
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I confess, I played a *kitten* gig on Saturday. Overall it was a success but damn did I have several brain farts. They want us for New Year's and everyone had a good time. Let's look at the positives.

    Gig? What kind? Music? If so, what do you play? I have a few professional musicians in the family and my youngest son inherited the musical talent. He started playing drums in my uncle's band around town when he was 14. Curious to hear what your gig was!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    I'm ragingly hungry today (getting ready for TOM) and all I want to do is EAT, but I'm on a mushies/soft foods diet for the next couple days because of my teeth. I want BEEF and chicken and all the things I can't have :(

    I'm very sorry for the pain you are dealing with and the huge expenses, but maybe this will help you in the future to fight cravings? If you absolutely cannot eat what you are craving, then you realize that you CAN ignore a craving. Just trying to throw in a positive thought!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @LH85DC I hope your pup feels better soon!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    Sending positive viibes your way, you can do this!! I'm going on 6 months without a drink I know you can handle Monday through Thursday EZPZ!! :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    i want to give you massive *hugs* and heartfelt support for this!
    also, please don't be embarrassed, you are really not alone in this.

    this is actually my goal for this week too. am i'm pretty sure after my most recent month long binge it's going to be pretty difficult. but i'm determined to at least give it a hardcore try this week.

    even when it gets rough, don't give up!

    You can do this too! I know you both can! :):)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    my foot (if I managed to attach this pic)os6wvyyvx4y0.jpg

    I hope it feels 100% soon!!

    Thanks, it is getting better, the bruise is much uglier, so that means it came up to the surface more and is now much less painful today.

    Glad to hear it is improving because it looks painful. But, you still haven't told us what you did to earn that nasty injury! Just being nosy.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I just turned 45, what's up!? LOL When someone asks me how old I am, I reflexively say 28. Because that's how old I think I am.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @AlciaMode and @AngryViking1970 you are right!! I'm just being stupid- I am 29 but don't feel it whatsoever and I'm really looking forward to my 30's I've heard from lots those are some of the best years! Thank you ladies! <3

    I am 51, but if anyone asks, my response is always, "29". My husband says a lady is 29 until she draws Social Security. I will be 29 for a while! :wink:

    I like the way your husband thinks!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BOOM! Told ya! I was worried I wouldn't be able to find it @Italian_Buju and @quiksylver296
    I'm dreading the day my hubby tries to use my excess tummy skin as a blanket.....yes its getting that bad :(

    Confession: I just spent over an hour going through the first 20+ pages of this thread to find this. I may be a bit pathetic.

    You are not pathetic. You are determined and driven!
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    @LH85DC your pup is gorgeous! LOVE the different color eyes contrasted with the snow white fur. Hope he feels better soon! Loving the kitties, as well. They look quite mischievous in that picture!

    Thank you! Purranha is my mischevious one. He acts shy and aloof, but loves to cause trouble and pick on the dog. Tadpole just likes to snuggle, and occasionally pounce on Purr when he's not expecting it. I never thought I was a cat person, but I'm pretty attached to these two!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @AlciaMode and @AngryViking1970 you are right!! I'm just being stupid- I am 29 but don't feel it whatsoever and I'm really looking forward to my 30's I've heard from lots those are some of the best years! Thank you ladies! <3

    I looked forward to turning 30, and life has been awesome since I did. Far more self confidence and life fell into place with love, and work/life balance

    totally agree. My thirties were my best years by far.
    bkhamill wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    salembambi wrote: »
    I just walked by the local high school on my lunch break. Confession: so glad I'm years beyond high school. Question: did high school aged girls always look like hookers? The amazingly short shorts with crop tops/sport bras! Holy *kitten*-child, Batman!

    are you serious ? calling young girls *kitten* and hookers?sexualizing them nice

    they can wear whatever they want just like any other girl or women


    Was it the "absolutely" the "no" or the "judgment" that tripped you up?

    Amen. And I agree about clothes, heck some things that 10yo girls wear make me shake my head sometimes.

    Me too. And I seriously question their parents judgement.

    Sometimes I wonder if their parents know how they're dressing. I've heard of kids wearing one outfit leaving home and changing at school.

    I would do that in high school. Change in the back of the bus. But I don't remember it being that extreme. I had a catsuit that I would wear under ripped jeans (oh, the 90's!). My mom hated that catsuit. LOL

    As well she should have. Really, a catsuit?! I think we all need to see pictures.

    I don't think I have any. It was long-sleeved and flowered and zipped up the back. The cloth would show through the rips in the jeans. I thought I was pretty awesome in that. Wish I had the body I had then.

    ETA: I feel like I should add this from Wikipedia: A catsuit is a close-fitting one-piece garment that covers the torso and the legs, and frequently the arms.[1] They are usually made from stretchable material, such as lycra, chiffon, spandex.

    How did you use the restroom while wearing this thing?! This is why women go to restroom in pairs. :smiley:

    Well, you didn't wait until the last minute, that's for sure!

    I'm all about the jumpsuits right now and to pee, you have to undress to the waist and kind of sling it over one arm...let's just say I won't be wearing them to any festivals this year with any kind of port-o-potties because they are exceedingly difficult to keep off the floor.

    Also, on the clothing note, I grew up in that part of the 90s where crop tops AND low-rise jeans were in style at the same time, so I'm just relieved that at least the trend now seems to be high-rise bottoms with the crop tops so you only see the upper half of the stomach. Way cuter.

    I remember how bad I wanted a pair of low rise Levi's when their "belly button" commercials came out. Remember those?

    Definitely! I also had a pair of super-low-rise jeans that had a LACE UP fly instead of a zipper or buttons...klassy klassy klassy. Looking back I cannot believe my mother let me out of the house in them as I think you could see my hipbones above the waistband. I definitely wore those to school though...

    I had a pair of pants like that too. LOVED them. Christina Aguilera wore pants in a couple videos that laced up on the hips, and I wanted a pair so bad!

    ETA: Although the fashion may be different, I suppose teenage girls are the same lol.

    Right? I see them around and I'm mostly just relieved that there aren't visible g-strings like when I was their age. The leggings and crop tops are not nearly as offensive or revealing, thankfully. And I love that lots of very loose, flowy tops and dresses are trendy now. Way better than those painted-on ultra low-rise jeans and tube tops I loved...not to mention the platforms and huge wedge heels. I had a pair of six-inch wedge sandals that laced up my calves too about fifteen years ago...eesh. Ooh, and the huge chunky highlights on the flatironed hair.

    I'm not even 30 yet so it's a little early for pearl-clutching but I seriously think teenagers today don't look nearly as, uh, trashy as my high school classmates did.

    Oh ya, I forgot about that... I wasn't one to have my underwear hanging out, but there were lots of girls out like that. I guess I can no longer talk about "kids these days" when it comes to fashion choices :blush:
    ShibaEars wrote: »

    Oh ya, I forgot about that... I wasn't one to have my underwear hanging out, but there were lots of girls out like that. I guess I can no longer talk about "kids these days" when it comes to fashion choices :blush:

    I remember girls used to pull their thong up on purpose so it was showing and the Head Teacher called a girls assembly in school to stop it from happening.

    Ps. When I'm on this board I find myself constantly questioning if I should Americanize words cos a lot of you are from there. I've thought this about Mum/Mom, sunbeds/tanning beds, Head teacher/Principal, bum/butt, *kitten*/*kitten* and I'm sure there's more... B)

    Jumper always got me. How does that equal sweater? LOL

    I have a friend who got very irritated when I told him that every time he mentioned his "jumper," I was picturing him wearing one of these:


    I have to admit I had some of those jeans with the fold down button fly. I believe they were even acid wash with ankle zippers. I also, I'm sad to admit, had a pair of low rise skintight jeans that had no pockets but did have a huge attached faux belt. I wore these AFTER I had my daughter and I thought I looked hot. I looked ridiculous.

    I'm glad I dress more classic and age appropriate now.

    I'm 44 and my daughter is 16. We are just about exactly the same size (she's a bit more slender and a bit taller but same clothing and shoe size. We have different coloring and face shapes but people instantly know she's my daughter.) We very often look at each other in the morning and realize that we're matchy matchy. For example a blue knit v neck top, jeans, boots and hair in a ponytail. It makes me laugh and makes her stomp off to change. She's fairly conservative and classic in her dress and dresses up often. My work is often in a lab so jeans are often fine. I tell her that either I have good taste or she has horrible taste in clothes. She wears a summer dress that I bought 22 years ago and looks lovely in it. She took and kept some jeans, riding boots, pumps, and a few dresses. So my question: What is age appropriate and what is ageless?

    I am a smaller size right now than I have been since before I had children (they are now 31.29 and 27 years old) I am discovering all kinds of new options in clothing and wonder at times if what I am putting on is age appropriate. Just today I was showing my daughter - the 27 year old some things I bought to wear on vacation next week and she said "Oh wow mom, we can share clothes now - well - after I have this baby anyway" and we both cracked up.

    I would say that is an NSV. :)

  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I have been having a hard time getting back on track. keep wavering between 25 and 30 lbs gone. It doesn't help that I was on vacation and then had a lot of stress in my life when I got back home.
    BUT the good news Is I AM NOT QUITTING
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @snoopy7501 start by cutting out slowly like some of the other people in this thread. Maybe limit yourself to one or two after dinner and cut yourself off then! I'm just one of the cold turkey goers as it's caused too many problems for me in my life. I have no doubt I could cut myself off but I don't want to :(:/ So it's best if I just abstain all together. Going on 6 months! You can do this! Positive vibes/thoughts your way!
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Yesterday I was at the store and I picked up some wheat grass. A very nice lady started chatting to me about the health benefits and smoothies and what not... and I had to admit I bought it for my cats.

    Why? Do cats like wheat grass?

    Mine go nuts for it! My vet said it was good for them, so I grab them a little basket of it every now and then.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I am working out extra hard in order to earn some calories for lemon bars. I've already had one today.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    Working on it. I am a happily divorced 26 year old.

    May I ask what the 1st best relationship advice you have is?

    My very best relationship advice is: be yourself. 100% exactly who you are from the get go. No best manners. No holding back. Just be 100% the real you, flaws and all. If you leave your cups on the coffee table all week and carry 7 coffee cups to the dishwasher on Saturday , do it from the very beginning. Whatever your worst is... they deserve to know the truth.

    I was divorced and happily single for well over a year before I met my husband. I was a single mom of 3 little kids (6, 4 & 2 years old). I wasn't dating anyone and definitely wasn't looking. My washer and fridge died in under a week. We had a new maintenance man at work. I asked him to come look at them and he did. I literally needed those things fixed. I wasn't just trying to pick him up

    Anyway, he asked if he could take me to eat after he looked at them and I was all "I don't need a man. I'm not looking for a relationship. But, I will tell you what... you be you...exactly who you are. I'll be me. Exactly who I am. No best behavior or pretending to be someone your aren't. If we click, great. If not, we are no worse off than we are right now. No pretending."

    He agreed. I have been exactly me ever since. I was just trying to avoid heartache later when we realized that it actually wouldnt work but had put all this time in getting to know each other. We are very good together and I chalk it up to blatant honesty in who we are.

    So, that is my best advice... be yourself. Don't settle. :)

    That is great advice!
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    Finally caught up! My confession is I've been drinking too much...every single day for quite awhile. I am making a commitment to not drink Monday through Thursday this week. Please think good thoughts for me!

    ETA: A little embarrassed to admit this quasi publicly, but hoping admitting it on here will make me face reality. Since I know there are several of you that have admitted to stopping for good.

    You are so not judged. I'm thinking about (not yet committed to ) a dry June. Yes, it is a big enough of a deal to not drink for an entire month for me but June is my worst month. My dad died 3 years ago on his and my mother's 43rd wedding anniversary, right after Father's Day. I tend to drink and cry from one to the other. I try to keep that as discrete as possible (the drinking, not the crying ) so I'm not a super horrible example to my kids but seriously, it is excessive and it needs to stop.

    You are not alone. Many people struggle with cutting back on drinking.

    I am sorry for your loss. My father died right after 4th of july 1990 and I still morn him. He was a shot and a beer guy and drank every night before he went to bed. I toast him with a shot and a beer on 4th of july and on his birthday in October. It makes me feel better to keep this ritual in his memory.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    AlciaMode wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    So I mentioned earlier that the swimsuit I wanted was sold out. My husband felt bad so he went on Amazon and picked out 4 similar suits and ordered them for me. My confession, I don't deserve such a fantastic man, I'm just glad he doesn't know that. ;)

    What a guy!!!

    I second that statement. Can we clone him?

    Knock yourself out. Let me know how that works out for you. :smile: He's not without flaws though. His flatulence can clear full rooms and he tends to be a workaholic. He is a perfectionist so when he sets a goal, he'll do whatever it takes to reach it. That's both a gift and curse.

    God definitely knew what He was doing when He molded that guy. I'm just incredibly humbled He chose me for him. *I'm not crying.

    To all you singles out there, DO NOT SETTLE! You deserve someone that thinks the world of you and will do whatever it takes to make you feel like the most important person in their life. If they don't, move on. Luckily, God practically dropped my honey in lap. He knew I was lazy. :smiley:

    ^ This! I have the same kind of husband. He's my second husband and if I knew what marriage or a relationship *could* feel like, I wouldn't have spent so long with the abusive a$$hat I married first.

    I am grateful everyday for my husband. That would be my 2nd best relationship advice: Don't settle. Don't settle. Don't settle.

    I was beyond fortunate to meet my husband when I was 18. We've definitely had our moments during our almost 17 years of being together, but we've also definitely had more good than bad. He is truly my best friend.

    My mom has been married 3 times and I didn't want to be like that (not judging, I just don't think I could do it more than once) when I got married. God made sure I found my other half the first time around and I'm thankful every day for him. I hope he feels the same.

    I wonder what he'd think if he knew how much I brag on him in here?! Hopefully he'd be flattered and not embarrassed.

    I get what you are saying. I wish I would have found my husband 10 years prior to meeting him. :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I played a *kitten* gig on Saturday. Overall it was a success but damn did I have several brain farts. They want us for New Year's and everyone had a good time. Let's look at the positives.

    Gig? What kind? Music? If so, what do you play? I have a few professional musicians in the family and my youngest son inherited the musical talent. He started playing drums in my uncle's band around town when he was 14. Curious to hear what your gig was!

    80s/90s/2000s Rock some country. I play lead guitar, sing some lead, a lot of backup vocals. I started playing when I was around 12ish. Nowhere near professional. I've been playing in clubs/bars/festivals for around 20 years.

    Ah, that's the same genre / type of music my uncle's band plays. Sounds like lots of fun! Nothing better than live music on a night out.