How To Lose Weight Without Dieting (-112 pounds) tips



  • GabriellaMaria
    GabriellaMaria Posts: 150 Member
    this is just brilliant..thankyou for sharing...
    love the sneaky eyes quote too!!
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member
    You look great!!
  • Healthy67Chick
    Healthy67Chick Posts: 159 Member
    Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS on your weightloss!
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    Very inspiring post! Congratulations on your success.
  • saragatch
    saragatch Posts: 12
  • saragatch
    saragatch Posts: 12

    1. Count your calories - know what you are eating and log everything that you’re putting into your mouth. I use MyFitnessPal ( – though I mostly use the phone app) to track my daily caloric count, which includes the calories I eat and the calories I burn with exercise. Be honest with yourself, and track your food! It doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad, but track it! Use portion control – this was key for me! Also, as a sidenote – I met my fiance on MyFitnessPal – see, becoming healthy has changed my life in more ways than one.

    2. Exercise – this one seems like a given, but seriously, get off your butt and move! When I first started, I could only do the elliptical for 6 minutes – and that was okay! I did what I could to start, and now I could work out for hours if I wanted to. Start small and keep building up. I currently work out 4 days a week for about an hour each time. This includes going to the gym and doing a lot of cardio with some weights, or going for a run. I started with short work outs though, and that’s okay – as long as you’re moving! Don’t overdo it, but still push yourself! When I first started, I was working out 7 days a week. After awhile, I realized that was too much, and it was not something I could keep up with for the rest of my life, so now I work out 4 days a week because, realistically, I can maintain that for the duration of my life.

    3. Food Scale - if you can afford it, I would highly recommend you get a food scale. They’re fairly inexpensive (about $20 on Amazon), and they will change your whole perspective on food. Weigh everything that you can, and log accordingly. Most food will have a serving size in grams or ounces, so follow that. I weigh my food so that I know exactly how much I’m eating and how many calories to log. If I’m not eating at home, I do my best to guess on the calories and amount, but when I’m home, I’m weighing all my food. I also weigh my lunches before work and then pack them up.

    4. Heart Rate Monitor - this is another tool that, if you can afford it, I would highly recommend you get. My HRM is currently in need of repair, but it’s a real lifeline for me when I’m working out. As I said, on MyFitnessPal, you log the calories you eat as well as the calories you burn. When you burn calories, you obviously get to eat more, so the HRM helps me figure out exactly how many calories I burned with my exercise and therefore how many calories I can/should eat on a workout day. I generally eat back about 50-80% of my exercise calories.

    5. Cheat Meals - this is a huge one for me and one of the most important tips I can give you. Once a week, I have a cheat meal. That means that my fiance and I go out to dinner once a week and eat whatever we want and don’t log the calories. This not only gives us something to look forward to, but prevents us from going crazy. Listen, I guarantee you that if I didn’t have cheat meals where I allowed myself to indulge once a week, that I would not have stuck with this for 16+ months. How did I get fat in the first place? Because I love food! If I denied myself this stuff all the time, I would have thrown in the towel, but since I always know I have a delicious meal to look forward to every week, I’m able to stay on track the rest of the week. Yes, I have lost over 100 pounds and still have cheat meals. It really helps.

    6. Don’t deny yourself - kind of going along with the cheat meals… don’t deny yourself the stuff you love, even on non-cheat days. If you can fit it into your daily calories, I say go for it. Many people look at macros and whatnot, but for me, I only look at calories, and this works for me. I have a wicked sweet tooth, and I have something sweet almost every day. If I want a cookie, I’m going to have one… I’m just not going to have three of them like I used to, you know what I’m saying? Again, if I denied myself yummy stuff, I would have quit long ago. I’m of the belief that if it fits into your calorie goals, then go for it! If not, then wait for another day when you have extra calories left. Seriously, when I’m at work and I’m doing the shifty eyes between my phone and the delicious treats one of my coworkers has brought in, then I’m likely to indulge in that brownie instead of driving myself crazy staring at it. THIS IS OKAY! I’m just going to account for it in my food diary and make sure it fits in my calories. Surprisingly, I’m not hugely into fruits and vegetables, though I’m working on it! Some people are appalled at my food diary, as there are many days where I don’t have any fruits or veggies. Again, I’m working on it. I try to eat vegetables and fruits a few times a week, but I don’t always, and again, this works for me. Like I said, just an average girl, eating average stuff, not a health nut by any means. I kind of wish I was, but I’m just not. There hasn’t been a whole lot of food I’ve given up, I just use portion control. I’ve tried to add in a few healthy foods too, but for me, it was all about cutting back, counting those calories, and eating proper portions.

    7. Weekly Weigh-ins - I used to step on the scale every day, multiple times a day. Well, weight fluctuates like crazy on a weekly and even daily basis. Seeing my weight go up and down drove me absolutely nuts, so now I have just one weekly weigh-in. The scale is away and hidden the rest of the week. For your weigh-in, do it first thing in the morning, before you’ve eaten or drank anything, and before you’ve exercised. Also, do it in the buff! Don’t drive yourself crazy – weigh in just once a week if you can!

    8. Set Goals and Rewards – set mini goals for yourself so you’re not always looking at the big, huge, scary picture. When I first realized I wanted/needed to lose 140 pounds, that was terrifying. I really didn’t think I would ever get there, and now I almost am! To get rid of those overwhelming feelings that may cause you to quit, cut that big goal down into smaller ones so that you realize what you’re accomplishing. Set rewards for your mini goals too. You’re busting your butt – why not reward yourself? My first goal was 50 pounds, and for that, I got a tattoo. For my ultimate goal of losing 140 pounds, I really want to travel to Europe. I don’t know if I can afford that, but I think I deserve it. Maybe someday. Anyways, set small goals with rewards such as new clothes, a spa day, new sneakers, a tattoo… whatever you think will push you to work at it.

    9. Dream BIG – I easily could have told myself to just lose 10 pounds and be done with it, but I figured, why not go big or go home? If I’m going to commit to myself, I might as well become the best me that’s possible, not just a better me. My dream is to become a healthy, normal weight, and I won’t stop or give up until I reach my goal of losing 140 pounds. I also decided to dream big with my running. Heck yeah, I was thrilled the very first time I ran a mile straight through, and I could have stopped, but I kept going and now run fairly long distances. For me, dreaming big means running a marathon, so that’s another dream I’m working on. All of this stuff is hard, but embrace it!!!! Don’t be afraid to dream. Be the best you possible. You will never, ever regret it.

    The direct link to this post is:

    And some other weight loss posts I have done. I hope you'll read them:

    On Doing Hard Things - My Story (So Far) -

    this is the best advice ever!! I was thinking of doing things this way and I am so glad to hear of your success story. I feel like I am doing it right! And one day I will also have a success story up here!

    congrats on everything!
  • sunnykay2014
    sunnykay2014 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for sharing. Gives me hope that if you can do it I can achieve my goals too.
  • runningagainstmyself
    runningagainstmyself Posts: 616 Member
    +1 to this. The difficulty in losing pales in comparison to the challenge of keeping it off. I'm back on the losing wagon after gaining 40lb. back in a scarily short period of time.

    I will do it this time. I will. I will, damnit!

    Oh. Also, to add to the OP... Focus on 5lb. at a time -- small challenges. Then you won't lose your mind when you look down the road at where you want to be.

    losing it is the easy part. Keeping it off is the hard part.

    Just trying to keep it real.

    And congratulations!! I don't think it has anything to do with calories but that's just my opinion. Remember - maintenance is for life. (You don't go on a diet, you change your diet).
  • rabbyduby
    rabbyduby Posts: 123 Member
  • TheUnwritten
    TheUnwritten Posts: 158 Member
    My wife will be thrilled to see you guys giving her so much appreciation. Also by keeping her thread alive. I will will let her know that people are still reading this. Thanks a lot everyone!
  • andruhlite
    andruhlite Posts: 1 Member
    I have been usinge now after trying Weight Watchers. How many calories do you eat a day? I know this has likely change as you have lost weight as you would have to consume less to continue to weigh less, but I am not sure what to set my daily goal at. Also, do you consume all the calories you burn? For example, at the end of the day if I have consumed 1500 calories, but I burned 250 so I am negative 250 for the daily total, should I consume those 250 calories or leave that deficit? Do I have to eat the exact same number of calories per day to keep my body used to what it will take in? Any help or info would be greatly appreciated!!
  • _sherbear_
    _sherbear_ Posts: 18
    Excellent post! Thank you for sharing. You look amazing!
  • Krikit34
    Krikit34 Posts: 125 Member
    Super advice and so well written!!! Incredibly positive and encouraging and the entire thread has stayed positive. That says a lot!!! I think it should be a sticky for getting started!!!!

    Congratulations on your success!
  • clairetomkinson84
    clairetomkinson84 Posts: 66 Member
    Congratulations and thank you for the tips!
  • holli1406
    holli1406 Posts: 7 Member
    You are an absolute inspiration. Congratulations on the weight loss and thank you for posting your tips :)
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Thank you for sharing these tips and ideas- what a great thing to read as a new person feeling a little overwhelmed. Your post made me feel a lot better and has truly inspired me. Thanks!
  • cardozm
    cardozm Posts: 78 Member
    :happy: wow!
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