Eating VERY clean and tons of protein but still hungry



  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    I don't think it comes across as rude and I am being totally honest. I love the food. I love how I feel. My stomach has never felt this good. I have 500 calories left today and I was thinking of getting a mini oreo blizzard but I don't really want it. I would rather have something clean.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    hill8570 wrote: »
    ...the fact that you're losing nearly a pound a day is a waving, glowing red flag that you're not eating enough.

    No, no, no, no, no, no....

    The OP could be eating ZERO and it still wouldn't be a large enough deficit to support a pound a day of actual weight loss.

    Therefore the OP is not in fact losing a pound/day of actual weight.

    Therefore any statement about under-eating is premature, at best.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Actually, I really like the food. I think because I used to eat so bad, I just love eating clean. Also, my stomach feels WAY better eating this way. I will have 1 cheat meal a week for some much needed indulgence, but other than that I am satisfied with the food :)

    no such thing as bad food …

    change your mentality, change the game..

    Food is just energy that your body uses for energy..

    The problem with eating clean, and starving is that eventually you are going to go for the things that you have identified as "bad", "junk" whatever. I would suggest building in some things that you like - ice cream , cookies, some pizza, whatever - and incorporating them into your diet. They will fill you up, you will not restrict yourself, and you will not be starving...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't think it comes across as rude and I am being totally honest. I love the food. I love how I feel. My stomach has never felt this good. I have 500 calories left today and I was thinking of getting a mini oreo blizzard but I don't really want it. I would rather have something clean.

    buy the blizzard, rinse in water, it is now clean and proceed to eat it…

    no such thing as clean or dirty food...
  • samantha1242
    samantha1242 Posts: 816 Member
    Maybe try mixing up your menu. You could try a different breakfast other than protein powder (I am assuming you make a shake?). Perhaps you could try oatmeal with a scoop of natural peanut butter and cut up bananas, or 2 pieces of toast with natural peanut butter and banana, or 2 pieces of toast and 2 hard boiled eggs (or whatever you want to put on the toast). I know I am personally never full off a protein shake and I would eventually be rummaging through the fridge/cupboards by the end of the day. :)
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks Samantha...I will try that. And by whole healthy i mean as close to from the earth as possible. Not fake foods packed with fake *kitten*.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Maybe don't set your goal so aggressively, so you have more calories, until you get use to your new lifestyle. This or earn more through exercise. It takes a bit for your body to get adjusted.
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    Thanks for everyone's advice. I did increase my calories today. I will see how I feel for the nexr few days :) I truly appreciate the advice!
  • fredgiblet
    fredgiblet Posts: 241 Member
    Protein doesn't fill me up. It sucks, but when I eat a protein heavy meal I tend to still be hungry when I'm done. You may need to experiment with foods until you find some that make you feel full.
  • magnoliasmama09
    magnoliasmama09 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you eating MUFA's with each meal? They are the healthy fats found in foods like olives, olive oil, avocado, dark chocolate, nuts, etc. They keep you full longer and in moderate amounts help fight saturated fats. Plus, having 8-10 cups of water a day helps to satiate you. Check out The Flat Belly Diet. You get to eat 4 times a day @400 calories and it's all healthy mediterranean based food.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I had that same question for my nutritionist some time ago. She said to increase my fiber. That will help immensely!!!! It really helped me a lot!!!
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    The only thing that truly makes me feel full is carbs. But I do know I have become an overeater, hence my weight. I will try adding in some almonds :) I am just going to keep trucking with this increase in calories and see how it goes. I know losing weight fast isn't healthy but I am doing it the healthy way so hopefully it all evens out.
  • I am 257lbs 31yr old female. I started MFP last Monday and have lost 8lbs in 9 days. I eat VERY clean, no crap. I am starving!!!! What can I do?

    Hi Allison!
    It took me awhile to suss out MFP with the calorie thing and figuring stuff out so I wasn't hungry too.
    Just keep in mind that this is new. If you're hungry, don't be afraid to eat, just make good choices.
    For me, I'm 42 and 320 lbs, and I have a lot of booty to shed! I found by switching to 6 meals-ish a day (I'm lazy about tracking right now, as I'm dealing with the flu, but farther back, you can see it in my snacks, though you can set it to log multiple meals a day instead of the standard 3), my hunger left.
    I'm not talking meat & potatoes here for meals either. I have fruit for breakfast, a whole grain type granola somethingorother for a little bulk around 10ish, for lunch, I keep it lighter, I have a snack shortly before leaving work (usually grapes - they're a huge fave, especially in summer when they're not $9 a bag like now!), and then eat a decent supper.

    It really helps to break things down during the day (and might be easier for a busy mom too!) and doesn't put so much pressure on suddenly 'having' to cram 1000 calories in to a meal, which means typically bad ideas.

    It's okay to experiment. Plot your recipes, plan your meals a few days ahead (a week if you can!) and you'll find you'll figure it out.

    And yeah -- the hemp hearts comments - HUGE for me in the morning. I throw a bunch in to my morning fruit smoothies. The earthy taste is different, but it's really hearty.

    OH! Something else too! (sorry - I'm long winded!) I found that by switching to whole foods (trust me - I'm the farthest away from being a nutritionist in the universe!), which meant wearing a hole through Google and sorting through websites, I learned that they fill me up MILES better.
    I eat NOTHING from a box, and very little from a can unless it's whole itself (like canned tomatoes, kidney beans - no salt added, btw). No more white rice, but brown rice is miles more filling. I love a good rice stir fry (I typically do not mix my starches and protiens though, for no medical reason other than it's easier to digest and easier on my system, in my uneducated opinion).

    So don't be afraid to stop calling what you're doing a diet. Diets to me ring of a lot of 'can't eat that!' garbage.
    Lifestyle choices let you eat whatever you want - with smart choices.
    Also - keep your sugar (crap sugar, like white sugar) as low as possible. No pop, candy, etc because it just makes you hungry.

    And: If you're not hungry enough to eat something you're not all that a fan of (for me, it's an apple), then you're just bored. Go for a glass of water instead!

    Throw me a friend request if you like - extra support, ideas and recipes are always a good addition :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    lol @ jpaulie. That is what I am trying to figure out. Before this I ate what I wanted when I wanted, literally. I bet some days I consumed 10, 000 calories. I just didn't care. So I was hoping this hunger would pass. BUT I am losing quite quickly and not meaning to

    If you could mentally recall and log a typical day for you before you cut calories you would have a better idea of where you were starting from.

    I assume you could target 2000cal/day and see how it affects weight loss. Then you wouldnt likely put yourself in to starvation mode. Preserve all the muscle you can, its your furnace.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    edited January 2015
    The only thing that truly makes me feel full is carbs. But I do know I have become an overeater, hence my weight. I will try adding in some almonds :) I am just going to keep trucking with this increase in calories and see how it goes. I know losing weight fast isn't healthy but I am doing it the healthy way so hopefully it all evens out.

    When you are very heavy, you will lose weight quickly in the beginning. Most of it is water weight. So don't worry about losing more than 2 pounds a week. At your weight, it would be perfectly fine for you to lose 3-4 pounds a week. I am not recommending that, just pointing it out that it's not unhealthy or unsafe as long as you are properly fueling your body.

    I have a friend who recently lost 100 pounds in 4.5 months. He was losing 7-8 pounds a week in the beginning… all while eating 2000+ calories. His weight loss has slowed down to 2-3 pounds a week now.
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've found that eating protein and fat makes me feeling fuller than eating carbs. In the morning, a breakfast of eggs + avocado + bacon (and a little piece of toast, because I like my carbs like any other girl) makes me feel like a superwoman. A more usual oatmeal and berries will keep me full for two hours, then I will likely have the urge to kick people in the nuts if I'm not eating again.

    We have similar stats: I'm 242 pounds (down from 279), 30 years old, lightly active, exercising 5 times a week (Stronglifts 5 x 5, aerobics, elliptical, sometimes I throw in a Beachbody DVD from T25 ou Turbojam, a lot of biking in the summer), and I am eating 1850 cals to lose 1.5 pound per week. I have an HRM to have a closer estimate of my burned calories, but I use to eat my exercise calories, at least half of them. That means I am often eating 2000 cals a day and still losing.

    You should probably add a little more calories (even a lot more) to your diet. I could have lost 2 pounds a week on 1500 cals, but I've decided that it didn't worth it. I want to be able to drink wine and have fun from time to time, and a lower calorie goal than what I have now would result in too much privation. But, seriously, it's up to you and how you feel about it.
  • allison1983weber
    allison1983weber Posts: 126 Member
    I will keep that in mind :smile: and i truly appreciate all the feedback from everyone. I am going to try some new things and see if I can get some different results.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Thanks for everyone's advice. I did increase my calories today. I will see how I feel for the nexr few days :) I truly appreciate the advice!

    :D Looks like you're on the right track. Other than the too-low calories (which you're addressing), your diary looks really good. Keep with it, and you'll be one of the MFP success stories!
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    edited January 2015
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    hill8570 wrote: »
    ...the fact that you're losing nearly a pound a day is a waving, glowing red flag that you're not eating enough.

    No, no, no, no, no, no....

    The OP could be eating ZERO and it still wouldn't be a large enough deficit to support a pound a day of actual weight loss.

    Therefore the OP is not in fact losing a pound/day of actual weight.

    Therefore any statement about under-eating is premature, at best.

    Point taken. Post in haste, repent at leisure. :'( While I think there are other red flags indicating undereating, I agree that the water weight loss is masking the OP's true weight loss for now.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Omg i don't mean dirty ffs. I just mean good, whole, healthy. No need to be a douche

    so i am a "douche" for pointing out that there is no "bad" food and you can eat ice cream…hmmmm OK ..

    define "good, whole, healthy" food, because I have no idea what that is.

    Please remember that not everyone holds the same opinions/beliefs as you do towards food.

    its not an opinion = energy ..nothing else..that is a fact...