20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    the weather cooled down for a day and I dropped 8 pounds.

    OK I am going to go find a walk in freezer.
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Tuesday!

    It's cloudy here and rain is in the forecast. We need it, so it's a good thing.
    Yesterday went pretty well with the calories. I did not make the full amount but will try to do better today.
    Body pump for me this morning...lots of sweat and a 500+ calorie burn!! :) Gotta love it!

    Make it a great day and stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Misfits. Now Esther that is a good one wonder way to go. Is the eight pounds for one week.i need to fine me some moonshine and take my husband to a secluded cabin in Alaska.. That would me more fun than a cold freezer, Ray cold freezer , Ray.

    <3 Marie
  • JLoRuthie
    JLoRuthie Posts: 375 Member
    Haha Ray! Moonshine, Alaskan cabin and a walk in freezer! Sounds good to me.
    I am continuing with lifting weights and enjoy it. I need to track my food as diligently, though.

    Happy Tuesday!
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies!!

    Ester, wow, 8 lbs in a day? I am trying to get 8 lbs in 6 months, lol!!

    Still feeling kind of lousy and having work done in my house today! starting to get my kids ready for overnight camp, I think they are excited and I am getting ready :)

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    It's a beautiful day in my town. Going to get in some outside work and some time on my bike.
    Weight this am: 144, my first goal is to get back to my lowest weigh of 142.4 in March. ( Easter Challenge.)
    Let's make it a great day.
    Nancy :)
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good morning Misfits. Now Esther that is a good one wonder way to go. Is the eight pounds for one week.i need to fine me some moonshine and take my husband to a secluded cabin in Alaska.. That would me more fun than a cold freezer, Ray cold freezer , Ray.

    <3 Marie

    Haha, that does sound like more fun!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Connie - I will check out the site you posted. Keep on Keepin on!

    A good day today, got on the scale and it is going down. I am sticking to my plan. Now tomorrow I go see my grandson
    so i better prepare food for two days. I will watch my calories.

    Enjoy the day!


  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Hi Everyone, just want to check in, I weighed Sunday and alittle up from Friday. Yesterday my older sister and I went to the hospital (long time care health facility), to see my other sister, Linda, it was her 60th birthday. It turns out now, she has developed pneumonia, she really looked bad yesterday. I thought she was getting better, and they were talking about moving her to a nursing home and some rehab to strengthen muscles. At this point not sure whats going to happen to her, its in gods hands. I would appreciate if you all could mention her in your prayers.

    After visiting her we ate at Chilis, I hadnt eaten anything and we got the 2 for $20 deal. I got the 6 oz. Sirloin steak, steamed broccoli, loaded mashed potatoes. It came with an appetizer, we got the spicy panko onion rings, which we split. I also gave her some of my potatoes and few pieces of broccoli, her entree only came with one side and I had a bunch of potatoes. My meal was really good. It was around 900 calories. Thats what I ate for the day except a 60 calorie snack late last night. I was fine doing that. Normally my meals are alot lower in calories, but I still dont eat 3 meals a day, usually 2.
    Well gotta go , to the store. I hope everyone is doing okay, get better soon Stephanie. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello I have been just just been relaxing in my TV chair after we got back from the grocer store. Had my usually meals today oatmeal with fruit an coffee. lunch was Chili beans, broccoli salad and fresh pineapple tea dinner some kinds of Beans with Brocoli and steam carrots,fruit. My meals are all about the same every day ,make it easier for mei may venture off some day but I am happy with the way I am doing and seems to be doing its jobHope this fine you all are having a beautifull day


  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi gang. It is finally cloudy today. So I know I ace mentioned before hoe wacky my scale is and that I use the one at the pool instead. So on Saturday I stepped on mine and it said 267. I stepped on it last night. It said 252. And both those were naked. Yesterday the pool said 240 with clothes on........don't get it.

    But on a happier note I have spent the last 3 hours coring and mashing apples. I need to make a new batch. I have to let this stuff sit for a couple months. The way I see it is if I get my knees done in June my bucket will be ready when I am. o:) Best pain pills money can buy. B)

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, friends! I love all the great pictures of all those who are losing so much weight. It is inspirational, congratulations to each of you. I also enjoyed seeing the kids and grandkids :-)

    Prayers for those of you who have injured children, very sick friends and their kids and for homes to buy and homes to fix and sell! Hang in there all of you. <3

    Marie, I am SO thrilled you are having success on your new vegan way. I've been reading about Blue Zones in the world and what the folks living into the 100s in those areas eat. Lots of beans, whole grains, wine, vegetables, little meat, and goat milk to name a few. We are trying to incorporate more beans into our meals.

    Connie, I am happy to hear you are losing with eating more! I pray it continues!!!

    I missed some days of logging last week due to the chaos of life and I worry I may show a gain. I did not get on the scale today because yesterday my pants felt a bit snug. :-( I'll wait until Sunday and keep my hopes up. I've been doing well with my calories in vs out, but don't feel like a loss has occurred.

    Nancy, I am so glad to hear your son is doing better. What a crazy accident and thank God he had the ability to call 911! It's good you are close to them and helped out with their frames.

    Janice, you may be doing really well with your eating and your cholesterol is up due to your genetics being what they are. Remember, our body makes cholesterol and we get some from our foods. If your family members have developed elevated cholesterol, chances are that there is now a genetic component at work. The good thing is that the statin med your dr started you on should bring your numbers down quickly. My husband who is 6'4" and weighs 170lb (I know, right!) has a family history from his mom and his cholesterol started to rise despite eating well when he was 52. He was put on lipitor and his follow up lab work showed a HUGE decrease. It will do the same for you. :-)

    Tomorrow and Thursday are my up at 2:30 am mornings at the hospital an hour away. They are taking a toll! I am grateful, however, that my Dept. Chair found someone else to teach the 6 week clinical I was slated to do from 7/6-8/12! I will be on campus teaching didactic and lab skills instead. Whew! I love being back in the hospital with the students, but the hours are killing me. LOL I'm too old for this. Hahaha

    Pray for my stamina for clinical for the next three weeks!

    Love you all and am so happy to know each of you!


  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Becky sounds like a hard schedule but you can do it. With God's help you have this.

    Esther you are amazing with your losses. Wish I could drop weight like you do.

    Marie sounds like you have come to love those beans. A few years ago our church did a 40 day Daniel fast and we ate so many beans I thought I might turn into one. They are good.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Janice, I hope your sister recovers quickly. Pneumonia is a scary thing, keep your faith strong and visit her often.

    Marie, I love love love beans. I wish I could eat them all day long, if only they were lower in calories. But I think you're getting great benefits from all the protein. :)

    Esther, just say you lost 27 lbs. in 3 days. ;)

    Shirley, congratulations on the scale going down!

    Becky, stay strong! You have such a hectic schedule right now.

    I'm going to work hard in the gym all this week, and then undo it all on Friday, haha. I'm going to a movie in the park, with chips and popcorn, and my sister is bringing donuts and my favorite cookies over(Snickerdoodles). I'm going to start referring to things like this as "Life Happens" days. I've been having serious chocolate cravings lately so Friday will be my let loose. I'll weigh in on Friday morning before any damage is done, so I should have all the calories worked off again by the following Friday. Hopefully. I'm really starting to look forward to Friday now..
  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning, misfit losers! Happy Wednesday!
    :) Janice..prayers for your sister. I was blessed with one sibling sister and lost her 5 years ago. Not a day goes by without my thinking about her.
    :) Esther...you are doing it! I'm so happy for you!
    :) Becky..good to hear from you; take time to breathe!
    :) Ruthie..good to hear from you, too!
    :) Shirley...glad the scale is moving downward.
    :) Nancy..I know you are glad to get back to normal. How is your son doing?
    :) Steph..feel better soon. Summer colds are the worst.
    :) Ray..enjoy your Life Happens day! I may go to a movie Friday, too.
    :) Maire..glad you feel better with your eating plan. Looks like it may be just what you need to control your levels.

    :) Rain, rain, and more rain today for us! I got up extra early to get the dog out before it started to pour down. It's gym day for me...personal training and the pool.

    :) Have a wonderful, productive, and mindful day, losers!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning Misfit. very nice looking day Thaks for the morning greetings Connie. I am really enjoy my way of eatin. Making some pinto beans and boil cabbage to eat on this week. Love having prepare food in the fridge to eat on.A I am one of those people who do not mind eating left overs. Gonna try to get Jerry to take me out to the Peach farm this week. You can pick your own fresh blueberries too.. Yum.

    <3 Marie
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies:)

    hope you all are doing well!! I still have this rotten cold and I also got my TOM yesterday so just pushing along. I deviated yesterday from plan a little, maybe 200 calories but will be back on today.

    Janice, I am so sorry about your sister, that must be a super tough situation. I am thinking of you.

    Marie, glad you are so happy with the new plan.

    Connie, how is the calorie increase going? how are you feeling?

    Rachel, have fun at your day/night off and just enjoy it, I like snicherdoodles also and make a mean one:)

    Nancy, hope you have a better week this week, you had so much stress last week, can totally contribute to weight gain or your body retaining weight.

    Ester, I think we are going to need to enter you in the book of world records for fastest weight loss. incredible!! you go girl!!

    Shirley, good news that the scale is heading south, staying off of mine for a couple days.

    Becky, nice to hear from you!

    I actually made shrimp kebobs last night and my whole family ate them. so easy to thread them on a stick and marinate them. low calories also!! win win.

    Have a great day ladies!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I can't remember if I told you that I'm reading (actually listening to) "Year of No Sugar" by Eve Schaub. It is a very engaging memoir with a huge amount of science about how sugar is the major factor in obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and many other health concerns, along with the fascinating story of a woman and her family choosing to eat in a way that is different from what everyone else eats. I highly recommend it.

    <3 Barbie
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Losers,

    I was doing pretty good yesterday with staying on track with my South Beach, and we had a meeting at our sailing club, a meteriologist came and did a talk on weather. Since we are all sailors it was very interesting. The guy was great and really funny. He kept our interest.

    We did have a pita wrap for dinner because we had to leave by 6:00pm. On the way home my husband wanted some
    pizza slices. I also had some because we were hungry. Now of course this morning the scale was up because of
    sodium. I will prevail and keep at it.

    Today we were on the road heading to see my grandson, Isaac. How he has grown. Before that we went to a financial
    advisor since my hubby is retired now and we have to make some decisions on his pensions.

    Anyway, lunch was at Tim Horton's I had a turkey bacon club sandwich and coffee. I also added a small apple
    strudel. I could have gone without that. So dinner will be at my daughter's with ribs, corn, and salad.

    We are staying overnight and will show a picture of Isacc when i get back.

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    slw19 wrote: »
    Rachel, have fun at your day/night off and just enjoy it, I like snicherdoodles also and make a mean one:)


    Oooh! I'd love to try one of yours. :) I tried making them many years ago, and they didn't spread out for some reason, they ended up as weird little not-so-snickerdoodle cookies.

    I'm glad everybody seems to be chugging right along. I'm feeling pretty off the last couple of days. I'm going to blame being out of school, and having already cleaned everything. I don't have anything to do, which is great, because I'm pretty lazy. But I think it's also contributing to me feeling unsuccessful in my weight journey. Hopefully I get a nice reading on the scale on Friday. :)