20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Connie, I hope you have a relaxing Sunday! I'm excited to see what your experiment brings you. I think we'd all be jumping up and down if you started seeing results like Marie's!

    Shirley, thank you! We need luck with this weather! I've been monitoring the forecast, and I was thinking we'd probably be cleared for Saturday and Sunday, because there was only a 20% chance for rain, but a 50% chance for rain on Friday. Today I checked and now it's 20% chance for rain on Friday, 50% chance on Saturday, and 20% chance on Sunday! It needs to decide! Haha. We'll make a decision on Tuesday or Wednesday as to whether we'll tempt fate or not.

    Becky, you've been busy for sure! I'd imagine you'll see a loss for your weigh in with all that activity! :)

    I'm sitting out on the balcony with my coffee today. Today is my rest day so I'll try to stay out of the gym. I need to get two final homework assignments submitted today(tomorrow is my last class for this quarter, group presentation!), and I need to finish up house cleaning today. We got half of it knocked out yesterday, I just need to get the bathrooms and bedroom clean today, and do a few loads of laundry. That should keep me pretty well occupied. :)
    I'm so excited to get back in the gym tomorrow, after taking a couple progress pictures yesterday I got pretty motivated to finish this fight! I can't believe I'm to the point of posting belly pictures on a fitness website, but I figure seeing that picture every day will give me an extra push to make it even better! I have decided I want to gift myself my goal weight for my birthday, so I'll need to drop the last 9 lbs. in the next 7 weeks. I think that's pretty doable, we'll see! I know just getting into the 130's will blow my mind, haha. I credit a lot of my recent body changes to my starting to jog/run. I think it's made a great difference. :)
    I'm going to put together some before-and-after shots soon. I looked at my first "before" photos I took back in February(3 weeks after starting my journey), and it's pretty awesome in my eyes. I had no idea I was so big and I had no idea some things had gotten so much smaller. I can't wait to post those side by side. :)

    I hope everyone has a beautiful Sunday. And remember, hard work and dedication pays off!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @rayw89 I'll be jumping up and down if I get Marie's results, too!

    There are only 5 weeks left in the July challenge, and folks are moving right along over there! It really went by quickly. The reporting dates are June 30-July 3...save the date! Our own Rachel will be the numbers cruncher! B)

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Howdy - I am on one of my old computers so do not know how long this will work....but for now I am at least not having to use my iPad.
    typed by Alice - hi all!
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm excited to see the results! I'll need to go back to the beginning and see what my starting number was the for July challenge, I can't remember. I haven't been over to the 4th of July board in a while, I've just been over here with you all. I feel like I get all the important stuff from over here though. :) But I think I'll go poke my head in for a minute.
    After I've totaled all the lbs. lost, I think I'll find a comparison picture as to what the equivalent is that everybody's lost(like the equivalent weight of a car, etc.). Visuals really put the impact across. :)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Pouring rain today. I took in a Yoga class this morning, it is usually "gentle Yoga" but I worked my butt off and was
    sweating. I had a girl next to me probably in her twenties, I don't know how much yoga she does but she was
    struggling today. It felt good to see this 66 year old body do yoga and feel good about it and stay grounded.

    We had a 10 min meditation afterward but she also took the meditation bench which I usually use and liked it.
    I am having my DH make me one to take to class and I think I will talk to the studio owner and see if he can
    make some extras and sell them to the gals.

    Now catching up on computer and see what the day brings.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Raining here too. Just had a thunderstorm roll thru.
    Went to church this morning and was good to get out and see friends.
    Don't plan on doing a thing that I don't have to today and tomorrow!!!
    Fortunately I am holding steady on the scales.
    Have not had time to plan a meal so I just ate whatever was handy and fast.
    Will post my weight Tuesday.
    I did a big cheat today!!!! I needed some chocolate so I had some chocolate covered peanuts!!!
    Plan to be back to 1:1:1 tomorrow. Is anyone else still doing 1:1:1???
  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Surprisingly we haven't gotten any rain here yet. But it's been chilly all day so I think we're going to get some rain over night.
    I didn't turn on the TV until a few minutes ago so I got a lot done today. :) Got all my cleaning done, washed the bed linens, put away laundry, getting ready to hang another load to dry, and put another load in. Going to submit a homework assignment and then get the last one out to do here in a bit. I also pulled out a tote of clothes and tried them all on. I was excited to find my Dicky's work pants from when I was 17, I love those pants and they've held up well, but they're too large in the waist. If I wear a belt with them I'll need to wear a long top because the fabric bunches in front.
    My husband had a french fry craving so he ran down to McDonald's a little bit ago to get us some fries. Luckily I've barely eaten all day so a small fry fit into my calories just fine. I still have plenty left and I'm hungry so I'll make a big salad here in a minute. As long as I get my last homework assignment submitted before bed this day will be a complete success! Feels good. :)

    Shirley your yoga sounds wonderful. I love yoga.

    Nancy, enjoy not doing a thing you don't have to. :)

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    Good morning, losers! Happy Monday!

    :) Marie...glad you could use your old computer!
    :)Ray.. Your new profile pic looks great!
    :) Nancy..I am doing 1:1:1 and trying making sure I have one of each in each meal/snack. Scale is holding for me, too.

    I had a relaxing Sunday, and my body feels rested today. I exercised at home this morning for a change...45 minutes of aerobics. I start with a lot more calories today. I slowly increased some last week when I ate most of my exercise calories. I am also measuring, weighing, and logging carefully. Decided to use MFP's goal settings. For an active person of my weight to lose 1.5 a week is 2,000 calories with exercise already added in. Yikes! :o I'll never know unless I test it out! B)

    Make it a great day, losers!
    Stay strong!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Monday
    morning misfits, my old computer did not work out so back to my I pad. And it is really taken a toll on my bad eyes.

    Had w wonderful day yesterday we saw a lot of the floods east of us. no roads closed tho we did have a hit and run getting on to I 20 . Some guy try to make a 2 way road out of the entrance to the interstate and hit Alice rear view mirrow and damage it. His license plates was too dirt to read it and then coming back home Animal control detour us on the country road we were onager country road. Don' know what happen, but we got back on the interstate and made it back to Interstate and home.

    Had a good dinner at a Bbq place.
    Have a great day all.
    of pinto, boiled cabbage, green beans Chopped pickle onions and cole slaw, ice tea
    Have a great day.
    <3 Marie
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    hi everyone,

    I had a really busy weekend so I didn't get a chance to post. I have been hanging on to the same weight for a couple of weeks which is a little frustrating! I have a really bad cold also which is not helping:( it is really cold here for june. I am done venting :)

    I ate well all weekend and am off to exercise. sounds like all of you are doing well!! I realize there are only 5 weeks left so I am going to try and make june a better month than may!! hoping for a 5lb loss:)

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    Marie, Glad you got to get out to see the flood damage. It looks awful from the tv coverage.
    Sorr Alice got damage to her car.

    Connie, I am going to continue the 1:1:1. I might look to see if I need to adjust calories.

    Hope everyone will have a good week with losses on the scale.

    Steph, Hope you feel better soon.

    Rachel, Hope you enjoyed your French fries.

    Shirle, Sounds like you really enjoy your Yoga class. I think it would be fun.

    Nancy :)

  • rayw89
    rayw89 Posts: 564 Member
    Thanks, Connie! By the way, 2,000 calories sounds so great, I hope it works for you, that's a good bit of food. :)

    Marie, I can't stand people like that on the road! What a jerk to behave that way. I'm glad they only hit the mirror and didn't knock you all around. I'm glad you all got home safe and that you had a good day otherwise. Your dinner sounds delicious.

    Stephanie, I hope you feel better soon! It's cold here too for June! And rainy. Hopefully we get warm, sunny days soon(but not too hot!). Good luck on those 5 lbs. You can definitely knock those out!!

    Nancy, I did enjoy those fries! Salty potato goodness!! :D

    Our house hunting just gets crazier and crazier. We just lost our 4th house of great interest. It checked all our boxes, except for a sinkhole opening in the back yard last year(and they just accepted an offer). The reasons for not getting these houses just gets more out there every time! Haha. Interested to see what act of God pops up for house #5. Atleast we'll have good stories out of this process in the end.

    Hope everyone has a good Monday! And Happy June!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited June 2015
    Sorry to hear you came down with a cold Stephanie. The are no fun.

    s for us ve not lost any additional pounds. Just been busy trying to lose what I have gain.so correctly have done that, so will have a lost to add to my total lost sone Easter weighed i what do you think of following Connie the same goal Connie set for thanksgiving.. We will keep the misfits and just follow the new group
    Ven upven
    most of us has really done a fantastic job. we all did wonder lull about that we have not Giving up yet
    never give up

    <3 Connie sounds like you got a perfect plan , just remember we can not lose ever morning, as much as I would like to lose a pound a day, it is not going to happen at least for me. I have remain the same for another 3 days. Bot no gain so I am happy
    Remember us seniors our body is not working like a younger person any more. It's up to us to teach it a new life

    If some of my typing. Sounds strange blame it on this small IPad key broad

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Rachel - Take your time with the house hunting. You will be there for a while so you definitely want the right house to meet
    all your needs. Good luck on house #5.

    Connie - That is alot of food, but if it works go for it!

    I got on the scale again and it keeps creeping up and getting very frustrated too. I did go over last night according to MFP
    and my Fit Bit. So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Today starting back on Phase 2 of South Beach and sticking
    to the menu. No changes if I can help it. We are going to visit my grandson, Isaac, on Wednesday so I hope I can stay
    on track since I will be eating at my daughter's. I may bring some of my food with me.

    This morning was Yoga class and I did a shoulder stand. I used to do these as a kid but haven't in a while. It's a challenge
    when you get older. I found out today there is a gal in my class who is 87. You are never too old to learn Yoga.
    It is so good for strength which as we age is very important.

    Another gloomy day with spitting rain. Doing laundry today.

    Enjoy the day!


  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
    Marie..I'm not sure if it's the perfect one or the right one for me. What I do know is something has to change. I lost 1 pound in May. Eating under 1300-1400 calories is not working, so maybe eating more will work.

    Shirley...it IS a lot of food! I am struggling with planning, too. I want to eat healthy food not junk!

    If it were not for the already-paid-personal training, I probably would have given up a couple of months ago. :s

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    edited June 2015
  • SeeAhtter787
    SeeAhtter787 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hi Gang............

    Rach........house hunting can be very difficult. I hated it. I was so glad when I finally found a house. Good luck. But the right one will come eventually.

    Marie...,....stay safe from the weather there. We have now had the driest May ever with .68 inches of rain. We had 2 fires start from lightening this year. I have never seen it in 40 years here. One tree was 70 feet from a group of 8th grade campers. They cut the tree down with a chainsaw and shoved it into the ocean before it could burn much. They also formed a bucket brigade and doused any other flames.

    So I didn't get to go swimming yesterday or today but the weather cooled down for a day and I dropped 8 pounds. 5 of that was water retention from 75+ heat. So I am now currently down to 240!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am loving the sun but the heat is driving me crazy. Ok. I admit I am a complete wimp in the heat. I don't do well. I retain water until I am 3 sizes bigger than normal and I get headaches. Thus the reason for living in Alaska. But this year is going to be a whopper of a year. We have been in the 70s more days than I have ever seen for the month of May. But in the other hand my yard is gorgeous.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks Connie for the link. Californiagirl2012 is my age and found what worked for her to gain a healthy energized body. Her PITA comment made me laugh today
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I was it Connie.we goy to have patients. I never thought I could eat beans and fruit like I've have I am still following the going on 3 weeks now and lose weight too. I too trying to stayed real close to the one one for it think the carbs protein fats is a real healthy plan to have a balance my food. Although I change ny protein source and change my fats quite a bit I am not eatin any oil just using the good fats like chia seeds, ground flax seeds, a t of peanut butter no butter and nuts. Ian only taken one small does of fast acting insulin a day plus 20 units of long lasting Lantus be glad when I can lower that at night and I wifi as soon as my fasting blood sugar is lower than 100 fasting. Ian definite making head ways.Marie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I was it should ha been I saw it Connie