

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    KrisiAnnH wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, my birthday is tomorrow and all I can think about is having my most favorite meal EVER out at my favorite restaurant! I'm really hoping that they have this AMAZING dessert that they used to serve. It's a piece of cake (your choice of a bunch of flavors) wrapped in a flour tortilla, fried up, and sprinkled with either cocoa or cinnamon. Then they top it with either honey or hot fudge, ice cream, and whipped cream! Holy Mother of deliciousness! One time we went they said they weren't serving it anymore...but the next time we went, it was on the menu again. Anyway, I'm just really hoping it's there tomorrow. It kept me up last night. Sad, so sad.
    But seriously, I CAN'T WAIT! If they don't have that dessert, I plan on having a very large serving of ice cream for dessert. I fully plan on murdering my calorie goal for tomorrow BUT I will still do my workout in the morning. :)

    Yay! Happy (early?) birthday! that all sounds amazing although I'm not sure about a flour tortilla and cake? Sign me up for the rest though!
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm on a cereal kick right now :) It cannot be helped.

    I cannot wait until my sister brings me that PB Captain Crunch next weekend!!

    ... Will she bring me some, too?

    I confess that I've been using stories about your awesome Rodent Boy to try to confess my husband to buy me either a rat, a mouse, a hamster, a chinchilla, a gerbil.... Anything tiny and cute. :D I WANT A CUDDLY RODENT. >.<

    From when I was about 7 I always wanted a hamster but my parents wouldn't let me, I moved out to go to Uni and it took me 4 months of living alone before I realised I could get one and they couldn't say anything haha. They hated the idea but now that they've met him they absolutely adore him, they even have him for 'holidays' if I go away for the weekend or move house etc (I know, they're nuts! haha). So maybe you could get one and hope your husband grows to love it? :) haha.

    Just incase you need anymore convincing... (using this as an excuse to post pictures of my little cuddly rodent haha)

    Also for anyone interested in how my job interview went the other day, I have a trial shift on Monday! Woo! :)

    CUDDLY RODENT! Wanna see MY cuddly rodent? (I had a hamster myself, several years ago--he passed away from hamstery old age)

    Spikey: From babyhood to adulthood.

    ... Yeah, that was a lot of pictures. But isn't he CUTE?!

    Awhhh oh my goodness he's adorable! And so fluffy! My hammy is almost 1 1/2 old now, so he's not a baby anymore. He was so tiny when I first got him! Dwarf hamsters are the cutest though, they look like mini versions haha

    The babies when they are first born are even cuter! They look like little pink gummy bears!
    Not sure if you guys remember my story about buying a hamster who turned out to be pregnant and 2 weeks later we ended up with 10 (YES, TEN!!!!) hamsters. And to confirm what @Susieq_1994 said about separating them because they will fight to the death...yup...we learned the hard way...donut holes in ears, screeching, squealing, bloody fights!!! :(
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »

    This is me bringing in groceries! The least amount of trips I have to make the better.

    HAHAHA! Me, too! Multiple plastic bags hanging from every single finger and the bag of dog food slumped over my shoulder!


    Also, @kellyjellybellyjelly and @quiksylver296, I will definitely take and post pictures IF they have it!!!
    ***EVERYONE CROSS YOUR FINGERS THAT THEY HAVE IT*** It's my only birthday wish! ;)

    Happy Birthday!
    Thanks also to all of you who congratulated Raelynn! I'll admit I may or may not have been a bit emotional about this milestone. We've started letting her sort of go at her own pace, so as to not trigger an anxiety attack. She's beyond proud of herself, she came to my room this morning and had the cutest conversation with me:
    "Mommy! Did I pee pee in my potty?!"
    "Yes, baby, you sure did last night!"
    "Yay! I such a big girl!"
    "Yes, yes you are. :cry: "

    She's feeling better, I think either she was so bothered by daddy being gone or she can't drink diet dr pepper. I will say that since she got sick yesterday, she has completely stopped asking for some soda and only wants either lemonade or water. Kids are weird
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception ? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I think that's brilliant!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    edited June 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I think that is a great idea!

    ETA: Super great, even!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @KrisiAnnH congrats on the job!!

    @MoHousdon I thought of you at lunch with my dad as I had fountain Dr Pepper! I love Dr Pepper too but for me nothing is better than a fountain pop!

    @Susieq_1994 and @KrisiAnnH your little furry friends are TOO cute!! I had gerbils growing up and I loved them!

    @kelly_c_77 Happy Early Birthday! I'm happy you're letting yourself splurge on cals for your birthday! That's what it's all about, enojoying yourself on YOUR day! YAYYY!

    With crushed ice is the BEST. I kind of love that my name is synonymous with DP now.

  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Confession: Outside of exercising, if you wear earbuds/headphones in public I want to punch you in the face. This is especially true at restaurants, disconnect yourself and pay attention to your surroundings or *gasp* have a conversation with someone.

    *I work on a college campus so my view may be slightly skewed, I've seen a lot of near misses with students just because they're not paying attention.

    I tend to wear mine in public when traveling (mostly air travel) or if I went somewhere specifically to study or do grad homework, so that I DON'T pay attention to my surroundings. That said, I don't think I could ever have both earbuds in if I were running on a busy street because I'd be too worried about being run over! :)

    Fester's gonna hate me - I wear my headphones pretty well any time I walk anywhere. I try to drive as little as possible, so when I walk places (like my half hour walk to work) I listen to audiobooks because it's so damn boring making the same trek on the same street day after day. At least I get some "reading" in that way.

    I can't fathom why that would be irritating to someone though. It's not like listening to something makes me unable to watch where I'm walking, and the only conversation I'm avoiding is with panhandlers and people pushing religious pamphlets...

    I wear my headphones (sorry Fester!) walking from my car to work and back (about 1/2 a mile each way) because I'm walking through a sketch area of Detroit and if you don't wear them, you get stopped every 100 feet by a homeless person asking for change.

    And thanks everyone for all of the congrats! I celebrated by eating my egg salad for lunch/drinking a bunch of water and sitting in meetings all day. Business as usual lol

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member

    ♪♫ I feel stabby, oh so stabby♪♫
    ♫♪I feel stabby, and crabby and...♪♫

    Somebody help me with an appropriate word for my theme song of today. "Gay" doesn't fit for this one.

    & irate

    My favorite so far

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I agree. And I now have an ad for ModCloth at the bottom of my screen! :)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited June 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I'm 100% in love with the pink one. I would pair it with blue/teal or yellow heels (but that's just me). It's very wedding appropriate and looks like it would be comfortable, yet fun. I, personally, would be leery about changing into a fancier dress for the reception because you don't want to do anything to pull focus off the bride. In saying that, I really like the peacock dress too.

    Forget this and do what @lbuehler89 suggested. You want to be comfortable while dancing. And you have impeccable taste.

  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I'M FINALLY CAUGHT UP!!!! *falls over* <3

    Thought of you today at Giant when I found the Limone Sorbet. I almost bought it, but then I decided to get the Yueling's Buttered Caramel Popcorn. I definitely will be getting that sometime though since I seen it was only 80 calories per half serving which means I will probably eat two or three.

    ooooooh yum!

    my giant had the lemoncello chiffon ice cream ONCE, and have been out of stock ever since. i call them every few days...i'm sure they loooove me. lol

    i'm honestly not that big of an ice cream fan. unless i get the "churn style" the richness of most ice cream makes me sick so i can only ever have a tiny amount at a time. but the lemoncello chiffon is SO FREAKIN GOOD.

    Ooh is the Lemoncello more ice cream or gelato? I bet I would like that one more.

    confession: i've never had gelato, so i have no idea.
    one characteristic i do love about it though is that it's not rock hard like b&j's. the lemon ice cream is soft and fluffy :)

    Ugh, yeah I hate how ice cream can be hard as a rock & bend a spoon.

    Tonight I had some Yueling's ice cream Buttered Caramel Popcorn & it was amazing. The first bite I took I could tell a popcorn flavor.

    OMG- popcorn ice cream?!?!?! Where on earth do I find this? I love popcorn... love love love it, and often eat popcorn for dinner (when the man isn't home, because he doesn't believe that it constitutes a meal). Although I try to do it less for a meal now that I'm being more conscious of my protein intake.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    FINALLY I'm caught up only to go to lunch. :neutral:

    While packing last night, Mr. Mo and I were discussing whether or not my ring would come in before we have to leave. It's supposed to be in today so I'm crossing my fingers and toes and eyes and anything else I can so it does. Anywho, he said, "If it doesn't come in, I have a backup." I was really confused by this so I said, "What do you mean you have a backup?"

    He gets in his top drawer and hands me a box from the jewelry store.

    These are inside...

    I couldn't believe that he did that, and not only that, but he also totally surprised me which almost NEVER happens. I won the lottery with this guy! :blush:
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited June 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    ok guys I am on the fence about something. I got asked out on a date this weekend. I don't date because in reality I don't have a lot of free time and I am certainly not wanting to take any time away from my son. But in spite of all this I am considering going. What's a girl to do?

    Do you like date asker guy? If the answer is yes, then I say GO FOR IT!

    I do like said guy lol

    Well, then, buy yourself something pretty (sexy, but tasteful) and go and enjoy yourself. If you just get a meal and decent conversation but it doesn't go anywhere, at least you have a pretty new dress to wear later. But if it DOES go somewhere, I think we all expect to be invited to the wedding. :smiley:

    Hmmm sexy sounds like something I haven't done in a long time :) And of course you would all be invited honestly I feel closer to you guys lately than most of the people IRL :)

    You HAVE to show us your choices before choosing though. I LOVE helping people pick out clothes and I've NEVER helped anyone get ready for a date before, well, besides myself of course. :smiley:

    The bold part: me too!

    Mo, I just ordered a couple of dresses from Modcloth for a wedding and I'm not sure which I want to wear! It's an afternoon ceremony but evening reception at a mountain lodge, so I went for more "fun" than "formal"...

    This pink one
    Or this black embellished one (comes with straps)

    When they actually arrive it might turn out that I hate the fit of one or both, but I couldn't decide and had to order both. All my cocktail dresses are either very winter-y (long sleeves, heavy fabrics, etc.) or too big, or make me look like a waitress (because I have an extensive collection of black cocktail dresses that I wore while bartending.)

    There's a crazy four-hour gap between the ceremony and cocktail hour, though, so we were going to change, go for a hike, and come back and change back, so maybe I'll wear the pink one for the ceremony and the peacock one for the reception? Is that attention-grabby or weird?

    I'm 100% in love with the pink one. I would pair it with blue/teal or yellow heels (but that's just me). It's very wedding appropriate and looks like it would be comfortable, yet fun. I, personally, would be leery about changing into a fancier dress for the reception because you don't want to do anything to pull focus off the bride. In saying that, I really like the peacock dress too.

    Forget this and do what @lbuehler89 suggested. You want to be comfortable while dancing. And you have impeccable taste.
    I replied to her as well with my feelings on daytime/evening and the black, but I should add that I don't dance unless excruciatingly drunk (which happens once a year at a bar but definitely not at a wedding) so that's not a concern at least. Wedding receptions are usually my own personal hell because of all the awkward dancing and bad DJing and uncomfortable traditions...which is why we bailed to Vegas and just went out for dinner. I'm such a party pooper.
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    I love both dresses!! The pink is more daytime, but with heels and jewelry, you could certainly make it work for nighttime as well.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Hope this works! Might be huge..if so, I apologize.

    Wow that's a lot of cats (super cute, too)! I forget who else had a bunch, including a pregnant porch kitty, you might might give that person a run for their money in the cat hoarding war ;)

    That would be @pofoster21, if I'm not mistaken. And my family owns 14 cats, so I think they beat everyone. O.o

    It is me. 4 in the home now, 2 on the porch, and 2 at the barn. I have to admit 4 in the home is a lot now when I feed. And the politics of who gets fed where...exhausting. But Cobweb is doing great (latest addition, you all went through that with me). He is the sweetest cat.

    He likes to jump on the 1/2 wall between the toilet and the vanity when I get out of the shower and while I dry myself off he reaches out to me, to be petted, etc. The other day, I bent over drying my legs and he proceeded to walk onto my back and lay down! So there I am, stark naked, with a purring cat laying on my back and licking my wet hair. I crouched down to try and get him to walk off me, but he resettled himself and kept purring away. I finally had to slowly stand until he slid off, praying all the time he wouldn't grab me with his claws to stay on. If I had had a camera and wasn't such a prude, I would have taken a selfie and posted it (but yes, I was stark naked, so probably that wouldn't be allowed on here!).

    Ok, sorry that this is giant...I haven't a clue how to shrink it. But, I just wanted to share what our feeding time looks like... :)
    They all have their own bowls and go right to them when it's time to eat! Such good little piglets!

    OMG- I have to admit that the first time I looked at/scrolled past this photo in the thread I wasn't paying a ton of attention, and could have sworn that the cats tails were moving. It really freaked me out! And now I can't look at the photo without getting goosebumps. hahaha

    But, regardless of my ridiculous reaction, your cats are really cute, and I love that they all go to their own bowls! Mine do that too, but there's only two of them. And the little one only starts at his bowl. He eats half of his food, then pushes his way into Tadpole's bowl to make sure that he didn't get something better :wink:
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    1) Please report back on the Traveling Cupcake Truck Dress when it comes in. I've been debating (with myself) about buying it and I'd love an actual opinion (I was thinking the violet or strawberries but no matter!)

    2) I'd probably just swing the pink dress for the whole day, personally. But I'm easy lazy like that.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited June 2015
    Double post!

    Confession: I have to go to an engagement party on Sunday (I'm in the wedding), and I'm trying to figure out how to get in a solid workout before going so I have more calories to eat all the food.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @peleroja both of those dress are AWESOME!! I'd wear the formal one for the ceremony and the fun one for the reception where you'll be dancing the night away!! That's just my opinion though, both dresses are fabulous, you have excellent taste!!

    I thought the polka dots were more "daytime" than evening - I guess maybe I think it's weird to wear a black dress like that for an afternoon thing? Especially for an outdoor ceremony?

    This is not my realm of expertise, though, because I normally just go to work events and wear the same couple of navy or black super conservative dresses, all high neck and sleeves and stuff.

    1) Please report back on the Traveling Cupcake Truck Dress when it comes in. I've been debating (with myself) about buying it and I'd love an actual opinion (I was thinking the violet or strawberries but no matter!)

    2) I'd probably just swing the pink dress for the whole day, personally. But I'm easy lazy like that.

    I'll let you know. I have a pretty weird body shape though so I'm not sure if my opinion will help much!

    I have a similar one by Stop Staring! in the black cherry print that's also a halter swing shape, but it doesn't look great without a crinoline under it, so I'm hoping this one is better.