What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    OP, you hit the nail on the head with both of those. i think number 2 drives me to no end "I've tried EVERYTHING and can't lose a single pound" which really is biologically impossible and you must donate yourself to science! LOL
  • drlaughharris
    After my weight loss, I get body checked when i mentioned my going to O.A.
    That is Overeaters anonymous.

    Also people who take themselves to serious at times,(including me) and forget
    "if we don't make fun of ourselves, someone will beat us to it".
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    After my weight loss, I get body checked when i mentioned my going to O.A.



    that seems drastic.

  • cwrldpc
    cwrldpc Posts: 20 Member
    Going into the free weight area and the buff guys stare at me and look all annoyed that I entered their domain. I am a 35 year old obese woman, but I worked with a trainer who showed me what to do in the free weight area "if I was comfortable in there" <--pet peeve #2
  • gt5841b
    gt5841b Posts: 13 Member
    Office food when dieting is my biggest pet peeve. Often the very nice people in charge of the food order as if it is a splurge day. I never want to complain, but it is hard to eat healthy when no healthy option is available. I used to sneak out of lunch meetings to find better options, but stopped doing it because I didn't want to make a scene of it and get the whole, "You don't need to lose weight comment" from someone trying to be nice.

    For breakfast meetings I eat beforehand because I know it's going to be cake, pastries, and processed juice. Does anyone really eat cake and pastries for breakfast?!!
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    miketoryan wrote: »
    I've lost over 70 lbs but I still have about 40(+) to go. Comments like this really bother me:
    "Wow, your belly used to really stick out," or "Your *kitten* used to be so big you waddled!" HelLO...I'm still the same person, just smaller! I still have all the feelings! :'(

    they're trying to compliment your current state

    I know that, but they're idiots and it's not a compliment.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    I usually get comments at work about how I bring a packed lunch with me instead of ordering out with everyone else. I usually just ignore it but it can be annoying when it's every day. I also hate getting comments and snarky remarks from coworkers when I politely decline food at staff meetings.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    That zero calorie soda causes obesity... While I agree it's not the healthiest alternative - zero calories isn't going to make you fat.
  • JustMe2691
    JustMe2691 Posts: 111 Member
    People who say one way of losing weight is the only way to lose weight.

    People who say I have to go at 100%, 100% of the time to be successful at this.

    Thanks, but having my learning curve and not being under constant stress from worrying about every little dam* calorie is still letting me achieve my daily goal of "doing it right". Yes, I track my calories daily and yes I get to the gym as often as my life allows. And sometimes, when my body and my energy level says nope - 30 minutes is enough for today, I listen to it.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    When I'm doing the machine circuit and someone at the gym comes in to the circuit only area and goes straight to the machine that is after mine. Seriously, You see I'm doing them in order. Do you have to come in the circuit only section and then sit on the machine for 20 minutes so I can't complete the circuit?

    I'm a completion freak with video games too.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I get the "d@mn you were so fat" comments too. Sometimes I think "man, how would they react to these same comments? rude much?" But I shrug it off. I'm not gonna let anyone see me get my feathers ruffled over that. I just say "Yup. I was fat. Now I'm not." and give them a bland smile and walk away. Looking for a reaction, try someone else lol!
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    When they post they want to "loose" weight.

    This drives me crazy and I see it more often than not.

    Then one day, you type out "lose" and have to sit there, staring at it for 5 minutes and wondering WTF is wrong with it before you realize so many people are interchanging "loose" with "lose" that even you can't remember which is which.

    THIS! I honestly almost "corrected" something I was writing because I thought it didn't look right!
  • bluesarah13
    bluesarah13 Posts: 31 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.
  • KGRebelRanch
    KGRebelRanch Posts: 109 Member
    "I'd try to get fit, but I like real food, not protein shakes."
    then eat food. just because I lug around a shaker bottle doesn't make it gospel-I happen to be very short on time and funds and it's cheaper/quicker/more vitamin-dense for me to whip up a shake and walk out the door.

    "Eating healthy is expensive, im fat because im poor."
    I want to be YOUR kind of poor. I kid you not, my family of three-at one point, processed ONE young rooster (about 7lbs) and ate that and half a potato a day for over a week. Do you know what a plain baked potato and plain baked chicken tastes like? Poverty. Salt and pepper really don't help that much.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    From this site.. the myth that ´ you cannot gain muscle mass if you have a calorie deficit´.. Which is only true for people with low body fat.

    400lbs guy, never lifted weights before. Starts lifting weight 2 hours a day and has a 1 calorie deficit. You think that guy isn´t going to be putting on muscle mass? Even if he has a 500 calorie deficit he is going to be building muscle mass for many many weeks.

    What bugs me is that people find ´rules´ that are specific to one group of people ( ie, in this case bodybuilders) and try to apply it as a universal rule they can put on a bumper sticker, swear by, and then pass along to everyone they see, without realizing it was a niche rule for a small group of people.

    And what's funny is every time someone says you can't build in a deficit, they qualify it by saying "except the obese, undertrained, and returning athlete". And that you can eat at maintenance and gain. It's called a recomp, your diet needs to be on point, and can take a long time......but don't let that get in the way of a good gripe, right?
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.

    Whoa. I would either be having exactly that conversation after class or I would not be in that class.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    . Do you know what a plain baked potato and plain baked chicken tastes like? Poverty. Salt and pepper really don't help that much.


    That made me lol, as I ran out of my favorite seasoning.only had enough for one side:(

  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    meltedsno wrote: »
    Makes me crazy when people think they deserve a "cheat" day... IF they were serious about losing and maintaining weight, there should be no reason for a "cheat" day... I also hate it when people talk about being on a "diet"... a diet is temporary... lifestyle change is permanent. and then I suppose I make people crazy talking about my "lifestyle" change... lol... One other thing that makes me angry -- I don't know where this falls -- but there is nothing more irritating and condescending than a thin person in the midst of others who are overweight and then says "Oh I feel so obese"... this happened to me years ago. I was at my all time high of 270 lbs... was fitting a wedding dress on a bride -- dress was a size 0 -- she stands in the mirror looking at herself and proclaims that she is so obese... arghhhhhhhhh...

    Most of your things I totally agree with. As far as the skinny person thinking they are "obese" - I can see your point but also think it's all relative. I've honestly never been overweight on a chart, though I've come close. But my high weight IS "fat" to me (for me). Your stats are completely amazing, and I don't diminish that for a second. I just think that if someone is 5'2" and 170 lbs or whatever, they might feel fat. Whereas someone who was around your all time high might think that person looks fantastic at 170 lbs. And for someone that is around you current size, if they were to gain 50 lbs they might consider themselves "heavy", but would still be relatively small to someone who weighed 300 lbs or something. And one of my friends is around 250 lbs, and definitely knows there is still weight to lose, but it's a remarkable change from where they were.

    So I can absolutely see where you are coming from. But for me - I know I feel/look best when I am around 105-110 range. It's just the truth, for me. So when I gain, and my clothes are tight and no longer fitting - I do feel "fat" even though obviously I realize that I'm not - relative to what I'm used to, I feel that way.

    I guess it comes down to we are all our worst critics sometimes, and no matter the size - skewed body image and weight issues can occur. I hope that doesn't come off as disrespectful in any way.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.

    Whoa. I would either be having exactly that conversation after class or I would not be in that class.

    ^^ Yeah I agree - that sounds very rude of the instructor. Maybe bring it up to the instructor. It's possible they were just looking out for the person and not thinking it was rude. After bringing it up to the instructor, if nothing changes I would tell gym management.
  • daniellekarber
    daniellekarber Posts: 11 Member
    Biggest pet peeves...

    - Dr. Oz... and people who quote his "expert advice" incessantly
    - The amount of time it took me to figure out what works for me, and to stop buying into fad diets. (My own fault!!)
    - Rude people on the boards. The question may be really stupid to your way of thinking, but some people just don't know the answer. They may not have done all the research you have done, and it may be obvious, but still no reason to be mean!!
    - Thank you to the person who noted the "loose" vs "lose". I'm not the only one with spelling peeves. :)
    - Anyone who tries to sell/profit from the magic pill, magic diet, magic exercise program/machine, whatever. Grow a conscience. Some people are naïve and desperate.