20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    I really like the way this group is so focused oh healthy eating and just working our way towards a healthy lifestyle. Don't get me wrong I would love to look banging in a bikini in August but it's more important to make it a full lifestyle change than a quick fix.

    I think the whole yoga manta is starting to click with me. How you should honor your mind and your body and to honor them you should live healthily and cleanly. I think it's a good goal to live by


    I went to Yoga class this morning and love it every time I am there. I got on a sweat this morning,
    she had us doing a standing pigeon or floating pigeon. I had to use a block when bending over.
    Normally no problem reaching the floor and lot of downward dogs and sun salutations. She is trying
    to wake up the body, like Spring. I also signed up for 15 more classes, so that makes doing yoga
    twice a week since September. I do feel stronger than when I started.

    So nice to see all you guys here again. I was not feeling the love in the other group but I like the
    smaller and more intimate group here. :D

    I will post my weight loss which was only .02 lb this week. Not a large amount but hope next
    week will be better. Still grasping at the goal.

    After class I took my MIL out for lunch and I had an egg salad sandwich with greens and whole grain
    bread, cheddar and ale soup and coffee decaf.

    CONNIE - If you continue another thread maybe you can make it a "group"
    and then you can stop it at any time. I think MFP can do that for you.
    Keep on saying that this thread is closed each day and then maybe they will get
    the hint. I think most of them are not reading it. I entered my weight this morning
    and after your message there were still more people. :s
    Enjoy the rest of your day.


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thank you Marie, I'm glad I posted too, it seems like everyone felt the same and missed this threads smaller group, now we are all able to communicate and see how everyone is doing, I didnt have a loss today, in fact up alittle.

    Ray-what a great loss, you are killing it! Did you do anything special this week or different?

    Shirley-.2 loss is better than nothing, good luck next week, I'm sure you will do better, are you still doing your south beach?

    Connie-I wouldnt worry about starting another thread, that one is going and there are lots of people that can motivate each other, you have done wonderful. I will occassionally post on there, still. Someone on there was just talking about adding another thread, named Lex. I just was on there and seen it, so I came back to add that to this post.

    Welcome back everyone, enjoy your weekend.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Woohoo..... The land of misfit weight losers B) Good one Marie! Hahaha

    So glad everyone is back together again :) I couldn't read far enough every day to see what my friends were up to, and there is just no way to respond to everyone over there. I am sure they will keep it going and it is just going to be fine..... There are some dedicated folks there. I'll probably pop in once in a while.

    Meanwhile..... So nice to catch up with all. I decided I need a break from my house reno, so I think we are heading to the beach tomorrow night to catch a show and maybe hit the casino. I need to be home early Sunday, but my sweet fella enjoys a good poker game once in a blue moon, and I'm a good cheerleader although I don't have a clue how to play......

    Love the looks of the avocado pasta recipe Marie!! That one is going on my list for sure. Today I am trying a pomegranate balsamic chicken recipe. Gotta keep things interesting <3

    Have a fabulous Friday everyone! We have sunshine today so I'm heading to the great outdoors :)

  • vicky1947mfp
    vicky1947mfp Posts: 1,527 Member
    @Sandcastles61 - which beach do you go to, Tami?
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Okie Dokie..a new discussion thread is open July Part 2 with directions given to go to the group! Yay!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited April 2015
    Connie is this group discussing New. I have not heard of it. What a relief. to All of us. I always thouht you had to join a group and be accepted But this is listed on the community thread I am lost. Something new.?
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    @Sandcastles61 - which beach do you go to, Tami?

    This weekend we are going to Chinook Winds at Lincoln City on the Oregon coast. We go clamming frequently out of Long Beach on the Washington coast and also spend time in the Gray's Harbor area.....

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Marie, yes, our traveling days have come to an end and we are home in GA after 20 months being away. I will miss some of the traveling but for now I am very happy to be home.
    I hope keeping our Easter group small will motivate me more than I gave been.

    Must log food everyday. It makes such a difference but I haven't this week.

    Connie, thank you for taking care of all of us!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I lost 4 lbs of the extra pounds I put on during our trip and my water retention. cause by my congestive heart Failure issue and extra sodium while we were gone.. So another lb to go. hope to have it off by net Friday.

    And must admit I am confuse by this new Thread? Group? thing but willing to learn I though a group you had to join and be accepted anxious to keep an eye on it and see how it pan out. us old folks learn something new everyday.
    I am glad to be back with the original thread of Easter.
    Connie is serving us well. Bless her hearth

    But now to get down to business.
    my meals today
    Breakfast....Greek yogurt, Fresh strawberries, chia seeds Coffee

    Lunch Stir fry frozen vegies with a new chicken I found at walmart. It was call pulled chicken Tyson brand.

    Dinner yogurt and fruit will be rasberries and chia seeds,

    Snack if needed gluten free cinnamon toast and whipped cream cheese
    Lots of water.
    A walk after dinner

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    tenpets wrote: »


    I think increasing your calories on the LCHF plan sounds like it might work better for allowing a loss. I've been focused on the <20 net carbs and let the calories be what they are. My big downfall is that I enjoy wine with dinner which undermines the plan. So, I'm going to try to eliminate it entirely for a few weeks and see if it improves my losses. I am thrilled that my BF% is heading in the downward direction and I can see that I am looking a bit leaner in wiggly places. LOL :wink:

    I hope it works! Today was weird. I was busy and not hungry, so I haven't had very much to eat. Chicken is roasting in the oven, and I have salad. I know that will fill me up and end the day pretty low. But I'm more comfortable with that now, because tomorrow will make up for it. I'm learning to eat according to my hunger level. Hallelujah, sometimes I'm not hungry! :)

    So great that your wiggly places are looking leaner. I still wave in the breeze... ;)
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I lost 4 lbs of the extra pounds I put on during our trip and my water retention. cause by my congestive heart Failure issue and extra sodium while we were gone.. So another lb to go. hope to have it off by net Friday.

    And must admit I am confuse by this new Thread? Group? thing but willing to learn I though a group you had to join and be accepted anxious to keep an eye on it and see how it pan out. us old folks learn something new everyday.
    I am glad to be back with the original thread of Easter.
    Connie is serving us well. Bless her hearth

    But now to get down to business.
    my meals today
    Breakfast....Greek yogurt, Fresh strawberries, chia seeds Coffee

    Lunch Stir fry frozen vegies with a new chicken I found at walmart. It was call pulled chicken Tyson brand.

    Dinner yogurt and fruit will be rasberries and chia seeds,

    Snack if needed gluten free cinnamon toast and whipped cream cheese
    Lots of water.
    A walk after dinner

    Way to go, Marie!! 4lbs is a wonderful loss.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Connie is this group discussing New. I have not heard of it. What a relief. to All of us. I always thouht you had to join a group and be accepted But this is listed on the community thread I am lost. Something new.?

    That thread is ONLY to direct folks to the new group..no posting there. There are no invites..you can just click on the link , open it, and post if you want.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    So I just read the posts on the July thread. I noticed a few of the newbies griping about a gazillion posts every time they looked at it. So the new July pt 2 is it going to wind up so overwhelming too?
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    So I just read the posts on the July thread. I noticed a few of the newbies griping about a gazillion posts every time they looked at it. So the new July pt 2 is it going to wind up so overwhelming too?

    It's just open to direct people to the groups... They won't read the post for them to go to the group!!! Some are still trying to join on the old thread!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I went but do not understand it.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2015
    Okay ladies I have officially joined the JULY 4TH GROUP. I will post my weight there and chat on
    this thread from the old Easter group. That will make things easier for me.

    As far as the July 4th other thread goes I will opt out of the that one, too many people.

    Marie - Wow , 4 lbs. that is great work. I am jealous! :D
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited April 2015
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I went but do not understand it.

    The group is broken into 3 threads just like our 1:1:1 group. I saw your post there! :) You can start a thread on there if you want.

    Congrats on your loss, Marie!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    @Marie 4 pounds is awesome! You go, girl! Sounds like you've found what really works for you.

    I've kind of lost track of how you all are coming along, but now that we're here I'll catch up. Have to say, this is much more enjoyable than a huge group. I like my misfit status! ;)

    Since Friday was my old weigh-in day, I'll keep it.

    SW: 220 (for July4 challenge)
    CW: 218.2
    GW: 199 (this challenge)
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    Okay ladies I have officially joined the JULY 4TH GROUP. I will post my weight there and chat on
    this thread from the old Easter group. That will make things easier for me.

    As far as the July 4th other thread goes I will opt out of the that one, too many people.

    Marie - Wow , 4 lbs. that is great work. I am jealous! :D

    The old 4th thread should die off as folks are being directed to the group by clicking the link.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hello everyone....
    Hope you have had a good day since things are settling down!!!
    I think I will only be posting here and on 1:1:1 with my family.
    Been another busy day and then we went out in the boat late this afternoon.
    Was so nice and was my first time out this year.
    Sweet dreams!!!