carbs are my enemy



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    find me the person that recommended eating pizza and muffins all the time…?

    and when you invoke the word "nazi" to describe someone it just means that you are a zealot and there is no point in even talking with you ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    The forum has just been a breeding ground for emotion filled posters lately. Where is the application of science and logic lately.
    It is only going to get worse. I just read an article that said that one of the trends of 2015 is that people are going to be getting more of their nutrition information from blogs.


    the forums are already bad enough around the near year….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    Awww look at you, trying to use an extreme hypothetical to prove a weak point.

    Weak point is weak. Try again.

    in my experience, the ones that resort to calling others nazis are the real nazis….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    Awww look at you, trying to use an extreme hypothetical to prove a weak point.

    Weak point is weak. Try again.

    in my experience, the ones that resort to calling others nazis are the real nazis….

    The only Nazi I've ever liked was Soup.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ^ you mean old Adolf was not your favorite…????
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    It's because we're not gullible.

    Unless you have a diagnosed medical condition, moderation is fine. If you do then exclude what you have to.

    It's really not that hard a concept.


  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited December 2014
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    I'm not sure you understand what moderation is, and I'd like to see where someone advised to eat them "all the time".

  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    I'm not sure you understand what moderation is, and I'd like to see where someone advised to eat them "all the time".
    Why is it that having pizza et al means that that person only eats pizza.......must be a brain cloud that blocks rational thought.

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    Once you use the word Nazi in a debate, you lose all credibility (assuming you had any in the first place).

    I bet you're a blast at parties.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited December 2014
    RGv2 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    I'm not sure you understand what moderation is, and I'd like to see where someone advised to eat them "all the time".
    Why is it that having pizza et al means that that person only eats pizza.......must be a brain cloud that blocks rational thought.

    I'm not even sure why pizza seems to be used as the universal "junk fook" on this site. A great meal on an easy to carry slice. Makes a nice treat once in a while.

  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    unless you have some kind of medical condition then it is not carbs that is hampering your weight loss, it is over eating.

    Do you own a food scale?
    do you weigh/log/measure everything?

    You can eat carbs, be in a deficit, and lose weight; consequently, you can not eat carbs, eat in a surplus, and gain weight.....

    She mentioned suspected insulin resistance. I don't know what suspected means, though. However..if it is insulin resistance then lowering carb intake would be a good idea.

    was that confirmed by a doctor?

    unless of course OP has self diagnosed herself ....

    I have no idea. Just saying it was mentioned and if it is the case, carb restriction could be beneficial.
    if it is a medical condition then yes, cut carbs...

    if OP has self diagnosed herself, then I would suggest seeing an actual doctor, and not playing one at home...

    This is not actually great advice, since I AM a diagnosed Celiac but yet I knew MORE about my condition than the GI did!! So that does not fly in all cases

    You still needed your GI to diagnose you with Celiac. Self-diagnosing is quite different than knowing more about your condition than your doctor does. Of course you do, you are the one who lives with it every day.

    No, that is NOT true. My feeling better was only peripheral to my diagnosis. I actually have a great Internal Medicine doc that told me that. The GI consult was effectively useless as they told me NOTHING to help me and just Said yeah, you have this. The GI wanted me to go back on gluten For 4-8 WEEKS!!! Which means I KNOW they have no idea what I am living with!! One DAY on gluten KILLS me!! I feel it immediately, now that I know what is happening!! You CAN self-diagnose just fine with a trial of gluten free and then going back. That means you are sensitive to it if you react, BUT there is no treatment for Celiac either beside diet. The only thing done different for me was I got a DEXA scan to make sure my bones were OK after all the GI damage. They were, I went on my way...Guess what, STILL GI problems I had to figure out even though I am "fine". Doctors are NOT be all end all. They have error and they have limited education.

    And this is the perfect example of why you don't go gluten free without getting tested for Celiac first. The reason your GI told you to eat gluten for 4-8 weeks is because the test wouldn't have been accurate otherwise. And by the way, the blood test for Celiac is not accurate. It frequently gives false-negatives and false-positives. The only way to determine whether a person absolutely, positively has Celiac is through an endoscopy. One does not need to begin eating gluten again in order to have the procedure because the villi in your small intestine will still be damaged.

    The comment about self-diagnosing Celiac is just absurd. You cannot self-diagnose Celiac. Period. You need an endoscopy to diagnose Celiac disease. There's a big difference between having a gluten sensitivity and having Celiac. Celiac can kill if it is left untreated.

    First off you are wrong, flat out about the testing. He told me to go back on for 4-8 weeks because you will NOT show up as damaged after being off gluten for say, the month I was. I have researched this at nauseum and that is true. If you are not eating gluten the test will NOT be accurate. You are not seeing what I am seeing.

    I said SENSITIVE not Celiac but either way is irrelevant people still can have life threatening reactions to it. AND semantics means nothing if you can't eat it. Clearly you have no idea or you wouldn't be so quick to be dismissive. If I was torn up to the point I could not function, then went off gluten 30 days and felt fine, there is NO WAY in HELL I am going back on and going out of work for 30 days, because that is how sick it makes me. My doctors GI and regular, BOTH said the endoscopy was extraneous at that point since I had HIGH blood levels and since my GI issues and fatigue stopped without gluten at that point. Endoscopy is NOT the only diagnostic measure to a gluten problem and to say so is quite ignorant. You can diagnose a gluten issue by going off and back on in about 2 weeks or a month. The result is all the same. If you feel like crap ON it, don't eat it. Simple, but for some i is just a point to argue.

    No, cindytw, you said:
    cindytw wrote: »
    This is not actually great advice, since I AM a diagnosed Celiac but yet I knew MORE about my condition than the GI did!! So that does not fly in all cases

    Truth always comes out. LOL
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    I'm not sure you understand what moderation is, and I'd like to see where someone advised to eat them "all the time".
    Why is it that having pizza et al means that that person only eats pizza.......must be a brain cloud that blocks rational thought.

    I'm not even sure why pizza seems to be used as the universal "junk fook" on this site. A great meal on an easy to carry slice. Makes a nice treat once in a while.
    Or the fact that it's not actually unhealthy and has a plethora of nutrients based on it's variety.

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    RGv2 wrote: »
    cindytw wrote: »
    Just another "delusional" MD who counters the all calories are the same theory. Obviously, he must be a quack, a liar, or just trying to sell something. And he has the nerve to say that a calories from a Big Gulp and broccoli are not the same. Imagine that?

    Thanks for the awesome link that covers the subject well without heavy science.

    But wait, the "moderation Nazis" that think eating muffins and pizza is just fine all the time within calorie range, they the "experts" on health have deemed Dr. Hyman a "quack". so it must be so. How could we go against such experts??!! (uh yeah, I can't post the real term I want to call these people as it would be flagged!!)

    I'm not sure you understand what moderation is, and I'd like to see where someone advised to eat them "all the time".
    Why is it that having pizza et al means that that person only eats pizza.......must be a brain cloud that blocks rational thought.

    I'm not even sure why pizza seems to be used as the universal "junk fook" on this site. A great meal on an easy to carry slice. Makes a nice treat once in a while.
    Or the fact that it's not actually unhealthy and has a plethora of nutrients based on it's variety.

    I know, right?
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Pizza would be "unhealthy" for her self-diagnosed gluten condition. The one that she knew more about than doctors did. The one that changed from celiac to sensitivity. The one that was killing her.

    Why doesn't this forum have a sarcasm font?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Pizza would be "unhealthy" for her self-diagnosed gluten condition. The one that she knew more about than doctors did. The one that changed from celiac to sensitivity. The one that was killing her.

    Why doesn't this forum have a sarcasm font?

  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Pizza would be "unhealthy" for her self-diagnosed gluten condition. The one that she knew more about than doctors did. The one that changed from celiac to sensitivity. The one that was killing her.

    Why doesn't this forum have a sarcasm font?

    More pizza for the Nazis!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Since Nazi pizza would be vegetarian I am refusing to board this particular train...

    I guess pizza is considered "unhealthy" because it is unconsciously associated with "ridiculously easy to over consume".
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,017 Member
    msf74 wrote: »
    Since Nazi pizza would be vegetarian I am refusing to board this particular train...

    I guess pizza is considered "unhealthy" because it is unconsciously associated with "ridiculously easy to over consume".
    That's an entirely different issue, but it seems to get blindsided a lot around here.

This discussion has been closed.