

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    are you doing one for january? Im in!! its kinda late for me for december.. tomorrow last day.. but i can commit to exercise tomorrow and logging my food and plenty of hydration.. lo cal.

    :smiley: yes, there will a thread for January....I'll start it at my bedtime tonight (about 7 PM PST) and put a link here to let you know how to find it. We've been doing this for several years and always welcome new women to our friendly community.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington (not as cold as Ontario and other places but cold enough for many layers of wool clothing )

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited December 2014
    Jane,my bro had the same results with hospice.After a wk at home,he moved to their buiding near the hospital.He had wonderful care,all the family was welcome & when he passed,was surrounded by his Wife,kids,Grkids,Sis(me).my Dh who helped raise him & a couple best friends from grade school.Wishing your friend all good care from Hospice.

    Heather,eating at your house would beat most restaurants ! So nice you enjoy the cooking.I prefer older recipes & love to bake.DH always says with hommade bread & jam,why would ppl want anyhing else.

    Post....as usual is cut in 1/2.

    Our anniv is Sat,but will have dinner out today,as weather is gonna hit the skids.

    Happy,Healthy New Year to all.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Enjoyed the article, Cynthia, but they got one thing wrong - crumpets are made with yeast batter. Some people put a tiny bit of bicarb in as well, but I didn't.
    - Happy New Year everyone! ! ! ! ! !
    - Heather x x x x x x
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy new years eve.37 years ago in the blizzard of 78-79,I gave birth to my 1st son.I am so proud of the man,dad and husband he has become.
    HUGS to u all.
    No call,so friend must be hanging on.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Now my brain can't remember who said that they take care of a whole meal price if guests are coming over. I am not a good cook at all and my meal would definitely be memorable if I cooked it all. But these people are my family, my siblings and all of our offspring. They look forward to my corn casserole and sweet potato, my sister's pies, my nieces apple pie, my daughter's turkey, my nephews ham, and on and on. That's just the way we are as a family. We bear each other's burdens. There is at least one person in each of the siblings family that has some sort of handicap that would prevent them from doing a whole meal. But put those small parts together that do work right and you have a wonderful whole. I am providing the home to have it in so that we can be more of a family than if we went out to eat. One year my sister knew a caterer and we all paid our share of a catered meal and didn't like it. The green beans weren't like mine, the dressing wasn't like my Mom's. We enjoy doing our meals like this. To us it mean family. I know to others they like to cook the entire meal as a gift. But this is the way our family does it.

    The house doesn't smell to bad today but I haven't been outside and then come in. We lasted another night

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I haven't posted in a few days but have been keeping up with all the news.

    *Glad those of you who have traveled are home safe (or on your way)
    *Celebrating weight losses or other victories with many of you (down another 3.5lbs)
    *Proud of those who are exercising - My pool is closed for maintenance yesterday and today (BOOHOO)
    * Interested in hearing about entertainment plans and activities
    * Sending hugs and prayers to those of you who are going through difficult times.

    I am going to a wedding later today - second marriage for a friend's son. I will be going with my best friend (YEAH!). She is also a retired teacher. Excited to dress up a bit and do something uplifting on New Years Eve.

    Take care and stay safe
    TN Toni
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is some excellent diet advice I found online:


    OTHER PEOPLE'S FOOD: A chocolate mousse that you did not order has no calories. Therefore, have your companion order dessert and you taste half of it.

    INGREDIENTS IN COOKING: Chocolate chips are fattening, about 50 calories a tablespoon. So are chocolate chip cookies! However, chocolate chips eaten while making chocolate chip cookies have no calories whatsoever. Therefore, make chocolate chip cookies often, but don't eat them.

    FOOD ON FOOT: All food eaten while standing has no calories. Exactly why is not clear, but the current theory relates to gravity. The calories apparently bypass the stomach, flowing directly down the legs and through the soles of the feet into the floor, like electricity. Walking seems to accelerate this process, so that a frozen custard or hot dog eaten at a carnival actually has a calorie deficit.

    CHILDREN'S FOOD: Anything produced, purchased, or intended for minors is calorie-free when eaten by adults. This category covers a wide range, beginning with a spoonful of baby tapioca -- consumed for demonstration purposes -- up to and including cookies baked and sent to college.

    UNEVEN EDGES: Pies and cakes should be cut neatly, in even wedges or slices. If not, the responsibility falls on the person putting them away to "straighten up the edges" by slicing away the offending irregularities, which have no calories when eaten. If pie or cake is neatly cut, but the remainder is not easily divisible into equal servings, it's also permissible to even things up ... without calorie consequence.

    TV FOOD: Anything eaten in front of the TV has no calories. This may have something to do with radiation leakage, which negates not only the calories in the food but also all recollection of having eaten it. Entire no-calorie dinners are now manufactured and frozen for this purpose.

    FOOD THAT DOESN'T TASTE GOOD doesn't count. This is an enormous category covering a diverse range including airline food, cafeteria meals, and dinner at your sister-in-law's. This also includes dinners manufactured to be eaten in front of the TV. See above.

    ANYTHING SMALLER THAN ONE INCH contains no calories to speak of. For example: chocolate kisses, maraschino cherries, cubes of cheese.

    LEFT-HANDED FOOD: If you have a drink in your right hand, anything eaten with the other hand has no calories. Several principles are at work here. First of all, you're probably standing up at a cocktail party (see "Food on Foot"). Then there's the electronic field: a wet glass in one hand forms a negative charge to reverse the polarity of the calories attracted to the other hand. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but it's reversible if you're left-handed.

    CHARITABLE FOODS: Girl Scout cookies, bake sale cookies, ice cream socials, and church strawberry festivals all have a religious dispensation from calories. It's in the Bible.

    CAKES WITH WRITING ON THEM: Primarily fat, starch, and sugar, all cakes are horrendously fattening. However, the calories can be eliminated simply by inscribing "Happy Birthday, Charlie" or "Good Luck, Alice" in colored icing. Not only is it unnecessary to decline, it's impolite.

    FOOD ON TOOTHPICKS: Sausages, cocktail franks, cheese, and the like are all fattening unless impaled on frilled toothpicks. The insertion of a sharp object allows the calories to leak out the bottom.

    LEFTOVERS: An extra pork chop, the crust of bread, half a Twinkie, and anything else intended for the garbage has no calories regardless of what happens to it in the kitchen.

    FOOD EATEN QUICKLY: If you are rushed through a meal, the entire meal doesn't count. Conversely, if you have ordered something fattening and now regret it, you can minimize its calories by gulping it down.

    CUSTOM MADE FOOD: Anything somebody made "just for you" must be eaten regardless of the calories because to do otherwise would be uncaring and insensitive. Your kind intentions will not go unrewarded. (See "Charitable Foods.")

  • llkemp
    llkemp Posts: 15
    hello everyone....linda from the great state of Oklahoma. a cold and gray day here. I just ran into this group and your just what I was looking for as you can see it's December 31and no it's not a resolution it's me just carring on my life. so hope to hear a lot from this group of ladies. so if I miss a day or two holler out at me.
  • nyokie66
    nyokie66 Posts: 2
    edited December 2014
    Starting again today with MFP and saw this post. I'm 49 years old so I'm hanging with you guys :) Can't wait until tomorrow to see what January brings. Have a safe New Years. BTW I'm from WV on the Ohio border.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    just sitting down after going up to the pool, it was only about 69-70 ,but dat gum it im going in the pool before our trip home, the water was a lovely 86 degrees and the hot tub divine. I was the only one there for about 40 minutes or so, then a few more people showed up ... we are basically packed, and will do one load of laundry tonight , and pack the cooler in the morning and off we go.. we will be in bed early..because we will be up at 2 am..
    Sylvia- a very happy anniversary to you!!!!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Allison, so happy you had a vacation; you needed it!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    edited December 2014
    smiley-cool05.gif One of the things I'm doing today is trying to choose some resolutions for January (I make resolutions one month at a time, rather than for the whole year). I just finished reading this great article and slide show and wanted to share it with you. Perhaps it will help you make your choices.


    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Sylvia: Thanks for the laugh. Love this list!!!! :p (*) <3

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,817 Member
    Happy New Year's eve? It has been a crazy day already. First off I am working 11 hours instead of 8. But expected it as lady was ill yesterday and didn't think she would be better today. Most doctors closed at noon and offices in the hospital, so everyone wanted their things done stat this morning. And in the middle of all this the fire alarm goes off, some kind of issue with airhandlers. So had the fireman here. No big plans for tonight. Stay home where it is warm and safe. 34 years ago tonight was our first date. Where have the years gone???

    Lesley--sounds like they have you on the right track for you. Results are great!

    Meg--have a few dances for me tonight also. Glad to see you back and looking forward to 2015.

    Jane--sending prayers and hugs to you and your friend. I understood Hospice was to control pain.

    Joyce--Good for you for sharing the load. I know how hard it is to give up the control. Proud of you!

    Linda--Good for you for also spreading things around. The one pot meal sounds interesting and good. I know I am surprised when I give up some control how things have a way of working out and being ok.

    Sylvia--Happy Anniversary. Sorry you are having such a hard time at night. I used to get all worked up about it, only made it worse. So now I just try and go with it. I try and use the time awake to talk to God. That does help me relax.

    Margaret--your tea party sounds like it was fun for everyone.

    Well time is getting away from me so going to post and finish up some work and go home. It has been one #### of a day. Everyone take care and enjoy the New Year.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    edited December 2014
    "Lesley: So happy to see all your hard work and dedication is paying off in positive results. I’m intrigued why Brian says to not do cardio first thing in the morning. I do my cardio workout at 5:30 AM after a cup of tea."
    Brian says I was running on empty and NOT burning fat and body needed the granary toast and banana before cardio to burn fat not what is in muscles

    Brian's plan
    Cup of tea on waking, weigh/BF%, granary toast and banana, walk 3.3 miles, breakfast, 1 hour computer, 30 mins weights circuit, protein shake, shower and dress, house-work, lunch, house, garden walk dog, snack (if cals allow) dinner, rest, supper, weigh/BF%, bed

    This suits me and I see him again on Friday, then see doctor
    I restarted my ticker for 2015

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited December 2014
    Barbie thanks for the lead. This is a great support system for me.

    Happy Anniversary Sylvia. :flowerforyou:

    Safe journey home Alison.

    Today I committed to twelve visits a month at our Community Center to help keep my exercise on track.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    edited December 2014
    DDIL just sent me this. DGD is just learning to walk. May we all be as enthusiastic about walking forward into the New Year! :laugh:


    Whoops - sideways! Click on the little picture to get a better view!

    Heather, nearing midnight. <3 UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :D Lesley, I walk my dogs first thing in the morning before breakfast so they can do their "business", then I come in and eat my healthy breakfast---a good balance of protein, carbs, and fat, and then go for the two hour walk having fueled myself properly for the exercise. I have a smaller balanced snack before my two hour line dance class. My smallest meal is at the end of the day.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy new years eve.Gonna go to the church for game night.Friend is still hanging on.Can`t stop crying.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello again. We just got back from dinner at the steak house. I took your advice, Vicki, and had the steak and a baked potato. It was wonderful, in spite of having asked for it to be prepared without seasoning. A little black pepper at the table and it was very yummy. I brought half home, and the dogs were SO happy to see me! We were trying to figure it out, and we think that we have only missed two anniversaries at that restaurant in the 18 years we've been married. The other two we were gone on a trip. So, it's our tradition. The prices have gone up a lot in those years, though. Hubby's small filet used to be about $11 and tonight it was $26. But not a bit of fat and you can cut it with a fork! The food there has always been wonderful. It is by far the "premier" restaurant in our town.

    I've been having some issues with chest pain the last couple of days, I think because of breathing the super cold air, so I've been trying to take it a little easy today. Then about 10:00 at the studio I looked out the window and saw my neighbors sweet dog trotting up the alley. So, off I ran - without stopping to grab my coat - chasing Beau down the alley at a fast jog. It was less than 20 degrees. I got him home so he didn't get hit by a car, but it was hard on me. I had to do a nitro. I may have to do another one before bed. It's not so much real pain as just tightness and ache-iness. If it continues I will call the cardiologist on Friday. Of course, they may be gone because of the holiday.

    I don't have real resolutions for 2015, but I do plan to double down on the exercise. I've been lazy lately for one reason or another. No more excuses.

    Good night ladies, and the happiest new year to every one of you. Thank you for being my friends this year, and accepting me into your little club.

    Talk to you next year!
