20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    tenpets wrote: »
    Start of cleanse Day 1 180.6
    Start of Day 2 178.9 = 1.7 lb loss
    Start of Day 3 178.5 = 2.1 lb loss
    Start of Day 4 176.4 = 4.2 lb loss

    As long as I keep seeing results like this, I can keep going!

    Have a great day, everyone!!!


    I am so happy that you loosing so quickly! I lost 10 lbs during the 10 day cleanse, you will do much better than that!

    Thanks, Cristina. Mornings are so easy... nights are SOOOO hard! Fortunately, I have all of you that I cannot let down on my commitment to do this. I've never been good at seeing diets or detoxs through to the end. When the going gets tough, it's so easy to quit.
    By tomorrow this time, Day 5 will be in the books... HALF WAY THERE!

    Enjoy your evening, everyone!


    Thank Becky for giving us a report every morning.

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    tenpets wrote: »
    tenpets wrote: »
    Start of cleanse Day 1 180.6
    Start of Day 2 178.9 = 1.7 lb loss
    Start of Day 3 178.5 = 2.1 lb loss
    Start of Day 4 176.4 = 4.2 lb loss

    As long as I keep seeing results like this, I can keep going!

    Have a great day, everyone!!!


    I am so happy that you loosing so quickly! I lost 10 lbs during the 10 day cleanse, you will do much better than that!

    Thanks, Cristina. Mornings are so easy... nights are SOOOO hard! Fortunately, I have all of you that I cannot let down on my commitment to do this. I've never been good at seeing diets or detoxs through to the end. When the going gets tough, it's so easy to quit.
    By tomorrow this time, Day 5 will be in the books... HALF WAY THERE!

    Enjoy your evening, everyone!


    Thank Becky for giving us a report every morning.

    Marie, Thank YOU! You started this great group and if I hadn't found all of you, I'd still be where I was at the beginning of January! Thanks for allowing me to share each day with each of you. The commitment to others is what keeps me from straying from the goal. <3

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    edited March 2015
    :D As long as you are still showing up on this thread, it is evidence that you are still committed and seeking a solution. Never, never, never give up.

    <3 Barbie

    the reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    <3 Barbie glad you drop by. you are another one that lost your weight on shakes If i remember correctly she lost 3 lbs. a week. on average by drinking shakes and having one meal a day and has kept it off even after she reach her goal and still following her plan.. maybe she will tell her story to you all. Its a fantastic one.Wish I got on her band wagon years ago.But I like to eat too well for that.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    Marie, Thank YOU! You started this great group and if I hadn't found all of you, I'd still be where I was at the beginning of January! Thanks for allowing me to share each day with each of you. The commitment to others is what keeps me from straying from the goal. <3

    Amen! If it weren't for this group, I might've given in by now.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Well a few days ago I plateaued. The scale hasn't moved in 4 days. I think the 20 lbs. came off easily because that's probably the amount of weight I'd gained over the 4-6 months before I restarted MFP. Now I'm down to the weight I've averaged at over the last few years. So my body thinks "Done! We got rid of the excess weight", and thinks my current weight is where it's supposed to be. Hopefully the scale will start going down again over the next week, but I hear this can last months. We'll see.
    On a brighter note, I'm on notch #4 on my belt now. :D

    Kenea, you'll knock those few pounds out in no time!

    Marie, I'm curious as to how your dinner smoothie turns out. I've never had a savory smoothie.

    I'm loving this warm weather we've had the last couple of days! It really reminds me how much I want this change for my body. While I was out today I was thinking "I certainly don't regret doing this". I may not be "there" yet, but I can tell I'm lighter/smaller, and that makes me feel hopeful for Summer time.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ray I chicken out of that bean smoothie and had a bowl of hamburger soup instead .maybe I will try it out tomorrow. ha ha. Will let you know.
    you are doing great.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I think I would have chickened out too.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    edited March 2015
    Hi everyone. It has been a struggle this week for me. I managed to lose a pound finally after 3 days of staying the same. But for the first time in over 5 years I finally dropped the "baby weight" from my now kindergartener. I am dying for an ice cream sundae. I'm still under calorie for the day so I might just celebrate with my kids and have one. But that means I walk an extra two blocks with my dogs tomorrow and swim the extra lap on the pool. I have done really well at not caving to cravings. I finally allowed myself some candy today. I ate two m&ms. That was all I needed to satisfy my sweet tooth. Spring break starts tomorrow so it will be a little harder for me to keep with the swimming but where there's a will there's a way. And I will find a way. Now I just have to lose the "baby weight" from my teenager.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    I am really feeling disconnected this week.
    I really am missing my MFP connection, it is so important to me.
    Having a great time with family but not getting
    to exercise every day is bothering me.
    It has rained so much this week and have had to
    be inside too much.
    I had my first slip tonight and got into junk food!!!
    Will get it right tomorrow.
    Enjoyed looking over most of your posts tonight.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    SeeAhtter, great milestone! If you get a sweet tooth now and then, consider some hard candies. They're usually 20 calories a piece, and you can suck on them for a while.

    Nancy, technically that's a good thing, it means your new healthy routines are becoming habit. Run away from the junk food! It will only give you regret later. Unless you can count out a single serving and be done with it.
    Maybe try some yoga videos when you're stuck inside? I hope you're able to visit here more often soon! I miss having lots of posts from everyone to read. :)
  • Tulip9
    Tulip9 Posts: 143 Member
    I just ate Dole Banana Dippers. They are 4 frozen banana slices dipped in dark chocolate for 100 calories. They are really good! It's almost like having ice cream. :-)
  • Tulip9
    Tulip9 Posts: 143 Member
    By the way, my name is Erin.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Tulip9 wrote: »
    I just ate Dole Banana Dippers. They are 4 frozen banana slices dipped in dark chocolate for 100 calories. They are really good! It's almost like having ice cream. :-)
    I've been seeing those mentioned. I'm tempted!
  • Tulip9
    Tulip9 Posts: 143 Member
    :-) They have strawberries too, for 60 calories I think.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Start of cleanse Day 1 180.6
    Start of Day 2 178.9 = 1.7 lb loss
    Start of Day 3 178.5 = 2.1 lb loss
    Start of Day 4 176.4 = 4.2 lb loss
    Start of Day 5 177.3 = 3.3 lb loss

    Hrumph! Not what I was hoping for at all, but I know weight fluctuates. Followed the plan exactly like I did all the other days. Here's hoping for better results tomorrow morning...

  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Ok day two of really getting back on track. I have all of my final midterms today and contributing orientation at my new job. But once I get home I will officially be in spring break.

    I have lots planned in forms off getting some studying done abd sine fun things too. Going to put sine energy into wedding planning and I can't wait!

    Think maybe a celebratory dog walk to get some fresh air and remind the pups that I still love them even though I've been studying and been practically ignoring them the past week.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, challengers! Happy Thursday!

    For those who weigh today and lose, stay the same, or gain, it's all good. Like Barbie says, the fact that you show up to post every day means your commitment is solid. Let's also remember Stephanie's encouraging comments about the value of feeling mentally better each day that we do the right thing for our bodies.

    Hope the weather is warming up wherever you are. Have a great day and stay strong!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Thursday to <3 Connie it seems to be overcast this morning. But I am so ready for spring.

    <3 Kenea Good luck on your finals

    <3 Becky don't sweat over the scales Continue on as you plan. you will indeed turn out to be a winner You already are.

    <3 yum you did not sign your name so I will called you ray today. I too love to read lots of post from each one of you

    <3 Erin thanks for signing your name. and the tips on Dole banana dip. sounds fantastic. But knowing me I would not stopped till all four of them was gone.

    MARIE <3