Junk Food Poll



  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    Nope. I love me a BK Double Bacon Cheeseburger once in awhile :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have had times where I have VERY small amounts of "junk food" but I am able to balance it with my workouts so that I burn off what I took in. If I have large amounts of junk I just feel so sluggish and don't want to do anything. Like personally I LOVE Big Mac's but I cut them out because after eating one I didn't want to do anything except lay on my couch when I should have been exercising.

    if you eat large amounts of anything you will feel sluggish. Go ahead and eat 3000 calorie of chicken and vegetables and tell me how you "feel"....

    wouldn't fit into my macro's ;)
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
    Yes it is! You are missing my point

    so that would then make my diet unhealthy , right? Because junk food...
    No not unhealthy!! I am saying a lot of people have ill affects after eating this food if its not eaten for a while including myself, I don't mean oh i feel crap because i'v eaten a take away, i mean ill, bloated, tired, sick. I don't have this reaction from say chicken or veg and so on, so to me and many others it would be classed as junk.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
    Yes it is! You are missing my point

    so that would then make my diet unhealthy , right? Because junk food...
    No not unhealthy!! I am saying a lot of people have ill affects after eating this food if its not eaten for a while including myself, I don't mean oh i feel crap because i'v eaten a take away, i mean ill, bloated, tired, sick. I don't have this reaction from say chicken or veg and so on, so to me and many others it would be classed as junk.

    eat too much of anything and you will feel bloated and sick that is not a function of food type, but food volume, which you seem to be confusing.

  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Anyone want a Kahlua cupcake with Bailey's frosting made them yesterday YUM


    Yes please, can you send one here :)

    I'm not a fan of food like McDonald's, KFC etc, so I don't tend to eat it. I just don't like it, nothing to do with it being 'junk'. My husband gets Dominos sometimes, and I've learned not to eat even a slice, as I don't feel good eating it. Same if eat too many sugary things, I just have to drink a load of water after.

    I've also noticed that my kids go crazy after chocolate and anything store bought, so for our treat day we usually bake a cake, and I don't feel bad after eating it, and my kids don't go mental, so all is good :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I have had times where I have VERY small amounts of "junk food" but I am able to balance it with my workouts so that I burn off what I took in. If I have large amounts of junk I just feel so sluggish and don't want to do anything. Like personally I LOVE Big Mac's but I cut them out because after eating one I didn't want to do anything except lay on my couch when I should have been exercising.

    if you eat large amounts of anything you will feel sluggish. Go ahead and eat 3000 calorie of chicken and vegetables and tell me how you "feel"....

    wouldn't fit into my macro's ;)

    that was not the point...
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I have had times where I have VERY small amounts of "junk food" but I am able to balance it with my workouts so that I burn off what I took in. If I have large amounts of junk I just feel so sluggish and don't want to do anything. Like personally I LOVE Big Mac's but I cut them out because after eating one I didn't want to do anything except lay on my couch when I should have been exercising.
    So when you eat cheese or lettuce or beef or buns does it have the same effect also?? Just curious.
  • jke78
    jke78 Posts: 59 Member
    Anyone want a Kahlua cupcake with Bailey's frosting made them yesterday YUM


    I almost flagged this ;) j/k btw
    Looks delish!!!!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Turkey has known to knock out (put to sleep, lol) all men across the country on Thanksgiving day, does that make it "junk food"??
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?

    just because you "feel" like crap after eating a filet o fish does not make it junk. Perhaps, because you have a preconceived notion that said food is junk, your thought process is manifesting this and you "feel" like crap...

    If you are hitting your micro/macor/calorie goals then that would consist a healthy diet, so you really could not be eating "junk"..

    Additionally, when I have the flu I like to pile some pillows around me on the couch, because it makes me feel better. Does that mean my pillows have some kind of flu antibody in them? No, of course not. It just makes me more comfortable so I feel better.

    My point is that "feelings" are way to subjective to apply to something like eating and nutrition...

    I like many of your posts and find a lot quite enjoyable, including this one. I just don't 'feel' that 'feelings' are too subjective, especially around food. It is one of the most talked about and emotional issues on the planet. If a feeling makes me eat better and I feel good after a days worth of eating, then for me it was a good day. Junk is a subjective word and probably overused. But for some of us it is a word that works.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I almost never eat McDonald's or other fast food, but when I travel I do. I've never felt any kind of bad effects from it and it can't be that I'm used to eating it, because I'm not.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?

    just because you "feel" like crap after eating a filet o fish does not make it junk. Perhaps, because you have a preconceived notion that said food is junk, your thought process is manifesting this and you "feel" like crap...

    If you are hitting your micro/macor/calorie goals then that would consist a healthy diet, so you really could not be eating "junk"..

    Additionally, when I have the flu I like to pile some pillows around me on the couch, because it makes me feel better. Does that mean my pillows have some kind of flu antibody in them? No, of course not. It just makes me more comfortable so I feel better.

    My point is that "feelings" are way to subjective to apply to something like eating and nutrition...

    I like many of your posts and find a lot quite enjoyable, including this one. I just don't 'feel' that 'feelings' are too subjective, especially around food. It is one of the most talked about and emotional issues on the planet. If a feeling makes me eat better and I feel good after a days worth of eating, then for me it was a good day. Junk is a subjective word and probably overused. But for some of us it is a word that works.

    well it is just a theory of mine...

    but when people tend to view something as bad it tends to get manifested as negative feelings...

    but I could be wrong...

  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    jacksonpt wrote: »
    fit4eva86 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    If you cut out junk for a few weeks and then go mcdonalds you feel the bad effects, Maybe you should cut out junk to understand why it is junk!! You are used to what you eat.

    I love blanket statements and broad assumptions.
    Where are you seeing a blanket statement? and it is not an assumption! He openly admits to eating anything in his macro's.

    so if I hit my macro/micro/calorie goal and one meal is mcdonald's that means I am eating junk, really?
    Yes it is! You are missing my point

    so that would then make my diet unhealthy , right? Because junk food...
    No not unhealthy!! I am saying a lot of people have ill affects after eating this food if its not eaten for a while including myself, I don't mean oh i feel crap because i'v eaten a take away, i mean ill, bloated, tired, sick. I don't have this reaction from say chicken or veg and so on, so to me and many others it would be classed as junk.

    eat too much of anything and you will feel bloated and sick that is not a function of food type, but food volume, which you seem to be confusing.
    I never mentioned too much, i mentioned a meal. one meal from would make me ill, so if it has that affect then its junk.

  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    I don't eat fast food, junk food, whatever you want to call it because it makes me ill. Not because I 'feel' that it makes me ill, but to the point of tangible physical effects. Bloating, digestive issues, and such damage to my toilet that I have had to issue written apologies.
  • fit4eva86
    fit4eva86 Posts: 71 Member
    kxbrown27 wrote: »
    I don't eat fast food, junk food, whatever you want to call it because it makes me ill. Not because I 'feel' that it makes me ill, but to the point of tangible physical effects. Bloating, digestive issues, and such damage to my toilet that I have had to issue written apologies.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?

    IMO suffering ill effects has no bearing on whether something is junk food. Just because you can eat it and still be healthy doesn't mean it's not junk food either. Junk food is junk food.

    I never really call most fast food junk food though. I'm usually talking about snacks such candy and chips. I call most fast food crap food, because it tastes crappy.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    kxbrown27 wrote: »
    I don't eat fast food, junk food, whatever you want to call it because it makes me ill. Not because I 'feel' that it makes me ill, but to the point of tangible physical effects. Bloating, digestive issues, and such damage to my toilet that I have had to issue written apologies.

    pretty sure that is not limited to just "fast food" ...as I have annihilated some bathrooms after a home cooked meal...sometimes it is just stomach issues...
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    edited January 2015
    jpaulie wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpaulie wrote: »
    you are right, not all fast food is junk, I don't believe that either. Lots of exciting fast food out there. And i am not here to really define junk either. I think a lot of responders got my poorly laid out point that many fast foods that are high in fat, or fried or sugary have an effect on them. Many don't.
    But if I did not use the word 'Junk' in my OP there would have been 2 responses. So there i admit my evil motives >:)

    OK but if you eat said food and hit your macro/micro/calorie goal for day, is the fast food still junk or is then 'good'...???

    Good question. If I could tolerate the food and fit it into my macros would I still call it junk? Hard to say. Let's say I ate my favorite food, McDonald's Filet-o-fish and fit it into my macros. Would I still consider it junk. Yes, but I am biased because I do feel like crap after I eat one. We all have our biases one way or the other for different reasons. Some people say there is no such thing as junk. I would not argue with them to say or feel different. Some of us do. It can be as simple as that no?

    IMO suffering ill effects has no bearing on whether something is junk food. Just because you can eat it and still be healthy doesn't mean it's not junk food either. Junk food is junk food.

    I never really call most fast food junk food though. I'm usually talking about snacks such candy and chips. I call most fast food crap food, because it tastes crappy.

    uh oh I feel a Crap Food poll coming on :)
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Absolutely....if and when I eat McDonald's, I feel sick afterwards and the next day.
  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    kxbrown27 wrote: »
    I don't eat fast food, junk food, whatever you want to call it because it makes me ill. Not because I 'feel' that it makes me ill, but to the point of tangible physical effects. Bloating, digestive issues, and such damage to my toilet that I have had to issue written apologies.

    pretty sure that is not limited to just "fast food" ...as I have annihilated some bathrooms after a home cooked meal...sometimes it is just stomach issues...

    No, my diet has kept my system very stable. I'm what you would refer to as 'dependable' in that regard. Fast food throws everything out of kilter.