

  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    oh and the o.p. is obviously far from happy right now.
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Devil's Advocate:
    Someone's husband has a brain injury from a car wreck. She stays with him and supports him. She cares for him and still loves him dearly. He is not the husband he was and does not hold her, kiss her, desire her, or identify her by name.

    You would get a much more honest answer if you present the problem by identifying the spouses in gender-neutral terms.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    lol at all the people saying the cheater is "evil" or should be castrated. overreact much?

    that being said if someone cheats you definitely should leave them.

    People who say this are probably thinking back to someone who cheated on them and are emotional and bitter about it. Doesn't mean the person is truly evil.

    hasnt just about everyone been cheated on? i certainly never thought of them as evil.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    lol at all the people saying the cheater is "evil" or should be castrated. overreact much?

    that being said if someone cheats you definitely should leave them.

    People who say this are probably thinking back to someone who cheated on them and are emotional and bitter about it. Doesn't mean the person is truly evil.

    hasnt just about everyone been cheated on? i certainly never thought of them as evil.

    yeah, probably. some people just get more emotional about it than others i guess. i probably fall in the emotional camp, but when i think about it some more, the cheater is not evil. in most cases, there isn't any evil intent with what he/she does. it's just human weakness.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Some people cheat under certain circumstances. Some people cheat all the time. Some people never cheat. It isn't about gender.
  • mitch356356
    Says the person with a fake photo
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    lol at all the people saying the cheater is "evil" or should be castrated. overreact much?

    that being said if someone cheats you definitely should leave them.

    People who say this are probably thinking back to someone who cheated on them and are emotional and bitter about it. Doesn't mean the person is truly evil.

    hasnt just about everyone been cheated on? i certainly never thought of them as evil.

    yeah, probably. some people just get more emotional about it than others i guess. i probably fall in the emotional camp, but when i think about it some more, the cheater is not evil. in most cases, there isn't any evil intent with what he/she does. it's just human weakness.

    thats what im getting at. its such a weird, extreme reaction. now in the case of some abusing their spouse. that is evil.
  • nave002
    nave002 Posts: 211 Member
    I wish Id seperated from my cheating lying wife years ago, but stayed together for the sake of the kids. Things have never been good since then and that was twenty years ago. You just dont forget you can never ever trust them again. I so wish we had split up when I found out about it but its too late now our lives have been ruined by it ever since. You did the right thing i did the wrong thing, good for you. XX

    We sacrifice our lives for our children; I hear ya loud and clear....
  • nave002
    nave002 Posts: 211 Member
    Good for you :drinker: Cheers, I'd say :happy:
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    would you like some kind of award?
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'd like to hear his side before I pass judgement. Just sayin.

    There is no excuse for cheating. Ever. I don't care if I'm a lying, hateful, controlling b****. Break up with me before you start looking for someone else. Period.

    My first husband never stopped dating and it took me years to learn to trust anyone again. 20 years later I married the love of my life and couldn't be happier :)
    I'm glad to hear someone has a happy ending. Maybe there's hope for me!
    Tired of hearing the gloom and doom

    IN for happy endings.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    my parents stayed together because my grandmother wouldn't have approved of them getting divorced. they didn't even pretend that it was for the children. the for the children reason is such bull****.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    don't you worry about the caps. I can't imagine why people relate that to screaming. LOL I relate it to making a point.

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!! LOL not screaming,making my point.

    Mosr people will say it looks like yelling.
  • EuSaNaD
    EuSaNaD Posts: 33
    think....... did you give him a reason to wander?????

    if not shame on him...

    if so...shame on you... sweet! You sound like someone who cheats and then justifies it.

    ^^ This ^^
  • LuckyFur
    LuckyFur Posts: 96
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.
  • EuSaNaD
    EuSaNaD Posts: 33
    I have known several men who have cheated on their wives. Every one of them has excuses. What it usually boils down to is the "grass is greener on the other side" thing. Somehow, some way, the mistress gives them something they want, but the wife isn't giving them. However, in my experiences, it is almost always something superficial that is really not important. My favorite was the guy that wanted to do some sort of live-action role playing thing where they beat each other up with foam swords, and his wife didn't think it was fun (after trying for months to get into it, so he couldn't say she didn't even try), so he slept with a different girl that was into it. Because somehow, the *game* was more important than his job, newborn son, home, and wife... He lost all of those, so he could have sex a few times with someone who liked a game? Was that really worth it? To him, it was. So, yes, everyone has their own side of the story, and they usually are completely opposite of each other. Her side: She felt she did everything she could. His side: she was belittling the things he loved to do. Who was right? Who was wrong? ... To me, it doesn't matter, they both were involved, and they both suffered for it. The worst part is the son that is now two years old that barely recognizes his own father.

    Disclaimer: I only read 1/2 of that-but that was enough to get the gist.

    Every, and I mean EVERY guy I have known enough to consider even remotely friends/friendly etc, has had a woman cheat on him. EVERY single one.
    So while you are on your crusade against men who cheat don't forget the dirtbag fence swings both ways.

    Yes, what this boils down to, is that couples need to learn how to communicate and stop looking for someone outside of their marriage/relationship to fill whatever "void" they may feel needs filled. There is never a good excuse to cheat on someone. People [men and women, alike] need to stop taking the easy way out and if they aren't happy, then they need to work on their marriage/relationship. Marriages aren't easy, and you take vows for a reason; you don't leave at the first sign of difficulty.
  • EuSaNaD
    EuSaNaD Posts: 33
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    Wow, that is a completely ridiculous statement. What is wrong with people?! Life isn't a free-for-all! People have a conscience, feelings, morals, values, etc. for a reason... well, at least most people do.
  • abheshek
    abheshek Posts: 525 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    Cheating changes the relationship forever....The level of trust,respect and love will never be the same.....

    Cheating is cheating it at examinations or in your personal life........The reason why extramarital relationship is frowned upon is because it is based on deceit and lies.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    Interesting. a vacation from yourselves in a way. it would be interesting to see a study on the benefits of this. but i know in my case it would probably lead to jealousy so even if i had a good marriage it would be ruined by doing this.