What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited December 2014
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    That's the main reason why I don't swim as often as I would like. Swimming is a contact sport a lot of the time. The same with people who hit you with their arms when they're in the next lane, and your arm is inside your own lane.

    I won't say I've never grazed someone in the next lane while backstroking sharing a lane. Won't say I've never been kicked accidentally by a breast stroker if we're sharing lanes, either. It happens.

    I'm okay with the occasional accident. It's people who aren't TRYING to be considerate that get to me.
    I like having my own lane for that reason. When I share, I'm constantly watching the other person to see where they are so I don't kick them. I like to have my mind clear while I swim. There is no other exercise that clears your mind like swimming and it's wonderful. When I have to share a lane, that flies out the window.

    My entire life, I never once hit someone in another lane. I don't think I was ever hit by one, either. I mostly crawl, though, and only backstroked when I wanted a break.

    Swimming in circles just sucks. I would just get out if I had to swim in circles. Walk on a treadmill, wait it out, leave, whatever. I really did not like swimming in circles.

    After a while, you learn when it's not busy and if you're lucky, you can arrange to be there when everyone else isn't.

    I never minded people who walked more than those who swam, though. I actually preferred the walkers because they don't move around as much and are easier to keep track of. Pass them and you're good for a lap and a half, lol. :)
  • JulieAnneFIU
    JulieAnneFIU Posts: 125 Member
    I was told two things that made me want to punch stuff -

    "Just remember, if you lift weights you need to supplement with swimming because lifting weights will make your arms shorter."


    "You're too old to be thin. Thin people age faster, heavier people look younger longer. That's why I won't even try to lose weight, I would rather look young."

  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Loose skin....aaaaahhhh loose skin
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    "I know you can't spot reduce, but can anyone give me any tips or tricks to lose fat from my stomach/thighs/arms/etc??"
  • CharleneMarie723
    CharleneMarie723 Posts: 98 Member
    The things on Facebook or Pinterest that say torch 500 calories in this 20 minute workout! Bull! I can run a 10K in 50 minutes and I *might* torch that many, who knows really and I'm about dead when I'm done. (Please don't judge my time now)
  • bswith22
    bswith22 Posts: 13 Member
    "If you don't eat enough, you won't lose weight because starvation mode"
    To anybody that says this : that's not how it works, if I'm eating 500 calories I'm gonna lose more than if I'm eating 1500, don't tell me I'm wrong
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    It's funny how the vast majority of these posts boil the problem down to the existence of other people.

    My pet peeve is myself! Going good, then doubt, struggles, set backs, ect. Then realize I am human and just need to take it one day and one step at a time. It's all about learning from my mistakes, what works... trial and error.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Great topic - I have LOTS!
    • People that have just started a new diet (as in, like 1-2 weeks) and suddenly have it all figured out and try to convince you their way is the only way and you're doing it wrong.
    • Food police (*cough* FOOD BABE *cough*).
    • People that want to believe it's something else, anything other than moving more, eating less.
    • People that say that counting calories doesn't work. (Um, you're not doing it right then and/or didn't do it long enough.)
    • "Starvation mode."
    • "Clean eating."
    • People that say they are % anything. For instance, I eat 70% Paleo. Or, worse, 80% "clean." What is that?! Why not just say you try to make better eating choices?
    • Cleanses and "detoxes."
    • People that say walking burns more calories than running. Nope.
    • People that want to blame ANYTHING for their weight gain other than eating too much. For instance, it's MSG! It's gluten! It's soy! It's TOXINS!

    Is that enough?? LOL

    Some forms of walking actually do. A 3.5 mph 15 incline burns just as much (or slightly higher) than a 6 mph flat run.

    That's hiking in my book, not walking! :) Almost all of the time, comparing apples to apples (e.g., running on flat vs walking on flat) you will burn more calories running vs walking. I think what people mean when they are saying this is how walking burns more fat calories by % (which is true, though you'll still burn more calories overall running). It's kind of akin to people saying muscle weighs more than fat IMHO. Make sure you're comparing apples to apples here. That's all. (And FTR, NOT against walking. Just confusing statements like that!) ;)

  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Oh and the whole "sabotage" thing. Seriously. No one is forcing those donuts at work or free bread during family night at a restaurant down your throat. No one has to eat like you and no one is responsible for you or your actions but yourself.

    <3 THIS!!! We get treats all the time, if I eat it, I am to blame!
  • Losingthedamnweight
    emdeesea wrote: »
    "Clean eating."


    Well it's not like i drop my cheeseburger on the floor and then eat it. So technically, i do eat clean. My cheeseburger is very clean
  • harlequin0318
    harlequin0318 Posts: 415 Member
    the difference between loose and lose :s
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    "I do everything right but I can't loose weight!"

    "I'm so good, eating only low calorie, low fat, lots vegetables and cottage cheese, no chocolate, but I get intense cravings and I often end up bingeing!"
  • Losingthedamnweight
    McBoffin wrote: »
    People who say cardio is bad for weight loss.
    amwoidyla wrote: »
    *Food fear mongering (sugar, artificial sweeteners, carbs, etc)

    *Ask-holes: People who see your results and ask your secret and advice repeatedly, but don't actually use your advice.

    These two. Omg dude. These two are the freaking worst. "Your crystal light has artificial sweeteners and will kill you! And rape your dog". So you ask..."how many people has it killed?" Blank...stare. People so often have opinions and don't even know why they have it.

    My coworkers are askholes. I made a thread about this awhile back, but they will starve themselves or go on the "i can only eat 2 eggs a day and drink olive oil" diet, be all cranky because of the lack of real food and then ask how i lost weight. I tell them "i eat whatever i want i just count calories". They say it doesn't sound right and probably wouldn't work for them and continue making themselves miserable.

    I'm like...what?! Why would you PREFER to starve yourself instead of doing what i do? I give an easy solution and you go for the hard one! What i do is way easier and the best part. You can do it forever! people. I'll never understand
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited December 2014
    I've been maintaining for almost 2 years and what bugs me is when people say I'm "lucky" to have a nice shape or be fit. Lucky? I work hard every single day to maintain my health and body by being active everyday, making healthier choices and planning out my treats. Luck has nothing to do with it!

    Also when some people say walking is not exercise. When I'm power walking fast for 4+ miles non-stop, with a purpose, swinging your arms, going steady and not slowing down for me it is definitely exercise. It gets my heart pumping and I sweat even though I'm super fit. For my goals I did not have to do hard, back-breaking workouts to get into good physical shape.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    loose and saggy skin
    people who judge the type of exercise other people do
    people who think you cant be healthy and overweight
    people who think chronic illness & pain is not a good enough excuse to skip working out for a day
    people who judge my gluttony during holidays and act superior since they "still counted and kept to my new life style change" oh hunny ive lost 160 pounds sit down please
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    salembambi wrote: »
    loose and saggy skin
    people who judge the type of exercise other people do
    people who think you cant be healthy and overweight
    people who think chronic illness & pain is not a good enough excuse to skip working out for a day
    people who judge my gluttony during holidays and act superior since they "still counted and kept to my new life style change" oh hunny ive lost 160 pounds sit down please

    I love you! EVERY single one of these is something I always have to deal with.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    'Oh why are you bothering losing weight/ exercising/ being healthy at your age'
    Oh, I'm 61 therefore past it and close to death!

    ' but you're so skinny'
    Yup, I am, and I work on it daily. I don't want to be the nana that can't do anything with my grandson.

    Not being able to mention my fat to anyone.
    And yes, at 101lb and 5'1, I have plenty of skinny fat that I work on daily. Sorry folk who hate people my size complaining about fat, I am not being ridiculously vain; I am working hard with a body that didn't exercise until it was in its mid 50's.
    Cheers, h
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    the word tone, the OMG I gained 10 lbs muscle in a month from cardio and the lifting more than 5 lbs makes women bulky crowd
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    7elizamae wrote: »
    Weight-lifting know-it-alls never cease to amaze me. There are a few on this very thread!

    I do HIIT workouts using nothing more than my bodyweight and the much maligned pink five-pound dumbbells. All those 'lame' 'girly' workouts have provided great results! I have muscle definition and am sooo much stronger than I used to be. My arms look great, my thighs look 20 years younger, and my butt looks good.

    But there are those who still need to tell me that those pink five-pound dumbbells are doing me "no good."

    that's ignorance or assuming they know exactly what your goals are. most girls need them at the beginning. what they are probably referring to is that most girls who have a goal of getting stronger, cling to them for too long. If your goal is not to keep lifting heavier, and 5lb dumbbells are enough resistance for your needs, then monogram those babies and keep em forever.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Another one is inconsistent advice. On one thread you'll see Mr. Sixpack say how hard it is to get a 6 pack and how the body holds on to vital stores and how it takes crazy discipline to achieve such an amazing result. On another thread Mr. Sixpack will slam people who can't lose weight. "It's so easy! Just eat at a deficit you moron!!!" So which is it?

    eh getting a six pack and losing weight are totally different things so they wouldnt have consistent advice anyhow :-/