What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    That's the main reason why I don't swim as often as I would like. Swimming is a contact sport a lot of the time. The same with people who hit you with their arms when they're in the next lane, and your arm is inside your own lane.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    "You can't eat _________ and lose weight." I mean, you can't eat *whatever you want, whenever you want* and lose weight (depending on what it is you want and how often you want it, obvs), but there's really nothing I ate before that I don't eat now.

    Also, gimmicky, fad diets.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Branstin wrote: »
    "I don't have time to exercise, count points, or calories."

    Make time for good health or be forced to find time for illness.

    Yeah, this one! I get this. If I can find time as well as being a mum to 3 small kids, with a shift working husband, then so can anyone!

    I remember a colleague saying it to me, before I was pregnant with my third. She was like 'well, you work part time, so you can do it'. Um, she has one child who is older than my eldest, and a stay at home husband! I also went to the gym on the days I worked, before collecting my kids, and doing everything as hubby was on late shift. Excuses, excuses.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    "It's too hard!"

    In other words: you don't want it badly enough / the status quo is more comfortable for you.

    "You're so lucky! I was cursed with bad genes."

    This excuse only goes so far.
    It's a little insulting that you think my good health and fitness are due to dumb luck. As if I just wake up like this every day through no effort of my own. Actually, It's more like self-control, perseverance, and determination. Blaming your lack of fitness on bad luck and bad genes is OFTEN a total cop out. I know several overweight, but otherwise healthy, people who do this.

    Disclaimer: I'm talking about the average person here, not the special cases. I DO realize that there ARE genetic and medical issues that can cause or exacerbate weight problems. I empathize with that and give much respect to those people who battle for their health in spite of it. I KNOW you guys have to work 10 times harder than the rest of us and I salute you. You guys rock! (*)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Most people assume I have had weight loss surgery because I have lost over 160 pounds. I would never criticize someone who had surgery. But that is their journey and I have mine. It's almost like people don't believe me I did it in my own. Also, people assuming I starve myself or are sick is another huge one.

    Props, Girl! You are an MFP Rockstar! (*)

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited December 2014
    scupit wrote: »
    Biggest on for me is women thinking they will bulk up like a man if they do any strength training. Strength training is sooooo important to do!!

    I totally agree with this. Ahhhhhh! This irritates me to no end! When I was at my most muscular...many years ago;) I was no where near bulky! I was 142 pounds at 5ft8in and a size 4 with 15 % body fat. And I lifted heavy...at least heavy for me. The simple fact is, the more muscle you add to your body, the more calories your body will burn throughout the day. Simple as that.

    In defense of people who think women bulk up from lifting, there may be some kind of misunderstanding here. I remember my friend's reaction when I told her I was planning to lift (before deciding it wasn't for me). I showed her pictures of women who lift heavy and look gorgeous and she was like "yep, you can see what mean. That's bulky."

    For these people, any kind of muscle definition or slightly larger thighs is considered bulky. Now I personally like the fitness look, but other people may not. I don't feel the need to build strawmen.
  • Christine_1027
    when skinny people complain about being "fat"... that really bugs me and is offensive to those who are heavier than them
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    "95% of diets fail"

    that's because you think you can go back to your old habits and keep the weight off. -_-

    8pc fried chicken and a 'diet' coke teehee so conscientious
  • draco25000
    draco25000 Posts: 28 Member
    The whole "oh you're lucky you can eat whatever you want and stay skinny" "you're not eating enough" "you have a fast metabolism"
  • draco25000
    draco25000 Posts: 28 Member
    when skinny people complain about being "fat"... that really bugs me and is offensive to those who are heavier than them

    Actually they could truly believe that they are "fat" - ever heard of Body dysmorphic disorder?
  • auntyfred
    auntyfred Posts: 63 Member
    I have many. My top ones are:-

    I can't afford to eat healthy. Erm ok so a snickers bar is 72p and an apple is 25p. Explain that to me again why it's more expensive.

    I can't afford to go to the gym. Nor can I so I walk in the outdoors. Started with just 10 mins a day. If the weather is bad I run on the spot or march on the spot in front of the tv. I use my bike instead of the car saving myself £1200 a year in fuel in the process. Bikes are often available on freecycle. I now have weights but I started using cans of beans.
  • The_Rest_Of_My_Life
    edited December 2014
    I think the biggest one for me is "Oh you shouldn't be eating at that time of night, it'll just sit in your body and make you fat...."

    I used to work late nights and have a snack at midnight after getting home from work, I managed to lose 160lb eating at, or after midnight.... I'm not a Gremlin and I'm not willing to go to bed hungry, because that hinders my much treasured sleep, oh and calories can't tell the time....!!

    Nowadays I work days, so I don't eat at midnight, I usually go to bed at 9pm so I'm sound asleep by the, but I eat my breakfast at 5am which has taken some getting used to I can tell you.
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    That's the main reason why I don't swim as often as I would like. Swimming is a contact sport a lot of the time. The same with people who hit you with their arms when they're in the next lane, and your arm is inside your own lane.

    I won't say I've never grazed someone in the next lane while backstroking sharing a lane. Won't say I've never been kicked accidentally by a breast stroker if we're sharing lanes, either. It happens.

    I'm okay with the occasional accident. It's people who aren't TRYING to be considerate that get to me.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Here's mine - "You're skinny, you don't need to lose weight. Why are you counting calories?"

    Yeah, I may be thin, have been my whole life, but just because I'm thin, does in no way mean I'm healthy and I want to be healthy. So take that! Don't tell me how to live my life person that's not me! Rant over. :blush:
    My answer to those people is "Because I want to stay that way."
  • DavidFitFocus
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Great topic - I have LOTS!
    • People that have just started a new diet (as in, like 1-2 weeks) and suddenly have it all figured out and try to convince you their way is the only way and you're doing it wrong.
    • Food police (*cough* FOOD BABE *cough*).
    • People that want to believe it's something else, anything other than moving more, eating less.
    • People that say that counting calories doesn't work. (Um, you're not doing it right then and/or didn't do it long enough.)
    • "Starvation mode."
    • "Clean eating."
    • People that say they are % anything. For instance, I eat 70% Paleo. Or, worse, 80% "clean." What is that?! Why not just say you try to make better eating choices?
    • Cleanses and "detoxes."
    • People that say walking burns more calories than running. Nope.
    • People that want to blame ANYTHING for their weight gain other than eating too much. For instance, it's MSG! It's gluten! It's soy! It's TOXINS!

    Is that enough?? LOL
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited December 2014
    My biggest pet peve is that all these women eating 1200 calories per day and bulking with 30 minutes of weight lifting a couple days per week won't tell me their secret...

    It would really help me out if you could just tell me your secret...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited December 2014
    Great topic - I have LOTS!
    • People that have just started a new diet (as in, like 1-2 weeks) and suddenly have it all figured out and try to convince you their way is the only way and you're doing it wrong.
    • Food police (*cough* FOOD BABE *cough*).
    • People that want to believe it's something else, anything other than moving more, eating less.
    • People that say that counting calories doesn't work. (Um, you're not doing it right then and/or didn't do it long enough.)
    • "Starvation mode."
    • "Clean eating."
    • People that say they are % anything. For instance, I eat 70% Paleo. Or, worse, 80% "clean." What is that?! Why not just say you try to make better eating choices?
    • Cleanses and "detoxes."
    • People that say walking burns more calories than running. Nope.
    • People that want to blame ANYTHING for their weight gain other than eating too much. For instance, it's MSG! It's gluten! It's soy! It's TOXINS!

    Is that enough?? LOL

    Some forms of walking actually do. A 3.5 mph 15 incline burns just as much (or slightly higher) than a 6 mph flat run.
  • lifeskittles
    lifeskittles Posts: 438 Member
    Great topic - I have LOTS!
    • People that have just started a new diet (as in, like 1-2 weeks) and suddenly have it all figured out and try to convince you their way is the only way and you're doing it wrong.
    • Food police (*cough* FOOD BABE *cough*).
    • People that want to believe it's something else, anything other than moving more, eating less.
    • People that say that counting calories doesn't work. (Um, you're not doing it right then and/or didn't do it long enough.)
    • "Starvation mode."
    • "Clean eating."
    • People that say they are % anything. For instance, I eat 70% Paleo. Or, worse, 80% "clean." What is that?! Why not just say you try to make better eating choices?
    • Cleanses and "detoxes."
    • People that say walking burns more calories than running. Nope.
    • People that want to blame ANYTHING for their weight gain other than eating too much. For instance, it's MSG! It's gluten! It's soy! It's TOXINS!

    Is that enough?? LOL

    Some forms of walking actually do. A 3.5 mph 15 incline burns just as much (or slightly higher) than a 6 mph flat run.

    It only burns more calories if it raises your heart rate higher. Generally running raises your heart rate more than walking because your cardiovascular load is increased. I would say that 6 mph is more of a jog anyway, but thats just my opinion.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    when skinny people complain about being "fat"... that really bugs me and is offensive to those who are heavier than them

    This mentality is my pet peeve. Could some of you possibly be more conceited?

    People who think that they must constantly compare themselves to you and therefore your problems are irrelevant. "I am overweight." Which is a fact. "Ugh, I'm so offended that you said that. Your problem is irrelevant because I am fatter than you".

    I'm sorry.. Since when were we even talking about you?

    People who take it as a personal attack when I eat food they deem "healthy" because it somehow shames them about their own choices.

    People who make snide comments "you're already skinny" "you're not fat, live a little!"

    When you bring your own food and turn down ordering out (because you took the time to cook food and can't fit Taco Bell in your calories for that day) and then every subsequent time they order out they refuse to ask you or say "don't ask her, she's on a DIET remember? Lolololol"

    Lastly, people who feel sorry for themselves or play the victim about their weight. "It's muh genetics guyz. BUT MUH CONDISHUNS!" No, it's the 4k cals you just ate for lunch. You are not a victim of circumstance and I do not feel sorry for you because you choose to be fat. Now don't try and bring me down because I choose not to be.