20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @slw19 The increase is going well, I feel great, and have more energy for my workouts. The scale is holding steady. I'm being very careful with weighing, measuring, logging, and taking notes...experimenting is hard work! :D

    @shirley61 Enjoy your grandson!

    @rayw89 You ARE a success story..get those evil thoughts right outta your head, girl! Scale or no scale, you should be proud! Look at that profile pic for instant gratification! :)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thank you, Connie! I made that my profile picture hoping for it to motivate me each day. I think there's just a mixture of things getting me down. The house thing gets more disappointing as it goes along, my husband is a workaholic who dismisses me 90% of the time if I try to talk about something(he works from the couch so it makes it a little difficult sometimes), and I've been having massive chocolate cravings. Just feeling down for a bit, but I think Friday will be a fun day that I'll enjoy quite a bit.
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, So happy you are doing well with the increase in food. If nothing else sounds like it makes you feel better.
    Tony is doing well. His injury to the eye lid and scalp are healing nicely.
    He had appt. with the doctor who did the thumb repair and so far it is healing. Looked bad to me but hopefully he will not lose the thumb.

    Shirley, I know you are going to spoil your grandson. Looking forward to seeing a recent picture.

    Rachel, Just hang in there!!! You will find the right house in due time. I can understand your feeling frustrated from being ignored by your hubby but at least he is working. Some men just don't get it and we just have to press on. You have so much to be excited about!!! You just look fantastic!!! Just keep that great picture in your head!!!

    Stephanie, So sorry you are still not feeling well. Hope you can shake that bad boy soon.

    Barbie, Sounds like some great info you are getting from Year of no sugar. That bad stuff causes so many problems.

    Marie, Hope you get your peaches. I love them too and eat some blueberries almost every day.

    We finally got to measure our porch for windows. Got a neat tool, a Bosch Digital Measuring device. Works great and is
    accurate. Beats the heck out of measuring tape.

    Have a good evening.


  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks, Nancy! I try to remind myself sometimes that atleast I don't have to nag him to work. It definitely could be worse.
    I might take some new pictures on Friday and make a before-and-after progress collage. Maybe it'll help my mind.
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Thank you to everyone that sent prayers and well wishes for my sister. She is sounding and doing alittle better.

    Becky-To be honest I havent started my medicine yet, I bought it Friday and with all of the warnings of side effects I am leary to start them. I would really like to try until next Drs. visit, to see if I can reduce it on my own. I have cut down on my meat intake lately. I am glad they found someone else for that other early clinicals, hang in there the next few weeks.

    Rachel-The movie in the park sounds like fun, with your sister, which park is it, since we actually live fairly close to each other.Did you end up taking the Hallmark job? Dont get down, you have done great losing weight. I know the weather has been so gloomy lately, its suppose to start being sunny and warmer soon, you can use your pool.

    Connie-I am glad to hear that you have more energy because of your added calories and that your weight isnt going up , hopefully it will start going down soon. I was sorry to hear you lost your only sister, I know it must be so hard on you, missing her. I have 3 older sisters and no brothers, they are stair step in age and I came along about 5 years later, the baby. I have always been pretty close with each of them. It is really going to be hard when someone does pass.

    Stephanie-Sorry that you still have your cold and on top TOM, I am glad that is over for me, its been almost 5 years since I had one. I started getting a sore throat today and when my husband came home from work, he cheeked me and I said sore throat and he said yes its been killing me. His is worse than mine, he believes I gave it to him, because of me going to Drs. Office for my medicine refills, and the hospital seeing my sister. I was kidding him saying since he hurt worse he gave it to me. Anyway your shrimp kabobs sound good, what did you marinate them in.

    Nancy-good to hear your son is healing, and the dr was okay with his thumb, so try and not worry about him losing it. Did they sell all the frames you all made or is that this weekend. I dont know what your goal weight is but I would love to be at 144 right now, my goal weight is somewhere between 135-142. That is what I weighed for a large part of my life.

    Marie-I love beans and cabbage, too. Usually if I make a big pot of beans, I put on a big pot of cabbage. Lately I have been grilling cabbage, I spray no calorie butter on wedges I wrap in foil with garlic powder, onion powder, alittle red pepper flakes. and a dash of brown sugar. But you can leave brown sugar off and its good. I like leftover myself, I couldnt imagine throwing good food out. Some people will not eat leftovers, and just pitch it after supper.

    Well its getting late, I gotta go. I hope everyone else is doing good, and losing. Janice
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Janice, it's Jeffersontown Veterans Park. They're showing Paddington Bear. :) I almost rented it from Redbox last week, I'm glad I didn't! I'm also trying to talk my husband into going to see Shakespeare in the park this weekend in downtown Louisville. I haven't heard from Hallmark yet, so I'm not sure yet on that. I hope those sunny days come soon! I'd like to get in the pool within the next couple of weeks. :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Janice, your grilled cabbage sounds good. I don,t grilled any more. too hard getting out the back door to watch it.
    I left off beans yesterday and just had fresh fruit bowls losi 1/2 lb this morning I hear fresh pineapple has a naturals weight loss . So I will try it again today.
    My grocer store close to us has pineapple on sale for .99 each.

    Have a beautiful day girls
    <3 Marie
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Thursday!

    Still cloudy with the promise of more rain today, but I got out early to walk the dog. I had a light jacket on because I thought it was cool but ended up sweating and taking it off because of the humidity!

    It's the gym and body pump for me today, and I will check back with you guys later.

    Stay strong!

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Janice, I'm glad your sister is feeling a little better. I hope her progress gets better and better.

    Marie, that's a great sale on pineapple! I bet you could stock up and freeze it in slices. Frozen pineapple chunks could be really nice when hot Summer days roll around. My husband plants pineapple tops and grows pineapple plants. We have three large ones right now, and a "baby" growing pretty well. They're actually quite pretty. :)

    Connie, have a good day at the gym!

    I'm really looking forward to tomorrow, I need it. I need a breather day. I need someone to actually acknowledge the words coming out of my mouth and actually respond. There's a house we wanted to look at tomorrow, but our loan may not cover it because of a low crawl space, and I need my husband to call our loan officer and verify some information before we can even schedule the viewing, and that's just not happening. I really need this house hunting process to not be one-sided anymore, I'm getting tired of doing it all on my own. If I were looking for a house for just me, that would be fine, but I'm trying to fulfill both of our wants and I'm getting no help with it. I'm sorry to complain, but this just becomes more of an issue every year. It's very frustrating sometimes. School was doing a good job of distracting me from this.

    I need to get something in my belly and hit the gym soon. I hurt my left arm with weights yesterday, so I'll be doing something different for my arms today. As much as I can't wait for it to be over most of the time, I do love my jogging. <3

    Hope everyone has a sunny day!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Ray-I think that movie is suppose to be cute, if your husband dont want to go to the Shakespeare in the park, ask a friend to go. Theres no reason to watch him work, go have fun. At least the sun has come out today. Sounds like to me , hubby is not ready to move, or he is burnt out by all of the problems, you all have been having house hunting. Maybe its a godsend house hunting isnt working out, if you all, are not in the same place, right now. When does your school start again? Have you eve been to that goodwill on Hurstbourne, one time my daughter and I went and they had just put a new rack out, before they put in regular spot on floor, and she got several things she liked. I got a few things there, its a big one. But I do like my nice Shepherdsville one. Have you called Hallmark?

    Marie-you can also bake that cabbage in oven, still good. I use to cut up potatoes, onions , green pepper,carrots,cabbageor whatever else I had that needed to be cooked and bake in oven with alittle butter dabs and seasonings on them ,with foil over them. Bake at 350 an hour or so. If you have the spray butter, you can do that to. I even put those baby corn on the cobs in there, from the freezer section. Squash will get to mushy, it needs to be cooked less time and seperate. Glad to see you have a loss this morning.

    Hi everyone have a happy Thursday. Janice
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Janice, you're right, if he's not interested in going to the park on Saturday I'll find someone who is. Haha. He's actually very interested in finding a house. He doesn't want to waste money on rent any more and he wants some land to plant on. He's not burnt out on it at all actually, because he hasn't been the one putting all the effort into it. His work/life balance has been an issue for a while now. He says he feels like he's being pulled from both directions, but so far he always sides with the work direction. He always does so much more than just his job, which is a good thing for promotions and such, but he's not seeing that kind of fruit from his labor. One of his coworkers just got promoted, which puts even more work on him now because they're not going to replace the guy that was promoted. He and another coworker worked double time for a month earlier this year, with the promise of an attempt at a bonus, well it's no surprise that hasn't seen the light of day yet. He's a hard working over achiever, and people like that just get used and taken advantage of. I know from experience because I'm the same way when it comes to work. Luckily if he were to ever come to me and say "I need attention", I'd be able to do that. He doesn't know how to do that, he takes it as being faulted for something. I've been hoping for 6+ years for a surprise dinner out somewhere, but that will never happen unless I plan it, and that would kind of take away from the surprise. :expressionless: I just wish his entire world didn't revolve around a computer screen 24/7. The funny thing is, to fill that void, I keep myself in front of a computer screen and the TV. I think we really need that yard we're looking for! Haha.
    I'm not going to worry about Hallmark too much. If they never get back to me I'll go for job placement through my school, it'll pay more anyway. My school starts back on the 17th.
    We do like this Goodwill! My husband likes it for their boxes of wires and electronics, of course. I've gotten a couple knick knacks from there also. It's within walking distance from us so that is one of our Summer destinations sometimes. :)
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi ladies!

    Rachel, if it makes you feel better, I too feel a little bit down :'( What do they say, misery loves company :) I'm kidding because I would never wish anything bad on anyone else. I, too, am craving some attention and some excitement in my life. I feel like my husband is absorbed as well but for good reason and my kids are getting big, I guess a little misplaced. I am also reassessing my friend situation. Many who I thought were my friends are not :/ More just relationships that were tied into my kids. maybe time for a real job and not the cookie business anymore, just don't know what?

    Enough negativity, it is actually getting sunny out so I am going to walk the dog!! I have been eating well minus my little 200 cal splurge on Tuesday. no weight loss yet:( maybe from TOM.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I have some time between my line dance classes. On Thursdays I go to my regular intermediate class, then come home and fix lunch, then go off to the practice with the performance group....and of course, I walked the dogs for a long time this morning and will walk them again when I get home from dancing.

    <3 Barbie
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    Looks like everyone is having a busy day. Have gotten a lot of work done today, cleaned house, laundry and
    exercise. Feels good to have it done. Hubby helped with floors.
    Feeling hungry and it's not time to eat. Must get my mind on something else.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey time to count your blessing girls. . Rachel you have turn yourself into a very beautiful lady.

    Step you havereallybeen a blessing to us, cookies and all.

    but this is a good place to vent. I think we all have things we like to change about our spouse

    Have a great day.

    <3 Marie
  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Ray- Thats good you all are on the same page, wanting a house, something wonderful will come along, soon I hope. Marie is right we all have things we would like to change about our spouses. I am sure they feel the same way about us.

    It was pretty today, so I laid out. I just ate supper and I am full. I cooked chicken on our inside grill, with salad, potatoes and corn on the cob. I was afraid the corn was going to go bad if I didnt cook it. I did clean earlier and did 3 loads of laundry. So not a total slug.

    Nancy-sounds like you were busy, its nice your husband pitches in cleaning, mine has eased up since I quit working, I take care of the inside and he cuts grass, washes the cars, and he planted the tomatoes. But I do some things outside, too.

    Stephanie-I understand alot of my friends were tied to my kids, or neighbors. My main friends I grew up with, are still friends but we have all moved in different areas and have different lives. I had my work friends, but I only talk to a few of them still, one of them is who told me about fitness pal. Sometimes I think about going back to work, since I have had a long break, but not at the beginning of summer. I just could use more money, and I could pay off my car sooner.

    Marie-I agreed with you to Ray, we all have things we would like to change about our spouses, and vice versa, but its nice to vent. Thank you and everyone else for all your support. Janice
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Sorry I have been MIA today. It was beach day for my kindergartener. It was also the last day of school. It was overcast and drizzled on us for about 15 minutes. It was perfect. We didn't have to worry about sunburns today. I loved it. Didn't do anything for exercise except walk on the beach and sit in my folding rocking chair. Loved every moment!!!!!31bqb9vogci0.jpg
    Here is a pic of my little one (in the watermelon coat) loving the beach

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Aww Stephanie, we need to start realizing how awesome we are! Haha. I hope you get some of the attention you deserve soon, I definitely know how you feel. It's one of those things you wish you could just outright ask for, but at the same time it would feel weird to ask for it. I can relate to the friend thing too. I found out at our wedding reception who our real friends are. Half the people who claimed to be our friends didn't show, and they lived close. Yet my real friends drove well over an hour to get there, through strange country roads, at night. Those are my true friends. <3
    I wish when I splurged I could contain it to 200 calories! You're so much more responsible than I am, haha.

    Nancy, glad you had such a good, productive day!

    Thank you, Marie! <3

    Janice, I can't imagine him wanting to change anything about me. ;) LOL
    It was so nice out today, I'm so glad the weather is looking better. Of course since we decided not to do our yard sale this weekend due to forecasted rain, it's going to be dry and sunny. Haha. Oh well, it'll happen eventually.

    Esther, it looks like you had a fun day!

    Since we had originally planned a yard sale this weekend, my husband requested Friday and Monday off, so he is officially on a 4 day weekend. Hopefully this will be a nice, fun, relaxing weekend now. :) And tomorrow is DONUT DAY. YES! :D

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited June 2015
    Janice, Your meal sounds delicious, makes me want to go to the farmers market.
    Ben takes care of the outside grass cutting, etc. I just can't take the hot sun but I will probably help cut the grass until his knee is ok.

    Esther, What a beautiful picture. Alaska is such a beautiful place.

    Rachel, Sounds like a fun weekend for you.
    Donut day!!!


  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    So after the beach I went to a friends house for dinner. We had shrimp and salad and chocolate peppermint brownies for desert. I behaved myself and stayed under calories but what I don't get is how crappy I feel for Eating a sensible dinner. And I only had 2 brownies and not my usual 5 or more. And I felt ugh before I even ate the brownies. I am actually finding it hard to eat 1400 calories most days. Scary thought that I used to eat 2-3 times more than I do now last fall...... No wonder I got so big......... Yikes. It's kinda scary to think about it....
