

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    At one of our local grocery stores they have a cow on the front of the milk display and the cow moos at you every time you walk by it. I hate that cow. I turned around the other day and said to it.
    " I know right!! But I am working on it so back off!!
    There were 2 elderly ladies standing they and I am sure they were ready to call someone to take me away!

    Ha! That's awesome :)

    @riderfangal I've been reading your username as riderangle since the beginning of the thread...until I've been replying to you :blush:

    LOL the riders are my favourite football team. I am actually somewhat obsessed lol. Truth be told I wanted to name my son Ryder but my ex was having no part of that

    I probably missed it in previous pages, but @riderfangal you had a date on Saturday, right? How did it go?

    He was very nice but no spark. On the surface we should have meshed completely but nothing. I was thinking maybe its just me in my heart I am not sure I am ready or wiling to enter into any relationship. Still it was nice to enjoy some adult conversation. :)

    It happens. But at least you got a nice evening out!

    I dated a guy that, "on paper", should've been a perfect match for me, but there was no spark with him either. I've also wondered if it's me not being willing to be in a relationship, but I want a spark, darn it!

    (psssst... I'm post-stalking you :p )

    In my experience, do not settle for anything less than "the spark". That's what will carry you through the rough patches, and keep you working out stuff when you'd really much rather throttle him.

    I stayed in a relationship for much too long because he was the "good on paper" guy who should have been my match made in heaven. Nah. Now I'm with the guy who would seem to be the "least likely prospect" (until you realize we are actually two peas in a pod, beneath the demographics) and we've got all the spark.

    My other half and I often joke that we'd never have been matched on a dating site. We had very different political and religious views, which makes us "incompatible" to the algorithms. Instead, we have lively debates and have both come to a middle ground that better suits the coupledom instead of each of us as individuals.

    We're also both huge nerds and fight about which Star Trek is the best, so you know. Nothing's perfect.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I DID IT!!! I went down cautiously at first and saw that nobody was outside of the apartments, so I went all out: I CLIMBED NINE FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!!!! :smiley:

    I admit that I was lazy and went down in the elevator the second time, then climbed back up the three flights, took the elevator back down, repeat. :p At least I did the "up" part, right? ;)

    Sooo much awesomeness! WELL DONE!!

    Yes, going up stairs is the hard part, that's the one that counts.

    I did it again!! Nine flights up, nine flights down. But now I'm thirsty and I still have three hours of fasting to go. :p

    Great job, @Susieq_1994 !
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Ladies and gentlemen of the confessions thread, a moment of hush if you will, I have an announcement to make.

    <drum roll>

    This afternoon, in the car park of a slightly up market grocery store, outside a ubiquitous coffee house chain, @girldownsouth and I met up. In honour of this thread, we did not partake of frothy expensive refreshments, but instead meandered many miles along the river, in idyllic English countryside (beside the motorway).

    We (well I did anyway) had a lovely walk in the sunshine, getting to know a new friend. We do intend to do it again.

    I thank you for your attention. Here endeth the announcement. Please return to your regularly scheduled confessions.

    That's super great!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Some good, some bad & a confession..

    Good: I cycled for over 500 miles this month, for the first time, ever. My previous high was around 467. Very proud today.

    Bad: I discovered last night, the first girl I fell in love with and was always special to me, died back in 2011 from a prescription pain pill overdose. They found her unresponsive and shut down life support some days later. She left behind 2 grown daughters and a toddler daughter. Tragic.

    Confession: When I brought my work clothes to work yesterday (to wear today) I forgot to pack boxer briefs so I am forced to go commando all day. lol

    That's horrible!
    So funny! Ha!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member

    I haven't been swimming in nearly two weeks. My hips started hurting 2 or 3 weeks ago and swimming made it worse. So I decided to hold off until my hips stopped aching, but they haven't. Anytime I walk or am active for more than 20 minutes, my hips ache at the back. Sometimes the pain shoots down my leg.

    I'm a bit worried that if this is pregnancy related (it seems an awful lot like pelvic girdle pain), then there go all my good plans of staying fit throughout. Especially as I am only just ending the first trimester - I have a long way to go! If it's not better in another 4 weeks (when I next see the midwife) I will ask for her advice. I did not expect sore bones this early on and it's getting me down a little, but then I feel guilty because this was super wanted and planned and I know some people would love to be in my place. But hip pain for the next 6.5 months does not fill me with joy. That's not what they show on the clear blue commercials!

    Tl;dr - I haven't been swimming and I'm an ungrateful grump.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @nonoelmo I'm so sorry that you ever went through such terrible experiences!! Huge, huge kudos to you for getting yourself help and managing to pretty much completely overcome it--that is absolutely, jaw-droppingly amazing, and I think you are (or have become) a very strong and wonderful person, regardless of those horrible experiences.
    Thanks SusieQ. LOL. It is so far behind me now that it ceases to exist for all practical purposes. I just brought it up to help another. I am small but mighty. :wink:
    I like the person I am and I continue to work to improve myself. I have flaws and faults and "moments" but I endeavor to improve on all fronts. I think you are pretty awesome too. This whole thread brings out the best in people. I really like all the posters (and you lurkers too!!)

    Yes. Yes you are.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Too heavy for this thread.

    Hugs to you then. I'm sorry for whatever is going on.

    Same. I missed your original post...but I'm sorry for whatever it is that you are dealing with! Hugs to you!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I've got plantar fasciitis, every walking movement currently hurts. I may try and tempt fate by doing some weights and see how that works out...

    Would seated upper body weight lifting work to fill the void? Or some sort of mat work that wouldn't bother your feet?

    A friend used to roll one of those nubbly laundry ball things under the sole of her foot, that seemed to help. Cheaper than the official foot massage balls they sell in health stores too.

    I'm thinking I'm really lucky, I don't have any dating horror stories, probably because I had a habit of getting involved with guys I already knew socially. Just later in life when I was dating unknowns, I had a run of what I called The Bolters. We'd go for a simple coffee together then the guy would suddenly come up with some lame excuse and cut the date short. One guy, we're sitting in Tim Hortons and he was looking at a sign advertising their latest special sandwich... abruptly announces that looking at the sandwich was making him hungry and he had to go eat. Like, right away.

    I was starting to develop a complex... was it something I said? Halitosis? Huge blemish suddenly sprout on my face?
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    @coastalpath I’m really sorry you are struggling. If you can, try and carve a few minutes out of each day to look after yourself, whether its some deep breathing/meditation, exercise, a solitary cup of coffee. It is also important that you acknowledge your stress and feelings, don’t squash them away because others think you should. Everything you think and feel is valid to you.

    I’m going to check out the fitbit thread in a moment. I’m having a bit of a sucky morning at work.

    Totally randomly, as I drove back from Devon last night, I planned what I might have for my wedding reception. Partly inspired by this thread and partly by a comedienne that was on radio 4 (don’t judge) yesterday. Bear in mind my relationship structure means I will never get married, but still, I planned it…

    So I’d have an afternoon tea, catered by my favourite Torquay café, with made to order sandwiches (guests choose from a small list of fillings); bread is home made white or granary. A variety of home made scones, with cherry, or ginger, or white choc chips in. Lots of different fruit jams. And huge bowls of clotted cream. There may also be cinnamon toast. And lots of different cakes, like Victoria sponge, lemon drizzle, chocolate brownie. All served with either tea, coffee (from starbucks) or something sparkling, probably Prosecco or Asti (I’m actually a cherry lambrini kind of girl). Set to a background of string quartet music.

    And for evening meal I’d have a Chinese buffet, in the style of the Mongolian barbecue restaurant chain (do they have those in the states?) basically, you take your bowl, choose your meat/veg/noodles/cooking sauce, and they cook it on a flat top stove while you wait.

    It will be held in a marquee, on the cliff tops, near where I live (in Devon).

    I spent nearly 200 miles planning this. I have no idea what I’d be wearing, nor what the ceremony would be like.

    Who cares about the ceremony, can I come to your imagined wedding reception for the food? Be a love and make it halal meat, will you? :p

    Done and of course you are invited! the guests will essentially be our families and you guys lolol

    I forgot to mention it's mountain -5 days now!!

    My new waterproof gloves arrived today

    Yay, countdown time! Are you excited? Or just terrified? :D

    Both!! I'm really looking forward to it, I wanna be there and doing it! I think i feel i'm proving something by doing it. I hope i don't let meself down and look like an....donkey.

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    I'm allergic to tomatoes (and strawberries, raspberries and red peppers) so being tomato free is possible, but requires thought, those suckers are in everything!

    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Well. Just got back from the doctors. Saw a different doctor this time. He said NO carbs. Not even yogurt, he said if I don't lose weight on this, we have a serious problem. I asked him if it could be anything else and he said "Well, we could faff around putting you on different diets, but it seems you have put a lot of time and effort into this already so I recommend you go straight to the jugular and cut carbs. It will work, it will always work. It's hard, and it will suck, it will really suck, but you will lose fat." So I went to the nearest bakery, bought myself an apple and raspberry danish (at 9 in the morning) and ate it while driving to work. If I can't have carbs for the next 2 months, I'm going to end it with something amazing. and it was.

    Oh, that really stinks. :( Hope it goes well for you! In his definition of NO carbs, I assume non-starchy veggies are still allowed? I really hope you lose a good amount of weight on this--you've been working SO HARD and not seeing results and I'm sure it's just horribly, awfully frustrating.

    ... I totally would have done that too. I LOVE danishes.

    I don't think they are, he said no root vegetables and no squashes (butternut squash or pumpkin etc). The more I talk about it the harder it becomes. He said no tomato, which pretty much rules out everything. I keep thinking oh well I'll do this and substitute the carbs and then you realise it has a tomato based sauce. It's slowly looking more and more impossible.

    Yikes. :( I couldn't possibly live without tomatoes! So what CAN you eat? :o

    Any meat, fish, salad, vegetables, fruit (but limited) I'm going to have to read up about it. The problem with England is when you go to the doctors, you only get a 10 minute consultation time. (If you're lucky, I know some which are just 5 minutes) so he only had time to explain why I should do it and the science behind it (most of which I can't remember) so when it came to what I can actually eat, I'm not sure. That and I have a stinking cold so I just want to go back to bed right now rather than tackling a whole new eating habit.

    You can book a double appointment with your GP (or anyone in the surgery) so you get longer. Also, most practice nurses are better equipped to deal with nutrition advice.

    Oh are they? I was considering asking for a nurse at first because I always feel like I'm wasting a doctors time crying because I'm fat and I can't get rid of it. I just keep thinking they have more important things to diagnose than explaining to someone how to lose weight.

    To help assuage your guilt you could try to remember that being overweight can cause a lot of health problems. So you're not wasting a doctor's time, you're actually probably saving the doctor's time by taking a little now instead of a lot later. A stitch in time and all that.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I've got plantar fasciitis, every walking movement currently hurts. I may try and tempt fate by doing some weights and see how that works out...

    I have that and the Dr Scholls insert for plantar fasciitis was a life saver for me.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I think a lot of people have crazy first dates like that......I had a guy once lose his mind because I did not want to go to his mother's church to meet her.....during a first date....well, and a last date in that can't let that make you stop dating!!

    How... What... Ummm, I don't even know what to say. Did you go?

    NO! I was so freaked out lol
    and that was not even the worse thing that happened on that date!

    Right before this happened, we went to his place so he could change his shoes (they were new shoes that were killing his feet), and while we were there, he asked me if I was dating anyone else. I told him the truth, which was that I was dating a guy for about 6 months, but he had recently left the country for work for 4 months, and that I made it clear I was going to date other people while he was gone, and did not know what was going to happen either way when he got back depending on what I was doing.

    This guy lost his mind, and started freaking out that I was just gonna use him for four months and go back to this other guy, and I said I did not know what was going to happen.

    Here is where it gets really messed.

    He pulls out a photo - like an 8x10 size - of a woman, and you can tell it has been crumpled up and flattened back out 20 times. And he shows it to me and says, "See this woman, this was my girlfriend for five years, I spent five years talking to her, and now we are done. NOW I am talking to you."

    Um, help??

    Right after that his mother called from the church to see if I was coming to meet her.....yeah, I think I will pass, lol. He called forever after that too, and I never answered once, lol.

    I have had a LOT of interesting dates over the years.....

    What in the world...
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i'm attempting to "date" again...and it's seemingly terrible. i think staying home, getting drunk and dancing around my kitchen with the dogs might be a way better option.

    went out with a dude on saturday evening. went to a local bar for beverages and chatting, and had a really fun time. i'd had a few dates previously that were kinda meh, so i thought ok cool, finally a fun time!

    have some beverages, play a bunch of songs on the jukebox (are they still called that?), lots of fun convo and eventually the evening wears down and it's time to call it a night. and dude's like oh, i'm having such a good time with you, let's go back to your place to "snuggle" for a while. (and yes, he literally said snuggle).
    and he starts to get all huffy about it. and i'm like dude, i had a lot of fun on this FIRST date, but i think there should be a few more before i'm inviting you back to my place. and he starts freaking out, wanting to know how i couldn't trust him, he's such a good guy and just liked being with me so much he didn't see what the big deal was. he just wants to hold me and snuggle for awhile! so we argue back and forth about it for a few minutes and finally i say i'm done, have a good night and leave.

    seriously? yeah because trying to guilt me into letting you come over to my place is an AWESOME first date.

    then i get home and i have all these msg's from him saying he's leaving the dating website he found me on because he just can't handle how ppl are, and what was my problem that i couldn't trust him?!

    well duh, we live in the same area, of course that makes him trustworthy!

    sigh... :s

    But, he is just trying to be nice! After you said no, by repeatedly trying to make you change your mind and then calling up and trying to manipulate you further! Isn't that attractive?! Why isn't that attractive?

    On the bright side at least he let the crazy out early so now you know and can avoid him. Also, if he is telling the truth he is rather helpfully leaving the site you're on so you don't have to.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    I haven't been swimming in nearly two weeks. My hips started hurting 2 or 3 weeks ago and swimming made it worse. So I decided to hold off until my hips stopped aching, but they haven't. Anytime I walk or am active for more than 20 minutes, my hips ache at the back. Sometimes the pain shoots down my leg.

    I'm a bit worried that if this is pregnancy related (it seems an awful lot like pelvic girdle pain), then there go all my good plans of staying fit throughout. Especially as I am only just ending the first trimester - I have a long way to go! If it's not better in another 4 weeks (when I next see the midwife) I will ask for her advice. I did not expect sore bones this early on and it's getting me down a little, but then I feel guilty because this was super wanted and planned and I know some people would love to be in my place. But hip pain for the next 6.5 months does not fill me with joy. That's not what they show on the clear blue commercials!

    Tl;dr - I haven't been swimming and I'm an ungrateful grump.

    Maybe some yoga for pregnancy would help. It might help loosen the hips a little and give you some relief.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    My goals for today:
    -Keep to my calorie goal.
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water.
    -Get closer to the 10,000 step goal for the day.

    I am getting closer, but still not getting enough in during the day. I guess I need to walk laps around my house at night.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Checking in from page 1084 I'm far behind so won't quote anything. Back from a day at Goodwood Festival of Speed was brilliant and enjoyed my pieminister beef and ale pie followed by a large Mr Whippy. My Fitbit says I did 12500 steps so I'm not even sorry!

    I have to ask....what's a Mr. Whippy?

    Haha not sure if anyone has answered this...if you are not from/in UK it probably sounds strange. It's soft scoop whipped ice cream in a cone with a chocolate flake. Also known as a 99 from when they used to cost 99 pence (sterling). They are served from an ice cream van. Reminds me of childhood!

    I seen Orange post about clotted cream & was wondering is that more of a whipped cream, cottage cheese, or yogurt?
    Clotted cream isn't much like whipped cream at all. It's made by slowly heating full-cream milk and letting the fat rise to the surface. The clotted cream forms a kind of crust and the whole top layer gets spooned off. That all sounds pretty vile but it's really the most amazingly delicious thing.

    Sounds yummy to me! So is it used mostly on ice creams?
    Not really, although that does sound delicious. More on scones with jam (this, plus a pot of tea is a 'cream tea' and is a thing of beauty), or on something like warm apple pie or a plum crumble (a crumble is a baked fruit dessert with a butter/flour/brown sugar topping - a bit like a 'crisp' but without oats in the topping). Yum. Can you tell I'm hungry?!

    Yum that all sounds so good. I'll take an order of the plum crumble but maybe with apples instead & extra, extra, extra crumble:D.
    Yep! Can do. It would look like this. No wonder I got fat, I used to make desserts like this all the time.

    Omg, I'll take one too! Yum!

    Also...I'm excited that so many of us are Fitbit friends now! :smiley:

    You guys know I now need a Fitbit. I cannot be left out.

    Ok, I have a fitbit and want to be included lol. Add me if you want! // . I haven't used it in a few weeks but I may have to charge it up tonight! :smiley:

    You don't have to email me now - I'm on my pc so I sent you a request on line. If you want more friends from this thread, everyone except HK and Brandy on my friend's list is from here!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Scale victory(?): Still working to get the water weight off from...less ideal choices over the weekend (delicious things are never a poor choice), but gaining said extra weight did NOT put me back up over 150! (I was right at my recorded low on Saturday morning, so I'm hoping to be lower by the time this clears)

    Confession: Back to wishing I could get to the gym before work in the morning instead of the super-busy late afternoon, but that just means getting up SO early, and it ruins me on the weekends (I want to go to bed at like, 8pm). I'm WAY less motivated in the evenings.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    My goals for today:
    -Keep to my calorie goal.
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water.
    -Get closer to the 10,000 step goal for the day.

    I am getting closer, but still not getting enough in during the day. I guess I need to walk laps around my house at night.

    When I first got my fitbit that's what I was doing - laps and/ or dancing on the commercial breaks.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Confession: The Brits meeting up in real life has made me jealous!

    I forget where folks are from, specifically (I think I have everybody's country down, and some of the US states), so I'll just ask!

    Any body in the Philadelphia/South Jersey/North Delaware area? We should get together! It could also be expanded into Eastern PA, North Jersey, and maybe even Northeast Maryland. Depends who is willing to make a trek. ;)
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    hnsaunde wrote: »
    Can someone post the link to the group again? I missed it the first few times around.

    I'm not on my computer, so I can't, but if nobody has posted it by the time I get there I'll send it to you by message. :) (Feel free to message me and ask if I forget to do that.)

    @Susieq_1994 Thanks! I found it a 100 or so pages back, so I've joined the batcave :smiley:
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So I'm trying to catch up

    I would also like to say that directly because of this thread, I talked to DH last night (and there was no yelling and/or crying involved lol) and we WILL be getting a cleaning service. I'm calling today to schedule the initial intake or whatever. I need the help and I'm tired of feeling like I can't even enjoy my kids bc I'm always working. I will make room in the budget for it. If it delays me upgrading my car, then so be it. It will be worth it.

    Didn't have the dog convo yet, but I did sorta bring up the subject of the car. Some forward progress was made but he got a little huffy about, "I'm doing the best I can, I'm only 27 with 2 kids so I don't know how to adult" and I shut down. I have no cares that his co-workers don't have kids. He does, he needs to man up. So in lieu of an argument I stopped talking and went for a walk outside.

    AND I'm officially down 30 lb today!!!! WOOT!!!!! 10 lb to goal and then I'll adjust again, but I'm 3/4 done with my initial loss!! I'm concentrating on that today :)

    Awesome!! Happy for some progress being made!

    I'm glad. Keep taking care of you
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    My goals for today:
    -Keep to my calorie goal.
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water.
    -Get closer to the 10,000 step goal for the day.

    I am getting closer, but still not getting enough in during the day. I guess I need to walk laps around my house at night.

    When I first got my fitbit that's what I was doing - laps and/ or dancing on the commercial breaks.
    I must have my eyes crossed today. I read that as lap dances during commercial breaks and thought "wow that enthusiasm for the fitbit!!" :smiley: