Fat girls at Victoria's Secret.



  • ForABetterMe89
    I won't lie, I saw a girl that I personally knew working at our local VS. She's pretty overweight and I was surprised to see her working there. We've had that same bunch of girls at our VS for years and they all scream 'sex appeal.' Did I think she had less right to work there than the other girls, absolutely no. Did I think she was out of place, nope. Did it 'ruin' my shopping experience, not a chance. I was just a little thrown off. Had I see her in any other VS I wouldn't have even noticed I'm sure.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i wouldn't care in the least! what does ruin my shopping experience is when i go up to the register and see the total. yikes...

    but i love VS =D all of my underwear and most of my bras are from there. my stuff from HS is still in good shape after hundreds of washes. it's worth the price, for me.

    also i loled at your name! and congratulations on your job, i hope you get crazy discounts!
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Go U!
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    I worked at VS when i was 19 (and 240 lbs) and I felt weird but noone else gave me crap. And i had a lot of bigger girls shop there. Everyone deserves to feel sexy and get the clothes they want
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    P.s. VS likes boobs (prolly why big girls get hired) Just flaunt the puppies and you will fit in
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    The Victoria's Secret by my house had men, overweight employees and one male-to-female transgender employee.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    It would definitely make me feel better knowing that they have experience with more than just stick thin ladies.
  • Karen918
    Karen918 Posts: 47 Member
    I have never been in one of their stores, I didn't even know they had plus sizes.

    Congrats on the new job, in this job market they are hard to come by.

    This would make me more likely to go there.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Some people are stupid asshats, and the internet has given them the freedom to say stupid, horrible things that would get them ostracized if they said it to people in real life.

    As long as the employee knows what they're doing and is helpful and polite, people who think ill of them are just bad people.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    Congrats on getting the job!
    To answer your question, I would not be offended if I saw a larger woman working at VS and it would make me feel more comfortable knowing the management were more body positive towards all different types of figures, because women of all shapes and sizes do end up shopping there. I can't recall a time where I have ever had a bad experience shopping at VS. Many of the stores I have been to hire women of different sizes and most of them are usually very polite and helpful, which I think matters most.
  • judithcamilleri
    judithcamilleri Posts: 6 Member
    Personally, I feel that it is amazing that VS is hiring larger girls. When they stopped carrying XL panties in their stores (at my location) I refused to give them business in store anymore. Especially, since I was told they could not order it online for me, that I had to do it myself. However, if they are leaning towards changing the image that only skinny people can wear/buy their clothes in store, and they are offering to order in store for home delivery, that makes me think differently.

    Congrats on the job, and thanks for sharing the news!
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    I would be more comfortable with a plus size employee than with a girl with a waist the size of my arm helping me. Though that may be because i'm afraid of skinny girls. I can honestly say I've never been in Victoria Secret, mostly because the size 0 women in there are quite intimidating.

    I have absolutely no preference as to what a person looks like as long as they are helpful and nice.

    I have to say I'd be even more uncomfortable if they had a man working there. Big or small, old or young, it'd make no difference, i'd run the other way.
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Congrats on your job!

    I have two daughters and 4 nieces that I shop for at VS. I have also worn Love Spell as my daily body spray for many years. I've only once had a bad experience when a sales associate did not greet me or even make eye contact with me and made me feel very uncomfortable. I'm assuming it was because I am obese. When I literally had to follow her to the back of the store to ask a question she had a distasteful look on her face and clearly did not want to talk to me, again avoiding eye contact and giving one-word answers. I was completely fed up and asked to speak to the manager. After explaining how I felt, I informed the mgr that this associate lost her store a $300-400 sale that day and that I would not be shopping there in the future. I would rather go out of my way and go to another store than to give my money to a store that would hire such a person. The manager was very apologetic and told the girl to wait in her office. She then took my name address and phone number. I received a $50 gift card in the mail a week later with a note saying that the girl had received further training after my incident, and that she actually no longer worked there because she did not make it through her probation period. The manager then called me about a week later and personally invited me back to the store so she could help change my mind about that location. I was happy to go back after seeing that she was proactive and showing me that she cared more about her customers than some snotty employee.
  • servalan
    servalan Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats on the new job! It sounds like maybe policies are improving or that your area store is enlightened. I'm so glad!

    I like the products (bras in particular), but I definitely feel like I'm not wanted as a customer at the store. They USED to carry larger sized bras in store, and now they don't even have samples to try on so you know you have the right style/ size (they discontinued my style and I was screwed). They used to sell panties in all styles in size XL, and now only the high leg brief. Also, their coupons for a free panty used to be able to be substituted for a cotton high leg brief if the panty they intended to give away didn't come in an XL. It went from no big deal (any clerk could do it), to fat-girl walk of shame for special manager override, to no, you can't have a free panty that will fit you, even after the walk of shame (a newer company policy that was typed on the coupon). I love their product, but I feel like such a fat, unappreciated loser when I went in there last time that I cried when I got home and decided I shouldn't go back.

    I used to shop there exclusively for makeup, bras, panties, and fragrances. I don't know if I'll ever shop there again though.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Congrats on the job. I used to be able to sometimes find 40DDs there, then I gained rather than losing and couldn't find bras that fit there, so I just stopped going. Knowing they hired you, it makes me feel MUCH more likely to go back and shop there as I lose the weight. I love love love sexy clothes, but for now would keep my money for in store purchases where I can find clothes that fit. But I am very glad to hear your story as I can look forward to treating myself to some VS when I reach some more goals weight loss and size wise!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    First - congrats on getting the job. That is awesome. Can you say Employee Discount!! LOL :) But congrats.

    Second - yes of course I'd still shop there. Its good to know that they are diverse and carry sizes for all women. Women come in all shapes and sizes and if they discriminated agaisnt that they would lose a lot of customers. I don't think I'd think one way or another if I walked in and saw a very thin girl or a larger girl. As long as they could help me find a bra to fit *me* I'm a happy customer!!
    Yesssss to the above! Congrats ont he job - hope you LOVE!
  • segoviaj048
    I would be so happy to see a bigger girl in VS because it would make me feel totally comfortable and not embarrassed like I might feel with strictly thin employees. I think it would be awesome if part of your job was to do measuring because I would feel more comfortable with a girl who I can connect with in that sense! I don't have anything against thin employees, I guess I just might feel embarrassed in that circumstance (bra fitting, etc.)
    Also, something I've learned so far in life; there will ALWAYS be people who will think you're not thin enough. I've been a healthy 154 lbs. before with a body that I'd kill to have now, and I had classmates and friends who made weight jokes/references to me. So what I learned is that you cannot please everybody and that's OKAY. Because, quite frankly, screw em!

    So good luck on your job and remember; nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent!
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Since I don't want to spam my own post, I'll just say in general, thank you to everyone that congratulated me! And I'm really glad that some of you, knowing they hired a girl like me, would feel more comfortable shopping there knowing that they don't discriminate. I hope that someone my size or similar to my size sees me working one day and decides to come in. I hope I make people feel comfortable enough to come in and not feel intimidated :)
  • cacleghorn
    cacleghorn Posts: 61 Member

    Even at 200 pounds, I had A cups. I need to know I'm not the only one with an 'odd' body. Diversity and approachability in lingerie shops makes me feel way more comfortable to ask for tips or to be measured, which ultimately makes me more likely to buy things.
  • Naomi0222
    Naomi0222 Posts: 84
    I like seeing people of all sizes everywhere I shop, as well as gender, race, etc. I don't want to spend my money in a store that discriminates.