hotties only date other hotties...



  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Just most of us.

    whatever floats your boat.

    You said "floats" to Poopie Monster. :bigsmile: Oh, and I agree! When I was younger it was more about looks, but not as I got older.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: my mom always asked what I was thinking. She said that I could do better in the looks department, even in my younger days...

    Another one? :) Good lord I'm thankful my parents were never like that growing up or even to this day, first question is always is she nice and what's her personality has never ever commented on the looks of someone I've dated.

    I never understood why that mattered, either. So long as I was/am happy, that is all that should matter.
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    My family always gives me grief about the guys I date, who are usually of average looks and exceptional minds. "Think how embarrassed we would be to introduce him to people if you married him!"

    I just tell them to think of how I feel all the time....I mean, I have to introduce them.

    No offense but that's a pretty superficial family you've got going on there. I'm glad you have the presence of mind to follow your own heart.

    I'm glad you approve. I was so worried.

  • LookMaNoHands
    LookMaNoHands Posts: 174 Member
    I'm enjoying reading this.

    Generally speaking, women will date men that are less attractive then they are and men will look for women that are super attractive or out of their league... per stats I've read and can't remember where. I think a fitness magazine.

    This isn't always the case. However, I know that women are often a lot harder on themselves then men are in regards to looks and keeping themselves healthy. Women are emotional, men are physical.

    I think this is true, particularly with the idea that men often end up with women who are more physically attractive than they are. However this is often not because the women are being charitable. Often it is because the men are wealthy. ;-)
  • Canuck_Fit
    Canuck_Fit Posts: 41 Member
    Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Just most of us.

    whatever floats your boat.

    You said "floats" to Poopie Monster. :bigsmile: Oh, and I agree! When I was younger it was more about looks, but not as I got older.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: my mom always asked what I was thinking. She said that I could do better in the looks department, even in my younger days...

    Another one? :) Good lord I'm thankful my parents were never like that growing up or even to this day, first question is always is she nice and what's her personality has never ever commented on the looks of someone I've dated.

    I never understood why that mattered, either. So long as I was/am happy, that is all that should matter.

    Very true, I think deep down parents want to make sure their kids are with a good person and are a little over-protective about it. That's my own experience with my parents of course.
  • Canuck_Fit
    Canuck_Fit Posts: 41 Member
    I'm enjoying reading this.

    Generally speaking, women will date men that are less attractive then they are and men will look for women that are super attractive or out of their league... per stats I've read and can't remember where. I think a fitness magazine.

    This isn't always the case. However, I know that women are often a lot harder on themselves then men are in regards to looks and keeping themselves healthy. Women are emotional, men are physical.

    I think this is true, particularly with the idea that men often end up with women who are more physically attractive than they are. However this is often not because the women are being charitable. Often it is because the men are wealthy. ;-)

    Said often about this gentleman but in the end only his wife knows and matters.
  • 81meg1L
    81meg1L Posts: 44 Member

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I'm enjoying reading this.

    Generally speaking, women will date men that are less attractive then they are and men will look for women that are super attractive or out of their league... per stats I've read and can't remember where. I think a fitness magazine.

    This isn't always the case. However, I know that women are often a lot harder on themselves then men are in regards to looks and keeping themselves healthy. Women are emotional, men are physical.

    I think this is true, particularly with the idea that men often end up with women who are more physically attractive than they are. However this is often not because the women are being charitable. Often it is because the men are wealthy. ;-)

    that is so sad. I've never dated a rich guy.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Looks, intelligence and money doesn't hurt either.

    didn't say it did, but that's not what its all about.

    No it doesn't hurt but rarely will you ever find someone with all three attributes. I go for intellegence and personality. That is what matters to me. I have my own money I don't need nor want theirs. As far as looks go yes attractive is nice but as you get to know someone they become more attractive to you as you get to know them if you like them. :-)


    My last love, when I first met him I didn't think "cute" or "not cute" i just didn't feel one way or the other. Just here's some dude. When i fell in love with him, every time i looked at him, he'd take my goddamned breath away.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Maybe you need to initiate the conversations first?

    I was partly joking, but you are of course correct.
    Being introvert is not a big helper when it comes to the dating game. We need girls like you who take initiative. :wink:

    A little shyness can be kinda cute, but confidence really works wonders.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Just most of us.

    whatever floats your boat.

    You said "floats" to Poopie Monster. :bigsmile: Oh, and I agree! When I was younger it was more about looks, but not as I got older.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: my mom always asked what I was thinking. She said that I could do better in the looks department, even in my younger days...

    Another one? :) Good lord I'm thankful my parents were never like that growing up or even to this day, first question is always is she nice and what's her personality has never ever commented on the looks of someone I've dated.

    I never understood why that mattered, either. So long as I was/am happy, that is all that should matter.

    Very true, I think deep down parents want to make sure their kids are with a good person and are a little over-protective about it. That's my own experience with my parents of course.

    for sure our parents are overprotective and probably want beautiful grandkids, too, but if that's the case, then what my mom said before makes no sense at all. She said "2 beautiful people do not make beautiful babies..." though, that statement alone really doesn't make any sense, lol.
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    What a crock- as if there really were actual "leagues", or as if everyone agreed on what is attractive. Seriously, not everyone finds the same things attractive. The world would like us to think that's true, so they can use that image to sell us crap, but it's bull. The reasons we are attracted to people can't be boiled down to a few general qualities that are completely subjective in nature- attraction is just that, completely subjective. I didn't think I liked back hair until I fell in love with a man who happened to have back hair. I loved his back hair. It wasn't his back hair that I fell in love with, it was HIM. I used to think I liked the guys who take risks and live large and damn the consequences, until I realized those men don't give me anything to hold on to, and I actually love stability. I have never looked at man I'm attracted to and thought one of us wasn't "good enough" for the other person. It is a relationship, not an acquisition. SMH.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Looks, intelligence and money doesn't hurt either.

    didn't say it did, but that's not what its all about.

    No it doesn't hurt but rarely will you ever find someone with all three attributes. I go for intellegence and personality. That is what matters to me. I have my own money I don't need nor want theirs. As far as looks go yes attractive is nice but as you get to know someone they become more attractive to you as you get to know them if you like them. :-)


    My last love, when I first met him I didn't think "cute" or "not cute" i just didn't feel one way or the other. Just here's some dude. When i fell in love with him, every time i looked at him, he'd take my goddamned breath away.

    :bigsmile: That is EXACTLY what happened with my guy, too. *swoons*
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Actually not true. A study was conducted (was watching Science Channel so dont have a link to the article) regarding human attractiveness and what scientists discovered is that humans will select each other based on a rating + or - a number. For example someone that was rated an avg of 5 by all other participants would select a 4, 5 or a 6 as their preference for a partner.

    So what your topic says actually correlates.

    may be true for some, but definitely not for all.

    Yes. Those outliers usually have pretty big bank accounts.

    hmm, would apply.... if I've ever been a golddigger, but never have been, so try again.

    so is everything always about you?
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    What a crock- as if there really were actual "leagues", or as if everyone agreed on what is attractive. Seriously, not everyone finds the same things attractive. The world would like us to think that's true, so they can use that image to sell us crap, but it's bull. The reasons we are attracted to people can't be boiled down to a few general qualities that are completely subjective in nature- attraction is just that, completely subjective. I didn't think I liked back hair until I fell in love with a man who happened to have back hair. I loved his back hair. It wasn't his back hair that I fell in love with, it was HIM. I used to think I liked the guys who take risks and live large and damn the consequences, until I realized those men don't give me anything to hold on to, and I actually love stability. I have never looked at man I'm attracted to and thought one of us wasn't "good enough" for the other person. It is a relationship, not an acquisition. SMH.

    yea, that's pretty much what my initial post said. :flowerforyou:
  • PoopieMonster
    PoopieMonster Posts: 295 Member
    Wait. Who says you're a hottie to begin with? :tongue:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    yea, I'm kidding. Some people actually prefer intelligent conversations with a decent person. It's not all about looks and money. Well, not for everyone, anyway....

    Actually not true. A study was conducted (was watching Science Channel so dont have a link to the article) regarding human attractiveness and what scientists discovered is that humans will select each other based on a rating + or - a number. For example someone that was rated an avg of 5 by all other participants would select a 4, 5 or a 6 as their preference for a partner.

    So what your topic says actually correlates.

    may be true for some, but definitely not for all.

    Yes. Those outliers usually have pretty big bank accounts.

    hmm, would apply.... if I've ever been a golddigger, but never have been, so try again.

    so is everything always about you?

    when you quote me, it is, yes. :tongue:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Wait. Who says you're a hottie to begin with? :tongue:

    my mom, duh! :laugh:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    my honest feedback is no woman owes you anything just because you are a nice guy. maybe when you get that sense of entitlement out of your head, you can treat women like human beings who have their crap going on which might have nothing to do with you, or maybe they just don't want to tell you to your face that they aren't into you.

    I know this guy who i can tell is into me. He's nice. He's a good guy. I haven't blatantly told him i'm not into him. If he asked me if I thought he was funny or whatever, i would say yeah, sure. But my god if he ever tries to ask me out, I'm gonna have to come up with some way to ditch him. He's nice enough that i don't want to hurt his feelings. But the thought of kissing him makes my skin crawl. I'm just not into him.
  • Sweaty_N_Hungry
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    my honest feedback is no woman owes you anything just because you are a nice guy. maybe when you get that sense of entitlement out of your head, you can treat women like human beings who have their crap going on which might have nothing to do with you, or maybe they just don't want to tell you to your face that they aren't into you.

    I know this guy who i can tell is into me. He's nice. He's a good guy. I haven't blatantly told him i'm not into him. If he asked me if I thought he was funny or whatever, i would say yeah, sure. But my god if he ever tries to ask me out, I'm gonna have to come up with some way to ditch him. He's nice enough that i don't want to hurt his feelings. But the thought of kissing him makes my skin crawl. I'm just not into him.

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    So where the hell do I sit on this scale?

    The last two women I asked out blew me off. One did the Old, "maybe", "We'll see". WTF, am I a six year old asking for a cookie? Just say thanks but no thanks. The second woman had been flirting with me for weeks, and yes it was flirting, not just being nice. She made several remarks about how she would date me, liked older men, how she found my sense of humor to be attracitve quality. When I asked her out on a date, she said yes, then when we went to nail down plans, she said she just wanted to do a freinds thing cuz she isnt ready to date anyone yet... SMH...

    At this rate, I almost want to give up on women all together... well, not all together, but dating is making me want to get a mail order bride

    No I am not rich, but make a good living, I may not be totally hot, but not bad either, and as for personality, effin forget about it, I am the funniest person I know, bar none! It should also be noted that while I play a bad boy on TV, I am easily wrapped around a womans finger and whipped behind closed doors. Perfect guy, I tell you! LOL

    Go ahead ladies, give me some honest feedback, what the hell are you looking for?

    my honest feedback is no woman owes you anything just because you are a nice guy. maybe when you get that sense of entitlement out of your head, you can treat women like human beings who have their crap going on which might have nothing to do with you, or maybe they just don't want to tell you to your face that they aren't into you.

    I know this guy who i can tell is into me. He's nice. He's a good guy. I haven't blatantly told him i'm not into him. If he asked me if I thought he was funny or whatever, i would say yeah, sure. But my god if he ever tries to ask me out, I'm gonna have to come up with some way to ditch him. He's nice enough that i don't want to hurt his feelings. But the thought of kissing him makes my skin crawl. I'm just not into him.


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: