hotties only date other hotties...



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Actually not true. A study was conducted (was watching Science Channel so dont have a link to the article) regarding human attractiveness and what scientists discovered is that humans will select each other based on a rating + or - a number. For example someone that was rated an avg of 5 by all other participants would select a 4, 5 or a 6 as their preference for a partner.

    So what your topic says actually correlates.
  • d9123
    d9123 Posts: 531 Member
  • samrockrocks
    samrockrocks Posts: 251 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    I'll second others.. you just haven't found your "one" yet.

    I wanted to add, though, that I creeped your profile and I think you MUST be leaving something out. You're a war veteran, double amputee, and have lost 60 pounds so far?! If that doesn't give me inspiration, I don't know what will. Plus, you're clearly fairly comfortable in your own skin if you're walking around in Superman get-ups. Haha!

    Just remember, it's THEM, not you. Hell, if you were 15 years younger, *I* might date you!

    Just keep being you and doing what you do. I hate that I'm about to say this, but - you'll find someone when you least expect it. I get that a lot, but it's happened a few times to me! Those guys didn't work out, but it was great while it lasted.

    Anyways. You rock. Don't forget it.
  • justicer68
    justicer68 Posts: 1,223

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    You sir, are a MotherFccking bad *kitten* and I envy that majestic beard!! FR sent. nohomo
  • HazNYC
    HazNYC Posts: 3 Member
    Beauty fades! :drinker:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Okay don't take me wrong, I'm certainly not attacking you or your post. But for sake of discussion...

    If looks don't matter, why do you work so hard at looking so good? Or does your post not reflect your opinion of this?

    this is a 2-part answer, actually. The post was a joke of another chit chat post and I work so hard at looking good for myself. My post does reflect this opinion, as I've always gone for personality over what others would say was "hot".
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Looks, intelligence and money doesn't hurt either.

    As Homer Simpson says "money makes you attractive"
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    I used to wonder the very same thing. I am far from being a hottie. I was always told how funny and witty I was. But I later found out the issue wasn't with my looks, my personality, or my bank account...for me it was insecurity. Just like dogs & bees can smell fear...women can smell a guy who isn't secure with himself. Once I got a little swag...I met my wife and ce la vi.

    I love the "six year old asking for a cookie." line. Keep being you man! As a wise man told me once - there may be a lot of fish in the sea...but if your line ain't in the ain't catchin' none.

    ^this is great advice.

    i'm inclined to say those two women you were referring to aren't the ones for you. lots of women are flaky, just like plenty of men are (as i've been finding out). i hate dating too--but it's a game, and we have to play the elimination game. you've just eliminated two women who you don't need. time to move on and you'll find someone (just like i'm told i'll find someone too!). for what it's worth, i put myself out there with a guy and got rejected. but this past weekend, i was just doing my thang and got approached multiple times (not asked out per se). anyway, we'll keep on working the confidence muscles and we'll get there!

    I agree with silver and the poster before her. Though, I do know you, so I know you have some confidence. Those 2 women weren't meant for you is all. Keep at it. Besides, you're fresh on the market again. Once women realize that, they will be pining for you, Shawn.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Actually not true. A study was conducted (was watching Science Channel so dont have a link to the article) regarding human attractiveness and what scientists discovered is that humans will select each other based on a rating + or - a number. For example someone that was rated an avg of 5 by all other participants would select a 4, 5 or a 6 as their preference for a partner.

    So what your topic says actually correlates.

    may be true for some, but definitely not for all.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    I used to wonder the very same thing. I am far from being a hottie. I was always told how funny and witty I was. But I later found out the issue wasn't with my looks, my personality, or my bank account...for me it was insecurity. Just like dogs & bees can smell fear...women can smell a guy who isn't secure with himself. Once I got a little swag...I met my wife and ce la vi.

    I love the "six year old asking for a cookie." line. Keep being you man! As a wise man told me once - there may be a lot of fish in the sea...but if your line ain't in the ain't catchin' none.

    ^this is great advice.

    i'm inclined to say those two women you were referring to aren't the ones for you. lots of women are flaky, just like plenty of men are (as i've been finding out). i hate dating too--but it's a game, and we have to play the elimination game. you've just eliminated two women who you don't need. time to move on and you'll find someone (just like i'm told i'll find someone too!). for what it's worth, i put myself out there with a guy and got rejected. but this past weekend, i was just doing my thang and got approached multiple times (not asked out per se). anyway, we'll keep on working the confidence muscles and we'll get there!

    I agree with silver and the poster before her. Though, I do know you, so I know you have some confidence. Those 2 women weren't meant for you is all. Keep at it. Besides, you're fresh on the market again. Once women realize that, they will be pining for you, Shawn.

    From the "guy before Silvr" - ^^^ What she said! :)
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Beauty fades! :drinker:

  • ACepero79
    ACepero79 Posts: 711 Member
    All I got going for me is a big ****. No really. I have a really good friend who's name is Richard and he's really tall. Over 6 feet.
  • feast4dabeast
    feast4dabeast Posts: 96 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    I like a wee bit or everything
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
    My wife is smoking hot and she's with me. Therefore, I know that hotties dating only other hotties is false! US UGLIES HAVE A CHANCE DAMMIT!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    All I got going for me is a big ****. No really. I have a really good friend who's name is Richard and he's really tall. Over 6 feet.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • vvenegoniIII
    Good Looking
    Emotionally Stable

    Pick two.
  • Lochlyn_D
    Lochlyn_D Posts: 492 Member
    For me, It's all about compatibility. I need to be able to tolerate this person enough to live with them for the rest of my life. Luckily, I aleady found him.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    All I got going for me is a big ****. No really. I have a really good friend who's name is Richard and he's really tall. Over 6 feet.

    All I know is that "gain a 1/2 inch for every 30 lbs lost" myth...not a myth...truth. Just sayin'. Don't know why I felt like I needed to say it. But...anyway. #Awkward
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member