

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    Cheating changes the relationship forever....The level of trust,respect and love will never be the same.....

    Cheating is cheating it at examinations or in your personal life........The reason why extramarital relationship is frowned upon is because it is based on deceit and lies.

    not always. ive known one couple that had an open marriage and they seemed genuinely happy.
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    About 6.5 here...and I am the same way..It has been amazing to me how much better I feel about myself and how much my life has improved...
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    This actually makes a fair bit of sense. I've cheated in the past and all it's really done is improve my relationships because it allows me to sleep with women I'm attracted to.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    This sounds like such a terrible idea to me. It could only work if the person you are cheating on never finds out and you have no lingering guilty feelings thus hurting the relationship and also, it's not nice to use the person who you are cheating with. The other person has feelings too. It's not just all about you. If you are going to go this route, get a hooker and use protection.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    I'd like to hear his side before I pass judgement. Just sayin.

    Oooooow!!! Burn. :love: :love


    Too many ppl stay in loveless marriages and when they say they did it for "the kids" makes me sick.
    You did what for your kids? :huh:

    Staying w/someone for ten years and only 2 of them were good? What a shame.
    Shame on both of you.

    Stayed for the kids=stayed in a relationship so ****ty that you were miserable. How miserable? Enough to drag down the ENTIRE household.

    My parents stayed together for "us". Would have been MUCH, MUCH better if they just split.

    Amen. My parents stayed together for the kids, and guess what? My youngest brother has NO IDEA what a healthy relationship looks like and thinks spewing hatred at each other is normal. He never saw love in their marriage. I was lucky to be around during a few good years so I know better.

    Another "agree" here.

    Mine stayed together until I was 17, then figured we were "old enough" (brother was 4 years younger). For the last 25-odd years, I actually blamed MYSELF for many of their issues (I was VERY rebellious, but never got in any serious trouble). I moved out at 17, couch-surfed for several years, and finally got my **** together and went back to school (with a GED to start with). After a recent visit from my Dad, I now know that it WASN'T me....and it probably had very little to do with my Mom (who is very kind, level-headed and independent). My Dad, who is now in his late 60s, re-married to a pastor's daughter, and who throws his new-found (since getting remarried) religion around on everyone, spent almost his entire visit visually undressing every single woman under the age of 30 that passed our way. I literally couldn't even have a conversation with him during our very first lunch of his visit because he was SOOOO distracted by all the young (totally appropriately dressed) waitresses at the restaurant we were at. Meanwhile, he states he is absolutely in love with his wife and all he really had to talk about is his 9 cats....

    My brother barely talks to the man.

    For your kids....DIVORCE, if it isn't working out. It's MUCH less traumatizing.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    This actually makes a fair bit of sense. I've cheated in the past and all it's really done is improve my relationships because it allows me to sleep with women I'm attracted to.

    Did you hurt the person who you were cheating with at all in the process? NOT ALL ABOUT YOU AND YOUR S.O.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member


    Love the cake :laugh:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    I think everyone should cheat at least once in a relationship.

    It really puts things in perspective and you either appreciate what you have and realize you made a mistake, or you realize that what you have isn't working, or you get to have some great sex.

    This actually makes a fair bit of sense. I've cheated in the past and all it's really done is improve my relationships because it allows me to sleep with women I'm attracted to.

    Seems legit
  • ChanceTakr2131
    Yay!!! I have learned the hard way that 99% of men are cheaters and liars. Good for you for not letting it overtake your life!! :drinker:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Have a hero cookie.
  • ChanceTakr2131
    He probably hated the caps lock problem you have

    People must really hate the narcissistic problem YOU have!!!
  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    He probably hated the caps lock problem you have

    LOL!!! :laugh:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Yay!!! I have learned the hard way that 99% of men are cheaters and liars. Good for you for not letting it overtake your life!! :drinker:

  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    How to spot idiocy:

    Look for those who focus on the use of uppercase letters

    How to spot common sense and a human touch:

    Good for you! You deserve better than someone like that. Best of luck and much deserved happiness in your new life
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    Congrats. I hope you lead a happy, content life :)
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    I have known several men who have cheated on their wives. Every one of them has excuses. What it usually boils down to is the "grass is greener on the other side" thing. Somehow, some way, the mistress gives them something they want, but the wife isn't giving them. However, in my experiences, it is almost always something superficial that is really not important. My favorite was the guy that wanted to do some sort of live-action role playing thing where they beat each other up with foam swords, and his wife didn't think it was fun (after trying for months to get into it, so he couldn't say she didn't even try), so he slept with a different girl that was into it. Because somehow, the *game* was more important than his job, newborn son, home, and wife... He lost all of those, so he could have sex a few times with someone who liked a game? Was that really worth it? To him, it was. So, yes, everyone has their own side of the story, and they usually are completely opposite of each other. Her side: She felt she did everything she could. His side: she was belittling the things he loved to do. Who was right? Who was wrong? ... To me, it doesn't matter, they both were involved, and they both suffered for it. The worst part is the son that is now two years old that barely recognizes his own father.

    Disclaimer: I only read 1/2 of that-but that was enough to get the gist.

    Every, and I mean EVERY guy I have known enough to consider even remotely friends/friendly etc, has had a woman cheat on him. EVERY single one.
    So while you are on your crusade against men who cheat don't forget the dirtbag fence swings both ways.

    I actually know more women that have cheated on their men then the other way around..
    So, YES, there are just as many dirtbag women as there are dirtbag men!!!
  • starlaca
    starlaca Posts: 779 Member
    Calling him out online?? Classy

    Ha, ha, ha....some of these posts are cracking me up. They are better than going to a comedy show!!:drinker:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Yay!!! I have learned the hard way that 99% of men are cheaters and liars. Good for you for not letting it overtake your life!! :drinker:

    99%, huh? That sounds a bit high.
    BDEGAND Posts: 53

    If he's not getting any he's going to go looking for it elsewhere. I'm not condoning infidelity by no means. There are always two sides.

    I was in the best shape ever. I lost 12 inches and was basically on him like white on rice! I couldn't get enough sex!!!! He turned me down time and time again. "too tired" "long day at work" yeah, bangin your girlfriend. There is no excuse for ****ing the secretary and you're an *kitten* for saying something so dumb. I was stay at home mother of two. There is no excuse. He went outside of his marriage and left me alone to feel the pay. There is no other side to the story. He's a whiney insecure peon That's all.
  • sarahz1442
    sarahz1442 Posts: 136 Member
    How to spot idiocy:

    Look for those who focus on the use of uppercase letters

    How to spot common sense and a human touch:

    Good for you! You deserve better than someone like that. Best of luck and much deserved happiness in your new life

    how do we know that she deserves better? we don't know anything about her and what she deserves.