20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi everybody.

    @slw19 The plan I am on is eat whatever I want but stay under calories. I have been swimming my butt off (literally). B) And I rarely eat back me exercise calories.

    @CALIECAT Sorry to be laughing but in today's newspaper on the front page the headline reads Ketchikan ready to set dry record for May. We have had .68 inches of rain this month!!!!!!! The existing record dry is 2.12 inches. And 3 pages later there is a big article about Texas rivers likely high until July.

    @Sandcastles61 Yes that was one of the costumes I had to work on. In order to get the length she had to get a size bigger. I had to shrink the top around without interfering with the fullness of the skirt because she had to spin and it had to act right during the spin.

    And thank you ladies for the compliments. They sure are a confidence builder.

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Marie-It is amazing that you have missed all of the flooding. I was concerned for you and your family. I hope it ends soon, its been crazy there. Congratulations on the 5lb. loss, sounds like the scale is moving in the right direction, with your vegan diet.

    Nancy-So glad to hear your son, Tony is home, I hope he has a speedy recovery. The frames are really nice, my husband is a trim carpenter and I am going to see if he will make me a frame. You are pretty handy yourself making those frames.

    Italy- Your daughter is really pretty, it looks like she is an amazing dancer, she appears to have been dancing for years.

    Barbie-We planted several tomatoe plants about 3 1/2 weeks ago and they are really growing fast, we have had rain alittle bit everyday it seems for the past week. What kind of seeds did you plant?

    Rachel-Hallmark sounds like a very low pace job, perfect for you going to school. If you want $9.00 an hour, tell them thats what you need to start.

    Esther-Thats great that you treated yourself for your big accomplishment. It sounds like your taste buds have changed since starting this journey. Now I am hungry for something sweet.

    Connie-Looks like another busy day for you, hopefully you'll see a good loss from changing your calories. Have a nice, restful weekend.

    Shirley-Good to hear from you, enjoy yourself boating, with it getting hotter thats the place to be , on the water. Plus with the heat, it makes you not want something heavy on your stomach. I a sure you will lose what your up.

    Stephanie-Sorry your feeling under the weather. Thank goodness you work at home, feel better soon.

    Tami-I will be praying for your friends recovery. It seems like your 2nd prayer wish, is about to come true, they sounds really interested since they called you and they have lived there, sounds like you have a buyer. I hope your stress level reduces, I have felt stressed out the last month, and its getting old. Thank you for the compliment, also, my grandson is a cutie and so sweet, his name is Mason, he will be 6 next month.

    I weighed today and I am up .8 from my least of 179.6. I just cant stay out of the 180's yet for good ,but I will soon.They have been the hardest for me to get thru so far. I have been eating less meat,and plan on continuing to do so.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    Janice I would be happy to get in tin the 180's I been in the 190 for 7 years and up to 203. More than I liked to.
    We will make it Just wait and see.
    <3 Marie

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited May 2015
    Thanks Janice!!!
    I am not real comfortable using the table saw and especially since Tony's accident. Using a jig to make the cuts makes it a little easier. Only have about 9 more to go.
    Hope everyone is doing great. Didn't expect to be out of the loop this week. Staying as close as I can to my eating plan.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Connie, Stephanie, Marie, Tami, thank you all so much!
    Janice, that'll be my plan. :) I've decided if they won't do atleast $9 I'll have to turn down their offer. I can get job placement through my school starting at $10 an hour. I have too much retail and customer service experience to be working for less than $9. I do think it will be mostly low pace also, I think it'll be better than other retail environments I've been in before for sure.

    Tami, I hope everything goes well for your friend. And I hope your house sells very quickly for you!
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers. Happy Saturday!

    Glad to see everyone is doing well!
    This is rest day for me, and I need it. :)

    Will come back later..gotta get the dog out for his walk before it gets hot.

    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited May 2015
    Enjoy your walk with Cooper , Connie I am sure you both will enjoy it. Week end is here. We are in for yet another rainy day. Also Birthday party for my little 2 year old grandaugter.. We will be going out to KathyS house in the country however don.t know if the weather will corperate I see there is a line of heavy storms going thru the area. If we get to go my job is cut out for meStaying out of the cake and ice cream. I can do it can't i? I will do it. My new motto I will not try anymore I will do it

    <3 Marie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Tami- Prayers are with you in time of crisis. Cancer is an awful disease. We lost my SIL at the age of 66 two years ago to
    lung cancer and I just recently lost my best friend from colon cancer last November at the age of 58. So I know how you feel.
    Good luck on selling the house, may the house god's be with you. I hope you sell it and move on to other things.

    We actually had a scare with my hubby just a few weeks ago. He had a biopsy done and so we were on pins and needles
    and found out this week that is negative. He just retired in the end of March. I could see our whole lives flashing in front of us.
    He goes back in September and the doctor said it might go away, if not he will take it out out. Such relief. I did alot
    of praying too.

    On a lighter note I just want to say to Esther, Janice, Rachel, Nancy and of course Marie and Connie I am so glad I kept
    coming back to this thread, you ladies are amazing and we will get these pounds off one way or another. I just enjoy
    every day reading about your lives and getting to know your families through pictures.
    Enjoy your day, make the best of it, life is short and we are only here for a short time so make your journey a good one!

    We will be going back to the boat this morning, and my hubby will be working on the auto pilot installing it and I will take a nice
    walk for my exercise, it's so beautiful around there, and read my book.

    Ontario, Canada

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    If we get to go my job is cut out for meStaying out of the cake and ice cream. I can do it can't i? I will do it. My new motto I will not try anymore I will do it

    <3 Marie

    Marie, you can do it! Remind yourself that you don't want the cake and ice cream because it's not vegan. And right now you're vegan. Not because of the calories. This helps me out a lot, since I don't eat meat. If I see something tasty like loaded nachos, I think "I'd like to eat some of those, but there's meat on them", and that keeps me away from a lot of high calorie things. :) You'll do just fine! And try to bring some snacks for yourself.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Shirley, have a beautiful day! It's sounds so relaxing. :)

    Connie, enjoy your rest day! I hope it doesn't get too hot for you there.

    I don't drink coffee every day since my hiatus from working last year, but today it sounded good, so I'm finishing off my big round mug and then I'll get ready for the gym. My hubby is still asleep, he always stays up extra late on weekend nights so he was still up when I went to bed at 1:00 a.m. this morning. (I need to get my schedule in check soon!). I'll need to get him going soon because I think he might be going to the gym with me today. I feel like the brewing coffee should have woken him up like in the commercials, haha. Hopefully we'll get a decent amount of cleaning done today as well. And I'm really hoping for clear, sunny, rain-free days this upcoming weekend. We were supposed to have a yard sale but so much rain is being forecast we don't know if we'll be able to now. And there's so much "stuff" sitting around here for the yard sale, I'm really hoping we can still do it. I want to get this place cleaned up! Especially before school starts again and the new job.
    It looks lovely out today, crossing fingers for no more rain!

    I hope everyone has a relaxing Saturday! Make it count in one way or another. :)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Rachel I did not know you were a vega. Now .i know I am staying on this plan , so I can have an hour glass figure like you.
    <3 Marie
    pS we did not go out to my daughter for Kylee Birthday. Another storm came Thru and did not want to take a chance on a flas flood its is suppose to be rain free so. We will go out there tomorrow
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    <3 Marie, when I started this journey, one of my first rules for myself was "say no to birthday cake"....since then the only desserts I've had were cake at one of our anniversary dinners and lavender ice cream at the lavender festival

    :) Rachel, trying to find a house to buy is an exercise in trusting whatever "higher power" you believe in.....just put one foot in front of the other and stay busy with whatever is next and the right house will come along.....when my first husband and I were looking for our first house at about your age, we would tell each other that the owner of new house was just finishing getting it ready to go on the market and one day, my dad drove by a house at the moment the for sale sign was being put in the yard, we looked at it immediately and fell in love the minute we walked in.

    :'( Janice, the seeds I planted are marigold and sunflower and somebody or something ate them...maybe birds, maybe snails or slugs.

    :) gotta go, the dogs want to walk.

    <3 Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie we did not get to go to the party But I did have me a small bag of cherries and grapes to munch on while they had cake and ice cream the weather was too unstable to go. We will go tomorrow. Weather is suppose to be rain free.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Barbie we did not get to go to the party But I did have me a small bag of cherries and grapes to munch on while they had cake and ice cream the weather was too unstable to go. We will go tomorrow. Weather is suppose to be rain free.

    :'( Marie, sorry you didn't get to go to the party because of the weather.....that was a good plan to have fruit :)
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    @CALIECAT Sorry your weather sounds a lot like southeast Alaska weather. I think the states got flipped upside down. We are having an unseasonably dry May. People are already complaining about a lack of water. Especially those who live outside of city limits and live on water tanks. The have to buy water when it gets dry like this. I was actually dreading trying to lose weight over the summer because we usually have such fluctuations in our weather that one day is nice and the next 5 are raining which makes it hard to get a routine down. I will be praying for you and your family that they stay safe in the storms.

    On a different note........my hubby came home yesterday from his fishing trip. He noticed a difference from the weekend at a friends wedding to now. He is leaving again on Monday for two weeks. I am getting excited for him to see me when I come home from the doctors. We will be riding the ferry home with him after I see the doc. I have less than two weeks before the doctors visit. I can't wait. I know my knee is even worse now than it was before. It is more angled the wrong way and my back is bothering me even more because the leg is even shorter now than before

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Hope you have a great weekend going on.
    I am glad to say the picture frames are finished and I am so happy about that. I am too old to work in this heat in our garage. We did 20 frames in 3 days.
    Hope to have a more normal week coming up.
    Hubby's MRI shows a torn meniscus so not sure what course the Dr. will take on this. Will find out Monday.
    Have a great rest of the weekend.
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Rachel I did not know you were a vega. Now .i know I am staying on this plan , so I can have an hour glass figure like you.
    <3 Marie
    Hehe, you're so sweet. <3 I'm actually just vegetarian, so I still eat dairy products. I love your fruit snack you packed, cherries and grapes are my favorites! I'm hoping I can find a good sale on cherries soon. :)

    Barbie, thank you for the advice. I'm starting to remind myself that there's no rush, and we'll have our house at some point. If it's meant to be it will be, right? :)
    I'm sorry about your plants. :(

    Esther, I'm so excited for you to get your new knee! Once you're healed up you're going to be unstoppable! You have the drive and dedication to reach your goal in less time than most. I can't wait to see your success grow and grow. :)

    Nancy, great job finishes those frames so fast! They really are gorgeous. I hope the upcoming week is a relaxing one for you. And I hope your husband mends well.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good morning, Losers! Happy Sunday!

    B) Marie...I hope you get to go to your daughter's house today, and I know you are sick of rain! We need it over this way.
    B) Nancy...I know you are glad the frames are done.
    B) Esther..relief for those knees is in sight.
    B) Barbie..glad to see you!
    B) Ray and Shirley...hope your Saturday was a good one.

    I rested yesterday and feel a lot better today. I was really, really worn out.

    I ate most of my exercise calories last week so my increase tomorrow won't be so mind-blowing. We will see what this "science experiment" will yield. It has to be better since eating "less" is not getting me anywhere.

    I'm headed to church in a few minutes, and I hope all of you have a wonderful, productive, and mindful day.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We are getting rain today but we need it. It was starting to get dry around here.
    Yesterday we spent our time at the boat. Dave was getting the auto pilot ready for the boat and has one more
    part to go and then we can use it on our next cruise in June. I relaxed and read my book but I did take
    a 50 min walk on the trails.

    Ray - Good luck with the garage sale hope the weather is better for you.
    Nancy - Wow, 20 frames made and they are lovely. Good job.
    Esther - Good luck with the doctor on your next visit.
    Marie - I hope you get to see the family soon and safe travels with all the flooding down there.

    Since its raining and we don't have any plans today I am going to Yoga. A gentle class and they take
    donations today.

    Have a good day!

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! Sorry to have been mia, but we've been busy almost nonstop with work, clinical, gardening, and the new pond build! Hoping I remember to weigh in tomorrow. I see 63 posts I've missed! I need to do lots of catching up soon. I miss you all and hope you're doing GREAT. ☺☺☺
