

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    @Pofoster21 OUCH. That looks super painful!

    I agree about the dispersing, but also about the fact that the thread moves so fast on weekdays that it's hard to catch up. :-/ I think that we can post them in both places if we want to, but the Fitbit thread would be the best place to actually keep up with them, and posting them here would get more support and encouragement since there are more of us here. :) I tend to post them here most of the time and there sometimes. :p I love THIS thread the most! :o

    I love this thread the most too. But I'll move motivations to the other thread (one other thought though, more people have been joining us...if the purpose is to gain momentum for people to set daily goals to try and achieve, have we created a 'secret society' that new people won't find?). Or maybe I am just over thinking this. I like having the daily motivations, even though I seem to only be getting to 1/2 them on a daily basis. I do feel more accountable to do what I said I would do...
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    May not be suitable for @Susieq_1994

    My stretch pants are too loose to stretch and they are baggy in the oddest places. I can no longer where them in public because half of the time I look like I have a woody.

    Okay, I don't think Susie would care about that... And I don't want to speak for her but I think she might get tired of folks stating things 'might not be suitable' for her (but she can weigh in on that one. She just doesn't like swear words. I don't think that would be considered one). :)

    But I did laugh at that... I would definitely get a new pair.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Haven't caught up, and have no idea what happened in this thread over the weekend. :p This time next week, I should be running on a beach at the Oregon Coast! Lots of work to do before I go on vacation, so I'll be a little MIA. Keep at it, peeps!

    Yay to both running and Oregon. I only went the one time to the Portland marathon. I didn't love Portland (kind of grey and industrial) but do want to spend more time there seeing other parts of the state.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @WestCoastJo82 I feel the same a lot of the time I want to vent but compared to so many others it sounds like ridiculous I just need to pinch myself and stop being baby...that's how I feel at least :s

    Never feel ridiculous for how you know that you can always vent here. We don't judge anyone, remember? :)
    If you broke your toe but I broke my leg, your toe would STILL hurt, right? So my broken leg might be a little bit more of a problem/pain in the butt...but your problem matters too!
    Well put.

    I love that analogy!!
    Thanks...wasn't sure if it sounded corny. :(
    ETA: Did I really just say "corny"?
    I've been up since 3:08am...

    I have been up since 2:45 catching up on this tread! I think I own 1188. All caught up now! Time to exercise!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    @Italian_Buju thank you for sharing that. I'm pretty sure I have some tendencies, I do the repeated checking of my bag, I always used to eat all of one thing on my plate, although I have mostly managed now to stop doing that. I actually have a lot of weird things with food, which watching tv discovered a lot were things people with anorexia do, so I'm not sure how come I'm the size I am! I think a lot of mine are checking and ordering things, that I don't really realise I do. My mum knows if I've been round while she's out because if there's a pile of coins on the side it'll have been stacked in height order.
    I think most people have some tendencies that can be considered OCD like.....the main difference is the focus and obsession in doing the task. It is odd though that so many people can have tendencies like that.
    That worries me about the anorexia tendencies, have you talked to someone about that??
    No, I haven't, it's things like eating food in certain orders, and knowing the calories in everything. I can't remember the others, just remember when I watched it realised almost all of them were things I do. But I've never even made it to my goal weight (or even halfway!), so I don't really think it's something to worry about. Although I think that was probably when I started trying not to eat all my food in order.

    I have a lot of food I have to eat in a certain order too. Then there are things like pizza where I have to take all the toppings/cheese off and eat the crust first. Then I eat all the toppings last. I get frustrated because I do this every time and sometimes I just think I need to eat like a normal person. Haha


    I am exactly the same way with pizza and now I notice my son does the same thing haha[/quote]

    That would be four of us then! I do the same. [/quote]

    What is with all you guys ruining pizza??? Didnt we already discuss this earlier in the thread with pasta?? THESE ARE SINS AGAINST MY PEOPLE!!! :p [/quote]

    I suspect the pizza they're doing it to is probably a bigger sin against your people!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm trying to stay upbeat and positive about it, but I am so over this flare-up already. I WANT TO GET OFF THIS STUPID COUCH. BY MYSELF. :s

    I'm pretty much at the most severe stage of the flare up right now--violent jerking convulsions of my upper body, an almost complete loss of balance and walking ability, and function impairment in my legs so that I can't even propel myself into a standing position alone. This stinks. *bratty pout*

    Prayers and hugs for you. Does it just affect your lower body? Is your husband home?

    Thanks. :) Yes, my husband is home--Luckily right now his course load is pretty light (He's studying for a Masters degree in Petroleum Engineering and the summer session doesn't really have the courses he needs) and he only studies for two hours in the morning and gets home around 1:00 PM. :) He has to help me get everywhere and do everything, so even when he's working he would come home for lunch break to help me get out of bed and get something to eat.

    I refuse to have anyone else come over and care for me when I'm in the midst of a flare up, so I manage by myself when my husband can't be around. This generally involves a lot of dragging myself around on the floor when I'm not strong enough to use a walker, but I still refuse to have anyone else see me in this state. Pride, I guess.

    It affects several parts of my body. :) My upper torso jerks forward convulsively and continuously, as though you were standing and someone pushed you hard in the back and your torso shoots forward. The jerking is so violent that my ribs are usually very sore and painful after a couple of hours of it. During mild flare-ups, I only convulse when standing. During the more severe ones, I convulse while standing, sitting, and even lying down.

    It impairs my leg function so that they're about as useful as jell-O--I can't propel myself upward from a seated position or support my full weight using my legs, which is one of the main reasons that I can't walk during flare-ups. They buckle under me very quickly, and if I have to try to walk, I have to move quickly because only momentum is keeping me upright--if I stop I'll just fall.

    I also suffer from a loss of balance, so even when the convulsions stop and my legs start to feel a little stronger (this is during recovery when I start to be able to walk alone again), I have to take very, very tiny steps and fully concentrate on them, so that even walking 5 feet across a room is absolutely exhausting.

    This sounds horrific, I hope you feel better soon. I'm not the praying kind, but know that you're in my thoughts.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I read a good book over the weekend. It is called What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Its about a young woman committed to an insane asylum in the 1930's by her father because she wouldn't marry who he wanted her too. Was so good I was sad when it ended

    I'm going to add that to my Goodreads list. Sounds like it could be up my alley!

    Me, too! I wonder if I order it off Amazon if it would arrive in time for my vacation?

    ETA: I bought it and it's supposed to arrive by tomorrow. I love Amazon Prime! I also bought her other book, The Plum Tree, just because. Can't have too many books for vacation!

    I have the kindle app for my tablet and Amazon has what is called Kindle Unlimited where for $9.95/month you can download up to 10 books at a time for that one price. Best thing ever!!

    I also downloaded the Plum Tree . Going to start that one tonight lol

    I've tried an e-reader. I just prefer real paper books...

    Count me in as a real book reader. I got a kindle for christmas years ago, I just couldn't get into it. I recently signed up with the library in this City, man oh man I am in love all over again. So many books and so little time!

    I prefer real books too! I got a Kobo a few years ago (Canada's big book store chain is Chapters, they have the Kobo e-reader) and I ended up using it to play solitaire. I never downloaded a single book.

    I am totally in the minority here. I read all my books on my tablet. A friend bought me a book I was really wanting to read and it is collecting dust. I bought the e-book for myself later ;)

    I have firmly joined the e-book club. I often read while travelling and it upsets me to damage a book. Plus it's annoying when you finish something and still have 2 hours to waste. Plus I have a habit of reading huge long series which I haven't got physical space for. Ebooks for the win.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I hope you're a bit better today. I did some reading on FND and it sounds like a difficult thing to live with, especially as it seems there aren't very many effective treatments yet.

    @Italian_Buju I wish I had words to help you get in the groove so to speak. I don't except to say I hope you find your motivation. ❤️
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I read a good book over the weekend. It is called What She left Behind by Ellen Marie Wiseman. Its about a young woman committed to an insane asylum in the 1930's by her father because she wouldn't marry who he wanted her too. Was so good I was sad when it ended

    Oh, maybe I'll try that one when I am on vacation in a few weeks. I can handle more than romance when I have a few days of hanging out on the beach. Of course, I do have about 100 other books I already have bought that I haven't read sitting around the house...

    I am starting to feel like a book hoarder reading others hoarding stories. I have zero food in my house, but books.... have I got books. :)

    I am the same, although as the kindle convert I now am this translates to tons of unread books on there plus a load of paper ones that I'll now never end up reading. But if we don't plan for a public holiday we're left eating plain pasta.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I posted this as my status, but I thought I'd share it here too...

    Well, I turned a negative into a positive and took advantage of my extra awake time. I hopped on the treadmill with plans to just do my regular speed walk/trot/run. But after the first few minutes, I felt pretty good(even with almost 4 extra pounds of water weight from yesterday's horrible eating) so I decided to set a goal and go for it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I ran my first ever half marathon! I had to stop once for a bathroom break...but otherwise, never stopped. The longest I've ever run without stopping previously was 11ish miles. So, YAY!!
    And my other goal that I had posted in the Batcave the other day was to beat my highest step count which was 37,659. I should be able to crush it today because as of 6:48am, I am at 25,843. :)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Fourth of July BBQ - I am taking steaks, watermelon, corn on the cob, vinegar cucumbers (my son's favorite), and cherry cheesecake. Mostly healthy, right? I'm blaming the cheesecake on you guys!!!

    Can I have some cheesecake!!!???

    Sure, come on over!!! Idaho isn't far, right?!?

    ETA: it's just the Jello kind, which I confess is my favorite. Unsophisticated palate right here! LOL

    There is a big tri in Idaho. Maybe I'll add it to my list of races to do if you'll make cheese cake! As long as its not the ricotta cheese kind I am happy!

    Which tri? Where? I'm outside of Boise by about 40 minutes. And no ricotta in my cheesecake. ;)

    My Coworker went last week to the iron man in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Apparently people like to go there because it's generally pretty cool, but this year was record high temps.

    Couer d'Alene is gorgeous, but nowhere near me. :'(

    Same state. I can still stop by for cheesecake. I'll let you know when I sign up! Right now I have a 1/2 Ironman in Indiana, an Ironman in WI this year, 4 races to do in FL in Jan, a marathon in TN in April and a mountain to climb in England in July next may need to wait until 2017.

    If you're climbing @orangesmartie 's mountain, it's in Scotland. Never confuse England and Scotland in front of a Scot, it won't go down well!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I hope you feel better soon! Stay strong, girl... we all know you're awesome! I wish I could send you some airplane pictures to maybe cheer you up a little.... but unfortunately the clouds were so dark and heavy when I flew to and from Punta Cana that I didn't see anything worth getting. Just a constant blanket of cloud :(

    I've been watching Survivor today after a LONG hiatus away from this show. The thing about shows like these are that they give me huge adrenaline boosts. It's all the excitement, people blind-sighting each other... people I like winning challenges when they thought they were going home, etc. It's the same thing when singers perform really well on The Voice. My boyfriend doesn't understand how these happy adrenaline rushes come out of reality TV :lol: The guy I want to win won an Immunity challenge (the underdog... I usually go for the underdogs...), so I was up out of my seat dancing around. Maybe I'm just a dork.

    I like Survivor too! Are they reruns right now? Which season/which guy was it? Just curious.
    The latest season I watched before this one was Heroes vs Villains. This one is Season 28 (Cagayan) and the guy was Spencer. He was my favorite, but alas... he was just voted out. Sad :( Now it's a no brainer who's going to win out of the final 3.

    EDIT: Watching it on YouTube :lol:

    Spencer was my favorite that season!! He is playing again in the new season coming this fall!!! Are you gonna watch the new season while it is on?? We could have a thread for that in the bat cave too!

    My favorite survivor of all time is Alicia Calaway.
    I am, I think! I finished Season 28 (I correctly predicted the winner) and started watching 30 (White Collar/Blue Collar/No Collar). Haven't finished the first episode yet, but count me interested :tongue: I've probably seen maybe 8 or so Survivor seasons... any favorites for you? I remember liking Yau-Man in Fiji a lot.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I posted this as my status, but I thought I'd share it here too...

    Well, I turned a negative into a positive and took advantage of my extra awake time. I hopped on the treadmill with plans to just do my regular speed walk/trot/run. But after the first few minutes, I felt pretty good(even with almost 4 extra pounds of water weight from yesterday's horrible eating) so I decided to set a goal and go for it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I ran my first ever half marathon! I had to stop once for a bathroom break...but otherwise, never stopped. The longest I've ever run without stopping previously was 11ish miles. So, YAY!!
    And my other goal that I had posted in the Batcave the other day was to beat my highest step count which was 37,659. I should be able to crush it today because as of 6:48am, I am at 25,843. :)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Fourth of July BBQ - I am taking steaks, watermelon, corn on the cob, vinegar cucumbers (my son's favorite), and cherry cheesecake. Mostly healthy, right? I'm blaming the cheesecake on you guys!!!

    Can I have some cheesecake!!!???

    Sure, come on over!!! Idaho isn't far, right?!?

    ETA: it's just the Jello kind, which I confess is my favorite. Unsophisticated palate right here! LOL

    There is a big tri in Idaho. Maybe I'll add it to my list of races to do if you'll make cheese cake! As long as its not the ricotta cheese kind I am happy!

    Which tri? Where? I'm outside of Boise by about 40 minutes. And no ricotta in my cheesecake. ;)

    My Coworker went last week to the iron man in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Apparently people like to go there because it's generally pretty cool, but this year was record high temps.

    Couer d'Alene is gorgeous, but nowhere near me. :'(

    Same state. I can still stop by for cheesecake. I'll let you know when I sign up! Right now I have a 1/2 Ironman in Indiana, an Ironman in WI this year, 4 races to do in FL in Jan, a marathon in TN in April and a mountain to climb in England in July next may need to wait until 2017.

    If you're climbing @orangesmartie 's mountain, it's in Scotland. Never confuse England and Scotland in front of a Scot, it won't go down well!

    It sure doesn't!! I'm a score hen and bred and I hate being called English (even though I now have an English accent, which I hate....)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    @Susieq_1994 I'm so sorry :( I hope the flare is a short one and you get to feeling better soon :(

    @orangesmartie That's such an awesome attitude! Today is a new day and it's going to be great! I am jealous- I want to go to Nashville! lol not sure about the running (I run like an arthritic tortoise) but the rest sounds awesome.

    AFM, it was a whirlwind weekend. I have Insulin Resistance and I'm hypoglycemic. If I eat like I'm supposed to (very strict, controlled diet) I can maintain my weight. Eat less, and I'll lose. Eat a bit of sugar, I get sick for half a day. I'm not kidding, either- an entire chocolate chip cookie is enough to have me on the couch for a few hours :( I eat ice cream or gelato by 1 tbsp and that's it and I'll still feel weird after unless I down water. Can't really eat fruit, unless it's a couple berries. I've learned to adjust and it's hard to own a home bakery when I want to taste everything but I've learned not to. I also scaled back my business.

    My mom was watching oldest DS for us on July 4th, so when we went to pick him up yesterday, we grilled chicken and vegs for her as a "thank you". She had made two desserts and basically guilt tripped me into eating a bite of each. A regular forkful sized bite of each. I still don't feel right. I'm so bloated my pants don't fit well, my stomach is heaving, and I have a pounding headache. I'm mad at myself for not sticking to my guns. great news, we were approved to adopt the dog! She's coming up here on Saturday!! SO excited! We got some supplies and DH is actually getting excited, too. Her foster mom keeps sending me pics and it's making me so anxious to see her!

    Ugh, I hope you feel better! You would think your mom understands how bloated & sick you get from eating sugar.

    Happy to hear that you were approved to adopt the dog.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 I hope you feel better soon! Stay strong, girl... we all know you're awesome! I wish I could send you some airplane pictures to maybe cheer you up a little.... but unfortunately the clouds were so dark and heavy when I flew to and from Punta Cana that I didn't see anything worth getting. Just a constant blanket of cloud :(

    I've been watching Survivor today after a LONG hiatus away from this show. The thing about shows like these are that they give me huge adrenaline boosts. It's all the excitement, people blind-sighting each other... people I like winning challenges when they thought they were going home, etc. It's the same thing when singers perform really well on The Voice. My boyfriend doesn't understand how these happy adrenaline rushes come out of reality TV :lol: The guy I want to win won an Immunity challenge (the underdog... I usually go for the underdogs...), so I was up out of my seat dancing around. Maybe I'm just a dork.

    I like Survivor too! Are they reruns right now? Which season/which guy was it? Just curious.
    The latest season I watched before this one was Heroes vs Villains. This one is Season 28 (Cagayan) and the guy was Spencer. He was my favorite, but alas... he was just voted out. Sad :( Now it's a no brainer who's going to win out of the final 3.

    EDIT: Watching it on YouTube :lol:

    Spencer was my favorite that season!! He is playing again in the new season coming this fall!!! Are you gonna watch the new season while it is on?? We could have a thread for that in the bat cave too!

    My favorite survivor of all time is Alicia Calaway.
    I am, I think! I finished Season 28 (I correctly predicted the winner) and started watching 30 (White Collar/Blue Collar/No Collar). Haven't finished the first episode yet, but count me interested :tongue: I've probably seen maybe 8 or so Survivor seasons... any favorites for you? I remember liking Yau-Man in Fiji a lot.

    Loved Yau-Man!
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    So, bad news: woke up feeling bleurgh today. Currently sitting in Krispy Kreme with a doughnut and a latte.

    Good news: I bought three, have eaten one, don't want the other two

    Sucks to be me: on my way to work :(
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I cheated on Saturday oh how I cheated. I didn't even watch what I was eating and ended up over 2500 calories for the day. I felt absolutely horrible but it didn't make me stop because I at reeses pieces after. I absolutely wanted to puke when I got home.

    I confess today I binged majorly. I ate tons of ice cream, chips, & snacky snacks. Tomorrow is a new day & I will get up & try better tomorrow.

    My goal today is to read more of my NROLFW book & try not to binge anymore today.

    Sorry about the binge...been there many times. It's so hard to get out of it..sometimes takes me a few days to finally start new and be back on track. Good luck!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    How is tomorrow the day we leave for our belated honeymoon?! How did it get here so fast? I CANNOT wait to spend some serious quality time with the person I love most in this world. I don't think he knows what he's gotten himself into.

    Have tons of fun & eatz allz the foodz!

    I ate all the shrimp! I ate SO MUCH SHRIMP!!! B)

    Whoo! Welcome back & hope you guys had an awesome time.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    What moron decided a 1/2 cup of ice cream should be a serving size?! It is an abomination! It is an affront to the ice cream fairy! It is an insult to the ice cream man (who, by the way, my husband has trained to park at the end of our driveway)!

    It is! Also, who decided a 1/2 pack of instant noodles was one serving. I have never met anyone in my life who eats 1/2 pack of noodles and stops at that! What's more, people who are eating noodles are usually doing so by themselves (oh I'm having a romantic evening, I know I'll cook instant noodles - said no-one ever) and there's no way of sealing (or even measuring really) that tiny portion of flavouring. It's sheer lunacy.

    I ate the whole pack of instant noodles.

    I would actually make a pack and split it with my other half as PART of dinner. Like, Oriental flavored noodles with stir fry kind of thing. But, that's when I was pretty broke and had them in bulk. Haha.

    When I was broke I'd just have a whole pack of instant noodles in a bowl on their own and that was dinner. No way am I sharing that!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I posted this as my status, but I thought I'd share it here too...

    Well, I turned a negative into a positive and took advantage of my extra awake time. I hopped on the treadmill with plans to just do my regular speed walk/trot/run. But after the first few minutes, I felt pretty good(even with almost 4 extra pounds of water weight from yesterday's horrible eating) so I decided to set a goal and go for it. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I ran my first ever half marathon! I had to stop once for a bathroom break...but otherwise, never stopped. The longest I've ever run without stopping previously was 11ish miles. So, YAY!!
    And my other goal that I had posted in the Batcave the other day was to beat my highest step count which was 37,659. I should be able to crush it today because as of 6:48am, I am at 25,843. :)
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Fourth of July BBQ - I am taking steaks, watermelon, corn on the cob, vinegar cucumbers (my son's favorite), and cherry cheesecake. Mostly healthy, right? I'm blaming the cheesecake on you guys!!!

    Can I have some cheesecake!!!???

    Sure, come on over!!! Idaho isn't far, right?!?

    ETA: it's just the Jello kind, which I confess is my favorite. Unsophisticated palate right here! LOL

    There is a big tri in Idaho. Maybe I'll add it to my list of races to do if you'll make cheese cake! As long as its not the ricotta cheese kind I am happy!

    Which tri? Where? I'm outside of Boise by about 40 minutes. And no ricotta in my cheesecake. ;)

    My Coworker went last week to the iron man in Couer d'Alene, Idaho. Apparently people like to go there because it's generally pretty cool, but this year was record high temps.

    Couer d'Alene is gorgeous, but nowhere near me. :'(

    Same state. I can still stop by for cheesecake. I'll let you know when I sign up! Right now I have a 1/2 Ironman in Indiana, an Ironman in WI this year, 4 races to do in FL in Jan, a marathon in TN in April and a mountain to climb in England in July next may need to wait until 2017.

    If you're climbing @orangesmartie 's mountain, it's in Scotland. Never confuse England and Scotland in front of a Scot, it won't go down well!

    It sure doesn't!! I'm a score hen and bred and I hate being called English (even though I now have an English accent, which I hate....)

    When I first met my SO I referred to him as British and he didn't get offended but politely corrected me that he's English :) Cracks me up
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Went waaay off the rails this past weekend. So afraid that I didn't weigh myself this AM either. (I am giving my body a day to settle down). Oh well, at least I know I am done with gelato. I mean Talenti was great, kinda. Fudge Brownie was awesome. The Pistachio, eh not so much. Did anyone ever try the mango flavor? Even though it's literally mango and sugar, I find myself intrigued.

    A lot of people in the gelato group said the Mango was very awful & one of the worst flavors I have made.