55-65 year old women's success?



  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Eleted, Do as much outside as I can; it's been 90 + here since March (and over 11" behind in rain), so too hot to exercise outside. Since it has started to cool down go for walks in the morning before it gets too warm. I live about 90 miles south of Atlanta (and a lower elevation) so it is warmer here on average. I do belong to a locally-owned gym ($20 a month for over 60). They have machines (weights & cardio), free weights and exercise, classes so do my weights and a short (15 - 20 min) cardio session 3 X a week. B)
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Checking in..... I am in maintenance now. 5'6" 155--160. Age 62. I lost 41 pounds or so in about 8 months time. I was still trying to lose weight when I was at the high end of my weight range. So really I have been maintaining 4 months.

    I know I would of been very frustrated if I wanted to lose below 155 pounds. My weight range is 155--160, I am able to eat out at least 1x week, have my snacks and enjoy my new life style change without being miserable.

    The only exercise I do is walking. I have been slacking on the walking lately.....so, this is my voice saying "Get walking tomorrow!"
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Try adding some weight training (if you are able) to what you are already doing; it will help re-build some (but not all) of the muscle you have lost. We lose muscle as we age, so keeping (and adding) as much muscle as you can will help you lose and once you're at goal, maintain your weight. B)
  • 1Nana2many
    1Nana2many Posts: 172 Member
    Hello Everyone! It is that wonderful time of year that is so often affiliated with food...sweet, savory...you name it...food. I am within about ten pounds of my original goal weight. I don't want to feel like I spent the entire holiday season feeling deprived of the things that bring out all those childhood memories. My one simple goal for the next couple months is to simply keep to the status quo on my weight without adding pounds back. Yes, I will still be trying to eat within my calorie goal everyday, because I refuse to throw the whole plan out. So far throughout my weight loss journey I have tried to find a happy balance on calories throughout each day. My recent diet has been awful because we've been working on a major house remodel
    for our son and his family. We have eaten wayyyy too many sandwiches, pizzas and pasta that was easy to fix or take out and not nearly enough veggies! I MISS veggies!

    What's your plan for taking on the holiday food season? How are you going to stick with it? Keep up the good work ladies! Remember! YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!!!

  • marjtrewin
    marjtrewin Posts: 30 Member
    My aim is to not put on weight (try) I agree with Griffina - I would land up eating as much as I can as fast as I can. Oh my word - what we do to ourselves
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,901 Member
    My goal is to live life and not stress over what I can't eat. On the other hand, i've worked too darn hard to just have a food-free-for-all for an entire month. My holiday plan is that if something is amazing, I'll eat it. If it does not have "WOW" factor, it's not going in my mouth. In other words, I won't mindlessly stick my hand in the chip bowl. I will, however, fully enjoy cheese Raclette on Christmas Eve. I will savour the hot chocolate and bailey's as we cut down the Christmas tree, but I won't eat the baking as we decorate it.

    Thats the plan anyways lol
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,094 Member
    I have scheduled an 8 week fitness program (Fitness Blender) to start at the beginning of December. And as we are spending Christmas at home I should be in a better position to control things. That's the plan, anyway - added to sensible eating choices!

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Love to read about the success of the older members I'm 69 and yes it's a lot harder when you are older, you have to just keep at it and not let it slip back. Good luck to you all. If you give mutual support feel free to add me.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    I started in 2015, so this is my second year. I started because wanted to drop abt sever or eight lbs; ended up losing abt 11 or so (and I'm 66). I have also been able to gain back some (not all) lost muscle; even after breaking my wrist last Dec (was out of commission for four months). Agree w/mk2fit, eat what you love only smaller portions and eat larger portions of protein--it will help you feel fuller. B)
  • lindagrimm904
    lindagrimm904 Posts: 87 Member
    SbetaK wrote: »
    I am 60, and have had a few changes in my life recently (job change, income change, etc.) I have lost 61 pounds (17 before joining MFP). I'm a hearty eater with a fairly active lifestyle, and have successfully lost weight before but never kept it off. I have to realize that this an entire lifestyle change, not something with an end goal that I can reach, relax, and then revert to old habits. Diabetes runs in my family and I want to keep it at bay. I am losing VERY slowly, but surely! I am now in Onderland for the first time in over 22 years, and over the holidays I was able to buy clothes in a normal women's section. Overwhelming! I slip here and there, but it is not devastating as I just get back on track the next day. I feel wonderful, energetic, and better than I have in years. I vigorously exercise at least 5 times a week, and have embraced the over-used phrase of "use it or lose it". Only slacker part of my day is sitting in front of this computer reading the forums!

  • lindagrimm904
    lindagrimm904 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi I'm Linda, I'm 69 years young, I was on another diet program. I had gone from 230 - 188 lbs. Then I got up to
    198/6. So I came back to MFP! I had been on this program about 3 or 4 years ago! I lost 3.2 lbs. as of today from
    yesterday. I hope everyone has a Wonderful & Blessed Wednesday! Linda!
  • Trina2040
    Trina2040 Posts: 214 Member
    edited November 2016
    1Nana2many wrote: »
    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US of A and as I logged my breakfast this morning, I was thinking of the things I was thankful for in my life. I just wanted to let this group know that I am grateful I found MFP and this wonderful group of women who show so much support for anyone seeking help on their weight-loss journey. The support here has been phenomenal and it is appreciated! Since January, when I started logging daily, I have lost nearly 75 pounds and am within five pounds of my original goal. Thank you ladies, for your support and comradery! Thank you for helping me see that I could lose weight and maintain it and that I was worth the effort every day! Kind words are never wasted! Thank you!

    I have to second your post, Nana! So many blessings to be thankful for and, for me, MFP is a big part of that. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the US!
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    I am 59 years old, and I totally agree with most of the above posts...I lost forty pounds a couple of years ago and gained it all back!!!(ugh!) Since, about, the beginning of the year, I have lost ten pounds...Even since when I first started on MFP, it seems to be getting even HARDER to lose the weight...I am, also, on several different medications, which, I know, one for sure one side effect is weight gain...There are a lot of different challenges going on...Also, I am post-menopausal, and I put on a TON of weight going through menopause...But, I REFUSE to give up!!! A couple of years ago my doctor told me that I was at risk for a heart attack if I didn't drop some weight...So--That was what, originally, got my butt into gear...It DEFINATLY is MUCH harder to lose weight the older you get, but, basically, your health as you get older, depends on being a reasonable weight...Good luck to everyone and DON'T GIVE UP!!!

  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    @1Nana2many Woo hoo! I cannot agree more with what you said. I, too am thankful for my MFP pals and all the support I have found here. Through all the ups and downs (which seem to keep on coming), we endure.
    Happy Thanksgiving all!
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    I agree w/all the above!! Love reading the posts and seeing that we all struggle w/some kind of issue. We are all in this together and the support has been wonderful!! Love all my MFP friends! Happy Thanksgiving to all! B)
  • mk2fit
    mk2fit Posts: 730 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Many thanks; you (and everyone else) do the same!! B)
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