20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all you beautiful ladies:)

    so I am still working on the "healthy" cookie. this may take some time!

    @Shirley61 great news! I bet you are relieved and feel so much better!
    @SeeAhtter787 omg!! that is unbelievable! can you send some of your weight loss magic over here!!

    trying to stay out of my son's social drama, it could drive me to EAT!!! I never thought there would be drama with boys but this grade is tough! my daughter had much less!

    have a good night and get some rest! and wake up lighter:)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    @Shirley61 Your doctors visit sounds like it went so well! You knocked out diabetes? You should be so proud of your hard work. :)

    @SeeAhtter787 You're dropping pounds on pounds! You're awesome! :D

    @barbiecat I'm starting to enjoy the milestones myself. Though my goal is still a ways away, it's also kind of really close, I'm 13 lbs. away. :D I'm finally seeing my thighs get smaller, and other people can see the difference now, which is really nice. I saw my mom yesterday and at first she didn't say anything about my loss, but after talking for a bit she said "You've lost a lot of weight!". She said she hoped I'd tell her there was a magic pill I'd found, so that she could use it. Haha. I also saw a friend I haven't seen in years, and was happy that I'm back down to the weight he knew me at. And the ladies at my apartment office gushed over me the other day, and told me people could definitely see my results. They've been very kind with compliments throughout this process. I'm also steadily cycling through my pant sizes, fitting into smaller clothes is so much fun. :)

    @cristina0000 I say definitely take your blender with you! That's an awesome idea! I'm definitely going to steal that idea for my next trip.

    @tenpets Your garden sounds wonderful. I know my husband would love to have a garden like that. And your potato method sounds great, how do you do it?
    Your grandson is so sweet! I'm glad he had such a fun time. :)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited May 2015
    So yesterday I had a cheat night at my sister's cards party. I was disappointed because I couldn't eat as much as I wanted, and I mean I literally couldn't. My appetite and stomach have decreased so much. She made these brownies with caramel and chocolate chips and walnut halves, they were sooo good, and I could only manage to eat about 1. I had all kinds of things last night, including hashbrown casserole(yuuummmm). The first half of today was a strange feeling of wanting to just grab foods around and eat them, it's a weird symptom after a cheat day. I also felt excessively exhausted, I just wanted to crawl back to bed and sleep, I almost didn't even go to the gym. Luckily I went to the gym anyway. I almost fell asleep in class tonight also. I'm going to assume it was my body's after-response to yesterday's sugar levels. After everything though, today I came in at my calorie goal and met my calories-burned goal, and today turned out to be "normal" I just kept telling myself "Just go back to normal and let yesterday roll off". I think that's how I will be handling normal living splurges, since this is a lifestyle and not a diet. Tomorrow night I'm going to a friend's for dinner, so I plan on going over on calories again. I'm thinking I'm even going to make a berry pie to take over with me. Then it's back on track every day until next weekend, when I have a wedding and of course then Mother's Day. The pool here opens toward the end of the month(I can't believe it's MAY already), so hopefully I'll still see pounds drop by then, in between all the cheat days. :P

    On the none-scale front, my husband and I are looking into buying a house. I hope we're able to get pre-qualified soon, I have several houses picked out that I want to go look at. I hope we'll have a little piece of land soon to plant our own garden on. :)


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Shirley What cute Issac.. No wonder you love to hold him.

    sorry so short but my left side is numb , Has been since I had my stoke back in 2002 more so so I am spending more time correcting my spelling
    I did not take a muscle relaxer pill and not going to take anymore I think they are doing more harm than good.t slept most of the day so I am up early like 2 AM. Drinking water wide awake . Slept most of the day. Yesterday and watch John Wayne movie last night.
    now a new problems I am not peeing much so my kidneys act like they are shutting down Which my docter said they will do. So may have to go on dialysis having a terrible time spelling that word.
    Sorry so glummy this morning
    Closing and go see if I can play solitare for now on the internet


  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Great news on all the losses ladies !!

    You are so inspirational. ;-)


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Friday!

    :) Ray..."I think that's how I will be handling normal living splurges, since this is a lifestyle and not a diet."...good attitude and spot on for all of us!

    :) Maire...please take care of yourself!

    :) Stephanie...I know you will create something good. Teenage drama is just that...drama. It will pass..try not to stress!

    :) Gym day for me..not feeling it, but going anyway.

    Stay strong!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif Rachel, I stopped doing cheat days and splurges when I found out how bad I felt after eating a lot of the foods that I knew weren't good for me.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    4 hours later after wake up= Done had breakfast Had 4 glasses of water
    So far no corrections of spelling, 3 bathroom trips no shakes on my left side yesterday I spill coffee on my computer, drop a diet Dr. Pepper getting out of refrigerated Not sleepy. That's make me happy Rough Day yesterday
    all of you Misfits have a beautiful day. We suppose to have a nice day.

    <3 Marie
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies.

    Marie I am happy to hear today is a better day.

    Connie you are so inspirational going to the gym even when you would rather not.

    Esther you are on fire!!

    Steph healthy cookies can be done. I make them for my kids but am looking for a recipe that does NOT have banana in it. I like bananas but can't handle the banana taste in my cookie.

    Rachel house hunting is exciting. Where do you live again? Houses here (GA) are flying off the market some with as many as 10 back up offers. I am sure the frenzy will calm down soon, though.

    Yesterday was my first full day of logging in awhile. I also played tennis and did a 25 min. Dvd workout. Get up this morning to a slight bump up on the scale. Grrrrrrrrr I am not going to let it distract me from my plan and goals though. I am back full force.

    Great Day ahead!
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    SW 183
    SW CW 166.8
    CW 162.8
    GW 145
    UGW 120

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    @CALIECAT I'm so glad you're feeling better today. I worry for you, I hate that you have to go through so much with your health. :( Keep drinking that water and push those kidneys to work.

    @lovesretirement Great strength pushing through the gym even when you don't feel like it, that's what leads to success! I know for myself I'm always so much happier that I pushed through rather than sit one out.

    @JLoRuthie I live in Kentucky. The nicer homes in the area we're in right now are well out of our budget, so we're looking in more rural areas, about 30 minutes from here. The homes nearby also normally come with only a Lot, or less. The more rural homes can get us an acre or two, which is what we'd like. I think my husband is the type that will somewhat enjoy mowing his lawn. :) I love watching "House Hunters" on HGTV, and they shop in GA a lot.
    barbiecat wrote: »
    Rachel, I stopped doing cheat days and splurges when I found out how bad I felt after eating a lot of the foods that I knew weren't good for me.
    This was my problem the first couple of times, just extreme discomfort and misery the day after. I think I'm beginning to learn my limits for splurging, Each time I seem to eat less and less, because I know I'll feel unwell if I over do it. And my appetite seems to be catching up to the same concept, because I was physically unable to gorge on Wednesday. One day I may be to where you are, whether I like it or not, because my stomach is starting to be in control. :)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - Please take care of yourself. Maybe at this time you should quit the 5/2 eating plan. I would check with
    your doctor first because that would definitely affect your insulin. Please take care of yourself.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-so sorry you are feeling bad, I hope things get better for you. Janice
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Hope all of you are having a great day.

    Ben and I have been out gathering supplies to start a project of redoing
    our screened porch. It is need of repair so we decided to just redo the whole thing.

    Got my exercise in today although I wanted to talk myself out of doing it.

    Marie, I am concerned about your health. Hope you are not cutting too many
    calories and eating enough of good food. Take care of yourself.

    Connie, Hope everything is going ok for you.

    Nancy <3
  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    Take care Marie x
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Saturday!

    Sunshine and blue skies here today! B) I don't have too much planned as it is a rest day for me. I am going to get a massage later this morning.

    I hope all is well with you guys.

    Stay strong!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    It's a beautiful day here too I plan a walk later today. We are having Home Depot guy this morning for measuring our
    downstairs for carpeting.

    Last night we went to a fundraiser with friends. Food was salty so scale was up this morning and will be drinking lots of water. A better eating day today.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    feel like I have been MIA. Such a busy time of year with my kids, spring sports, cookies, everything!! hope you are all well! Still working on that healthy cookie, looking for no sugar, no gluten and protein. it is challenging, especially the consistency.

    the scale has been hovering around 150 for me and some days, 149, so I I just took the 1 lb loss that I saw this morning because I figure it has been all of my test baking that is keeping it around 150, haha. hope that motivates me to stay on track.

    Shirley, sure it is water retention

    Connie, good to see you!! are you still doing the shakes? you should try the protein powder I use< really good and less carbs.

    marie, hope you are feeling well!

    nancy, happy spring!

    ester, my birthday is the day before yours, hope we are still communicating and chugging along on our journey:)

    Rachel and Sunny, great losses this week!!

    anyone else I forgot because I didn't scroll back that far, hope you are well and enjoy your weekend!! get some rest and make smart choices, feel like I am talking to my kids, haha.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning
    Hope all of you have a fun and productive day.
    I will be shopping and doing laundry today.
    Have a great weekend .
    Connie enjoy your massage.
    Beautiful day!!!
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Happy Saturday!
    It's warm and sunny here today. We stayed out super late last night/this morning, and accidentally slept really late into the day. Yesterday was definitely another splurge day, but now it's back to normal until the wedding next Saturday. I'm trying to figure something out for Mother's Day, I was going to go see my mom the day of, but her work decided to do 2 "Friends & Family" events in a row, for two Sundays in a row, so now they're having the moms work til 10:00 p.m. on Mother's Day. They get worse and worse as a company every year.
    I've drank 3 cups of water in the last hour, and finishing off by 18g protein bar, then off to the gym! I'm hoping with the normal week ahead of me I'll feel in tip-top shape for the weekend! Monthly bloat is coming on but that should be gone by then too.

    Hope everyone has a successful day!
