20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Jemma22
    Jemma22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I would love to join this group. I know Easter is nearly here an I have only just really started using this app so I dont have a clue how it works or even how to try an join this group. All your support though you all give is great x
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome Jemma and welcome to MFP.let us know if you need any help.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    Ray how long will school last Was wondering what happen to you.
  • AlexisMichele93
    AlexisMichele93 Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you so much for the warm welcome! :) This is such a nice thread. I'm 21 and studying biochemistry so I had college classes today abd I just got back from volunteering at the horse barn. Working with the horses is by far my favorite workout lol I also live in Mississippi and yes the weather was wonderful and warm after all the snow a few weeks ago!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just for today I will be happy. This assumes what Abraham Lincoln said is true: 'Most folks are about as happy as they make their mind up to be.' Happiness comes from within; it is not a matter of externals. I found this while browsing Thought I would share.
    I am happy
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Welcome @benians, @AlexisMichele93 and @Jemma22--we're glad to have you join in!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wheatless how did you copy all 3 of those names like that. would love to know how.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    benians sorry I missed you . welcome to our thread. glad to have you.
    Where is Lochart, Texas at? I am from Mesquite Texas next to Dallas/
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited March 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Ray how long will school last Was wondering what happen to you.

    I should be finished with school around December 2016. I have classes on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights. Right now they are from 6:00 to 10:00-11:00 p.m. I imagine they'll stay that way.
    I haven't been posting as much the last few days, but I'm still making time to read all the new posts by the end of the day. :)

    Awesome work everybody whose lost more lbs.! I love seeing your successes! And everybody who hasn't lost anymore yet is still keeping up the good work and keeping their focus. I know that can be hard when the scale won't budge, but it will show your hard work at some point!

    Welcome new people! We're going to have a whole army for the 4th of July challenge. :D

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Wheatless how did you copy all 3 of those names like that. would love to know how.

    Hi Marie---I just added the @ to their names as I wrote them. If their name is within the body of their post you can copy and paste it into your post, but I couldn't copy the name under the picture.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    happy Monday all,

    hope everyone had a good weekend! just curious, do people find weekends harder or easier to stick to plan. usually I think people think it is harder because we are more social but sometimes I am so busy that it works, no preparing meals and munching:)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited March 2015
    slw19 wrote: »
    happy Monday all,

    hope everyone had a good weekend! just curious, do people find weekends harder or easier to stick to plan. usually I think people think it is harder because we are more social but sometimes I am so busy that it works, no preparing meals and munching:)


    I find weekends to be the same as weekdays myself. I think I have this advantage because when I restarted MFP I was unemployed(and still am, and happy to be right now). So every day is the same day to me(except that I get to see my husband more on weekends). When I first lazily started MFP a few years ago, weekends were more difficult, because working full time made weekdays easy to not eat much. And at the time I was first shift, and my husband was third shift, and was only off every-other weekend, so I spent a lot of time alone. And a lot of time eating. :/ So I'm lucky that every day is a good-calorie day now.
    We're also pretty boring, so we don't go out very often. Because of that I've made the decision that if a special occasion arises(no more than once every 1-2 months), that I will go over on my calories for that occasion. But the next day is back to normal.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Start of cleanse Day 1 180.6
    Start of Day 2 178.9 = 1.7 lb loss
    Start of Day 3 178.5 = 2.1 lb loss
    Start of Day 4 176.4 = 4.2 lb loss
    Start of Day 5 177.3 = 3.3 lb loss
    Start of Day 6 176.4 = 4.2 loss
    Start of Day 7 (modified) 176.1 = 4.5 loss
    Start of Day 8 (modified) 175.3 = 5.3 lb loss
    Start of Day 9 (modified) 175.3 = 5.3 lb loss
    I will weigh in tomorrow after Day 10 results. I had a very low drop in my BP yesterday and had to consume salt and loads of water, so I have water weight on board today. No BP meds today to see how I do. I think the drop in weight is bringing my BP back to near normal range and then taking my meds yesterday just dropped me so low, I couldn't drive myself home from work.

    Have a wonderful, strong, mindful day everyone!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    Shout out to all of you who weigh in today. Hope the scales reflect your hard work! I'm in the same place today, but when they finally move, I will be shouting :o regardless of the day of the week!

    A big welcome to more NEW people! Looks like our soon-to-be new thread will be just as lively as this one!

    Stephanie..it is harder for me on the weekends because I don't exercise so there are no extra calories. Those are the days the dog gets an extra long walk! ;)

    Becky..congrats on the loss! Yes, we have to keep a close eye on weight loss and BP meds! When we have a good diet (and especially liquid) coupled with drinking lots of water, we lose electrolytes. It can be scary. I have cut one of mine in half because by afternoon, I feel like a rag doll...no energy.

    Okay, losers..hope the sun will shine on you today B)!
    Stay strong!


  • beszmytke
    beszmytke Posts: 73 Member
    Hi everyone! I am so far behind in posts that I am going to have to read a page or two at a time till I get caught up. I have been AWOL for a week - just too much "life" going on around me to keep up :#

    I am so PROUD of all of you who have been sticking to it; so many have had losses, and I can totally sympathize with the plateaus and platypuses - I was stuck at the same weight for three days.

    Becky, your losses so far on the smoothie cleanse are just awesome!

    I had to laugh at you Mama Angel Marie when you said you chickened out of that Black Bean smoothie LOL - I HAVE wondered how a non-fruit smoothie would taste.

    I have been going every day with my brother Frank for his radiation treatments, hoping that it is going to give him some relief. He now has a painful bump on his jawbone that has us scared. Praying that it is not the start of something new.

    We are going to a party thrown by our hockey team the Red Wings tonight. We've been to this before and the buffet is AMAZING. I am promising myself that I am only choosing healthy and within-my-calories foods, and completely skipping the vast array of desserts. I can do this! :D

    Yesterday at Curves was Motivational Monday, and they had some pretty good quotes on the screen. I loved this one the best: Never throw in the towel.
    Use it to wipe off the sweat.
    Then get going again.

    Got to head to work, but am so glad I have all of you to lean on! Happy St Patrick's Day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Thanks wheatless. the more reasons people need to sign there name, I am in a group and we have a 87 year old lady who would give us heck
    if we did not sign our name. She is a hoot. love her
    .............. I tried Rachael name and it took me to a Rachel on the MFP Staff I was intrude by it turning blue and click on it and it sent you to there profile. I guess I would have to used Ray screen name to get to her pofile. But then all you have to do is click on her picture

    @Belinda So happy to hear from you. Saying a prayer for your brother Frank Missed you. Buffet sounds good..

    Connie how is your legs doing? Hope the knots are all gone.You are not going line dancing anymore?

    Becky by golly you stuck it out. yay for you now if I can stay off the scales till April 6th. I have been having ups and down with my blood pressure here lately. I did not know you needed salt when it was high, last It got down to 80/50 last week. and up to 158/80 a few times.. I am used to it being low like 103 /70 But not down to 80

    Ray I been missing you too.

    Stephanie...My week end is no worst than any other day.Which reminds me I need to go have breakfast It will be somple yogurt and fruit and chia seeds Water.
    have a wonderful day....Can't pinch me I posted my green
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    becky, I find it unbelievable that you had the discipline to stick this out, great job and I bet minus the little bp drop, you feel much better:)

    connie, great attitude, I think with the little tweaks and the cheat meal you will see a drop over the next couple of days! I did skip my cheat thus sunday because my little guy had the stomach flu and I just couldn't go for ice cream without him and really didn't have the appetite for it:( we will see what happens! hopefully I won't fall off the wagon before Friday weigh in!

    everyone have a great day!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning to everyone!
    I am a super happy camper, I was down .1 lb. so little but I fully expected a pound or more gain.
    I must have had a loss last Tuesday, I didn't weigh last week as I was out of town.

    Belinda, Good to have you back. I know Frank appreciates having a sister like you to go through
    this difficult time with him. Hope your team wins and good luck on temptations on buffet.

    Becky, You're doing great. Maybe you can get off bp meds with your weight loss.

    Connie, I bet you body is doing a reset since you are tweaking your food.


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Maire.. I tried yoga instead of line dancing today. I really needed to stretch my muscles. And let me tell you, it was a challenge! I still worked up a sweat! What kept me from being intimidated was the instructor saying " work within your own limitations". So I didn't feel bad about not being able to twist my body into a pretzel! :# The muscle knots are getting better since I have them massaged on Saturdays and I'm hoping the yoga helps, too.

    Nancy..good job and losing on vaycay is even better!

    Belinda..you and yours are in my prayers.

  • benians
    benians Posts: 6 Member
    @CALIECAT Lockhart is 20-30 minute drive from Austin. (: I've heard of Mesquite before! Which is unusual, because I'm most familiar with just West Texas and Austin area. I haven't done a whole lot of travelling around Texas, I'm afraid.

    But it's good to see such a lovely and supportive group going on here! Today I walked for 45 minutes. It's hard getting my exercise in when I'm home and not at my college (where exercise options are limitless). But I'm going back soon, and I can't wait for school to start back up so I can have more healthy eating options.