

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    D(not dear at the moment)H just doesn't "get it". I told him I am NOT going to Minnesota for Christmas, unless my Mammogram bill is paid (or at least arrangements are made). He told me he will take care of it in the new year, and that he will not be calling anyone to make the payment arrangements. Now, he just sent me the confirmation e-mail for the Hotel room in Minnesota. Over $100 for 2 nights. I just "can't fix stupid". I plan on enjoying the company of my Sister and Dad for a few hours on Christmas Eve, and enjoying the quiet home, and the whole bed to myself without his snoring. It's going to be a great, relaxing week alone (but not lonely). I'm going to eat salad, and fruit, and maybe even have a glass of wine or two (his family never serves any healthy food, so I have to take my own).

    Go me ! ! !

    Happy Holidays and Hugs to everyone ! ! ! ! !
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cold and rainy here, ladies........we won't be getting any snow though. DD worked at friends barn this am then came home and we went to see "Annie"........cute as could be!!! Dropped me off and she's gone to the show barn to work for the rest of the day. The other day she got to exercise one of their important horses so she's happy for the time being.

    I am very slowly getting something....allergies, sinus, cold?????? been sinking ever so slowly for a week now, had a cough with it for the first time last night so took some codeine to sleep and chest is full of gunk today.........this is the third Christmas in a row and I'm OVER it.............there will be no live tree next year. Can feel temp going up a bit too.

    All cards but one mailed this am; that one doesn't mater timewise as they are out of state and will be until mid-Jan.

    Queen Beth??.........YES!!! Has a nice ring to it.

    Robin.......You sound great; very positive...a happy Yule to you too! Used to take part in ceremony for burning of the Yule log at a historic home here.

    Katla and anyone else on the move; be safe!

    Enjoyed all the pics (Heather---gorgeous bedroom) from everyone. I'm opting for some Tylenol and a nap.

    Off to the arms of Morpheus.......for an hour or so anyway.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Kirby (husband) will be home on Christmas day.. whew!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here, pensions in bank and list written for shopping.
    I switched to Stevia on the advice of Jillian Michaels, it is made ONLY from the Stevia plant and only natural one. I cut out sugar in my tea and coffee and find Stevia is fine. I was eating FAR too much extra sugar
    My legs a touch sore after the 2 mile race-walk/jog/sprint before breakfast and cardio kick-boxing after breakfast. Circuit A today. Have to do the w/j/s tomorrow morning and hope NO rain
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning ladies. Hope things are going well. It was a fast and busy weekend. We ended up with 5 grand children alnight Friday night. It went well and then we went over to DSIL's Saturday morming and made and decorated cookies. Bagged up most of them and took over to the Library and gave way to the homeless that hang out there. Then yesterday morning the two that live in Phillips had their church program, they are so cute I just love watching the little ones. So back to work this morning. My DSD's mom passed away last eveing. I feel bad for DSD and the kids, but glad it happened when I was not at work. I am sorry she passed, but not sure what else I am to do. I did let DSD know we are here for her.
    Weigh in this morning was not good, am up again. I have to get a handle on this. Trying not to let myself get over stressed and know that after this week and Christmas it will be easier to get back on track.

    Heather--I love the cake and the decorations. Memories. I love the bed room, it looks like it would be a great place to relax. Hugs and I do understand, when I have something I need to get done it can become so over whelming and then it's like I just can not do anything, like I freeze which makes it worse.

    yanniejannie--So sorry to hear about your friends. Sending prayers. Hope you feel better SOON!!

    Robin--So happy your are feeling more like yourself. Enjoy your time off.

    Michele-I understand how you feel about Lance telling you good-by. Does your soup kitchen take home made foods and opened packages? Not sure ours here does, I will have to check it out.

    Saturday a couple of the DGD's and I were bumping into each other when we were walking and wouldn't you know it I fell over. It happened so fast and feel so dumb about it. But I pulled sometime as side is so sore and hard to take a deep breath. We all laughed about it, but last couple days I have been feeling it and today it is really hurting.

    DeeDee-glad your surgery went well and you are not having alot of pain.

    Sylvia--beautiful piano. Spot is beautiful. All three of your puppies look so happy. They know they are loved.

    Viv--hugs and prayers, the first year is the hardest. Take care of yourself.

    Terri--lucky baby. very nice work.

    Joyce--I had that problem the other day. I posted and saw it, then next day it was just gone.

    Allison--glad you are having a good time and taking time for yourself. It did my heart good that DFIL does miss you. You do make a difference to him. The tree sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing the pictures they look good.

    Beth--Congrates on being the Queen. Enjoy you earned it.

    Diana--glad son made it home alright. $100 what a nice surprise.

    Well ladies time to sign off and get ready to go home. Have a couple last minute gifts to wrap and then tomorrow I am off and DGD is spending the day with me. Since both her parents and sisters are working and she is out of school.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sylvia: Your furbabies are adorable. Can see how Spot won you over. Stevia gives me awful abdominal pain and gas. :p I use one packet of monk fruit per very large mug of oolong tea.

    Grandmallie: I’m sitting in snow envious of your Florida vacation.

    Beth: Big ‘Attagurl’ to you for setting up the new equipment.

    Heather: Wishing you abundant family fun over the holidays. I’m sure everyone is going to appreciate all the effort you put forward to make the beautiful meal, table and home. :) I LOVE the serene look of the renovated bedroom.

    Robin: Peace to you, dear friend. You deserve to be happy. As one who has practiced fung shui on and off for years, I can vouch for the benefits of purging stuff, cleaning and clearing not just your space, but also your psyche. I can’t describe how increasing your “chi” flow works, but you might want to explore the topic in Google.

    Diana: Glad your son made it home well and with a little bonus to boot. Sounds like you will have a fun, family Christmas.

    Terri: Treating yourself to healthy meals and good sleep == now that’s a great Christmas gift to you!

    Vicki: Hope you get your sore side checked out. Ouch! YOU are a blessing to your family. o:)

    My DSiL broke our rule about no gifts and sent us a HUGE box of baklava. :o I’m not particularly drawn to pastries, but I tried one. Yum. I better find some people to take some of this off our hands.

    I’m beginning to work with my trainer to identify SMART goals for next year. One thing for sure is to get a new scale. The one I have now only calculates by ½ pound increments, and I’ve noticed here that many of you have scales that register smaller increments. Please let me know your recommendations.

    RIP Joe Cocker. :'( Was great to see him as the opening act for Tom Petty at Red Rocks Amphitheater two summers ago. He was a part-time resident of Colorado.

    Stay strong. Stay well. We can do this.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
    I just got back from getting my hair cut in the JC Penney salon. Big mistake. It's just awful. It has big jagged hunks cut out of it. And one side is longer and bushier than the other. She told me to come back tomorrow and she would try to fix it. She knew it was awful but still charged me $32 for it and sent me away. There is something about me that just attracts bad haircuts. I'll probably go back in the morning and see if there is someone else who can do something with it. I'm not sure I want that same girl to try again. It's so short now though, I doubt much can be done. I'm not terribly vain, but this haircut is bad even by my low standards. It looked better when I went in than when I left. Hubby looked at it carefully and the only thing he could find to say about it was, it's not symmetrical. He usually finds something good to say, but not this time.

    Rori, does monk fruit have any flavor? Does it taste like sugar?

    Vicki, I'm so sorry you fell! I hope the soreness goes away fast.

    Jan, I hope you aren't getting the flu! Mine started with what felt like a cold. The fever didn't start for a couple of days later and it was too late for Tamiflu. Feel better!

    Heather, it sounds like you are going to have a great time with those grandkids!

    Pipcd34, I love your alarm clock! In our house Bruno does that job. He wakes me up at 6:00 or earlier every day.

    Margaret, what a beautiful picture!

    Good night everyone. I'm going to crawl into bed and wait till my hair grows out.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.29min, 14.1amph 3mi
    spin- 40min, 80ar 115aw, 11-17g, 16.8mimi
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.58min, 12.1amph, 1.4mi
    ride dome 2 hm- 18.29min 8.7amph 2.7mi
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Really rushed today.

    Did yoga, held my plank for 2 min 40 sec. then took the extremepump class. Went to Lowes Foods before class then after class went to the post office to mail a pkg to my gf in Switzerland. Thank goodness I'd bought the fruit yesterday to take to bowling today, so came home, got the fruit and went to bowling. As Vince said "well, were you sufficiently grossed out by all the unhealthy food there?" I had only my fruit, some veges someone else brought and some grapes someone brought. Oh, and I had a SMALL piece of this cornbread spinach bread

    After bowling went to WalMart (Vince wasn't too happy)

    Came home, had dinner, Jessica's bf wants to come down here Christmas day (I was thinking that he'd be here the next weekend) so it looks like we'll have our christmas dinner on Friday by the time he gets into Greensboro.

    We'd ordered a treetopper from Hallmark and it finally came in so we went to pick it up. Then we realized we didn't have much soda so even tho Food Lion's prices are higher, at least there isn't that long wait, so we went there and just got 3 bottles of soda. Now I'm microwaving 2 lbs of bacon for them to have.

    Put a load of laundry in before we went to bowling, still need to take it out of the dryer and sort it

    Sylvia - I never thought Stevia was very sweet. It's supposed to be the best but to me it may be the best healthwise, but not sweetwise. I just don't use any sweetener in my tea. Spot is adorable!

    The plan for tomorrow is to do some HIIT

    Alison - LOVE the cake

    Beth - good for you reading the directions!

    Diana - how wonderful of that stranger!

    Made the appt for my colonoscopy. Funsville

    Vicki - yes, I was surprised to find out, too. But my soup kitchen does take homemade cookies, foods that the package has been opened but you didn't finish it all, things like that. So sorry you're in pain

    Sylvia - so sorry you got such a bad haircut. Well, the good news is that hair grows in

    Better go get the bed made.

    Michele in NC
  • monicabroadbentswearingen
    Hello everyone, have not done well this month. Getting back on track the last couple of days. Feels pretty good to eat well. Going to Doctor tomorrow we will see what she says.Monica from SD
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Back home after shopping. Only walking today.
    Called in at pharmacy and pharmacist wants me to ring Brian tomorrow as he is a sports nutritionist. I have kept to the diet and between 1600 and 1900 cals as dietitian asked. Pharmacist says I need to drop to 1600 calories or near to and do 400 to 600 cals training only. Will ring tomorrow after my 3 mile race-walk before breakfast.
    NOW my dietitian is FAT and I think a sports nutritionist is THE answer. Will see and report back
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Lesley - there seem to be a lot of fat dieticians! Rather knocks your confidence in them. :ohwell:

    Good morning everyone! Just waiting for the grandchildren to arrive. ETA 25 mins. Going to switch on my twinkly lights in a minute and my flashing Santa earrings! I'm as prepared as I can be as I know it will be all systems go once they are here and I wont be able to think straight!

    Hope everyone is coping with the "fun".! ! ! ! !!! :laugh:

    I must say I am already looking forward to our quiet Christmas Day. :bigsmile:

    Hope to get them out into the fresh air at some point.

    Love to all, Heather in Hampshire UK

    I'm holding on to my weight, but today will go pear shaped I am sure! :bigsmile:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Just a quick fly-by; maybe more later. Still working on getting a handle on the overeating. I don't really know why I've had so much trouble since the vacation, but this is not working for me.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014

    Finally got the new curtains in my office room. You can't see it (it was hard to get the lighting right for curtains AND floor), but the carpeting is kind of bordeaux red (dark wine red). The curtains are relatively thin, so they let some light through, and there are bordeaux lines and more or less transparent lines in them.
    (Gotta look for a ceiling lamp, haha.)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    A bit warmer (low 50's) but drizzle forcast today. I've been up since 2:45am with this cold. Read the paper, doing laundry........found that main birdfeeder was thoroughly destroyed during nght; probably fox or raccoon. Occ. we get a black bear in area but fence is not pulled down so can't blame one of them.

    Must-must-must feel better by tonight; it's community singalong of Messiah; something DD and I have been doing since she was very little.....not really sure it's such a good idea at the moment, but I see she has the music out already.

    Cynthia........Your office decor is lovely.......I would be so tempted to look out that window, I don't know how much work I'd get done.

    Heather.........The grandchildren will be delighted with your festive lights!!!

    Terri........Laughed out loud at your "can't fix stupid"; have a favorite neighbor who says this all the time about her children who are both total messes in their 30's. Enjoy your quiet holiday!

    Sylvia.........May you find a good hairdresser!!! I don't think it's flu, unless it's different from any other I've had; usually flu hits me hard and fast and my temp is a lot higher. We are starting to see a swift major rise in flu cases here and have had some flu child mortality, unfortunately. Why does your DH (he's a chemist, right?) not like Stevia, just curious. My DH is diabetic and uses a ton of Truvia as his sugar alternative so I'd really like to know the downside.

    Vicki.......Hope you are in less pain from your fall.........ouch!!!

    Best to everyone else.......heading over to the dryer.......

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie: I do look outside; it's good for the eyes when you're "computering" a lot!
    How nice to have the Messiah tradition. And how nice that you don't call it "The Messiah", as most do. ;)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cynthia........Believe me, the conductor takes the opportunity to educate us on that point every year!!!! In all honesty, I do probably slip now and then.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    morning ladies~
    hope all is well and everyone is enjoying family and friends,
    we are hosting a dinner party tonight for 2 sets of neighbors, we have been invited to there house 2 years in a row ,so now it is our turn...I am baking a small ham making au gratin potatoes, have cole slaw here, and will make a regular salad, they drink red wine, so will buy some of that, and pick up a nice dessert.I will eat some salad and maybe a slice of ham...and drink water...
    well I am sweating bullets the humidity down here is wow-its the air you can wear,but I will take it over snow any day of the week...have laundry in the dryer,DH out for his walk, I will go in a bit...then off to breakfast and grocery shopping for today.. telling DH to stay in the car.. going Shopping with him can turn into a nightmare
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Allison: sounds like a delicious dinner!
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Monica - I lived in Sioux Falls, SD for about 3 years. My younger son was born at McKennan hospital there. I worked at the University of SD Medical School. Great place.

    Younger son is using my car today so drove me to work and will pick me up. I usually run home for lunch but today I'll walk around the pond a couple of times instead.

    Happy Tuesday to everyone!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana