20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @tenpets I go back to see the doc on June 12. I leave on the 10th on the Alaska ferry and we will arrive in Seattle on the 12th. We will be leaving Seattle June 13 to come home arriving home on June 15. It takes 36 hours by ferry to get there and another 36 hours back. It will be A nice relaxing "vacation

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Right now I am sitting in line waiting to get on a small ferry to go to prince of Wales island. It is a 3 hour ride. My girls are staying home. My hubby is already on the island waiting for me. It will be our "2nd honeymoon". The local joke is I'm either "going island hopping" or "I'm going to the islands". Keep in mind Ketchikan is on an island. That's what makes this a joke. I will be home Monday. I will try to behave myself but I happen to have a couple jugs in the car with me. Yes. Moonshine and homemade amaretto. We are going to kidnap the groom tonight and show him what he will be missing and teach him how to do it up right
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @SeeAhtter787 I hope you and your hubby have a "rip-roaring" good time showing each other what you both have been missing!! ;)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Esther oh a second honeymoon, how exciting. Jerry and had us one on our 50 th Anniversary whoopee. Went to a casino and spent the weekend there. Have a great time.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Esther, Don't get into too much trouble. That moonshine might make you do strange things!!!
    Have fun
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I bet she already got it plan She is not a senior like some of us are.
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Esther, have a great time! You always make me smile. ☺
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Becky, Esther always give me a laugh too.
    Good morning Connie know you will be around soon and a special good morning to the rest of the misfit. I get a laugh every time I go to open this thread up a bunch of crazy women posting on a out of date topic. ha! but this is home.for me and I love it.
    My computer was sent off to be work on and be a week before we know if it is fixable so no more complaining about this IPadHave
    I pad I am lucky to have it. Alice show me a lot about getting around on it, and that will help a lot.
    I have already had breakfast of black beans and okra and tomatoes,a tangerine,glass of tea and a cup of coffee should have been a well balance meal. I know it's not a tradition breakfast but it was real good to me
    Lunch will be corn tortilla, retried beans salad of kale 1 oz. of pecans, 1/2 c of grapes, tea
    dinner will be smoothie with1cup 1 of berries 1T of chia seeds , 1 T of flax ground 1 c of almond milk and a hand full of white beans to get my protein in.
    Have a great eating day make it count towards your goal
    o:) Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    Yesterday's baby shower for my grandson was fun and he got some really nice things.
    My nephew's wife had the never ending bag of goodies the gifts just kept coming. So nice!

    We had munchies most of the day, just appetizers, desserts and the usual nuts and Nachos with dip.
    My daughter made deviled eggs with avocado. It looked green but it was delicious.
    The weather cooperated and he sun was out all day so everyone could go on the deck.

    I did not weigh this morning and by the time we got home Dave and I ordered some pizza slices because
    we hungry. Tomorrow another day and back at it!

    I did get a nice compliment from my nephew's wife who said I looked like I lost weight. Yippeee!
    I guess all my hard work is paying off, it may not show on the scale but the toning is showing.

    Today is usually my rest day but I will get on my bike because yesterday was no exercise.

    Marie - Hope you get that computer going again, so frustrating when using something that
    doesn't work for you.

    Ray - You are tasting success with your goal in the near distance. Great joB!

    Esther- Have fun reuniting with your hubby. Enjoy every minute.

    Becky - The pear shape is healthier, the apple shape, which I have is harder to get rid of the pounds because
    everything goes to the abdomen.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Happy Sunday, losers!
    I just lost my entire post!! :s It was long and involved, so I'll make this short and sweet.

    Marie..I love being on an outdated thread, too! Lunch sounds sooo good!
    Shirley..the shower sounds like it was super!

    I don't have any big plans for the weekend.
    I have slowly been increasing my calories. Gonna set them between 1700-1800 next Monday. Even MFP gives me 1760 given my exercising 5 days a week, so I'm going for it! What else do I have to lose but weight? If the increase does not make these pounds move, then I'll keep searching. :D

    Make it a great day!
    Stay strong!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    @tenpets I go back to see the doc on June 12. I leave on the 10th on the Alaska ferry and we will arrive in Seattle on the 12th. We will be leaving Seattle June 13 to come home arriving home on June 15. It takes 36 hours by ferry to get there and another 36 hours back. It will be A nice relaxing "vacation


    :o My hubby goes to the doctor in Seattle, too, but for us it is a 90 minute drive followed by a 35 minute ferry ride.....your adventure sounds like fun in an odd way....when we go places around here we remind ourselves that many people who are on the road or ferry with us are on vacation and have been planning and saving for a long time to get here.

    <3 Barbie

  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone <3 So sorry I have been MIA the past couple of weeks but life keeps throwing me curveballs. I did finally get on a roofers schedule but only if I did the roof repairs myself, so I have been hanging off the second story roof since last Sunday tearing off the roofing, tearing off and replacing 10 sheets of plywood and repairing a couple areas of understructure. So glad it is done and the new roof is 3/4's on as of yesterday. Yay!! What a journey that dang roof has been :/

    So very happy and proud of you Esther!! Are you by chance going through the UW Medical Center or Swedish?? They are both terrific!

    So glad everyone is doing well.
    <3. Marie... How exciting your new Vegan diet is making you feel so much better!
    <3 Ray.. I am sorry about the house, but I learned a long time ago that just means there is something even better in store for you!! Great job on the size 10 jeans!!!!!
    <3 Vicki... So happy for your recent loss!! Can't wait until I am only a pound from goal!!!
    <3 Nancy... I know how it feels to work your patoot off and see the scale go the opposite direction :s. I was up4 at one point this past week and my hands were so swollen from all the exertion and hammering... I was also just dog tired and a day or so later I showed one whole pound down finally!! It will catch up to you too!!!

    Well, my one pound loss over these past three weeks was truly exciting instead of the half pound every2-3 weeks I have been experiencing. This puts me at 3 pounds since the start of the July4th challenge, but down 25 total since December. We may not be setting any records, but we're sticking with it and that's what matters o:)

    Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. I am off to do some more painting and yard work today :(

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.
    I am being lazy today. No big plans for the holiday.

    Tami, Wow you are something else!!! Can't imagine hanging off a two story roof, that takes a lot of guts!!!
    So glad you are finished and safe. I certainly understand the swollen hands, I had that too.


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited May 2015
    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday.
    I am being lazy today. No big plans for the holiday.

    Tami, Wow you are something else!!! Can't imagine hanging off a two story roof, that takes a lot of guts!!!
    So glad you are finished and are safe. I certainly understand the swollen hands, I had that too.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited May 2015
    I have to agree I couldn't hang off a roof much less climb the ladder to get there!!! You go girl!
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    edited May 2015
    Tami, you're awesome. I'm with the others, no way would you catch me hanging off a roof! And you're right about the house. We've moved on, and have a perspective house we'll probably be making an offer on.

    Becky, I bet you'll be at a size 10 in no time. I would imagine the smallest size I could ever be is 6-8, I have a good set of hip bones on me. I had sort of a realization thought the other day, and then it started happening this weekend. I thought, what if in the process of losing all this weight so as to fit into all these smaller sized clothes I have, the smaller sizes end up being too big? And then I still won't have any clothes that fit! Well, yesterday I was going to wear this button-up shirt that I wore on my first date with my husband 6+ years ago, and it was way too big to wear. It is a Large though. And then today I decided to try on this pastel pink pair of jeans I've had for a long time that have always been tight, and I had to wear a belt with them because now they're a little too big. So I'm definitely a Medium now, heading toward Small-Medium. Oh. My. Gosh. I've never been a size Small, that'll be so cool and weird! Haha. I also had to start wearing my wedding ring on my middle finger today, because it's actually started falling off my ring finger now. My ring size is 5, which is pretty small, and I didn't think my fingers would get any smaller. I've always had very slender fingers. I guess I'd been kidding myself more than I thought with my previous weight. I've had a hard enough time with rings never coming in a size smaller than 6(costume jewelry), no way am I going to be able to find a 4.5 in a store!

    Marie, your butter bean breakfast sounds so good! I love beans. Butter beans and garbanzo beans are probably the top 2 on my list. :)
    Yes. Moonshine and homemade amaretto.
    I can tell your weekend has been a blast! :D

    Shirley, I love deviled eggs, and made with avocado sounds amazing! I so look forward to my Easter lunch at my in-laws, because I know I can count on deviled eggs. :) And now I really want some right now.

    Thank you all for the compliments and encouragement. I'm still so very happy to be a part of this bunch. <3

    Today was my rest day. I think the only real reason I took it was because I needed the extra time for school work. The upcoming week is my last week of the 1st quarter, and then we get almost 2 weeks off before starting the 2nd quarter. I spent 4 hours sitting at Starbucks today working on assignments, and around 4 1/2 hours doing the same thing yesterday. Luckily there is no school tomorrow for Memorial Day, so I'll be doing the same thing tomorrow. I have a final test for my computer class on Tuesday, so I need to study for that as well. And on Thursday I have a one-on-one PowerPoint presentation to give to my instructor. I'm not very confident on my work, but hopefully I'll get a good grade. I really want to get all A's in each class, a great GPA is very important to me. My goal is to be in the National Technical Honor Society when I graduate. I want to have that purple sash on! I hope all goes really well, I'm starting to feel the pressure for sure.

    The weekend after next I should be having a yard sale with my sister at her house. I hope we have a very successful one. She always does pretty well, since she usually has a lot of H&B to sell. I still have a whole corner of yard sale stuff in our storage unit from last year, I need it to sell this year. My husband and I are into dumpster diving(he does the diving), so we've been collecting some good yard sale items the last few weeks. You wouldn't believe some of the things people throw out. We've found so many really nice items. My favorite find is jewelry, I've gotten some cute and pretty earrings and necklaces from it. Some of our favorite or most used dishes have come from a garbage bag. We got a brand new laptop/messenger bag a couple nights ago that retails for $60. The laptop I'm typing on right now was a throw away. It just needed a new hard drive. It's a ThinkPad with a fully swiveling screen, it's pretty cool. :) And I got an authentic snake skin Liz Claborne belt yesterday. Some people might think it's crazy, but we get really excited over it and have found so many cool things. Oh yeah, we also found a solid gold ring once. :D Of course we always follow the laws when we scavenge. Some places are off limits.

    I hope everyone has a successful Monday! :)

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    tenpets wrote: »
    Happy Saturday!

    Esther, 50 lbs is such a great accomplishment! I can't wait for you to have new knees. When will you have the surgeries?

    Have a wonderful day, friends! <3


    I go see the doc June 12. Here's hoping and praying he will agree to set a date.

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @SeeAhtter787 I hope you and your hubby have a "rip-roaring" good time showing each other what you both have been missing!! ;)
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Esther oh a second honeymoon, how exciting. Jerry and had us one on our 50 th Anniversary whoopee. Went to a casino and spent the weekend there. Have a great time.

    Esther, Don't get into too much trouble. That moonshine might make you do strange things!!!
    Have fun

    We had a BLAST!!!!!!! And what happened on the island......stays on the island....... B)o:)>:);):o

    Sorry I didn't post last night. I posted on my newsfeed and that was difficult enough. B)
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    I bet she already got it plan She is not a senior like some of us are.

    We had a rip-roaring plan. It was to "spread hate and discontent among the masses". The wedding was great. One of our friends made a ball and chain for the groom. The friend locked it on the grooms ankle and gave the bride the key. It had the date and welcome to the club written on the shackle. Then after the reception we had a bonfire. And moonshine. Don't worry. I have to catch a ferry at 7 am so I was a driver

  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @Sandcastles61 I am going to Swedish. I see Dr Toomey. I know 4 people at home who are seeing him too.
