you wan this year!!!

    Welcome to everyone new! This is a wonderful thread with wonderful women!!!

    I`m having surgery on my hand on Friday, I had a spot pop up and it came back as a squamous cell cancer, this will be my second skin cancer, first one was on my chest and I have a nice little scar to remind me to keep the sunscreen on. This is because of all the sun damage I did when I was that young invincible girl :frown:. So I will remind all of you lovely ladies to wear your sunscreen everyday, including the winter months, it won`t help with the damage that has already been done, but it will prevent future damage! I never leave home without a tube of sunscreen in my purse!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful delightful day!

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie: thanks for the good wishes! I hope so too....

    DeeDee: yep, I remember young and invincible. I'm happy I wasn't a real sunbather. Now I'm a*al about using sunscreen all the time on hands and face (and more if more skin is exposed). Glad you're getting the spot taken care of and thanks for the reminder!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning,

    Barb I roast the squash seeds after cleaning them. It takes about 15-20 minutes or until golden in a 300 degree oven with a little coconut oil and a bit of sea salt when they come out. YUM!

    Joyce there is a tradition of hiding a pickle ornament on a tree. The first one to find the ornament gets a prize. It gets people to look at all the fun ornaments you have. I got one from my mother years ago. Perhaps that is what they are thinking. Although I would not use a fresh one on the tree.
