February Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for February

    2/1 REST DAY
    2/2 6.2 miles - 6.2
    2/3 7.16 miles - 13.36
    2/4 REST DAY
    2/5 7 miles - 20.36
    2/6 6.2 miles - 26.56
    2/7 15 miles - 41.56
    2/8 REST DAY
    2/9 9.5 miles 51.06
    2/10 8 miles 59.06
    2/11 6.2 miles - 65.26
    2/12 7.36 miles - 72.62
    2/13 6.2 miles - 78.82
    2/14 15 miles - 93.82


  • dfnewcombe
    dfnewcombe Posts: 94 Member
    Goal 42 miles
    2/14……… 2.39 miles ……… 25.11 done………16.89 to go…
    Getting there. I will have a better idea where to set my goal for next month.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited February 2015
    I took some pictures of my long run today. I placed them on instagram stanwnuck is my instagram id if you wanted to see.

    Here are a few pics.






  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 5mi, race/pacing
    2 - Birthday, rest day
    3 - 8mi, fast finish
    4 - 10mi, easy
    5 - 9mi, 8x800m (Yasso 800s) at 6:40min/mi
    6 - 8.2mi, easy
    7 - 19.7mi, long/last 8 w/girl
    8 - Rest
    9 - 5mi, easy
    10 - 11.3mi, easy, doubles 8.3+3
    11 - 10mi, easy
    12 - 6mi, pyramid speed day
    13 - 9mi, easy, doubles 6+3
    14 - 3.2mi, easy, 5k race later in the day

    Came in 2nd overall and PRd with a 19:19. My girlfriend PRd with a 25:26, and we got 2nd in the couples division of the Beer and Chocolate Sweetheart 5k. Nasty winds and icy course, but good race I totally didn't plan for.

    Feb Goal: 200mi

    Total: 107.5mi

  • fabnine
    fabnine Posts: 379 Member
    edited February 2015
    I had busy couple of days and didn't read much but Elise4270's wonderfully fun post last time I was here so I apologize in advance for my verbosity today. Stan's going to revoke my membership for talking too much :smiley:

    Thank you all for your kind words. I realize I get carried away in my passion; I'm glad you don't seem to mind.

    @Abakan Because of the predawn temperatures I'm running midday right now, but as spring returns I'll transition back to 4:45am. My first mile each morning was always stiff and awkward but once I got moving I usually made up the time in the next miles. The reward of running away the last of the stars and welcoming each days dawn & sunrise made it all worthwhile.

    @SLHysell You were making such remarkable progress I hope the heel will be better with a little rest.

    @grimmeanor Changing your stride even the tiniest bit changes how all of your muscles and tendons interact and stresses parts of the body that aren't acclimated to the abuse that running is. It wouldn't surprise me if your recent work on form and cadence is the culprit even though it will help you eventually. Don't panic! You've got time to work through this before your races.

    @cooter_mom I'm so excited for you! This IS your year and you have TOTALLY got this!!! Successes like yours inspire me.

    @Daisy471 Wow, 3 miles @ -7°F degrees! 0°F last night was brutal; even my phone and my running lights quit working. I cannot imagine what -7°F must have felt like and if you're near the lakes the wind must have been excruciating.
    I hope you dressed warm & ran well for your 10k!

    @HealthyFocused715‌ Awesome long run outside!! Lucky you with the surprise 'warm' before the storm. Usually Maine is SO much colder than we are. I too was glad to beat the worst of the snow because I hear it's still coming.

    @Stoshew71 Great pics! I love the beef cattle, they remind me of my girlhood in the Midwest.

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 racing with the girl on Valentine's Day- be still my heart <3

    _Date___ Miles
    Feb 1 ___17.3 __long first run to start February off right
    Feb 2 ___ 3.5 __8°F another snowstorm
    Feb 3 ___ 5.2 __5°F
    Feb 4 ___ 3.1 __24:41 no where near a record but happy with it just the same.
    Feb 5 ___ 1.4 __streak high winds and snow
    Feb 6 ___ 3.1 __
    Feb 7 ___ 6.2 __ snowing again
    Feb 8 ___ 11.4 __12°F & more snow
    Feb 9 ___ 3.5 __ even more snow
    Feb 10 __ 8.1 __28°F here's that heat wave
    Feb 11 __ 3.6 __and a fun hike up Monadnock
    Feb 12 __ 6.1 __snowing again
    Feb 13 __ 3.1 __ 0°F when I started out -1°F 26 minutes later when I finished.
    Feb 14 __ 5.4 --11°F light snow
    Month total= 80.9miles __69.1remaining


    Current Streak: 174days = 1101.7miles

  • kmewir76

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 2/6 no running
    2/7 - 2.1 miles
    2/8 - 2.1 miles
    2/9 - PT day so I didn't run
    2/10 - 2.1 miles (amount allowed by PT)
    2/11 - 2.5 miles
    2/12 - 2.0 miles
    2/13 - PT - rest day
    2/14 - 3.5 miles (PT upped me to one 2 mi and one 3 mile run over the weekend)

    14.3 miles out of 40

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Nothing better than an unexpected improvement.

    Nothing worse than realizing your undies are now a size or so too large on such run..

    Tomorrow- new undies made for running.
    - I love progress.

    I thought of ditchin' the offending garment and realized that's probably how the occasionally pair of undies wind up in the park. happy healthy running all!

    LOL too funny!!!

    Came in 2nd overall and PRd with a 19:19. My girlfriend PRd with a 25:26, and we got 2nd in the couples division of the Beer and Chocolate Sweetheart 5k. Nasty winds and icy course, but good race I totally didn't plan for.

    Fantastic both of you.

  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    edited February 2015

    2/1 –
    2/2 – 1 mile
    2/3 –
    2/4 – 1 mile
    2/5 -
    2/6 -
    2/7 -1 mile
    2/8 – 3.1 miles
    2/9 - .5 miles
    2/10 – 2.2 miles
    2/11 –
    2/12 – 1 mile
    2/13/ -
    2/14 – 1 mile

    Goal: 30 miles
    Completed: 10.8 miles
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    Feb 2....2.25
    Feb 3....6.33
    Feb 5....1.86
    Feb 10..5.85 (+ 4.47 ride but I'm not counting that towards my goal)
    Feb 11..2.4
    Feb 14..2.05


  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Just over half way through the month, and just under halfway to goal :) Going to have to push it that little bit more in the next couple of weeks!

    1/2 - 3.77
    3/2 - 3.67
    4/2 - 3.81
    7/2 - 7.64
    9/2 - 3.66
    13/2 - 3.90
    14/2 - 7.76

  • jessupbrady
    jessupbrady Posts: 508 Member
    edited February 2015
    I'm really struggling with learning to run int he cold - which is why I have been working on short distances; a lot of it has been start/stop running. I've made progress to find a consistent running speed I can maintain and been trying to push that gradually faster. I'm getting there; but this is definitely an area I struggle with. Although, today's high is 7. Wind is blowing at 30-35 mph with frequent gusts to 55 mph. I think my running today is going to be cancelled.

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I always forget to post my runs. My pace has been suffering lately, and I"m not sure why. I'm going to be taking it easy this week, with mostly short runs (3 miles or less) and at least a day between runs. Not sure what's going on with me unless my body just can't handle to training tempo I've got going? Feeling pretty discouraged right now, and not sure I'm going to be able to run my half at the end of March with the way training has been going. I feel like my body wants me to take training down a notch, but I also feel like I may not be able to do the race if I do. I think the smart thing would be to listen to my legs and just miss the race if I'm not ready. Question for experienced runners: I have heard that as long as you have successfully run 10 miles on a long run prior to a half marathon that you'll be okay. That it may not be a great run, but you'll be able to finish. Is that true? Again, feeling pretty discouraged. So, whining over, runs for Feb so far:

    I didn't hit my 65 for January, so I"m going for 65 again. Fingers crossed!
    01FEB15 - 07.04 miles/07.04 miles/11:05
    03FEB15 - 03.01 miles/10.05 miles/12:04
    05FEB15 - 02.14 miles/12.19 miles/10:42
    06FEB15 - 02.01 miles/14.20 miles/10:39
    08FEB15 - 07.02 miles/21.22 miles/11:26
    10FEB15 - 03.27 miles/24.49 miles/11:04
    11FEB15 - 04.06 miles/28.55 miles/11:21
    13FEB15 - 02.02 miles/30.57 miles/11:46
    14FEB15 - 08.26 miles/38.83 miles/12:24
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    DATE...................... MILES...............TOTAL
    2/3............................5.00.....................5.00 (4F, windchill -9F)
    2/5............................7.00...................18.25 (9F, windchill -4F)
    2/6............................6.00...................24.25 (3F, windchill -12F)
    2/13..........................6.00...................46.50 (0F, windchill -17)
    2/14..........................5.25...................51.75 (12F, windchill 3F)
    2/15..........................7.00...................58.75 (-7F, windchill -27F)

    OK... that one was pretty damn cold... even for me...

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - glad you got to increase and hope he figures out the hamstrings!
    @fabnine - you should definitely be a running/life coach! So inspiring to all of us!
    @sonicdeathMonkey80 - congrats to you and your GF! Amazing times!
    @stoshew71 - awesome pics!

    Haven't been able to check in for a couple days and was catching up this morning and was definitely ROFL at the undies! Hope the new ones worked out well! My mind definitely wanders when I see the stray undies. Now I can just imagine it was a runner innocently tossing them. :wink:

    Headed out for a long bike ride this morning. I rode 34 yesterday and did the foam roller before and after and not hurting! So I hope to get at least 3 runs in during the week - wanting to get up to 5 3x a week for now. But I think I will increase very slowly to get there, over the next two weeks. Running a 10K with my daughter on 3/14.
    Hope y'all don't care I post my biking in here too. I saw there is a run/bike challenge group, but I'm too addicted to you all to switch over.

    Feb 1 - 27 mile bike ride.
    Feb 2 - 3 miles
    Feb 3 - strength training
    Feb 4 - 4 miles -
    Feb 5 - rest
    Feb 6 - 3.3 + strength training
    Feb 7 - 34 mile bike ride
    Feb 8 - sore from biking, so only did a 5 mile walk, not on ticker
    Feb 9 - 4 miles!
    Feb 10 - Strength training
    Feb 11 - 4.5 miles
    Feb 12 - 4.52
    Feb 13- rest -trainer cancelled. :(
    Feb 14 - 34 mile bike ride. Still the slowest one in the group but improving!
    Feb 15 - biking ... tbd

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    @stoshew71 awesome pictures! I envy your weather conditions!
    @sonicdeathmonkey80 Terrific timing both of you and what a way to spend this special day with your loved ones! I might be doing that next year :)
    @lonewolfrunner Hang in there, spring is coming! You are astonishing though, that's for sure!
    @jessupbrady You are not the only one. I have a hard time running in the cold. Recently I have been running inside because I am also afraid to fall and harm my unborn child...I cannot wait till warmer weather!

    OK back to business.
    2/1 = 6.5 miles
    2/3 = strength training
    2/4 = 6.5 miles
    2/5 = strength training
    2/6 = 6.5 miles
    2/7 = 5.5 miles
    2/9 = 6.5 miles
    2/10 = strength training
    2/12 = strength training
    2/13 = 6.5 miles
    2/14 = 5 miles
    2/15 = 6 miles
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    2/1 - 7.1
    2/2 - Rest
    2/3 - Rest
    2/4 - 3.6
    2/5 - 4.1 (a cold 29* over lunch when I ran. But the forecast this weekend is mid 70s!)
    2/6 - 3.8 (34* warmer than yesterday's run!)
    2/7 - Rest
    2/8 - 7.5
    2/9 - Rest
    2/10 - Rest
    2/11 - 2.0 (limited time to run)
    2/12 - 5.0 (rare day on the treadmill today. went to the office gym to lift after work)
    2/13 - 3.1
    2/14 - Rest
    2/15 - 9.6

    I'll probably get the stink eye from those of you up north, but it was perfect conditions for a long run today. 52*, overcast, light winds...just one of those days where you just want to keep going.

    I forgot about the short month when I set my target. I'll be out of town this weekend and won't be able to get my long run in. I'll need to extend some weekday runs to make my goal.

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    February Goal 75 miles

    2/1: hostess to 30 people at my house for some big tv thing. I won't call it rest day!
    2/2: rest from being hostess to 30 people.....
    2/3: 3.61 run and 1 hour of snorkel in rough water
    2/4: snorkel 2 hours
    2/5: 6.17
    2/6 rest
    2/7 4.52
    2/8 3.35
    2/9 2.15
    2/10 rest
    2/11 4.4
    2/12 rest
    2/13 bike
    2/14 3.32 and whale watching from the beach (not my best picture....)wts8xfshotaa.png

    Total: 27.52miles

    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @Elise4270 : Just read up on the posts I missed in the last couple of days and had to laugh at your undie story. I've actually trashed some a couple of them after coming home when they had been driving me absolutely insane during a run. Never thought of getting rid of them right in the park, now that's an idea to keep in mind for the future :p

    @Stoshew71 : looks like a great place to go running, thanks for sharing the pictures!

    @HonuNui Wow, a whale?! Not sure I want to thank you for sharing that picture, because now I am *really* jealous ;) . I signed up for whale watching tours on vacations twice in my live. One (in Norway) was cancelled on the day of the tour due to bad weather, the other one (in Iceland) took place, lasted three hours after which I was toroughly frozen, and apparently I must have blinked in the one fraction of a second the skipper insisted a whale might have been visible in the distance. Spotting one from the beach during your run is just awesome. The closest I came to something like that might be the large fright ships on the river I see during my long runs, but that isn't quite the same ;)
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    1.2.2015 - 9.0 km
    4.2.2015 - 3.8 km
    6.2.2015 - 5.2 km
    7.2.2015 - 3.6 km
    8.2.2015 - 11.4 km
    11.2.2015 - 3.6 km
    13.2.2015 - 2.5 km
    15.2.2015- 12.3 km
    51,5 km (of 100 km) done
