Restarting | 75lbs to lose and looking for some new friends :)



  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    everyone seems so awesome in this thread! :D I AM GOING TO stick with it this time! I'm 5'7" and approximately 80 lbs to lose. My fitness pal is a terrific tool, and I am aiming to log in DAILY! Sometimes that's all it takes to stay on track. :) Best of luck to you all! Feel free to add me! LOVE new friends!

    I couldn't agree more, it's so good to see how many other awesome people there are out there who want to support each other in this! I'm not gonna lie, makes me a bit teary LOL MFP is SUCH a nice tool to have, so much customizability, it's exactly what I need. I'm also going to be attempting to log every day; the good, the bad and the excessive (ie. my lunch today haha).
    jemmer74 wrote: »
    You can add me :) I have lost 90 lbs, fell off of exercise a bit not bad but enough! Havent gained back really but still have a stubborn 15lbs or so to go and I plan on logging in here every dang day!!! Good luck and where there is will there is definitely a way!!

    Wow, congrats on losing 90lbs! That is some serious commitment and work you've put in to get that far :D I've seen a lot of people say the last 10-20lbs can be stubborn, but danged if I don't want to go for the vanity pounds. I mean... I figure why work that hard and not go all the way?
    Feel free to add me. I finally decided to tackle my weight last year after 16 years of being over weight. I am 38 with four kids and my youngest is 9.

    I learned that I have to split up my goals because if not they seem unachievable. I work full time but go to the gym everyday during lunch. I would love more friends on here especially in the same journey I am.

    I know the feel of being overweight for a really long time, and I've got you beat there LOL Been overweight for... 23 years? Wow. Weird to actually put that in context.

    Those are some really good strategies you've used; breaking down goals and making workout time during lunch. I've been breaking my goals down by about 10lbs at a time. Cause 10lbs is a bit but not so much I'll get daunted. Also been considering getting a little mini stepper or elliptical machine so I can put it under my desk at work. Every bit of activity counts, especially with a sedentary desk job :D
    I always need new friends and getting back on the wagon this week. Feel free to add me.

    Nice, will do!

  • joshkovitz
    joshkovitz Posts: 10 Member
    Anyone is also welcome to add me!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    I would love you to add me. sounds like we are in similar boats. I've lost the weight before but i let it all come back and THEN some... I live in alaska now. I have 88 more pounds to lose... ugh...

    Yup I've lost weight twice in my life now; once in my early 20's (found myself snugly fitting in a size 10 and freaked out and stopped haha), gained it back AND how and then lost a bit of it a couple years ago. Don't be discouraged by the number though! Tackle that beast pound by pound ;)
    ADD ME! Love support & supporting! :D

    I WILL! Haha It makes such a big difference, doesn't it? Life can be challenging enough, losing weight can be its own battle and people around us can be difficult sometimes, why not make ONE thing easier for ourselves, right?
    w0den wrote: »
    Oh goodness! Me too! I think I've lost the weight 3 other times! Here we go again :)

    Haha I completely understand about starting over, but I'm determined to make this the LAST time I lose weight. It's such a mountain to climb sometimes, I don't want to have to do this again. Trying this time to do anything and everything I can to support the changes, so that down the road it'll just be the life I live, not a rollercoaster I've no control over.
    Feel free to add me! I love the motivation and positive comments! :)

    Done and done! It's the biggest lesson I learned when I hit rock bottom (and my highest weight), was that I had to change my outlook, the way I saw myself was the biggest problem. I was so down on myself and negative and where did it get me? 50lbs higher than I'd ever been before. I've never had a problem believing in other people, I needed to learn how to believe in myself.
    Kendie1 wrote: »
    I would also love to be added by any and all. I'm in the boat of also having lost, then gained back. No excuses here - I just got lazy. :\ Was working with a personal trainer at the time and found it very helpful! I'm a 38 yo work-at-home mom. Food is too accessible, so unfortunately, need my whole family to be on board, otherwise the food stares me in the face all. day. long. Trying exercise mostly on my own this time, as I want this to be a change I can sustain for good.

    SW 240
    CW 238 (was down to 202 in mid-2014)
    GW 165 (though I'm setting mini-goals along the way - like losing 20lbs by end of March for Disney vacay!)
    Height 5'8"

    Hey, lazy happens (ALL DAY EVERY DAY in my corner LOL). Yeah I can imagine it'd be a challenge to get a whole family to change the way they eat, but tbh there are SO many recipes either here on the forums or on Pinterest or online in general. Making healthier (and still tasty!) alternatives for favourite family meals is totally doable, and that way you don't need to make separate food :)

    I'm also big on exercising alone as well; it's my "alone" time to de-stress and unwind. Who knows though, as I get fitter I could see it being fun to go on hikes with people or join a yoga class.
  • leeucbk
    leeucbk Posts: 3 Member
    I'm also starting over again. In the past four months, I've managed to lose 10lbs, but can't seem to be stuck & gaining weight back. I'm definitely looking for that motivation and support! Add we as well.

    Height: 5'7 1/2
    CW: 222
    GW: 155-160
    To lose: 67-62
  • dawn483
    dawn483 Posts: 5 Member
    I know I am a little late on this post, but I am starting all over again with an ultimate goal of lose about 75lbs. My short term goal is to run/walk 3 5ks this year with my family and actually finish. No one else in my family or close friends need to lose weight so I am all on my own here. Plus another motivation is I am going to Vegas for a week in Aug. Add me if you would like.
    Im 5'6
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    leeucbk wrote: »
    I'm also starting over again. In the past four months, I've managed to lose 10lbs, but can't seem to be stuck & gaining weight back. I'm definitely looking for that motivation and support! Add we as well.

    Height: 5'7 1/2
    CW: 222
    GW: 155-160
    To lose: 67-62

    10lbs is STILL something, so don't forget to pat yourself on the back for that :) Added!
    dawn483 wrote: »
    I know I am a little late on this post, but I am starting all over again with an ultimate goal of lose about 75lbs. My short term goal is to run/walk 3 5ks this year with my family and actually finish. No one else in my family or close friends need to lose weight so I am all on my own here. Plus another motivation is I am going to Vegas for a week in Aug. Add me if you would like.
    Im 5'6

    Nah you're not late to the post at all, anyone wants in is welcome :D I like your short term goal a lot, maybe also because it doesn't focus on the number but on a fitness achievement. Hmmm, I'll have to consider doing something similar for myself. I don't really have anyone else in my life that's losing weight either, but at least as far as RL goes I prefer it that way. I can give myself enough excuses, don't want anyone else adding to them! lol
  • hopefulmomof2
    Add me please? I am restarting as well, have a 100lbs to go. Not as hard core on the work outs, it's me Jane Fonda and the good ol park track. But, were getting there! :) like having people to cheer for. Makes getting on, checking in a treat and feel good.

  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Add me please? I am restarting as well, have a 100lbs to go. Not as hard core on the work outs, it's me Jane Fonda and the good ol park track. But, were getting there! :) like having people to cheer for. Makes getting on, checking in a treat and feel good.


    Will do! I'm not hardcore on the workouts (yet) either, and honestly I figure if it gets you moving and makes you feel good, who cares! My main focus is cleaning up my eating habits and cooking for myself again, getting geekier and more invested in working out can come later. For now it's me and good ol' school Tony Horton (pre-P90X crazy haha)
  • DanielleMesa
    DanielleMesa Posts: 38 Member
    Add me too! I have about the same amount to lose also. Feeling very motivated.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    I know what you mean, it's good to get the fire going. Now I just need to figure out how to push through when the fire inevitably dwindles out for a while >.>
  • neh979
    neh979 Posts: 18
    Feel free to add me..I have 50 lbs to loose .Hope we can motivate each other and keep each other on track :-)
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    I shall! It's awesome to have a good network of like-minded people, just having everyone around helps me focus so much more :)
  • juanabfit
    Add me, too. I am also starting again. I had lost down to 161 but am now back up to 174. My neighbor and I have started walking, at least 3 times a week (4-5 miles). One of the tweaks I've made is to eat fish for dinner twice a week and have a vegetarian meal once a week. My downfall is the weekend when my husband wants to go out for dinner. Wish me luck. Best of luck to everyone!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    That's great that you can get more active with your neighbour, having conversation to focus on can help make exercise more enjoyable :)

    I'd agree that variety is the spice of life, and that for health benefits I should really eat more fish hehe Eating out can sometimes be tricky, but you can get yourself used to picking things that are healthy/ier or simply choose whatever you want but only eat half or ask for half to be packed away. That way you can enjoy what you want to eat, just exercise portion control. I've done both when I go out to eat, it really just depends on what I feel like doing.
  • ktmac81
    ktmac81 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all! I am in similar situation...would like to lose 30-40 pounds. Some of it is baby weight and some pre-baby weight(lol). Love this app but have always done better when I have a support system when trying to lose weight. Anyone please feel free to add me if you would like
  • ktmac81
    ktmac81 Posts: 7 Member
    jjnt007 wrote: »
    My story is similar but I lost ten pounds per month for four months. I got down to 198 which was a very proud moment. I did not lose any weight for three months so I stopped exercising.......I have just started back this week and I weighed in at 245. My goal is to lose ninety pounds just because 100 sounded high. I have interviewed a personal trainer and I begin next week with him. Wish me luck.

  • ktmac81
    ktmac81 Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck! I have heard many success stories with personal trainers...I think it's the fact of having someone to hold you accountable.
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    ktmac81 wrote: »
    Hi all! I am in similar situation...would like to lose 30-40 pounds. Some of it is baby weight and some pre-baby weight(lol). Love this app but have always done better when I have a support system when trying to lose weight. Anyone please feel free to add me if you would like

    Hehe welcome to MFP! I'd agree that part of my downfall the last time was not having a large enough support network and not being active enough with it either. Makes such a difference to know there's other people going down similar roads. Added :)

  • ktmac81
    ktmac81 Posts: 7 Member
  • wlc92
    wlc92 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too .... Starting to live again