20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    yes yes Connie the sooner the better. I just check on numbers Then you take a day off. it feels good to miss a day . do you the world of good too.
    Just today 96 for July challenge
    Easter...3500 4 months
    Julu 2,000 WE DID NOT BARGIN FOR THIS.MANY 2 weeks
    As of nowThere are other threads and groups maybefor them to join And I think if you go into Thanksiving we need to go as a group. At least you can control . another ideal send message to all the ones that posted in tally of Easter. At least you will have control who join. Just an ideal. maybe Ray could help out on notified the tally group if she is up to it. I know I am not.
    When the golden sneakerss went as a group they sent out pm to all that was posting on the thread. We could do that with the tally bunch just an ideal
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    My goof
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yes, I think the July 4th has become overwhelming. I just posted and there are new people again.

    It's up to you guys but I would stop it before it gets out of hand. There is no way to have a
    chat with all those people. Just saying.
    If you need help let me know.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Good question and I don't have a clue how it could be done. I was really just thinking out loud
    but if it continues with new ones everyday it could become more hectic.
    It is such a wonderful way to get support I hate to deny anyone help but it is so hard to connect with anyone
    with this amount of posts everyday???
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I have not posted on the 4th of July they yet. Will not till in the morning just wanted to know how many posters we are getting each day. An must say it has been pleasant.
    Connie what ever you decide I am behind you 100% it is headed up to 110 as of now.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    Will MFP close the thread at my request?

    How do we encourage those who have been there since the beginning? I could pm a couple because they are on my friends list.

    I could go back in this thread to find the old people who used to post regularly.

    If I say no more new people, and those people don't read it, they will still post.

    This is making me crazy!! :s

    Could we just rename this one or keep it going until next Easter? <3
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Wow!!! It is somewhat of a dilemma!!! I feel badly Connie if I started all of this. Please do
    what you feel in your heart is best and I am with you. You are so good at this and that is why
    we have such a big group but is shouldn't be a stressor for you.
    Nancy <3
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    You are right about they will post
    I have butted in too much already.So letting you guys decide what we should do. But I am behind you 100 % And I will follow you.
    here is an ideal, Someone post a nice message and go down from the 6 of April can click on their picture . we copy and paste a nice note to them everyone that tally up on the 6 of April and the week before. Sign a date to someone and let them paste the note after we made up our mind what we called it.. just the one that tally up
    just A suggestion
    Marie and let the july Thread roll with the tide They are far enough along to navigate themselves I really like the ideal of keeping the Easter bunch together. We can still read the July thread. and see how they are doing if we wish to.
    Marie I would not close it.

    Don't sweat it Connie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    Look a the comparisIodized Salt - Salt, 1/4 tsp 0 0 0 0 590 0 
    Wegmans - Garlic & Sea Salt, 1/4 tsp 0 0 0 0 295 0
    Garlick and sea salt is better for you If you are watchin your sedum If this is correct
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I did not post on the July challenge thread today. to see how many posters we are having We ended up with 131posters since last and to rest my eyes and to escape from all of it.
    Good going Connie proud of you.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Hey everyone. I too find the July 4th overwhelming. I miss my Easter buddies. What did ya'll decide to do? Are we going to keep posting here on Easter?
    Ruthie in rainy Georgia
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi guys. I agree the July challenge is YIKES!!!!!!!!!!! And mostly newbies that want to look good for their vacation. That is not what the challenge started out as. It was a way to keep encouraging us losers who really don't care about what we look like to get a little healthier. I may wear a size 18-20 but I still trot around in a swimsuit and I really don't care if I look like Shamu. But a black suit with pasty white skin....... Yeah. Anyway.

    So I got a call from a friend last night to see if I was willing to babysit her 3 yr old today. She comes at 645 am. So we dropped my kids at school then we went for a drive to look for a Gerry boat because my husband said his ferry would be coming in around 8. He called about 830 and said they would be in at one. So then it was time to go help out in the pool locker room for kindergarten swim lessons. After that we went to the library for story time. Then to the ferry for lunch. After that it was time to get my girls from school. My poor little one tucked herself into bed and sleep for 2 hours. Sadly I passed out in the chair while mine were doing homework. I wasn't able to go swimming today or use the cross trainer at the gym but my legs are shot!!! I have no idea why they hurt so much!! I only walked 5200 steps today. Don't know how or where I went to do that. I have never been able to hit 10000 steps. The most I have done is 7300 when I had to mow the lawn.

    If I may toss my opinion in ....... We are already keeping this thread going. If we just message those who were on here for Easter and keep the name the same but shoot for the fourth it will deter others from joining because they will think Easter is past...... Anyway. Just my opinion. Thanks for at least hearing it.

    And unfortunately no loss this week for me so far but I have had a few salty days so hopefully by Monday I should see something. And my husband ...... He is amazed at how I look in the 10 days since he has seen me.
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good evening ladies,

    ester, you made me laugh, I love that you parade around in a bathing suit and don't give a s%^t. I wish I had that kind of confidence. I don't know if it is about size as much as confidence. I agree we all want to feel good and I keep saying balanced, healthy but enjoying life:)

    oh, who knew what a trendsetter connie would turn out to be, you could run for president and 3/4 of mfp will vote for you:) I love that there is such a big following but there is very little substance being posted. I like our small group. my vote is we keep checking in through next week and see what happens. I think it should die down a little.....

    I have a really busy day tomorrow. lots of cookies to make and deliver and then I'm in charge of social dance for my 12 yr old son. it is dance lessons for his entire grade, very awkward. one of the little girl's mom called me to tell me about a condition her daughter has where her hands sweat excessively. I felt so bad as she is very self conscious about it and didn't think she could participate. I spoke to the dance teacher and she is going to bring white gloves for the girls to purchase if they would like. seems so formal but if it makes this girl feel better, I'm all for it.

    tomorrow is weigh in day and it has been a while since I have posted a loss. I am hoping for something:)

    have a great night,
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Thanks steph. I learned along time ago that I was a black sheep. I am tall (5'10) big feet (men's 13 shoe) blonde. Curls. Slightly headstrong. Irish polish German. Built like a brick s*+#% house. So I decided that if you don't like how I am or how I look..... Go away. Because I really don't care. Now it is rubbing off on my children. And that's ok. At least I know they won't end up anorexic b*+*%%#s just to fit in.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I agree with everyone else, lets keep posting on this thread. I enjoy all of you and your comments, lets get some weight off, I feel the other thread has been , taking to much of our time keeping up with all the post. I will still try to post some to motivate, on the other thread, just not let it consume me.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    P.S. 5 more people joined after you closed it, its crazy.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Esther, that must be such a hard thing to watch. I know it makes me feel sad for the person when I see someone who is really obese, but I can only
    imagine it's much harder when it's a family member. I hope it clicks for her soon, she must be miserable. :(

    Shirley, that picture is so nice. <3

    Stephanie, I need to try those brussel sprouts. As far as I know I only like them when they're covered in American cheese. It's been a while
    since I tried them though. I need to see how my "adult" tastebuds react. Have you ever seen them while still on the stalk they grow on? They're
    so pretty!

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    one of the little girl's mom called me to tell me about a condition her daughter has where her hands sweat excessively. I felt so bad as she is very self conscious about it and didn't think she could participate. I spoke to the dance teacher and she is going to bring white gloves for the girls to purchase if they would like. seems so formal but if it makes this girl feel better, I'm all for it.


    I have that same condition. It's called Hyperhidrosis, which basically means "excessive sweating". The hands are called "Palmar Hyperhidrosis", I have it for the hands and the feet. It makes it really difficult and uncomfortable to wear shoes without socks, like heels or sandals. When I was younger I had a pair of knock-off Croc shoes, and I couldn't wear them "normally" because I literally would slip from sweating in them. Having it with the hands is really difficult sometimes too. Especially in hand-shake situations. And leaving sweat beads on things you touch is awkward. Unfortunately it also couples with swelling of the hands and feet sometimes for me. Or, cold, sweaty hands. It's not a fun thing to have, and it's harder as a kid. So I really feel for her. I think she'll be really relieved to have gloves. If you want you can tell her about me, so she knows it's a thing and there are a lot of people that have it. :) I've still managed to make friends and get a husband. ;)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    one of the little girl's mom called me to tell me about a condition her daughter has where her hands sweat excessively. I felt so bad as she is very self conscious about it and didn't think she could participate. I spoke to the dance teacher and she is going to bring white gloves for the girls to purchase if they would like. seems so formal but if it makes this girl feel better, I'm all for it.


    I have that same condition. It's called Hyperhidrosis, which basically means "excessive sweating". The hands are called "Palmar Hyperhidrosis", I have it for the hands and the feet. It makes it really difficult and uncomfortable to wear shoes without socks, like heels or sandals. When I was younger I had a pair of knock-off Croc shoes, and I couldn't wear them "normally" because I literally would slip from sweating in them. Having it with the hands is really difficult sometimes too. Especially in hand-shake situations. And leaving sweat beads on things you touch is awkward. Unfortunately it also couples with swelling of the hands and feet sometimes for me. Or, cold, sweaty hands. It's not a fun thing to have, and it's harder as a kid. So I really feel for her. I think she'll be really relieved to have gloves. If you want you can tell her about me, so she knows it's a thing and there are a lot of people that have it. :) I've still managed to make friends and get a husband. ;)