Junk Food Poll



  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't eat junk food because there is none..

    so no ..

    and if you don't want a debate, maybe you should just define what you view as "junk" food in your OP...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    Im just glad I don't have to find a demon hiding in everything I eat. I love all food, because its just that, food. And ,no, I have no ill effects after eating anything as long as I don't over eat.

    I don't see demons in my food either. I saw a picture of Al Pacino on a burned filet-o-fish once though

    no demons, but apparently there is a junk yard in some foods...
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Too much junk (like there is a cutoff somewhere, because I can eat some with no ill effect) makes me lethargic, craving for more junk, and affects my skin.


    If it's an occasional meal worked into an otherwise decent deit, then no... no problems.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???
  • Angel_Grove_
    Angel_Grove_ Posts: 205 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Ok, real answer.

    For me, it's all about the sodium. This weekend I had a bagel, lox, smoke whitefish and cream cheese from an awesome Jewish deli in NYC. I would not consider this junk food by any stretch of the imagination BUT it will take me until tomorrow to shake it off and I will have to drink a ton of water to flush out the sodium.

    No regrets. It was f&cking delicious.

    I hear you there - I had a smoked turkey barbecue sandwich, green beans, and baked beans yesterday - blew my sodium goals out of the water, and I found myself drinking an extra 32oz of water last night because of it, and dying of thirst this morning!

  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    that does not even come close to addressing my question...

    so you are telling me I eat junk?
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    I haven't been to McDonalds since college. I guess I'm just lucky not to live near one, so I don't go past. Things would probably be different if I did.

    Junk to me is chocolate, cake and biscuits. It doesn't have a huge effect on me unless I have loads, like at Christmas, when the eventual sugar crash puts me in a bad mood. I also felt like I got a bit foggy, like I couldn't think straight, which has now lifted now the snacks are gone.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Nope. Honestly I can't tell the difference physically whether I eat 100% cookies and french fries or 100% meat and vegetables. I just try to choose a good balance because I know it's better for health.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    that does not even come close to addressing my question...

    so you are telling me I eat junk?
    You asked if fast food is still junk if it is in your goal, you can reach your goal without eating fast food thats what i'm saying. No i am not telling you that you eat junk but you are very vocal about eating anything as long as it is in your macros.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?

    just because you "feel" like crap after eating a filet o fish does not make it junk. Perhaps, because you have a preconceived notion that said food is junk, your thought process is manifesting this and you "feel" like crap...

    If you are hitting your micro/macor/calorie goals then that would consist a healthy diet, so you really could not be eating "junk"..

    Additionally, when I have the flu I like to pile some pillows around me on the couch, because it makes me feel better. Does that mean my pillows have some kind of flu antibody in them? No, of course not. It just makes me more comfortable so I feel better.

    My point is that "feelings" are way to subjective to apply to something like eating and nutrition...

  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
    Yes it is! You are missing my point
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    edited January 2015
    I have had times where I have VERY small amounts of "junk food" but I am able to balance it with my workouts so that I burn off what I took in. If I have large amounts of junk I just feel so sluggish and don't want to do anything. Like personally I LOVE Big Mac's but I cut them out because after eating one I didn't want to do anything except lay on my couch when I should have been exercising.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
    Yes it is! You are missing my point

    so that would then make my diet unhealthy , right? Because junk food...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have had times where I have VERY small amounts of "junk food" but I am able to balance it with my workouts so that I burn off what I took in. If I have large amounts of junk I just feel so sluggish and don't want to do anything. Like personally I LOVE Big Mac's but I cut them out because after eating one I didn't want to do anything except lay on my couch when I should have been exercising.

    if you eat large amounts of anything you will feel sluggish. Go ahead and eat 3000 calorie of chicken and vegetables and tell me how you "feel"....