What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • Kekekylene
    Kekekylene Posts: 112 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    People who drone on about the squat rack or squatting. I get it. You squat. Squatting exists. It's a thing. I know.

    Also form snobs. I read someone post once that you shouldn't deadlift unless you have perfect form. OK. You shouldn't perform an exercise unless you're PERFECT at it. PERFECT. First off, no one is perfect. There are people who train for years. Pretty much only train. Do nothing but train. Then they go to the Olympics. 9.3. 8.9. 7.5. Sorry loser. You weren't perfect so you should stop training. Second, so I need to be perfect to deadlift. OK, so I better practice my deadlift so I can get to be perfect at it. But I can't deadlift unless I'm perfect so I can't practice my deadlift so I can try to be perfect. But I want to deadlift still. I need to be perfect to do that. Sooooo I should practice. But I can't because I can't practice the movement because I'm not perfect so... Yeah. Anyways, bottom line. Form snobs are bad. I mean should it really be that hard to, ya know, move?

    Thanks for this, totally made me laugh out loud!

  • BetterKimmer
    BetterKimmer Posts: 178 Member
    People who want to become this image they have of fit and healthy, then don't eat correctly or workout the way that needs to be done to achieve it, then complain they aren't getting anywhere. All this while acting as if the universe is working against them, as if it isn't their own fault (outside of REAL health issues). I can say this knowing I used to be one of the worst for this. Then I woke up, did what needs to be done and WHAALAA! Transformed.
  • 1jenandtonic
    1jenandtonic Posts: 6 Member
    My pet peeve is when people who are not on a weightloss journey or who don't eat healthy criticize or comment on the healthy choices you make... Dude, just keep it to yourself or tell me I'm doing great, don't try and bring me down!
  • veryjosie
    Being judged for everything I eat. "You aren't eating enough!" "You're eating THAT? I thought you were on a diet!" or "Oh, such a shame you can't have pizza too!"

    How bout you don't worry about what I'm eating and worry about what YOU'RE eating.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    edited December 2014
    What is something people say or do regarding healthy living / weight / fitness that is your pet peeve?

    I have two:

    1) "X food is fattening"-- I don't know why but it irritates me every time! Almost EVERYTHING we eat could be fattening if you eat too much of it, just like pizza isn't necessarily fattening if you have one slice.

    2) "I've tried everything to lose weight."-- Weight loss / diet isn't something you TRY for a week and then go, "welp, that didn't work!"

    I have successfully lost weight in the past, and am at my highest weight ever right now, so I'm not trying to be on my high horse here. It's just that I KNOW why I am overweight, and it's not because I "tried" everything or ate something that was "fattening."

    What about you guys? What comments, questions, or things do people do that you just have to fight not to roll your eyes?

    I'm so sick of this sentiment!

    I work at a hospital and usually eat from the cafeteria. They have an awesome salad bar and a good variety of choices for entrees, all while being cheap. Every once in a while, I'll get a cheeseburger & fries for lunch and it fits just fine into my calories/macros for the day. There's this one ER nurse who comes up behind me every time and says "you know that's not good for you". She's just joking, but it's annoying. And I peek at her salad with all of the cheese, salad dressing, bacon bits, etc on it and think (I've never said it though) "hey you're eating more calories & fat in that salad than what's in my burger & fries". But people just think that because its a salad, its automatically healthy.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    1. Food racism (white foods are "bad")
    2. You have to cut out certain foods to lose weight
    3. People assuming I don't eat desserts/pizza/pasta/etc.
  • findingmyw1ngs
    findingmyw1ngs Posts: 107 Member
    Being told that I'm so lucky I can eat anything and stay skinny. I don't eat anything. I pay attention to what I eat and I exercise. And then I treat myself sometimes. Anyone can do that.

    Also when you want just one serving of something like chips/pretzels and all the bags are gigantic with 3-5 servings in each
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    clean eating to lose weight
    sugar and carbs are evil and make you gain weight
    labeled foods as "bad/crap/etc"
    re-starting metabolism
    'stoke the metabolic fire'

    hell I can go on and on all day ..
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    The food police are #1 on my list. These are people who will criticize others for eating processed foods, chemicals, or anything else they have deemed bad. Some are just annoying about it and others have been downright nasty.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    "Clean eating."

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Here's mine - "You're skinny, you don't need to lose weight. Why are you counting calories?"

    Yeah, I may be thin, have been my whole life, but just because I'm thin, does in no way mean I'm healthy and I want to be healthy. So take that! Don't tell me how to live my life person that's not me! Rant over. :blush:
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Other people. Here's a scenario I hit at work more frequently than I would care to: The guys are going for pizzas, and I've got I dunno .. say .. a spinach salad with tuna fish on it. So you politely decline to go in on the pizza with the guys and have to listen to; "One piece won't kill you. You have to live a little. etc. etc." (we've all heard it)

    Then, a few days later you decide for whatever reason works for you that yup, today I'm going to get whtever (name your own "unhealthy" food here) and the EXACT same people start in on you with "I thought you were on a diet? What happened to eating healthy? Giving up already?"
  • TuffChixRule
    TuffChixRule Posts: 190 Member
    My pet peeve is the self-proclaimed experts who say, "Oh you should do such and so, I know this for a fact." This as they scarf down a large cheeseburger in front of me! I am losing the weight sensibly, not using the latest fad diet. I know I am getting healthier as I have so much more energy now and I'm starting to see small, non-scale results like fitting into a misses size pair of jeans I haven't worn in nearly a year.
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    People who don't rack weights when they're done, and/or rack them in the wrong places. Dude the pegs are labelled. It's not that difficult.

    Also, the voices in my head that tell me to eat more Reese's Chocolate Peanut Butter Spread. Those voices are jerks. (That is ebil!!!!, delicious, stuff - Thankfully the last jar at Wally world was purchased by someone else (I picked it up - then put it back down. 2 minutes of amazing self-control. When I went back to the store a couple days later, it was gone.))
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I get annoyed by all the Pinterest pins with things like "say goodbye to your muffin top with this 5-minute workout". You can't spot reduce. You can't. And crunches won't get rid of belly fat. I also don't get all the articles about weight lifting for women that show women holding those little 2-lb. weights. Sure, start there if you have to (although even I started with 5-lb. weights, and I have weak T-rex type arms - but I use 10-lb. dumbbells now), but you can lift heavy and look amazing. I see women at the gym all the time who are gorgeous and lean and strong, and they are lifting very heavy weights.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    edited December 2014
    Unsolicited advice.

    Cloaked concern that I might be overdoing it. I'm a most conservative dieter, almost obsessive about my health. I never do anything to the extreme. So it's an insult, a passive-aggressive slap for daring to do better than they are.

    By the way, I often simply respond with a smile. (I privately call it my shark smile). Lots of teeth.
  • kailibertsch
    kailibertsch Posts: 139 Member
    How about the people who say you should stop losing weight or your are getting too skinny. Especially in my case when I am still right on the border of normal/overweight on the BMI charts for my height and weight.