20 pounds by Easter challenge



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    I will try again to post. Had good news this morning lost 3 pounds . So this crazy plan I am on is working. Ism making ban soup for my lunch blood sugar was 82..
    Going grocery shopping soon we have a busy week of errors this week I pick up my new hearing aides Thursday. I have a doctor appointment Wednesday Jerry has one tomorrow.

    Esther I often wonder how you get in so many steps with your bad knees.. You just got wha it takes. Can,t get a good woman down.
    Have a great day every one.

    Love Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    B) Yay, Marie! 3 pounds is fantastic!

    @eatless83 Posting sometimes keeps me from falling into the bottomless abyss! My "stay strong" mantra is beginning to wear a little thin, however, I will keep writing it and repeating it in my head. B)

    I DO feel like whining, complaining, and being negative, but like you, I do not want to spread negativity. ;)

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Faye - You are not the only one not losing, I am up then down, then up then down. I have been doing this for about 6 weeks now. Getting tired of it. Try changing something up that you are doing and maybe the scale will
    change. Change just one thing that might be putting extra pounds on. Just a suggestion, remember baby steps.
    It took us not long to put this weight on, but its hell to take it off.

    Esther - Housebound? who said that your doctor? How could you possibly do that with your schedule.

    Janice - So sorry to hear of any animal passing. It's always so sad to lose a family member. <3

    Ray- Hang in there about the house. Remember if you don't get it, it was not meant to be. I know how
    much you want this. Good luck on the outcome.

    Marie - So happy to hear about your insulin levels getting better. Something is definitely working.
    Good luck with new computer purchase.

    Becky - Hope your new eating plan works for you and you have success. :D 1200 calories is just too low
    for me. I am between 1300 and 1400 most days.

    Today was Yoga class and I tried meditation sitting on a meditation bench and it was great. I have been having
    some problems sitting cross legged and getting cramps in my hip and that just takes away from the
    concentration and being in the moment. All I can think of is the pain in my hip. The bench was awesome
    you sit on a bench and your legs go under the bench with no twinges or anything. Trouble is there is
    only one bench and I have to share it. I am thinking of getting my husband to make a bench for me at home too,
    He doesn't know it yet. ;)

    Looking like rain today and I have laundry to do, enjoy your day.

  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,

    so I'm going to be the voice of reason here!! what about all the other reasons, besides the # on the scale< that we are doing this??? we want to feel good ultimately, it should be about how we feel, not just about what we weigh. I know that I am a prisoner to the scale just as much, if not more, than the rest of you. I just don't want to be that anymore!!!! it should not and will not dictate my mood for the day. I think there is something to not weighing yourself everyday:)

    I do understand the frustration but connie came up with like twenty other ways to measure our successes! need to remember those:) also, don't you feel so much better since you committed to this way of life than you did before when you would wake up, guilt ridden as you dragged yourself on to the scale only to feel so down about what you saw. think how far we have all come since starting this. this is not just about losing physical weight, it is about losing the mental weight as well!! celebrate your victories:) NOT GAINING is just as positive as losing, don't forget that.

    ok that is my lecture for the day!! my son and my husband are leaving for Tennessee in the morning, my son is competing in global finals. I need to stay home with my daughter as she can't miss a week of high school:) need to get him/them ready, so excited for him!!


  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    what about all the other reasons, besides the # on the scale< that we are doing this???
    Oh yeah! I forgot there are more reasons! Haha! It really is something, when I stop to think about it. The pure misery I used to experience after binging at night before bed, and the blah that followed the next morning and day. All the empty commitments made before bed to change everything the next day. All the stomach pains I used to have! I've had lots of concern in the past about if there was something wrong with my colon and it's functions, I've worried about cancer or polyps, just because of issues I've experienced with digestion, etc. But now that I've upped my water intake consistently and cut down on the amount of "junk" I consume, those worries have been thrown out. My body is functioning so much better, my stomach rarely ever hurts anymore(compared to pretty much daily before), and of course I can actually feel that I'm lighter. I think my body probably appreciates not carrying around the extra baggage. And last but not least, fitting into smaller clothes! Oh yeah! :D

    Faye, are you weighing/measuring and logging all your food accurately? Healthy eating habits can still equal too many calories consumed.

    Thanks, Shirley!

    Marie, I'm so excited for your results! I love that this is working so well for you!

    Connie, stay strong, stay strong, stay strong!!!
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited May 2015
    @CALIECAT Marie, I have started drinking a plant based protein powder. It is the Costco vitamin organic brand. I love it. I thought I would hate it.

    Helps me get more protein in.

    Might be something you would like. I mix mine with about 4 ounces of water.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ruthie where would I find this plant base protein powder .?
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Janice, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved pet :'( It always takes me a few weeks to get over the loss of one of our pets. They really are our babies. {HUGS} <3

    Marie, great job on losing 3 lb!!! So, you are simply avoiding meat and dairy? Love that your blood sugar is in the normal range. That's huge! <3

    Ray, I hope things work out well for you two with the house! Keep us posted. <3

    Stephanie, good reminder about looking at the other positives. <3

    I've done well logging everything the past two days and I've logged through dinner today. One day at a time...

    I plan to start doing my Chalene Extreme weight lifting DVDs this weekend. Step by step... I'll weigh in on Friday to allow myself to get a bit more back on track.

    Have a great day everyone!! <3

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Ruthie we don,t have a Costco close to us but we have a gmc and they advertise a plant bast protein will check that out.. I thought all this fruit I am eating would raise my blood sugar n but I found out that is not the case. So. A plant base shake sound Delish.
    Marie thanks
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon misfits,
    I have really missed my friends for much of last week.
    Our screened porch project is moving along quite well. Lots of things we had to deal with but
    it is very manageable now and I feel so much less stressed. Really sore knees but doing well.

    Janice, So sorry to hear that Princess has passed over the rainbow. Hope your sister recovers soon.
    That's a lot to deal with at one time.

    Marie, So happy you have found something that is working for you and wish more of us could find the right

    Connie, I so much feel your frustration. We have been in the same boat for awhile now.

    Steph, I hope you get the house you have dreamed of. As a former part time realtor I can remember
    so many times that my clients just knew when the walked in the door that it was their house.

    Ester, Shirley, Becky, Ruthie, Faye, Rachel, Sunny and anyone I missed hope you are doing well.

    Have been reading all posts but was too tired to respond.

    Nancy <3
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited May 2015
    This is a picture of our screened porch project. Got a ways to go with windows etc.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    A lovely patio it did come upside down on my tablet but I keep turning it. Very nice.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    That's a big job, Nancy! It's such a blessing that you and your hubby can do it yourselves..saves money!!
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, My hubby thinks we can do any project.
    I keep reminding him I am about 4' 10.5" tall and I cannot reach anything without a ladder and that is what bothers my knees.
    We are saving a lot of money.
    Nancy <3
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Shirley61 wrote: »
    A lovely patio it did come upside down on my tablet but I keep turning it. Very nice.

    Shirley, Thanks. Sorry it is upside down.

  • eatless83
    eatless83 Posts: 158 Member
    @eyegirl777va - looks like a big project Nancy! I will be wonderful when it's completed :-)
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited May 2015
    @CALIECAT Marie, sorry I am just now logging back in. Do you have publix grocery stores? I can find plant/bean based protein powder there, too. The unfortunate thing is the powder is very expensive but one serving of mine is 2 scoops and I only do between 1 and 1.5 to stretch it out.

    It has helped curb my appetite and is supposed to help build muscle (protein). I usually only drink it 5 days a week, again to make it last longer.

    There are lots of flavors to choose from but the one I have from vitamix does not have any additional flavor.

    Maybe on the vitamix site it is for sale?

    I am so encouraged by how much your blood sugar has stabilized.

  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited May 2015
    @CALIECAT Marie above is the link to what I like. Unfortunately it costs $27 online but $18 at Costco. Hopefully you can find a similar vegan protein for a good price.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm feeling really sad tonight. That house made me want to cry from the beginning and it's holding strong to the end. The lady selling it is dealing with an emotional battle and despite the fact she claims she wants to sell it, she really doesn't. She goes back and forth, and won't let any serious buyers buy it, basically. It's something she needs to get straightened out because it's not fair to anyone. It's not going to appraise for what her bottom line is, and she refuses to go below her magic number. Well, I'm sorry, but if 8 years ago you bought it for $86,000, don't expect it to appraise at $134,000 now. It's a beautiful, magnificently maintained home, but it's not in a high priced neighborhood, which means it will not go for that much. She refuses to do any negotiating on anything, and refuses to cover any percentage of closing costs, and just won't budge beyond her stubbornness. She's turned down offers without even knowing the dollar amount offered, so for just no reason. There have already been 2-3 buyers recently whose sale fell through, and now I know why. She didn't even let them get as far as the appraisal process. She's moving to a different state to be closer to family, and has a budget in mind for her new house, and refuses to sell her current house for anything less than what she plans to spend on her new house. Well I'm sorry, but it doesn't work that way. You either want to sell, or you don't. We'd be happy to give her full asking price for it, but the bank isn't going to allow that for anyone. *sigh* Anyway, we've decided to leave it alone for a month, and if it's still available at that time, we'll give her another push. Until then we'll still keep our eyes open.

    Nancy your patio looks really nice! :)
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm sorry about the house hunting Ray. I'm sure something positive will happen soon.

    But on another note I have walked (according to my Fitbit) 9999 steps. What are the chances of stopping on that number? But it is only 6:30 pm here so I have a few more trips to the fridge for water and a few more trips to the "outhouse" so I will once again be over 10000 steps today. My husband will be able to take the pups for their morning constitutional tomorrow so I am off the hook. I get to go swimming and help out with testing at my youngest daughters class.
