February Running Challenge



  • harpere87
    harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
    Added 4 very sloppy miles in the SNOW =( Not happy lol

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    2/1 - 2/6 no running
    2/7 - 2.1 miles
    2/8 - 2.1 miles
    2/9 - PT day so I didn't run
    2/10 - 2.1 miles (amount allowed by PT)
    2/11 - 2.5 miles
    2/12 - 2.0 miles
    2/13 - PT - rest day
    2/14 - 3.5 miles (PT upped me to one 2 mi and one 3 mile run over the weekend)
    2/15 - 2.1 miles
    2/16 - PT - rest day
    2/17 - 2.8 miles (PT said I can start adding miles this week) My body needs to get used to running in the cold again, I'm like a car my oil needs to warm up LOL It was 18 degrees at run time 8 degrees as the feel like temp.
    2/18 - I'm a baby and didn't run in the windy snow
    2/19 - 3.5 miles (8F feels like -3F) gotta say I LOVED this run, not for how I felt but because it was so crisp and clear and NO wind.

    22.7 miles out of 40


  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2015
    @gabbo34 have a great weekend
    @dfnewcombe you are killing it to get to your goal, great job
    @stoshew71 did you defrost from this morning's run yet? nice job as usual
    @lonewolfrunner I see you are back to BBBBBRRRRR!! again
    @ddmom0811 39F hey we can laugh that we would love 39 but I know when you are not used to that it's cold. My mom is in Tampa area and said she had her winter coat out yesterday LOL
    @elise4270 I have to agree with LoneWolf on your HM in March, it think it's too soon with the mileage you are doing. You don't want your first to be a miserable experience. I would work towards the October HM and throw in some 5Ks and 10Ks along the way. I'm certainly no expert and I didn't even sleep at a Holiday Inn last night :smile:

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    There a HM the end of march I'd like to make. But I don't think I'm logging enough miles. Feedback welcome. Currently 8-10 miles a week, slowly building. I have chronic back pain so I'm reluctant to push to hard. There is a HM in October I'd like to make. I can always do the quarter marathon if my back gets in the way of training. I'm open to much guidance :smiley:
    I'm not sure if 8-10 miles a week will have you ready for a HM by the end of March, unless you can get at least one 10 mile run in sometime the next two or three weeks. You could probably push yourself to finish but it might not be a very pleasant experience, especially with a bad back. You might want to start increasing your weekly miles by 10% per week for a while. That will give you a slow steady build that should not aggravate your back. In my opinion (and there a lots and lots are far better runners here than me, so you might want to listen to them), you would do much better at a HM after you have built up to a steady base of 20-25 miles per week. Then you would slay it.
    @Elise4270‌ - I definitely agree with @LoneWolfRunner‌ on this one. I too think you need to be able to run a good 8-10 mile long run before you go for a HM. A 10% increase per week is a good gentle amount to increase and not incur an injury or aggravate your back and this should have you ready for the race in October. Running a 5k or a 10k is also a fun way to experience the race day fun now without having to run too far. Maybe the race in March is also offering a 5k then you could run that instead of the HM.
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    This week off of school is throwing me off! But at least we are having some great family skiing time!

    2/1: Superbowl Sunday! no run
    2/2: 6 miles on treadmill… struggled with this one but got it done
    2/3: 3 miles treadmill
    2/4: 3 miles… hopping between the ice on the road…and hills, ugh!
    2/5: 3 miles treadmill
    2/6: rest… full day of really resting…ahhhhh
    2/7: 3 mile treadmill… really wish I had time to go longer….
    2/8: 3 miles treadmill…. celebrated my twins birthday today 6y.o.! Fun but glad it is over!
    2/9: 6 miles treadmill… much better than expected, love that!
    2/10: 3 miles treadmill…snooze
    2/11: 3 miles treadmill…
    2/12: 3 miles treadmill … half way to goal now! yay! 2 days ahead of schedule!
    2/13: 3 miles treadmill
    2/14: no run… skiing!
    2/15: no run.. blizzard
    2/16: nothing
    2/17: 6 miles treadmill
    2/18: nothing
    2/19: 3.5 miles treadmill

    I need to run 4 more miles by Saturday in order to not fall behind schedule.

    I'm going to need to figure out a plan for the summer when the kids are home full time.

    Total miles in February: 48.5
    Miles to goal: 21.5
    Goal: 70 miles
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @LoneWolfRunner‌ @shanaber‌ @skippygirlsmom‌

    Thanks everyone. Thats what I thought. I've started hormone replacement therapy and it has really improved my motivation and the miles seem to come a bit easier. I'll find a training plan for the HM and get in a few 5-10k's by october.

    I'm just so happy to finally be gaining ground!

  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    @Elise4270... the fact that you are running with bilateral pars fractures speaks volumes. You don't get any easy runs. I have anklyosing spondylitis which trashed both hips, so I have a pretty good sense of what you go through to get your miles. Hats off to you... you are one tough customer...
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    Keeping on keeping on. I'm just barely on track for goal.

    I've really enjoyed reading other peoples' dog stories (even the terrible ones - shudder). It looks like I was lucky compared to a couple of you. I've decided to stick to more of the main street and less neighborhoods so I can avoid most dog problems altogether. Of course, now I have the new danger of traffic and the irritation of exhaust fumes and noise. I envy the trail runners up north where the forest is a little more welcoming than here in Florida. It seems like everything here wants to either bite you, sting you, or poke you..... I think I'd rather brave dogs and cars than snakes, lol

    02/01/2015 - 9.03 Miles - Cumulative 9.03 Miles
    02/03/2015 - 4.20 Miles - Cumulative 13.23 Miles
    02/05/2015 - 4.22 Miles - Cumulative 17.45 Miles
    02/07/2015 - 9.37 Miles - Cumulative 26.82 Miles
    02/10/2015 - 7.70 Miles - Cumulative 34.52 Miles (Twinge in left heel - had to cut run a little short)
    02/12/2015 - 0 Miles - Did tons of stationary bike/elliptical/arc machine to keep up the cardio.
    02/15/2015 - 10.36 Miles - Cumulative 44.88 Miles (Heel was fine after a few days rest, thank goodness)
    02/17/2015 - 5.10 Miles - Cumulative 49.98 Miles

    GOAL: 80 Miles

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 5mi, race/pacing
    2 - Birthday, rest day
    3 - 8mi, fast finish
    4 - 10mi, easy
    5 - 9mi, 8x800m (Yasso 800s) at 6:40min/mi
    6 - 8.2mi, easy
    7 - 19.7mi, long/last 8 w/girl
    8 - Rest
    9 - 5mi, easy
    10 - 11.3mi, easy, doubles 8.3+3
    11 - 10mi, easy
    12 - 6mi, pyramid speed day
    13 - 9mi, easy, doubles 6+3
    14 - 6.3, 3.2mi, easy, + 5k race
    15 - Rest
    16 - 5mi, easy
    17 - 8mi, easy
    18 - 12mi, easy
    19 - 8mi, intervals (8x600M @6:00 pace, 200M rests)

    Feb Goal: 200mi

    Total: 140.5mi

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @Elise4270... the fact that you are running with bilateral pars fractures speaks volumes. You don't get any easy runs. I have anklyosing spondylitis which trashed both hips, so I have a pretty good sense of what you go through to get your miles. Hats off to you... you are one tough customer...

    Aw, it's so nice to come across another with a similar situation. I still haven't gotten it in my head that I CAN'T pace like everyone else. I just keep trying. The AS doesn't sound any better than pars fractures. My sympathies. Thank you so much for the acknowledgement!

    I'll probably have a CT later this year to get a better picture of what's going on. I have an excellent surgeon on hold. I just don't what to give up running. I'm stubborn.

    Blessed miles to you! (And your poor SI joints)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited February 2015
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Aw, it's so nice to come across another with a similar situation. I still haven't gotten it in my head that I CAN'T pace like everyone else. I just keep trying. The AS doesn't sound any better than pars fractures. My sympathies. Thank you so much for the acknowledgement!

    I'll probably have a CT later this year to get a better picture of what's going on. I have an excellent surgeon on hold. I just don't what to give up running. I'm stubborn.

    Blessed miles to you! (And your poor SI joints)

    I had to google this and see exactly what it is. Wow is all I can say, I agree you are a tough one. The fact you are out there running is amazing. Take care of yourself!

  • Wendy1Fl
    Wendy1Fl Posts: 102 Member
    Woohoo! I finally have daylight before work, and was able to log my 2nd February run!
    Thurs 2/19 2.67 miles
    Sat 2/7 2 miles
    Feb goal: 48 miles; 43.33 to go
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    Aw, it's so nice to come across another with a similar situation. I still haven't gotten it in my head that I CAN'T pace like everyone else. I just keep trying. The AS doesn't sound any better than pars fractures. My sympathies. Thank you so much for the acknowledgement!

    I'll probably have a CT later this year to get a better picture of what's going on. I have an excellent surgeon on hold. I just don't what to give up running. I'm stubborn.

    Blessed miles to you! (And your poor SI joints)

    I had to google this and see exactly what it is. Wow is all I can say, I agree you are a tough one. The fact you are out there running is amazing. Take care of yourself!

    Me and/or LoneWolfRunner? Thanks and we both must be tough or equally obstinate. ;)

    And it's better to keep moving with our conditions. Sedentary means stiffness and achy pain.
  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    edited February 2015
    02/01.... 4.60....... 4.60 - Trail run with hill repeats
    02/02.... 5.75......10.35
    02/03.... 0.00......10.35 - Strength training
    02/04.... 6.00......16.35 - Sore from ^ so 6 miles easy
    02/05.... 3.92......20.27 - Intervals + Strength training
    02/06.... 9.14......29.41 - Long run for the week
    02/07.... 0.00......29.41 - Rest
    02/08.... 2.06......31.47 - Dog Beach!
    02/09.... 5.53......37.00
    02/10.... 6.64......43.64 - + Strength training
    02/11.... 0.00......43.64
    02/12.... 6.83......50.47 - + Strength training
    02/13.... 5.52......55.99
    02/14...11.69......67.68 - hot morning for a long run. Already 80 when we returned home
    02/15.... 0.00......67.68 - Rest
    02/16.... 6.24......73.92
    02/17.... 4.95......78.87 - + Strength training
    02/18.... 6.22......85.09 - + Strength training
    02/19.... 5.96......91.05


    Got in a nice run this morning before the marine layer burned off so it was nice and cool. We are off to No Arizona for my niece's family weekend at her college. I should have the opportunity to get in a run or two in some cold (~20 degree) weather. We'll see how I manage it :) The pup may even get to see some snow!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    2/3--1.43 miles & Zumba
    2/4--1.7 miles & Group Power
    2/5--sick day
    2/6--sick day
    2/7--4.49 miles
    2/8--rest day
    2/9--1.92 miles & Group Power
    2/10-boot camp
    2/12-Zumba & 1.7 miles
    2/14-5.9 miles & Yoga
    2/15-rest day
    2/16-SL 5x5
    2/17- rest day
    2/18-3.59 miles treadmill
    2/19-3.64 miles treadmill

  • ShortMrsN
    ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
    10/02 - 6.07km
    11/02 - 6.08km
    13/02 - 6.09km
    19/02 - 5.93km

  • dfnewcombe
    dfnewcombe Posts: 94 Member
    @gabbo34 have a great weekend
    @dfnewcombe you are killing it to get to your goal, great job
    @stoshew71 did you defrost from this morning's run yet? nice job as usual
    @lonewolfrunner I see you are back to BBBBBRRRRR!! again
    @ddmom0811 39F hey we can laugh that we would love 39 but I know when you are not used to that it's cold. My mom is in Tampa area and said she had her winter coat out yesterday LOL
    @elise4270 I have to agree with LoneWolf on your HM in March, it think it's too soon with the mileage you are doing. You don't want your first to be a miserable experience. I would work towards the October HM and throw in some 5Ks and 10Ks along the way. I'm certainly no expert and I didn't even sleep at a Holiday Inn last night :smile:

    Thanks @skippygirlsmom‌ I appreciate the encouragement!!. I am trying to get ready to get ready for a half marathon in May..... I've been working with a trainer for strength training and suggestions to increase my mileage. We will see how it goes! Fortunately, I don't have the weather conditions so many others are suffering with.... getting outside most days is not a hardship like so many others....

    I am inspired by the successes of so many on this board! Thanks for sharing your stories-this is my first month joining the challenge. I am looking forward to keeping up with this!

  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    Ran 5 miles with my mom today. Brings my total to 86.5 out of 120 mile goal.

  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    Feb 1--- 5 miles
    Feb 2--- REST DAY
    Feb 3--- 7 miles
    Feb 4--- 6 miles
    Feb 5--- 6 miles
    Feb 6--- 6 miles
    Feb 7--- 14 miles
    Feb 8--- 5 miles
    Feb 9--- REST DAY
    Feb 10--- 7 miles
    Feb 11--- 5 miles
    Feb 12--- 5 miles
    Feb 13--- 5 miles
    Feb 14--- 13.16 miles
    Feb 15--- 5 miles
    Feb 16--- REST DAY
    Feb 17--- 7 miles
    Feb 18--- 8 miles
    Feb 19--- 7 miles

    Total: 111.16 miles
    Goal: 170