

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Can I just say how awesome this thread has become?

    Yes, it started out about trash bags, peanut butter, and hot chocolate powder, but it has evolved into a community within the MFP community where people actually CARE and SUPPORT one another through stupid decisions, horrible situations, and hilarious escapades.

    You all rock. And if I wasn't super lazy, I would finally get around to friend requesting the rest of the regular posters.

    Super great.

    Speaking of stupid decisions, I confess that when I was 20 (way back in 1989...YIKES), I was living on my own for the first time. Cut all my rocker hair off & was bummed how fat I looked.

    I then went on a crash diet that consisted of the following:

    Breakfast: Can of Diet Coke
    Morning Snack: Can of Diet Coke
    Lunch: Turkey sandwich (2 pieces of bread, 1 slice of deli turkey, 1 slice of deli swiss, mustard)
    Afternoon Snack: Can of Diet Coke
    Workout: 45-60 minutes on a cheap-*kitten* rowing machine I had in my apartment
    Dinner: 6 pack of Bud Light tall boys

    I was a chubby 210 lbs when I started, and a thin 165 after 4 months. From there I started weight training.

    I'd get slaughtered for suggesting this in 2015, but....I lived to tell the tale

    Edited to add: Just did the MFP calculator:

    1100 in
    497 out
    BMR: 1,985
    Daily Deficit: 1,382

    that's about 3 lbs per week - the maths add up!
    Back (way back) in my early 20's I took Dexatrim every day. I painted every room in my house, landscaped my yard and chased a toddler while I lost weight. I don't think I slept at all. I might have eaten something, once, but I'm not sure.

    It was the 80's, don't judge. :)

    They have long since taken that Dextatrim off the market. It was nice to get sooooooo much done but I don't think I'd do that again anyway.

    The advantage of being young is the general ability to bounce back from short term bad choices.

    Hey those choices were still better than most of the clothes from the '80's!

    I still shudder at stir-up pants, jelly shoes, & big socks.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Stupid site still isn't showing my new avatar. (Just an updated bicep vanity shot, but still!)

    I wondered why your avatar kept disappearing. Weird.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    I never put judgy pants on when I see diaries! I understand what it's like to struggle, and plus I just get jealous when it's full of yums... :p But yours is private, I can't even see it even though we're friends--so nobody can put judgy pants on at all! ;)

    I thought I had unlocked that for friends. I will fix it.


    You're welcome! I love browsing diaries; you'll find a lot of 3000+ calories days if you browse mine, though (and a ton of empty days, these past few months, unfortunately. :().

    Honesty is good though. I struggled about opening it for friends because I was afraid people would judge. But, then I thought "It's my lifestyle and if they want to judge, so be it. I'm usually pretty good - except a couple Saturdays ago when I drank my dinner.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    I never put judgy pants on when I see diaries! I understand what it's like to struggle, and plus I just get jealous when it's full of yums... :p But yours is private, I can't even see it even though we're friends--so nobody can put judgy pants on at all! ;)

    I thought I had unlocked that for friends. I will fix it.


    You're welcome! I love browsing diaries; you'll find a lot of 3000+ calories days if you browse mine, though (and a ton of empty days, these past few months, unfortunately. :().

    Honesty is good though. I struggled about opening it for friends because I was afraid people would judge. But, then I thought "It's my lifestyle and if they want to judge, so be it. I'm usually pretty good - except a couple Saturdays ago when I drank my dinner.

    Ha, mine is open to the public. I have no shame! (Actually, I just don't think anyone cares enough to go and stalk it.) ;)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok, major confession here. I found this bedding set and bought it - ex-display $80 instead of $240. I love it (YES IT'S JESSICA SIMPSON I DON'T CARE), but it's in the spare room closet hidden from my husband. I bought it for the camper that we don't own yet, that he doesn't want yet (really only because the timing's not right and he's too busy to care) but that I'm desperate for. Is that bad? I'm such a brat.

    Why is Jessica Simpson bad?
    That's not the bad part (although I expected judgement on that - maybe I'm wrong, but I thought everyone laughed at Jessica Simpson, no?) it's the fact that I'm hiding a purchase from my husband that's to go with another major purchase that I want to make and he doesn't. :)

    I don't really know a lot about her, but I feel bad for her. Everyone seems to make fun of her for gaining weight while she was pregnant and for not being the smartest person in the world. It seems awful to make fun of her for it.

    And yet that 'not smartest person in the world' is a billionaire. On her own 'talent' and designing. Most of the money she has made was from her clothing and accessories line. So, if I were her, I would be laughing my way all the way to the bank. Plus, she is gorgeous and really not a bad singer. But I still can't wear anything with her name on it. :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."
    Oh, I will say "My friend Susie."

    I would, but my middle name is Sue, so when I don't want to give out my real name whether in person or on a website I use that, so if I start referencing "my friend Susie" people who know me will probably think I've gone totally bonkers and created a whole new identity in my head.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Fitness related confession: I attempted to do my HIIT workout last night, and by attempt, I mean, I made 2 rather pathetic rounds skipping some exercises as to not injure myself further. I think I actually DID injure myself further. My ankle was really swollen last night and my leg was really sore. I really hate that I got hurt so close to my vacation and I can't do a proper workout because of it.

    Non-fitness related confession: My husband FINALLY messaged his daughter (actually, she messaged him after my request yesterday [small victory?]) and she is coming by Saturday because he told her he wants to talk to her in person. I am glad he finally did this and I hope he doesn't chicken out and lays down the law with her. I'm not sure if I will be present or not because I told my daughter I'd take her Father's Day shopping Saturday and I also have an eye appointment to get my trial contacts checked. A part of me wants to be there to support him, but a part of me knows me, and fears I might say something I'll regret. Not sure which part of me will win yet. Positive thoughts are appreciated.

    On a related note, when I got home last night, I noticed her cat has managed to tear about a 4" hole in my carpet in the doorway of the room she's staying in. I was so irate that I started screaming at this stupid cat and telling her I hate her and she's got to leave. She didn't understand what I was saying and I am sure she didn't care because she proceeded to tear at the carpet once the door was closed again.

    Unrelated but relevant to something I mentioned yesterday: I asked my husband about whether or not we're going to exchange anniversary presents and he said he thought we'd just do some shopping for each other while we're down there. I am on board with this idea especially since I already have an idea of what I want to buy him. He also mentioned that what he wanted to get me we couldn't afford but could make payments on it. I told him I didn't want any more payments and he said not even for a ring?! I love that man!

    Sorry so long, but I had a lot to say.

    tl;dr: I hurt myself working out, stepdaughter's supposed to talk to husband Saturday, and I may be getting a new ring. :smiley:

    That damn cat! I hope she'll either take it Saturday or at least give it to a good home.

    No more injuring yourself before vacation! Did your bruise go away yet?

    Yay for a new ring!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."

    lol! It actually makes me really sad to see that some people who actually live among Muslims know nothing about them, just because everyone is afraid to offend by asking questions! :-/ So I spread my information far and wide! ;)

    As an example, I know a young Muslim girl living in the U.S. who plays softball, and one day she was performing her prayer in a corner of the field and her coach was all confused and kept asking if she was okay. She's been playing softball for years, but nobody on her team knows that Muslims pray?

    Not that I think they're bigots or anything! I just think that the fear of offending people has reached a point where it's ridiculous--everyone wants to be so politically correct and not offend anyone or ask any questions that we're actually getting more and more ignorant about each other, which is only going to cause MORE problems down the road because nobody understands anyone else!

    As you can see, since I'm always harping on about it... This topic is pretty close to my heart. ;) My form of dawah (literally means invitation; it means teaching others about Islam) is to spread information about how we (Muslims) live so others won't fear us or feel afraid to ask us things in case they offend us. :)
    Well, we're best friends with a couple and he's a 'cultural Muslim' (by birth and upbringing - he drinks alcohol and eats pork and never prays - don't tell his mother), but really knows nothing about his religion. I'm quite interested in that kind of thing so I'll ask him doctrinal questions and he gets flustered and stumped because he doesn't know! It's nice to ask questions of someone knowledgeable!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."

    lol! It actually makes me really sad to see that some people who actually live among Muslims know nothing about them, just because everyone is afraid to offend by asking questions! :-/ So I spread my information far and wide! ;)

    As an example, I know a young Muslim girl living in the U.S. who plays softball, and one day she was performing her prayer in a corner of the field and her coach was all confused and kept asking if she was okay. She's been playing softball for years, but nobody on her team knows that Muslims pray?

    Not that I think they're bigots or anything! I just think that the fear of offending people has reached a point where it's ridiculous--everyone wants to be so politically correct and not offend anyone or ask any questions that we're actually getting more and more ignorant about each other, which is only going to cause MORE problems down the road because nobody understands anyone else!

    As you can see, since I'm always harping on about it... This topic is pretty close to my heart. ;) My form of dawah (literally means invitation; it means teaching others about Islam) is to spread information about how we (Muslims) live so others won't fear us or feel afraid to ask us things in case they offend us. :)

    You're awesome. I like to think (optimistically) that in my area (which has a lot of new Canadians and also quite a large Islamic Academy private school) we're pretty accepting and knowledgeable about the larger minority groups in our city, but I know it isn't always the case and, speaking for myself, I don't know anyone who grew up in the Middle East (apart from some friends who grew up in expat compounds), so I find your life especially interesting. All my Muslim acquaintances are at least second-generation Canadians so I've never heard much about day-to-day life somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Oman.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."
    Oh, I will say "My friend Susie."

    I would, but my middle name is Sue, so when I don't want to give out my real name whether in person or on a website I use that, so if I start referencing "my friend Susie" people who know me will probably think I've gone totally bonkers and created a whole new identity in my head.

    You could always call me Sawsan (my real name)... Then you have an exotic, foreign friend! ;)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    I missed all the invites going around. You're still my only friend.
    Thanks for being my friend, Glinda!

    I'll friend you @kelly_c_77 !
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."

    lol! It actually makes me really sad to see that some people who actually live among Muslims know nothing about them, just because everyone is afraid to offend by asking questions! :-/ So I spread my information far and wide! ;)

    As an example, I know a young Muslim girl living in the U.S. who plays softball, and one day she was performing her prayer in a corner of the field and her coach was all confused and kept asking if she was okay. She's been playing softball for years, but nobody on her team knows that Muslims pray?

    Not that I think they're bigots or anything! I just think that the fear of offending people has reached a point where it's ridiculous--everyone wants to be so politically correct and not offend anyone or ask any questions that we're actually getting more and more ignorant about each other, which is only going to cause MORE problems down the road because nobody understands anyone else!

    As you can see, since I'm always harping on about it... This topic is pretty close to my heart. ;) My form of dawah (literally means invitation; it means teaching others about Islam) is to spread information about how we (Muslims) live so others won't fear us or feel afraid to ask us things in case they offend us. :)

    In my city there are very few Muslims. I know NONE personally, which is why I'm completely clueless but fascinated. And you are completely right: it's the fear of offending that keeps us from asking questions causes confusion and misunderstandings.

    My step-daughter is married to a Mormon and I have several questions I'd like to ask him, but I don't out of fear of offending him. Hmmm.... perhaps this is something I need to work on.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Confession: I have a tattoo on my wrist that comes from an almost 20 year old video game (Tomb Raider 2, anyone?). I love it, I just hate having to explain to people that its from a game...cause they look at me like I'm an idiot. So I usually just make something up.

    Confession 2: So many people have assumed over the years that I'm gay, that it legitimately surprises me when somebody assumes I'm straight. Lol (Confession 3, jokes on everyone cause I'm bisexual).

    Yay! Not just me!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Confession: I've been such a horrible depression cycle for the past two weeks, work and life is just weighing me down. I rage quit my job yesterday but now I'm here, I love my job but my mental health right now isn't supportive of the job. I'm now stuck between do I stay and wait it out (mental healthwise) or do I stay and look to move on asap?

    Are you seeing someone and taking something to help with the depression? Glad they let you come back; even if it's just to pay bills at least you can pay your bills. (Hugs)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."

    lol! It actually makes me really sad to see that some people who actually live among Muslims know nothing about them, just because everyone is afraid to offend by asking questions! :-/ So I spread my information far and wide! ;)

    As an example, I know a young Muslim girl living in the U.S. who plays softball, and one day she was performing her prayer in a corner of the field and her coach was all confused and kept asking if she was okay. She's been playing softball for years, but nobody on her team knows that Muslims pray?

    Not that I think they're bigots or anything! I just think that the fear of offending people has reached a point where it's ridiculous--everyone wants to be so politically correct and not offend anyone or ask any questions that we're actually getting more and more ignorant about each other, which is only going to cause MORE problems down the road because nobody understands anyone else!

    As you can see, since I'm always harping on about it... This topic is pretty close to my heart. ;) My form of dawah (literally means invitation; it means teaching others about Islam) is to spread information about how we (Muslims) live so others won't fear us or feel afraid to ask us things in case they offend us. :)

    In my city there are very few Muslims. I know NONE personally, which is why I'm completely clueless but fascinated. And you are completely right: it's the fear of offending that keeps us from asking questions causes confusion and misunderstandings.

    My step-daughter is married to a Mormon and I have several questions I'd like to ask him, but I don't out of fear of offending him. Hmmm.... perhaps this is something I need to work on.
    Ask me!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited June 2015
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    Have you guys seriously had people judge you about your diaries?

    I don't recall ever having anyone judge anything I ate but I think I had someone question me about my sodium intake a few times.

    The only time I would judge someone about their food diary or delete them would be from them eating under 1,000 calories everyday.

    I would only give constructive criticism if someone asked for it & usually only looked at food diaries to see if I could get any new food ideas. Personally I found looking at food diaries to be tedious.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    My confession is I have stretch marks literally ALL over my body. I have them on my boobs, stomach, thighs, and all over my back. Never pregnant, just formerly morbidly obese. I know stretch marks are normal but when they cover the majority of your body, it's a little overwhelming to accept that. I never took care of myself/my body as a teenager and unfortunately I can't do anything about the damage that has been done. What a great wish it would be to be able to go back in time and have a second chance with your body. I wish I knew then what I know now...but what can ya do? I am only 22 and I feel as if my body is just ruined. I don't feel comfortable in my own skin, it's honestly a very sad situation. You only get one body, and I messed mine up, there's no turning back really. As you can tell I have a lot of regrets. I also deal with loose skin but that's a whole other story on it's own. Hopefully at some point in my life I will feel better about my body and learn to accept it as who I am, but that hasn't happened yet.

    Unfortunately, this is me as well. I do have some hope that the stretch marks will fade away and the skin will tighten up, because I'm only twenty. Twenty two isn't much older, so why give up hope? :)

    SusieQ, I had no idea you were only 20!!! (Sorry if the 'only' sounds condescending, not intended. I am literally twice your age ;) ) Have you been married very long?

    I guess she was from the 1994 in her handle...are you turning the big 2-1 this year?!

    That I am, in October. Although it's not really a big thing for me, since 21 is usually only a big date because people are legal drinkers then. :) Although I DO become eligible to apply for a free government-issued piece of land, the right of every Omani citizen, when I turn 21. ;)

    I assumed it was your birthdate as well but never thought much about how old that made you. How long have you been married? And is it normal for a Muslim woman to be married that young? And to something you said a long time ago (before I got so behind) you are very mature for your age. :)

    Not necessarily Muslim women, but Arab women, yes. Early marriage is encouraged in Islam, since extramarital relationships are forbidden and it's pretty hard for most people to remain celibate for so many years after puberty. But the average age of marriage is different in each culture, and not necessarily dictated by religion.

    A sad fact: The age of marriage is getting higher in the Arab world only because most young men can no longer afford to get married. Fathers are demanding crazy-high dowries (a girl is eligible for a dowry in Islam, and she is the one who's supposed to pick it and the money/gift is supposed to be hers alone, but some selfish families demand high dowries and then the father keeps it, saying that it's his payback for all the years of taking care of his daughter. Yes, seriously. -_-), along with demands of gold jewellery, a huge wedding, a new wardrobe... And all of it is supposed to come out of the young man's pockets. This is very contrary to Islam's teachings and makes me quite angry; most men have to take a loan just to get married!

    My father demanded a 6000 ($16000) Omani rial dowry (meant to be mine, he wouldn't touch the money), because he didn't want to look bad by "giving his daughter away cheaply" <--- Another stupid cultural thing. But since Islamically the dowry is my choice... I took the 6000 for the sake of appearance to appease my dad, then secretly returned every penny of it to my husband after the wedding was over. I also had a super tiny wedding and insisted on paying for it myself, with any money I had left from my years of working (I had to stop due to my FND, but I've worked since I was 15). I also refused new clothing/jewellery/etc. I find it so stupid and wasteful.

    I've been married for 1.5 years, as you'll see as you get further back into the thread. ;)

    You're so good about sharing your culture. I just want to say thanks for that.

    I'm just happy that people don't find me boring for always talking about both my culture and religion! ;) You're very welcome. :)

    I love hearing about your culture!!
    Me too! Don't stop talking about it!

    Same here! I have learned SO much from @Susieq_1994! Now I'm waiting for some of these topics to come up in conversations in real life and I can be all smug about my new-found knowledge! Then if anyone asks me how I know I can be all vague and mysterious and say "I know someone online. It's a secret, though."

    lol! It actually makes me really sad to see that some people who actually live among Muslims know nothing about them, just because everyone is afraid to offend by asking questions! :-/ So I spread my information far and wide! ;)

    As an example, I know a young Muslim girl living in the U.S. who plays softball, and one day she was performing her prayer in a corner of the field and her coach was all confused and kept asking if she was okay. She's been playing softball for years, but nobody on her team knows that Muslims pray?

    Not that I think they're bigots or anything! I just think that the fear of offending people has reached a point where it's ridiculous--everyone wants to be so politically correct and not offend anyone or ask any questions that we're actually getting more and more ignorant about each other, which is only going to cause MORE problems down the road because nobody understands anyone else!

    As you can see, since I'm always harping on about it... This topic is pretty close to my heart. ;) My form of dawah (literally means invitation; it means teaching others about Islam) is to spread information about how we (Muslims) live so others won't fear us or feel afraid to ask us things in case they offend us. :)

    You're awesome. I like to think (optimistically) that in my area (which has a lot of new Canadians and also quite a large Islamic Academy private school) we're pretty accepting and knowledgeable about the larger minority groups in our city, but I know it isn't always the case and, speaking for myself, I don't know anyone who grew up in the Middle East (apart from some friends who grew up in expat compounds), so I find your life especially interesting. All my Muslim acquaintances are at least second-generation Canadians so I've never heard much about day-to-day life somewhere like Saudi Arabia or Oman.

    Aww, thank you! I hope you're right, but I do doubt that everyone in a particular area is accepting and knowledgeable about Muslims. :) But I guess finding someone who is from/lives in the Middle East can be a new experience! :)

    I once saw a guy in an online chatroom talking about how he worked in Saudi Arabia and how everyone owned a camel and used them to get to work and school, and everyone lived in tents. I thought it was ridiculously stupid of him to do that--it just promotes making Arabs look like a bunch of backwards weirdos. I don't think he had actually visited the Middle East in his life. -_-
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    I missed all the invites going around. You're still my only friend.
    Thanks for being my friend, Glinda!

    You're welcome. :)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I like being friends with the people from this thread.

    Because I know nobody will put their judgy pants on when they see my diary. ;)

    Have you guys seriously had people judge you about your diaries?

    I don't recall ever having anyone judge anything I ate but I think I had someone question me about my sodium intake a few times.

    The only time I would judge someone about their food diary or delete them would be from them eating under 1,000 calories everyday.

    I would only give constructive criticism if someone asked for it & usually only looked at food diaries to see if I could get any new food ideas. Personally I found looking at food diaries to be tedious.
    No, I haven't, and I'd probably un-friend anyone who did. I rarely have time (or interest, to be honest) to look at anyone else's diary, and I'd find it disconcerting if someone started giving me a hard time about my butter consumption.
  • KC5115
    KC5115 Posts: 70 Member
    I count my macros and the very first thing I enter is a bowl of icecream at the end of the day, the build my day around that. I eat based around icecream.