20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am down another pound today, a combination of the green smoothie (highly modified) and dragon boating yesterday!

    I had to really change it up yesterday as i was an all day dragon boat event in 90 degrees heat - no way could I have survived on a smoothie alone and still competed with my team!

    So my stats...

    Challenge start weight 205
    Current weight 194

    Loss of 11lbs so far

    I really couldn't be happier ;-)

    (Sunburnt in Singapore)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Nice! Great losses! I really am excited to see the tally in a couple of weeks. It should be pretty impressive!
  • eileenjez
    eileenjez Posts: 38 Member
    Wow everyone seems to be doing real good. Although I don't post much I sure do read it all. This has kept me going on days when I feel like quitting. Such positive reinforcement.
    This week I only lost .2 pounds but I'll take it. It's going in the right direction at least and it's below the 180 mark which I haven't been in a really long time.

    CW 179.6
    UGW 150


  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    It feels great dipping into those lower digits, doesn't it? :)
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Eileenjez-even though you dont post much, it dont matter. glad you have been motivated, and lost almost 6lbs, good for you being under 180, I am so close I will be there soon. Congratulations.
  • CaliforniaRower
    CaliforniaRower Posts: 187 Member
    robynrae_1 wrote: »
    I would love to join, my personal goal it to be at my "wedding" weight by my aniversay which is March 20

    GW (for challenge):204.0

    Happy anniversary (one day late!)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Sunday!

    (*) My, my there has been a lot of LOSING going on in the house! We are just about 2 weeks out from adding up the total pounds, and that is exciting! This been such a motivating and encouraging thread, and I know we can keep that going with our next challenge.

    Elieen..congrats on your loss! Post more often; we'd love to hear from you.
    Turtlez and Janice...good to "see" you guys!

    I am just peeking in before heading out to church. Cloudy and rainy today, but that's okay. I am up, moving, and being blessed! :)

    Make it a great Sunday, folks, and STAY STRONG!
    <3 Connie
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    SW: 237.7
    EGW: 181.9
    UGW: 163

    Jan 1 -201.9
    Jan 8- 201.3 (.6 loss)
    Jan 15 200.0 (1.9)
    Jan 22 197.3 (2.7)
    Jan 29 195.8 (1.5)
    Feb 28 195.5 (.3)
    Mar 8 194.7 (-.8)
    Mar 15 194.4 (-1.1)
    Mar 21 193.3 (-1.1)

    Pounds to Goal: 10.8
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Off to church this rainy Sunday morning.
    Hope you have a wonderful day.
    Good to see the loses, it motivates us all!!!

  • Kenea993
    Kenea993 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy Sunday.

    So yesterday I had a weak day. I worked a three hour shift where I did pretty much nothing but walking and then went to lunch with my fiance. I was so tired of looking up nutrition facts before offering and making him wait that I ordered a big fat cheese and bacon cheeseburger with fries and I didn't drink water. then we got dessert. I did have the sense to split it. then my parents wanted to try a pizza place so I went for it. we also did some shopping. I didn't tally everything in until after and was apprised that with all the walking I did I only came in less than 200 calories over. I did kind of guys on a few things the pizza place was a local chain so not in mfp. But today back on track. though I did have a large breakfast.
    Time to brush it off and get back on track. my mom and I are going to try a Latin dance video later today after cleaning house so that should be fun. she is also committing to go to Zumba the times a week. Which week also push me to go :)
    Going to the store today and I think I'm going to try and get sine things for fruit infused water and fruit smoothies :) pretty excited.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good morning.

    We have A birthday today.
    I'm burns123--March 22

    will send her a Happy Birthday wish by PM today
    if she happens in Happy Birthday I'mBurns have a great day
    Would love to hear from you to see how much you lost since signing up for this Thread. We will have our group weight in on April 6 Please come and join us.Would love to have you.

    This is for all the people that been following us on our jounery. if you have been encourage by reading our posting let us know how much you have lost. would love to know and add it in on our tally of the group
    This is a fantastic thread. The 4th of July Challenge will begin April 6 Please stay tunned to this thread for further information. <3 Marie

    PS I tried to send I'm Burns a note but did not go thru
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    Good morning.

    Eileen, great job!! 6 lbs is amazing!! .2 definitely counts, sometimes there is more waiting to fall off just around the corner!! I even feel like no gain is a win win!!!

    mrs. muckster, great progress!! you have lost so much weight!!

    connie and nancy, have a good sunday at church!!

    kenea, sometimes it is good to go off plan for a day. both mentally and physically. it feels good to get back into your routine the next day but treats are necessary to make us not feel deprived!

    today is my cheat day and I am trying to think of something worth cheating on? I actually feel really satisfied eating what I have been eating....need to think of something that is worth it? any thoughts of something good to cheat on? needs to have a decent amount of sugar? I skipped it last week, my son had stomach flu and I just never got around to it. it is important to reset the system.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2015
    Here is a nice article I got on my EMail this morning
    http://weightloss.about.com/od/Weight-Loss-Basics/tp/The-Singular-Truth-Behind-Diets-that-Work.htm................ it talks about energy balance I just read a little but plan on going back late today and finish reading it. And I do need some energy Balance. Got the diet balance work out pretty good now to work on the energy balance.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

    I'm having an internal pity-party today. Just feeling fat and down, and wishing for faster progress. But don't we all wish for that? I never go over on my calories, I don't do scheduled cheat days, I go to the gym 6-7 days a week, so a pound and a half of water weight popping up is just enough to depress a person. Just goes to show how much this is a mental state and not just a physical one.
    Oh well, off to the gym. Atleast I get to go visit my sister's cats later today! And of course, my sister. ;)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited March 2015
    Congratulations to all the losers!! Happy Birthday Burns123!

    I did stick to my main menu at dinner last night but then my hubby decided to order some appetizers for the table. So my main plan did not hold up all the way, but its over and today is a regular day and back on my plan.

    Rayw89- don't forget this is a journey not a race. Don't be too hard on yourself. We are human and things happen. Drink lots of water and you will lose the water before you know it.

    We are watching our friend's dog while they are visiting some family and then they will come back and pick up their dog. She is a good dog and she does miss them.

    So i am back on track today and learned another lesson at dinner last night. Just take one appetizer and be satisfied don't keep on going. (Discipline)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    rayw89 wrote: »
    I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

    I'm having an internal pity-party today. Just feeling fat and down, and wishing for faster progress. But don't we all wish for that? I never go over on my calories, I don't do scheduled cheat days, I go to the gym 6-7 days a week, so a pound and a half of water weight popping up is just enough to depress a person. Just goes to show how much this is a mental state and not just a physical one.
    Oh well, off to the gym. Atleast I get to go visit my sister's cats later today! And of course, my sister. ;)

    Stephanie, I hear your pain and am familiar with those feelings but you are doing well and the water weight will
    come off soon. Just hang in there, tomorrow you will feel better.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Stephanie......personally chocolate is my cheat food. If I don't have frosted brownies I like frosted graham crackers
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    rayw89 wrote: »
    I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday!

    I'm having an internal pity-party today. Just feeling fat and down, and wishing for faster progress. But don't we all wish for that? I never go over on my calories, I don't do scheduled cheat days, I go to the gym 6-7 days a week, so a pound and a half of water weight popping up is just enough to depress a person. Just goes to show how much this is a mental state and not just a physical one.
    Oh well, off to the gym. Atleast I get to go visit my sister's cats later today! And of course, my sister. ;)

    Some days are better than others..maybe your body is telling you it needs a rest day or two from all the exercise. Overtraining has a tendency to wear you down. Take a break..give your body time to recover.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited March 2015
    How do you block the ads that pop up in message box?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :D Congratulations to all of you who are sticking to your plans and losing weight. This is a long journey and has no short cuts.

    B) Stephanie, I don't have any cheat days. I follow my plan every day, but occasionally something comes up that is a bump in the road and I make a plan for how to navigate it and it usually involves eating something I don't normally eat. Because I am so careful all the rest of the time, the occasional change from my plan doesn't hurt my progress. Today I went to an event at a friend's house where I knew they would serve pizza. I decided ahead of time to eat two pieces of pizza and stay away from everything else. I enjoyed the pizza because it was something I have very rarely and didn't feel bad about myself because I had planned ahead and logged it into my food plan.

    <3 Barbie