20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thanks everyone for your condolences over my dog, its been a hard 3 weeks. I have been like several others that are not moving much, I am trying not to let life get in the way of trying to lose weight. I am needing to reduce my calories, I have been at 1490 calories and adding in my fit gear numbers and eating and drinking, to where I am basically staying the same.

    @rayw89 -so sorry this house has you upset, hopefully the realtor will be able to reason with her, it sounds like she really doesnt want to move to be closer to family and is just trying to prolong it. I would keep looking and maybe something better will come up, she sounds like trouble and this is only at the beginning, or maybe she will come to her senses.

    @eyegirl777va -Nancy your patio is looking nice, I'm sure you and your husband will spend alot of time enjoying it. Dont work too hard.

    @CALIECAT -glad to see you have lost 3 more pounds and feeling better, my son and one of my sisters have type one diabetes and I have dealt with blood sugars alot, my son was only 14 months old when he was diagnosed and was on shots since then, until he got a pump. Be careful, I dont want you to go too low, with your numbers going down, that has been something that I have seen happen more than I care to remember, with both of them.

    @Shirley61 - glad the weather is good so you and your husband can go boating, I remember that is something you do alot.
    Have fun and be careful.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thank you Janice and Esther. I think the realtor is almost at her wits end, she's the second realtor to represent this woman and her house. Hopefully we will have another chance at it in the future. I just am so frustrated with the way people behave sometimes. And on top of that, in an odd move, our realtor broke up with us. Haha. She carefully, and in the nicest way possible, told me that we are very detailed and that she is not detailed like us, and would feel more comfortable with us working with another lady in their agency. I'm really not sure why I'm having such bad luck with realtors. The ones I've talked to before either never responded to me again, or said they'd call back in 15 minutes and then never did. I really can't figure out why.

    I wish I had something to measure my steps like you, Esther! I'd like to get one of the fancy fitbits one day. Like the ones that measure your sleep quality, etc.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    I'm just peeking in for a quick moment...running a little late and need to get ready to go to the gym. I was down 1 ounce yesterday and another 6 ounces today. I'll take it!

    Will be back later.
    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great Connie I keep losing my post
    See you later
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning fellow warriors of health! :-)

    Well, I was down a bit this morning, so my being diligent is doing something. Official weigh in for the week will be Fridays. Tomorrow starts clinical with my getting up at 0230 in the morning. Gack! I hope I can stomach breakfast at that horrible hour. Otherwise, I think I'll feel nauseous by the time the students arrive at the hospital at 0645. Oh boy, here I go!

    Ray, you will find the right home for you and your husband. Just keep looking at more houses and you may be surprised with a great find! You have no control over this other seller and I hope you don't let yourself get too upset by the situation.

    Connie, 7 oz! Woot every loss is a great loss. Enjoy your gym workout.

    Janice, hang in there <3

    Esther great job on your steps! You don't really have an outhouse, do you? I know lots of folks in Alaska have outhouses if they are at all remote.

    Nancy, your porch is looking lovely! My husband and I have always done our own MAJOR renovations simply because we can. Although, there have been MANY times I have so wished we could have just paid someone else to do the jobs. :s I know you'll enjoy summer evenings out there.

    We're still in the throws of building our large pond ourselves. I never knew how much work has to go into this job. Ugh. I hope it's gorgeous when it's finally done...

    Have a strong day of logging every bite, eating well, and exercising (if you have the chance!).

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I too got on the scale this morning but was up again. This roller coaster ride is getting very boring.
    Connie, it looks like the scale is finally moving for you. Yay!

    I am hoping to get on my bike today, the weather is cloudy but no rain. We had rain yesterday which was nice it filled
    up our barrel with rain water and watered the newly planted flowers and garden.

    Ray - How frustrating when you want this house and the lady is not budging. She must need all the money
    to make her move. I agree real estate doesn't work like that, you have to give and take on the price.
    I remember when we sold our last house I had a real estate lady that was not doing a thing to move things and when I
    dropped her she was insulted. Well, guess what you snooze you loose. We got a new realtor and sold the house.
    Do what you have to do to sell your house and buy your dream.

    Enjoy your day!

    Ontario, Canada
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Still having problems posting Jerry has gone to va for a check up . Hope he can find his way home my report on my Ewing plan. Doing fine my feet are not swollen this morning that's another pus for this plant base plan. Ian certainly glad I syumall on to it. Hoping to get off of water pills and insulin shots. Making good head ways on both.
    Am how would have believe just leaving off meat protein and most fats could do all of this and lose weight too. Unbelievable. I have ate more fruit in the last few days and still have normal blood sugar ruthleI I order some plant protein on amazone last night should get it by Friday thanks
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Morning, again, friends!

    B) Marie...so glad the plant based plan is working for you. Change is good, and we all have to find what works for our bodies. I think it is great that you want to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

    B) Ray...so sorry about the house, but the house of your dreams is waiting for you. It's just a matter of finding it.

    B) Becky...that is SO early! How long will it last? At least there won't be much traffic at that hour. :)

    B) Shirley..hope you can get that bike ride in today.

    I am back from the body pump class and feeling great. I had 3 rest days in a row, and my body was ready for movement.

    I have been researching zigzagging calories (calorie cycling). Stephanie mentioned it a few days ago, and we also talked about the Weight Watcher Wendy plan. It's basically having high/low days to keep the body from getting used to a set amount of calories day in and day out. I also did four online calculations for my basal metabolic rate and how many calories I should be eating with how I exercise. Not sure of the accuracy of these even though age is a factor they consider in the calculations.

    Nevertheless, next month, I'm going to up and zigzag my calories to see if I can move this thing along. At my weight, I should be losing more consistently so I have to keep working at what works for my body. If I had 10-20 pounds to lose, I could understand the slow loss especially my age. But at 50+ pounds, it should be moving faster and the evil >:) scale should be showing me more love. I'll give it a month to see what happens. B)

    I hope you guys have a wonderful day.
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    edited May 2015
    Marie, Glad you found some of Amazon. Hope you like the flavor. I added a bit of applesauce to the water and it tasted really good.

    Connie, calorie cycling sounds interesting. My problem is I am not happy on those low calorie days :-( I don't like feeling deprived:-)

    Maybe we should all get back to posting our stats once a week for a bit more accountability. I think I will begin doing that. What day do most of you complete your weekly weigh in? I will follow suit.

    Stay strong!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    JLoRuthie wrote: »
    Marie, Glad you found some of Amazon. Hope you like the flavor. I added a bit of applesauce to the water and it tasted really good.

    Connie, calorie cycling sounds interesting. My problem is I am not happy on those low calorie days :-( I don't like feeling deprived:-)

    Maybe we should all get back to posting our stats once a week for a bit more accountability. I think I will begin doing that. What day do most of you complete your weekly weigh in? I will follow suit.

    Stay strong!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Actually, my low day is more than I have my calories set to now. I will need to increase my portions to meet it. Don't think I'll be deprived at all.

    To maintain my weight as it is today, takes 2,000+ calories. To lose fat, takes 1600-1800 cals a day. I'm nowhere near that now and I exercise a lot.

    This will be quite the experiment to see what the right mix is for me. Netting less than 1,000 on a daily basis is not what it takes for me to lose.
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    Good morning fellow warriors of health! :-)

    Esther great job on your steps! You don't really have an outhouse, do you? I know lots of folks in Alaska have outhouses if they are at all remote.

    Have a strong day of logging every bite, eating well, and exercising (if you have the chance!).


    Nope. Not me. I have indoor plumbing but it is routinely 20 steps from the recliner to the toilet. And 26 from the couch to the toilet. We just jokingly call it an outhouse at my house. My girls think the term is just gross. B)

    And btw........ I have lost 2 more pounds. That puts me at 49!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more and I will be GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!? And then any more I lose will be just for me!!!!!!!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ruthie sounds like a good ideal. I suggest we post our On a stats sheet I will try to get one started if someone come up with a better way let us know for this is your thread DON,T BELONG TO ANYONE PERSON.
    How about a thread called Easter Miisfit weigh In Members. only..... let me know

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We are cheering you on Esther great go go go girl. Marie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hey Gang,
    Seeing some interesting things to shake things up and hope I can think about some of them soon.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    And btw........ I have lost 2 more pounds. That puts me at 49!!!!!!!!!!! 2 more and I will be GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!? And then any more I lose will be just for me!!!!!!!!

    Nice!!! You'll drop those last 2 so fast, I know it. I'm so excited for you!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi all,

    busy day today and I'm really tired but wanted to check in!! my husband and son are out of town so it is just my daughter and me this week. was going to pick up premade something for dinner but decided to throw some chicken breasts on the grill instead. I swear making green beans, the French cut fresh ones, under the broiler is amazing!! they get kind of burnt and crunchy, they are so good!

    ok so....

    Rachel, sorry about the house but I promise it will all work out and you will find an even better place:)

    Connie, way to go!! I have spent so much time being in food ruts and afraid to change what I was doing because I was so use to it but it just wasn't working!! can't wait to see the results!

    marie, sounds like a great new plan!!

    Ester, unbelievable!! that may be a world record how fast you lost all of that weight!! you go girl!! you must feel great!!

    nancy, hi nice to see you

    everyone else hope all is well!!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    @tenpets -do you really have 10 pets? Thank you for your support, today I concentrated on my 2 dogs I still have, I bought them treats at the store and walked them, plus let them out early to hang out with us. I also bought a new frisbie to play with them, I didn't get to it today, I walked over 12,000 steps,I'm trying not to be depressed. I hope your new schedule isn't to hard for you, with getting up so early.

    @lovesretirement -Connie, I think switching up is good, I agree with you, as much exercise you do and staying within your calories you should be losing faster, I hope you see the results you deserve soon.

    @SeeAhtter787 -congratulations on almost reaching your goal of 50 lbs gone, you have done wonderful.

    @slw19 -sounds like you made a wise choice cooking chicken on grill, instead of eating out, I am going to try your green beans under the broiler, sounds different. Dont be afraid to try something different, you could have good results.

    I hope everyone else has had a good day! Janice
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning misfit losers! Happy Wednesday!

    Esther...what can I say?? You are beyond AWESOME!!
    Janice...You are a good mommy to your fur babies! I love my Cooper, too, and he is soooo spoiled!
    Steph...sounds like some good mother-daughter bonding time this week. Good for you on cooking rather than takeout.
    Nancy..good to see you!

    It's gym day for me. I'm just going to do the personal training not the pool. There is a sub for the regular instructor, and there is virtually no organization to her class. So I'll come back home and do a DVD.

    Hope everyone has a super day.
    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Morning folks, I feel great today notice my back not hurting as it usually does. Maybe this vegan diet might be the reasons . Will be keeping an eye on on it
    Breakfast this morning will be steel cut oatmeal and a banana, coffee
    Life is getting better everyday for me.

    Connie I am praying you have found your problems, I see no reasons why you are not losing faster got to be a way.

    Have a great day misfits

    <3 marie