Over 50 Women's Club



  • Yes please add me, I need help and motivation!!
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Sending out invitations in just a moment. I have come to realize that there are TWO threads with this same name-weird! Anyway, if you don't get your invitation then PM me, please!

    Go to Community then to Notifications (bell icon) to find your invitations! Welcome!!!
  • CarlaRohacek
    CarlaRohacek Posts: 19 Member
    Good afternoon. I am a 56 yr young grandmother and need a lot of support. I would love to join a group of women that understand and are in the same mind set. I have 100 lbs to lose. So, may I get an invite please ;-)
  • tnwlkr43
    tnwlkr43 Posts: 57 Member
    I turned 59 two days ago...can I join please...i have lost 32 and have 42 to go TIA
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    You betcha! Go to Community then Notifications to find it. Welcome!
  • This would be a great club for me! I'm 53. Single mom to 8 kids ages 12-26. I need to lose about 80-90 lbs and finding it very, very difficult at this age. I like to walk, swim and ride bikes. I also do a cardio weight class three days a week. So far I've GAINED 8 pounds.


    Yep I know it's supposed to be muscle weight. But if that were true then why are my pants tighter rather than looser? I feel like I'm pushing a boulder up a mountain and it keeps rolling back over me.

    My motivation is to be healthy and have a great quality of life in my old age. I mean I still have a 12 year old for goodness sake. I gotta stay alive for quite a while longer. :smile:

  • Good morning ladies! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to join your club. I will be 56 soon and so that qualifies me for the group. You are just what I am looking for and I would be honored to be included. Could really use some kindness, some encouragement and some laughs. (I don't know how to upload a pic of myself yet - trying to figure it out)
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    Your invites are on their way! Welcome :D
  • marge1946
    marge1946 Posts: 35 Member
    Great having a group to vent/ brag or just ask questions. Find posting and looking at friends diaries really help. Hints like how to make sure u drink daily water really makes a difference

  • Lyraathome
    Lyraathome Posts: 48 Member
    At age 57 I'm finally starting to live for me. Starting with self-care makes the most sense. Since I have over 100 pounds to lose, starting here is a no-brainer. The big question is how to do it as a lifestyle change? So over the past year I've made small changes that stuck, resulting in a 35 pound loss. Now it's time to kick it up a notch. I'd like to join this group to get and give support during this life changing journey. Thanks all!
  • Sdanni64
    Sdanni64 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm in...51 and here to keep my weight healthy. It is hard sometimes to do alone...but it is worth it to be healthy
  • djdiestl
    djdiestl Posts: 1
    So far your group is made up of youngsters.
    Do you think this 68 year old could join?

    I need help to stay honest, new foods to help me lose and above all incouragement.

    Thanks for considering my joining.
  • lrozner
    lrozner Posts: 5
    I'd like to join! I am almost 52 and I am working hard at losing the 38 pounds of fat I've gained. Its super hard now and I need support.
  • Hi. I am 52 and would love to join the over 50 club.
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I will get your invitations out immediately. Look under Community then Notifications (bell icon) to find them. Welcome!!
  • Any women nearing or over the age of 50 are cordially invited to join the Over 50 Women's Club for support, fun and laughter. The group is private so you must be invited or ask to be invited.
    Hello I'm 69 Been LCHF for 6 weeks lost 10lbs..needing support and to know how to figure macro ..I'm eating high calories. Wondering if I should cut back. Had sense fat is..high in calories...Help? Don't know how to join group?

  • Julesg50
    Julesg50 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,I am 50 in September this year. I am 8 days into using this app,with a goal of losing 30-40lb. I suddenly looked in the mirror and didn't like what I saw,and have suddenly got super high blood pressure,which doesn't help with excercise. I live in the uk, so seem to have totally different,yet the same problems,with my eating plans than a lot of people on here, found that fascinating
  • Naughty_ZOOT
    Naughty_ZOOT Posts: 4,327 Member
    I was out of town for the weekend but your invitations will be on their way in just a sec!
    Welcome :D
  • Hi -- Would love to join! I'm about two months shy of turning 51.

    Back at the tender age of 47/48 I lost 120 pounds through diet and exercise. A broken foot last winter kept me from exercise for 6 months and I slowly saw 20# creep back on from both lack of exercise and (post-healing) starting to lift weights. Some is muscle, most is not, and I AM DETERMINED to get rid of the excess weight I worked so hard to lose the first time!
  • Hi -- Would love to join! I'm about two months shy of turning 51.

    Back at the tender age of 47/48 I lost 120 pounds through diet and exercise. A broken foot last winter kept me from exercise for 6 months and I slowly saw 20# creep back on from both lack of exercise and (post-healing) starting to lift weights. Some is muscle, most is not, and I AM DETERMINED to get rid of the excess weight I worked so hard to lose the first time!