

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Hey. I've already deleted my post.. it was one of those panicky things and I got embarrassed straight away. You don't need to delete yours though.. I'm sorry you went through that.. You're right the world we live in is twisted. I sometimes wonder how people end up in such an evil way.

    My Grandma's just went in for the shunt operation which will drain some of the fluid off her brain. Just waiting to see how that turns out. Thankyou for your response :)

    Hope everything goes well with your grandma's surgery. We are always here to listen. (Hugs)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @nonoelmo I'm so sorry that you ever went through such terrible experiences!! Huge, huge kudos to you for getting yourself help and managing to pretty much completely overcome it--that is absolutely, jaw-droppingly amazing, and I think you are (or have become) a very strong and wonderful person, regardless of those horrible experiences.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    My confession from Friday... I got really drunk on beer that was not labeled "lite", got home, crawled into bed, and ordered pizza, then made my boyfriend stay up until the pizza came and hand deliver it to me in bed. I'm not a nice drunk, very bossy, no fun, shocked he hasn't left me yet.

    i heart you
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Wow, you guys, 900 new posts...

    I had to skip some pages so I apologize.

    I've got a serious case of the hangries today. Work is absolutely mental this month (big, big merger-type thing happening with the government involved) and all I want to do is eat all the stuff that keeps appearing in the kitchen (Nutella doughnuts?) But I've been having way too much fun already this month (camping trips, parties, hanging out with a beer at my pool, etc.) and none of my trousers are going to button if I continue in this vein, so...I'm living on vanilla orchid oolong tea and nerves until further notice. I'm usually a litres-of-black-coffee kinda girl but I've been really good at cutting that down over the past couple months so I'm trying not to backslide.

    Still. Ugh.

    My Modcloth dress order should be here tomorrow so I'll probably be able to pick it up on Thursday and show you guys photos of the dresses I posted last week so you can help me decide.

    I'm really excited to have Wednesday off for Canada Day because it makes the work week seem so much better. I love weird holidays like that.

    @KylerJaye and the online dating, good for you for sticking to your guns and not letting insta-creep push you into anything. It's terrible that you can spend a whole evening with someone and not see their crazy come out until hours later, but I guess that's online for you, right? Still, I'm wishing you better luck!

    work chaos is always the worst! hang in there
    nutella donuts?! i don't know if i'd have your strength to resist

    and thank you!
    i'm not giving up just yet....even though last week i did get a marriage proposal from some dude in morocco....
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    I confess that I've done a horrible job of keeping up with this thread.

    Not only has 7/1 @ work been brutal, but the Big Brother feeds have been vastly entertaining!

    I'll try to get caught up
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    So I'm trying to catch up

    @orangesmartie yay for a meetup! It sounds so awesome! I'm jealous!

    @nonoelmo hurray for NSVs!!!!! You rock!!!!

    @pofoster21 yay for coming home!

    I would also like to say that directly because of this thread, I talked to DH last night (and there was no yelling and/or crying involved lol) and we WILL be getting a cleaning service. I'm calling today to schedule the initial intake or whatever. I need the help and I'm tired of feeling like I can't even enjoy my kids bc I'm always working. I will make room in the budget for it. If it delays me upgrading my car, then so be it. It will be worth it.

    Didn't have the dog convo yet, but I did sorta bring up the subject of the car. Some forward progress was made but he got a little huffy about, "I'm doing the best I can, I'm only 27 with 2 kids so I don't know how to adult" and I shut down. I have no cares that his co-workers don't have kids. He does, he needs to man up. So in lieu of an argument I stopped talking and went for a walk outside.

    AND I'm officially down 30 lb today!!!! WOOT!!!!! 10 lb to goal and then I'll adjust again, but I'm 3/4 done with my initial loss!! I'm concentrating on that today :)

    Good for you! I'm so happy to hear that!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    @Susieq_1994 Great job on the stairs!
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Hey. I've already deleted my post.. it was one of those panicky things and I got embarrassed straight away. You don't need to delete yours though.. I'm sorry you went through that.. You're right the world we live in is twisted. I sometimes wonder how people end up in such an evil way.

    My Grandma's just went in for the shunt operation which will drain some of the fluid off her brain. Just waiting to see how that turns out. Thankyou for your response :)

    Hope everything goes well with your grandma's surgery. We are always here to listen. (Hugs)

    I've just heard it went okay. Will be allowed in to see her in a couple of hours.

    Aww this thread is the most amazing place.. Everyone is so supportive :)
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Can someone post the link to the group again? I missed it the first few times around.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    @nonoelmo I'm so sorry that you ever went through such terrible experiences!! Huge, huge kudos to you for getting yourself help and managing to pretty much completely overcome it--that is absolutely, jaw-droppingly amazing, and I think you are (or have become) a very strong and wonderful person, regardless of those horrible experiences.
    Thanks SusieQ. LOL. It is so far behind me now that it ceases to exist for all practical purposes. I just brought it up to help another. I am small but mighty. :wink:
    I like the person I am and I continue to work to improve myself. I have flaws and faults and "moments" but I endeavor to improve on all fronts. I think you are pretty awesome too. This whole thread brings out the best in people. I really like all the posters (and you lurkers too!!)
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Too heavy for this thread.

    Hugs to you then. I'm sorry for whatever is going on.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Hey. I've already deleted my post.. it was one of those panicky things and I got embarrassed straight away. You don't need to delete yours though.. I'm sorry you went through that.. You're right the world we live in is twisted. I sometimes wonder how people end up in such an evil way.

    My Grandma's just went in for the shunt operation which will drain some of the fluid off her brain. Just waiting to see how that turns out. Thankyou for your response :)

    Hope everything goes well with your grandma's surgery. We are always here to listen. (Hugs)

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    I know I miss a lot I want to reply to and care about but I have to go to work now...
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @riderfangal eee I know the feeling when the guy is nice enough but that spark just isn't there and he keeps trying to touch you haha I hate that! At least you made a new friend and now you don't have to think 'what if' if you hadn't gone!

    Lol yep it was pretty awkward and I am actually glad I went! Thank you all for the positive thoughts this week

    That is so awkward!
    I once went on a date and the guy was really into me, and I just was not feeling we had went out for dinner and then went to a club I frequented....I thought he might have clued in when I kept introducing him as my friend and not my date, but he didn't. Finally, he leans into me and tells me how much he likes me....and I decide to be honest, and tell him he is a great guy but I am just not feeling it, that I will dance with him and such the rest of the night but I did not see it going anywhere.....he seemed fine, bought us another round of drinks, and then went to the bathroom, and NEVER RETURNED. He drove, so I was stranded a city away, at a night club. I was not impressed.....

    this is one of my biggest fears! ugh, that's so terrible! :(
    guys keep offering to pick me up and i'm like no thanks! a few seem put off by it, but your story is the EXACT reason why.

    I agree with you. On a first date, when it's with someone I don't know, I'd much prefer to meet them somewhere rather than them know where my house is.

    I'm stopping by at lunch time. I did a LOT of online dating until I met my SO. I got my screening down to a pretty good art. Message then email then phone call (optional) then a simple short meet date. Most guys who got to the meet part were nice enough guys but the meet for coffee or a quick lunch was plenty to let me know they were not right for me. I refused to have drinks as a first date, I want to know what I think of someone stone cold sober. SO and I had a lunch first date and had such a great time. I'd given him the wrong phone number so he was worried I was standing him up (I just transposed a number). He jumped to his feet, greeted me with a hug, was just fun the whole lunch. I'm with all the others who feel that you are super lucky your date showed what he's like so early on - he couldn't get through one date with decent behavior, who'd want a relationship where that was the norm. UGH! Enjoy the process. There are MANY many many men out there. It is a numbers game, you just have to keep trying until there is a good match for you both. :wink: If you want to take a break from it then take breaks as needed. I took a break when it started feeling like a chore.

    you always have the best advice! :smile:

    years ago when i was doing the dating thing, i'd always go for coffee for dinner. but then i had a few really awkward situations, which really was more on the weirdos i was out with, but now i try to avoid the "trapped" type of scenario. plus i really can't stand eating with strangers (i'm weird, i know).

    i think i might try to check out a few other sites. right now i'm just on okc and it's pretty bleh.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    that's so awesome!! :)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Too heavy for this thread.

    Stupid forum isn't quoting the post correctly, nut I wanted to say big hugs
    that is a huge amount to be processing, particularly with your gran being ill.

    You can say anything in this thread and we will support you as best as a group of Internet strangers can.

    I wish I knew what to say to help, or comfort you. Along is hug you. Someone better will be along soon. But in the meantime, ventral you need to here.

    And perhaps consider some counsellingnor something to help you deal with all of this

    Yeah I feel like even though my Gran has had dementia and I've been looking after her for a couple of years she's still been the main support in my life and with her being critical it's just made everything else that's happened to me hit me all at once.

    I couldn't even leave the post up for 5 minutes haha.. I think I'm going to consider counselling. Thanks so much for your reply.

    Sending positive vibes for a successful outcome for your Gran... and for you. I didn't catch the original post, but I can guess. Counselling will help. You may think you've successfully put stuff behind you but, as nonoelmo says, it'll pop up again when you least expect it.

    (((Hugs))) to you and @nonoelmo .
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    My daughter has an October birthday (19th), and she's about the same age as some of you.

    My son's birthday is October 14th. He's my younger child and is only a few days younger than Susie! (1994)
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Hey. I've already deleted my post.. it was one of those panicky things and I got embarrassed straight away. You don't need to delete yours though.. I'm sorry you went through that.. You're right the world we live in is twisted. I sometimes wonder how people end up in such an evil way.

    My Grandma's just went in for the shunt operation which will drain some of the fluid off her brain. Just waiting to see how that turns out. Thankyou for your response :)

    Hope everything goes well with your grandma's surgery. We are always here to listen. (Hugs)

    I've just heard it went okay. Will be allowed in to see her in a couple of hours.

    Aww this thread is the most amazing place.. Everyone is so supportive :)

    So happy to hear the good news that the surgery went okay!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I DID IT!!! I went down cautiously at first and saw that nobody was outside of the apartments, so I went all out: I CLIMBED NINE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!!! :smiley:

    I admit that I was lazy and went down in the elevator the second time, then climbed back up the three flights, took the elevator back down, repeat. :p At least I did the "up" part, right? ;)

    Sooo much awesomeness! WELL DONE!!

    Yes, going up stairs is the hard part, that's the one that counts.

    I did it again!! Nine flights up, nine flights down. But now I'm thirsty and I still have three hours of fasting to go. :p

    Way to go!! You are doing great!!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Too heavy for this thread.

    I hope things are going ok for you. Sounds like you need someone to talk to.