

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    tracij625 wrote: »
    Hello ladies - I would like to be part of this group but not sure how to bookmark it so any help would be appreciated. What a wonderful, active, healthy group!!

    At the top right on this page there is a star, click on it and it will turn yellow.

    The next time you are on the community page, click on the bell in the top right corner and it should show a notification of posts on this thread that you can click and find your way back.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Social gatherings are something I don't do well so I stayed focused on listening to what people were saying and avoiding my natural inclination to eat to cover my social awkwardness.
    Barbie: This is soooo much me! I don't know what to say so I eat. Didn't even realize I was doing that. Maybe now I will recognize what I'm doing and step away.

    Terri: Yesterday must have been crazy husband day. Mine blew up at me too. Love him dearly. But some days are hard. Hang in there and love him anyway.

    Cynthia: Prayers for your job. It is hard to be in flux. "Just tell me something so I can move on!"

    Catered lunch at work today. I have a plan and also brought a backup lunch in case I have to walk away or supplement.

    My Army boy comes home tomorrow night! I can hardly wait to get to the airport!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    By the way, did you all know that at Walgreens you can link your fitbit so you get reward points for walking? My son showed me yesterday. I love their reward points. With all my prescriptions they add up fast. The other day I got a big package of batteries for $2 by using some of my points.

    Another incentive to get back to walking.

    (Sorry that sounded like an ad for Walgreens.)

    that was funny, the sorry about sounding like an ad lololol
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! I'm feeling SO MUCH better today! I slept like a log last night with no coughing, which helped. And my dinner last night stayed down, which is a big victory. The bad news is that I had lost an extra 3 1/2 pounds from being sick and most of that is back. Darn. I knew it couldn't last. I loved thinking I weighed 176 pounds.

    Yesterday the elevator in my son's apartment building went out. (The building manager was stuck inside it for 30 minutes.) My son had to climb six flights of stairs to get back up to his apartment. Not easy when you can't breathe. I said they could stay over at our house, but all his meds and his oxygen are in his apartment, as well and their clothes and stuff, so that wasn't going to work. So, once he made it up there, we felt like he should stay put. They may get the elevator fixed this afternoon. So, I came to pick the kids up this morning and take them to school. I didn't have a bit of trouble with the stairs! (Two years ago one flight of stairs would have killed me.) So I was really happy to have done it.

    This afternoon I'm going to pick them up and take them shopping. I gave them each a little money to do some Christmas shopping for their dad. That should be fun to watch.

    It's only 7 more days till Christmas and I still have not started shopping! Gotta get busy! We have to send gifts to his sisters in North Carolina. Plus the kids. Hubby doesn't know it yet, but I'm going to get him a new camera for Christmas this year. We normally don't do gifts, but his camera is several years old and not in good shape. The viewfinder is kaput, so you have to try to focus using the little lcd screen. So he needs a better one to take good pictures of the kids at Christmas, don't you think?

    We are buying an antique upright piano from a friend in Joplin and the moving company is supposed to deliver it tomorrow. I'm so excited. The kids are coming to decorate the Christmas Tree on Sunday, so they will be surprised to see it. I'm hoping we can get them interested in taking piano lessons. We'll need to get it tuned, but it's really pretty, with an inlaid wood design on the front and little brass candle holders that swing out to light up the sheet music. I guess it was made before there were indoor lights. Tonight I'll have to rearrange the furniture to make a space for it. I'm going to cover the top with the framed pictures of the kids.

    Tracij625, Welcome!! Tell us more about yourself! Where are you from? And most importantly, do you have any dogs? There are lots of pet lovers here, but we do accept anyone who isn't. We love to get to know the new folks!

    Well, it's almost time to open my shop. Have a wonderful day everyone!



  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day (this one seems like a repeat to me):


    A city slicker moves to the country and decides he’s going to take up farming.

    He heads to the local co-op and tells the man, “Give me a hundred baby chickens.”

    The co-op man complies. A week later the man returns and says, “Give me two hundred baby chickens.” The co-op man complies.

    Again, a week later the man returns. This time he says, “Give me five-hundred baby chickens.” “Wow! The co-op man replies “You must really be doing well!”

    “Naw,” said the man with a sigh. “I’m either planting them too deep or too far apart!”

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia - glad your yuk has cleared up. :flowerforyou: During the day I am fine, but in the eveing I get all sinusy and can't breathe through my nose when I go to bed. I've been creeping into the spare room to save DH my snores and I've been awake a lot in the night for days now. Good job I've got some good books to read! It will go away eventually, but it's a pain. :ohwell:

    We have gas engineers outside in the lane, digging up the main. They came to our house to check that gas hadn't accumulated in the garage and the drains. Don't want to blow up! ! ! ! :ohwell:
    Glad they are taking it seriously - you can definitely smell it out there.

    I had a Christmas card today from some very old friends to say that the husband has Late Onset Huntingdon's Chorea. He is my age or older, 65, so that is late to develop it. We always knew he was at risk because his uncle had it, but he was never tested. As it has come on so late it may not develop as fast as normal. Currently he is fit and healthy and does a lot. He was my ex's best friend for a long while when we were first married and we almost lived in each other's houses in the early 70s in London. They now live in Lyme Regis, which is a gorgeous seaside town in Dorset, famous in Jane Austen.
    I knew something was up (sixth sense) as I hadn't had replies to my emails etc this year and was beginning to worry about them. I knew he had had a fall. I feel so sorry, not the least for my friend, the wife, but at least he is not young like his uncle was when he first showed signs.

    Going to wrap a few presents now.
    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Yesterday was a strange day. It's funny how grief hits and in the weirdest ways. I usually make a coconut cake for Christmas. While flipping through my notebook of recipes, I came across my aunt's orange cake recipe and decided to make that instead in her memory since she passed away in September. It calls for the Duncan Hines Orange Supreme cake mix and then you doctor it up with coconut and orange juice and sour cream, well, the grocery store didn't have the cake mix. I looked and looked and the more I looked the sadder I got. My DH had walked back two aisles to get something we forgot and by the time he got back I was in tears. I had to leave the cart with him to find a bathroom and get myself back together. So embarrassing! I don't think anybody else noticed me having a meltdown because the store didn't have my cake mix!

    i ended up getting a white cake mix, but Google has since informed me that a lemon cake mix with a pack of orange Kool Aid is a good substitute. I have orange flavoring, which was my plan with the white cake mix, although I have no idea how much of it to use. Other suggestions included using orange juice or orange soda in place of the water. I am determined to make this cake, darn it!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I understand the melt down in the store. My upbringing and my job both require me to appear happy & friendly at all times, so there are strange moments that memories flood back, and it all escapes. I'm sure your Aunt's cake will be delicous, because it was made special by you.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    drkatiebug.......Hugs, hugs, hugs.......I've found that grief hits like a wave in the most unexpected places over the most diverse things.......all we can do is ride it out and know it happens to others in the same way.

    Will pop back later,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, it just warms my heart to see how much courage you and your son have. I know now where he gets it from. I know what this disease is and for him to make it up all those stairs must have been so daunting for him, his kids would have been scared, he was scared. And then seeing how for you have come in your weightloss and finding yourself in this wonderful body. You two are such an inspiration!
    Katiebug, don't be embarassed that you cried in the store. Enjoy your cake.
    Don't feel good today. Slept but it wasn't a quality sleep at all. when I got up I spent a long time in the bathroom and my stomach feels kind of like it's on fire. My burps taste like rotten eggs. So far I haven't eaten or drank anything although I know I need to at least drink something especially something like Gatorade

    Joyce, Indiana
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    edited December 2014
    Drkatiebug ... I echo the others ... don't be embarrassed ... grief is just like that. I think, like Terri, that some of us were raised to not show emotion, to wear masks ... yours slipped a little yesterday ... and I think that's ok ... you we're being "real." I imagine there were others in that store who were grieving, ill or dealing with situations we can only imagine. When I notice tears (and really, you have to be aware ... which so many people are not today), I lift up a silent prayer.

    Heather ... sorry you received sad news. My mail has been full of cheery, "we live perfect lives" kind of news. Sheesh. Of course, I haven't received my Aunt's annual Christmas letter ... hers is just the opposite ... a full medical report! :neutral_face: I have opted not to write an annual letter this year ... just having a hard time putting a good spin on the past year. I will catch flak from my family for this ... oh well!

    Younger son had his Botox injections today. They are truly awful.

    Going to go and try late MIL's cookie recipe ... again.

    Calories are under goal, but food choices are not stellar. Need to work on that.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.
    Baking cookies for Christmas.It`s hard as I remember the days my friend and I baked together,now she is too sick.Hope to bring some to her on sat.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    this time of year is hard. sister is gone (1st one in the family of 7 of us, gone 6/3/14) husband had his first seizure on Christmas day in 1994, only to spend the day in the hospital; then to find out he was HIV positive on 1/5/95 ONLY for him to leave this earth on 10/10/95 at 34 years of age.... sometimes, life just plain sucks. however years of therapy, anti-depressants and drinking has helped me thru. I now have an angel of a husband that is so patient and loves me anyway after all this time.... this year my husband will be working Christmas eve AND Christmas day which makes it worse on me because he's not there to distract me from thinking. the one blessing our 3 dogs, they do distract me sometimes... we'll see how it goes this year.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    edited December 2014
    The gas men are still outside the house with their lights flashing in our windows at 22.15. (We don't have curtains downstairs) It must be serious and I expect it will go on all night. :ohwell: It does smell out there even though the wind is blowing.

    Beth - I am very sad for my friends and I expect they are wondering about their grandchildren. I think it is good that my friend's husband was never tested as he would have spent his whole life worrying and he has got to this late stage in his life before it put in an appearance. I must ring her tomorrow. She was one of the first people to ring me when I emailed my friends about my breast cancer and I really appreciated that.

    Katie - grief is the weirdest thing, isn't it. And you never know what strange form it is going to take. Cake mix is as good a form as any. :flowerforyou:

    Pipcd - sending healing thoughts. :flowerforyou: So many people finding memories crowding in. :cry:

    I have wrapped all my presents - exhausting! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh: Tomorrow is a big tidy up day as the cleaner is coming in the afternoon for a final clean up before our retinue of guests start arriving. Book shifting is top of the list and finding places for all the waifs and strays of stuff from our bedroom. Don't want any junk back in there, but have got to make room for the grandchildren. :laugh: Currently DGS has nowhere to sleep! :love:

    I had a brain storm today and decided I must make chocolate truffles! ! ! ! ! I find them quite useful as quite a few people don't want a full dessert, but will have one truffle with a coffee. I put them straight in the freezer. I only like plain chocolate ones, dusted with cocoa powder. <3

    Love to all. Just as I'm going to bed my sinus has started up again. :sad: Will have to take a pill.
    Hope the workmen don't make too much noise! :ohwell:

    Heather in noisy Hampshire UK
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here and woke to sunshine but sky in West shows rain on the way. Washed clothes but put on clothes horse near dining room door.
    Rained all afternoon yesterday, but put on rain mac and walked when showers slowed a bit. At least it was done.
    Today is JJ's Bikini boot-camp (done) JJ's Circuit A (chest, tris and booty - to do, and 1 hour walk after lunch.
    making prawn risotto for dinner.
    Have more energy and doing Jeannette's DVDs better and getting stronger.
    I divorced my first husband after 4 years of marriage, found out about his many girl friends, he just could not keep his trousers zipped. I felt a failure, then thought NO he is the failure, divorced 3 time, oh I wonder why!. Met my present husband a year later, after divorce. He supports me and we married 3 years after meeting. he supports me
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Tomorrow my "services" are needed at a different clinic, so I'm not sure how much time I can spend on this site. It is bitter/sweet that I will be missing the Holiday Lunch at my clinic. The pulled pork should be good, and the Physical Therapist is bringing a salad and I am bringing the fruit tray, but everyone else is bringing complex carbs. I hope they save me a little of the pulled pork. The other thing that has me worried is: I have such a nice Keurig here, and bring my own k-cups. How will I get my fill of caffeine tomorrow? I guess I better make a few extra frozen bottles of coffee tonight.

    So, I will likely check in again this evening from home, and get my supper posted. Then, I need to plan my meals for a long drive and day tomorrow.

    Take Care Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katie, Here is a recipe for Orange Cake:


    I wonder if you could use this as a substitute for the boxed mix and them add the rest from your aunt's recipe.

    I'm sorry it made you so sad. Sometimes it's the strangest things that do it. Whenever I smell gasoline I think of my dad. I used to sit and hand him tools while he worked on cars and that was always time for just us to hang out together. I remember watching him clean out a carburator with gasoline as a solvent, and that smell sort of brings it back.

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Evening everyone,

    Well I didn't get back to the thread last night. If I don't take time to read your posts and respond right away, I forget everyone's news. Could it be senior moments taking over?

    Sylvia - I know you are proud of doing those stairs! So affirming! You caused me to pause and think about my dad when you mentioned smelling gasoline and memories of helping your papa. I was the 3rd of three girls and my dad's buddy. I too would keep him company while he worked on his car, cleaned the garage, etc. He loved to hang out at the filling station. I'd go along. He was a Cessna executive but I found out from my older sister his real true dream was to own a gas station. Needless to say, the smell of gasoline brings back some good and bitter sweet memories. I was nineteen when he died.

    MNMargaret - one of the things I really miss about teaching is helping my students learn about other cultures and holiday customs. Some of my favorite holiday stories were about Hanukkah. Your song is sweet. I bet your students looked forward to singing it all 8 days!

    Drkatiebug, Pip, and others - hugs and prayers at this difficult time.

    Lesley - my first husband ran around on me. We were together all through high school, college, his medical school, and residency. I think he cheated all 15 years. He's on his 3rd marriage (second nurse). I have such a dear, patient, respectful hubby now. We have been married 34 years in April. He's not a very good companion in many ways, but he loves me and cares about me more than himself.

    Heather - so sorry about your friend. I had a high school friend whose mother developed Huntington's when she was 14. Very sad.

    To all of you cooks and bakers who are resisting temptation - I DON'T KNOW HOW YOU DO IT! I think it will be several years before I can may treats and leave them alone. That's why I don't even go there!

    I had a good day today helping at my former elementary school. It was pajama day. A church had donated more that 500 pair of pajamas for the kids who didn't have any to wear. So much fun to see all the smiling refugee faces in their new PJs. (Reason for the season so evident!)

    Holiday Hugs
    Toni (back still hurting soooo much) in Tennessee
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Today was another holiday party. This one started at lunch time so planned ahead what I would eat and stuck to my plan. I knew what they would have so it was easy to make the plan....I ate things I don't keep in my house (cheese and fancy mixed nuts)

    1635959zfv2q8wczj.gif Sylvia, walking those steps is an awesome accomplishment

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful” (Gotta start thinking of a new word for 2015)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.48min 12.8amph 3mi
    lateral machine- 40min, 84aw, 19laps, 4840str, 50fl, 3.97mi
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.34min, 15.3amph 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm - 18.23min 8.7amph 2.7mi