What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    edited December 2014
    sullus wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    Agreed! Oh my goodness, if you KNOW what the person meant when they said muscle weighs more than fat, why do you correct them? Word police!!!

    (Again I'm a hypocrite here - my nephews all know it's a "concrete truck" not a "cement truck". I'm always like "Well you don't call a cake "flour", now do you!).

    I love myself, I love myself, I love myself :-/ lol.

    HA. Just like my kids know it's not a Zamboni. It's a Zamboni BRAND ice resurfacing machine.

    Ah. But sometimes things like that make it into our accepted, even if technically incorrect, lexicon, like how many people use Kleenex to refer to all tissues. We all have our nuances that annoy us.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I hate when people who are the exception to the rule, get all mad about the rule not taking exceptions into consideration.

    one person reassures another that they dont have to live on organic salad to lose weight and get fit. random person passing by gets super angry because they can't live by that rule, because they personally can't stick to it, or because their doctor won't let them.

    well.. ok, but that's you. they weren't rubbing it in your face, just discussing their own plans, when you walked by.

  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member
    My pet peeve is when people who are not on a weightloss journey or who don't eat healthy criticize or comment on the healthy choices you make... Dude, just keep it to yourself or tell me I'm doing great, don't try and bring me down!

    This exactly!

    I have some serious GI issues and health problems and what works for me is eating a primarily vegan or strict vegetarian diet. It's just not worth it to me to eat a primarily omnivore diet if I'm going to end up in the ER getting pumped full of morphine because whatever I've eaten didn't agree with my body. I also don't need to deal with frequent debilitating migraines on a mostly plant based diet. I hate when people criticize, lash out, or go out of their way to tell me they could never go without meat/cheese , and ask me why "I'm doing this to myself." I don't pick apart what other people eat or harass them about it. I would like the same in return.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    amwoidyla wrote: »
    *Ask-holes: People who see your results and ask your secret and advice repeatedly, but don't actually use your advice.


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    jbee27 wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    yoovie wrote: »
    when people show up on the internet talking about how they are 'new and don't know what to do and can you please do all the research for me (here's my stats<3;);)xoxox) and tell me exactly what program i have to do and exactly what i should eat cause i dont want to waste any of my own precious time teaching myself hahahahahaha no really do it all for me, i aint got time for this sht i jus' wanna look hott.'

    This x 1,000,000

    I'll go ahead and x your 1,000,000 by another 1,000,000

    These also seem to be the same people who have 1,000 excuses for why whatever plan is suggested to them won't work, or how they don't have time, etc.

    we got a problem for every answer!

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    snikkins wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    Agreed! Oh my goodness, if you KNOW what the person meant when they said muscle weighs more than fat, why do you correct them? Word police!!!

    (Again I'm a hypocrite here - my nephews all know it's a "concrete truck" not a "cement truck". I'm always like "Well you don't call a cake "flour", now do you!).

    I love myself, I love myself, I love myself :-/ lol.

    HA. Just like my kids know it's not a Zamboni. It's a Zamboni BRAND ice resurfacing machine.

    Ah. But sometimes things like that make it into our accepted, even if technically incorrect, lexicon, like how many people use Kleenex to refer to all tissues. We all have our nuances that annoy us.

    This is the truth. It's impossible to either not annoy someone or not become annoyed yourself at something. I know I'm guilty of both at times!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited December 2014
    Lets see
    1. You will gain weight if you eat before bed. It doesn't matter how low your calorie intake was for the rest of the day, eating before bed is like instant weight gain. :noway: I frequently eat before bed, because if I didn't I would be too far under my calorie goal for the day.
    2. It's impossible for women in our family to lose weight. :noway: Ok. Well I've lost 96lbs mom and it hasn't been near as difficult as I thought it would be. Wait, does that mean I'm not part of this family.smiley-shocked015.gif
    3. The calories in cheesecake. :sad: I really have to be careful with my calories if I want to have a slice of cheesecake.
    4. The automatic assumption that if your counting calories/losing weight you must be eating 1200 calories. While for some people 1200 might be the right amount of calories, it's not a one size fits all. My monthly averages are generally in the 1750-2000 range and I lose weight just fine. I'm average in height (5'4.5"), my BMI is now around 27.5, and yet I'm still losing over 1lb per week. My mom keeps telling me to eat closer to 1200. My grandmother thinks 900 is better. I have friends who hear "counting calories" and automatically assume that means only eating 1200 calories and no pizza, chocolate or anything else yummy. I'm sure I'd be pretty hangry in any of these scenarios.hungry-2.gif
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    Agreed! Oh my goodness, if you KNOW what the person meant when they said muscle weighs more than fat, why do you correct them? Word police!!!

    (Again I'm a hypocrite here - my nephews all know it's a "concrete truck" not a "cement truck". I'm always like "Well you don't call a cake "flour", now do you!).

    I love myself, I love myself, I love myself :-/ lol.

    I admit to being guilty of that one. I never knew it was even an issue until I met someone who worked in the industry and explained how much interchanging those terms incorrectly annoyed them! Now I know.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Obesity is considered a strictly or mostly cosmetic issue rather than a serious health concern, and weight loss "guidance" can be any nonsense that will sell a book.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    because either way you slice it, it's inaccurate.

    someone who gained weight the first week she started to try out the elliptical did not gain 5 pounds of muscle.

    youd have to follow a special diet / regimen / workout program for over a year to gain like < 1 pound of muscle, if youre a girl.

  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Another one that really gets me...

    "I haven't lost anything in a month, help!"

    I've been known to try and help these people by looking at their diary from the time they say they stopped losing. I usually find that most of the days are blank and/or incomplete (and sometimes they admit to not logging everything). I suggest that they be more consistent and let them know how to log more accurately.

    That's not even the part that bothers me. It's when they decide to take the advice of others to cut down/increase their calories, cut down on carbs or that they need to shake up their exercise routine to fool their body that gets me. Meanwhile they still don't log and continue to complain that "nothing works".
  • emailme178
    emailme178 Posts: 557 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    A Facebook friend asked for my secret, and I told her I had the help of a whole team of experts. Her reply was pretty cute, "I was hoping the answer was simple, like no chocolate."

    how would that be simple LOL... chocolate mmmm
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    yoovie wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    because either way you slice it, it's inaccurate.

    someone who gained weight the first week she started to try out the elliptical did not gain 5 pounds of muscle.

    youd have to follow a special diet / regimen / workout program for over a year to gain like < 1 pound of muscle, if youre a girl.

    Yeah - Seems a lot of people don't get that it is actually hard work to gain muscle. Too many think it can happen by accident.

  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    People who drone on about the squat rack or squatting. I get it. You squat. Squatting exists. It's a thing. I know.

    Also form snobs. I read someone post once that you shouldn't deadlift unless you have perfect form. OK. You shouldn't perform an exercise unless you're PERFECT at it. PERFECT. First off, no one is perfect. There are people who train for years. Pretty much only train. Do nothing but train. Then they go to the Olympics. 9.3. 8.9. 7.5. Sorry loser. You weren't perfect so you should stop training. Second, so I need to be perfect to deadlift. OK, so I better practice my deadlift so I can get to be perfect at it. But I can't deadlift unless I'm perfect so I can't practice my deadlift so I can try to be perfect. But I want to deadlift still. I need to be perfect to do that. Sooooo I should practice. But I can't because I can't practice the movement because I'm not perfect so... Yeah. Anyways, bottom line. Form snobs are bad. I mean should it really be that hard to, ya know, move?

    Definitely this.

    Also getting tired of excuses. Either work on getting healthy or accept that there will be health consequences later if you don't. No one is perfect, but don't give up!

  • sheepotato
    sheepotato Posts: 600 Member
    1. People who do not wipe equipment down when they are finished. I usually wipe before and after now but where's the common courtesy?

    2. Being told I'm 'lucky' that I am 'able' to lose weight.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    Another one that really gets me...

    "I haven't lost anything in a month, help!"

    I've been known to try and help these people by looking at their diary from the time they say they stopped losing. I usually find that most of the days are blank and/or incomplete (and sometimes they admit to not logging everything). I suggest that they be more consistent and let them know how to log more accurately.

    That's not even the part that bothers me. It's when they decide to take the advice of others to cut down/increase their calories, cut down on carbs or that they need to shake up their exercise routine to fool their body that gets me. Meanwhile they still don't log and continue to complain that "nothing works".


    this totally!!!!

    "I dont workout, I only diet, but I've been at a nasty plateau for like 3 weeks :'( i give up"

    how are you at a plateau, claiming that you are doing everything right possible and not finding success in pounds, inches or abilities - if you aren't even working out.

    doesnt that fit under the category of 'everything'.

  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    YES! I once had 3 college kids jump in my lane, and then they all started swimming at me, and then goofing off, etc. There were no other lanes open so I ended up using the kick board the whole time, since it was the only way I could avoid a collision. The lifeguard didn't handle it well and apologized afterward since they basically went against all lap swimming rules (in a lap pool during open lap swimming)

    This is part of the reason I haven't added swimming in to my exercise yet - I know there's etiquette rules to using my gym's pool, but they're not posted anywhere and I'd hate to be the *kitten* getting in everyone's way. One of these days I'll remember to ask.

    For the most part, lap swimming rules are "do your own thing & don't get in the way of others" If there is an open lane, great, take it. Once the lanes are filled with singles, start partnering up, it is good etiquette to ask someone before jumping into their lane, mainly so they know you are there. At that point the two people sharing a lane basically split the lane in half, I get my side, you get your side (unless you really want to circle swim). If all lanes are doubled up, then circle swimming starts, thankfully I've never had to do this (I'm way to slow for it) but think of each lane with a really oblong circle in it, and you just keep swimming that circle. At least this is what my pool is like, which is in a University rec center.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    snikkins wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    VeryKatie wrote: »
    sullus wrote: »
    babyrover wrote: »
    "If your building muscle from working out it's okay that the scale doesn't budge Muscle weighs more than fat" No it doesn't...a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscles or a pound of bricks. It all weighs ONE POUND. Muscle is more dense and takes up less space.

    Never understood why people don't accept "muscle weighs more than fat". We all accept "helium is lighter than air", or "oil is lighter than water" .. the volume being constant is implied in all those. and most people know this. because otherwise, nothing weighs any more than anything else, since a pound of anything weighs the same as a pound of anything else.

    Agreed! Oh my goodness, if you KNOW what the person meant when they said muscle weighs more than fat, why do you correct them? Word police!!!

    (Again I'm a hypocrite here - my nephews all know it's a "concrete truck" not a "cement truck". I'm always like "Well you don't call a cake "flour", now do you!).

    I love myself, I love myself, I love myself :-/ lol.

    HA. Just like my kids know it's not a Zamboni. It's a Zamboni BRAND ice resurfacing machine.

    Ah. But sometimes things like that make it into our accepted, even if technically incorrect, lexicon, like how many people use Kleenex to refer to all tissues. We all have our nuances that annoy us.

    This is the truth. It's impossible to either not annoy someone or not become annoyed yourself at something. I know I'm guilty of both at times!

    Oh, me too! If people point them out, like in your later example, I do try to be more careful around at least that person since I know I get annoyed at some seemingly bizarre things as well!

  • meltedsno
    meltedsno Posts: 208 Member
    Makes me crazy when people think they deserve a "cheat" day... IF they were serious about losing and maintaining weight, there should be no reason for a "cheat" day... I also hate it when people talk about being on a "diet"... a diet is temporary... lifestyle change is permanent. and then I suppose I make people crazy talking about my "lifestyle" change... lol... One other thing that makes me angry -- I don't know where this falls -- but there is nothing more irritating and condescending than a thin person in the midst of others who are overweight and then says "Oh I feel so obese"... this happened to me years ago. I was at my all time high of 270 lbs... was fitting a wedding dress on a bride -- dress was a size 0 -- she stands in the mirror looking at herself and proclaims that she is so obese... arghhhhhhhhh...