

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    It's easy to make. Butter, confectioner's sugar, cream (just a bit), dash salt, dash vanilla or cocoa powder depending on flavor. Takes just a few minutes and OMG is it worth the effort.

    That's for buttercream and if you whip it longer/sub heavyweight whipping cream for the cream it gets super fluffy... More butter, it gets fudgier...

    Omgggg, don't tell me this!!!!

    Kelly, IKR? If I make any dessert I'll either try the black bean brownies or make a dessert dip from the recipes I pinned.

    Ugh, struggle was real yesterday and it was hard to read all these yummy descriptions!! I did really well (awesome in fact) yesterday during the day. BUT once my son was in bed and my husband left for fishing overnight, I raided my desserty snack stash that I bought. I had hidden it in my son's closet earlier while he napped but *stupidly* removed it later and so it became available to me once I was alone. :(
    Ended the day in red. Oh well.
    On the brighter side, I'm only 2 pounds heavier this morning rather than my usual 4. :)
    I'm about to go start my run so I'll catch up with you all later. Have a good day/weekend.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    It's easy to make. Butter, confectioner's sugar, cream (just a bit), dash salt, dash vanilla or cocoa powder depending on flavor. Takes just a few minutes and OMG is it worth the effort.

    That's for buttercream and if you whip it longer/sub heavyweight whipping cream for the cream it gets super fluffy... More butter, it gets fudgier...

    Omgggg, don't tell me this!!!!

    Kelly, IKR? If I make any dessert I'll either try the black bean brownies or make a dessert dip from the recipes I pinned.

    Ugh, struggle was real yesterday and it was hard to read all these yummy descriptions!! I did really well (awesome in fact) yesterday during the day. BUT once my son was in bed and my husband left for fishing overnight, I raided my desserty snack stash that I bought. I had hidden it in my son's closet earlier while he napped but *stupidly* removed it later and so it became available to me once I was alone. :(
    Ended the day in red. Oh well.
    On the brighter side, I'm only 2 pounds heavier this morning rather than my usual 4. :)
    I'm about to go start my run so I'll catch up with you all later. Have a good day/weekend.

    Kelly, except for the child you and I are the same people today! I ate stupidly yesterday (lots of nuts, M&Ms, Peppermint Patties) and was in the red as well. I am up for my morning run as well! Shockingly, my weight was flat (probably due to sleeping for 8 (interrupted) hours as I went to bed as soon as I got home.

    The best thing about weekends is I find it easy to stay within goals and I exercise a TON so hopefully I'll be back in my desired range by Monday (2 lbs over my lowest and 3.2 from my goal).

    Have a good run!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#

    I've given birth 4 times with no drugs and I don't recall ever having this problem. I only recall the last one being difficult to push. He was also the only omen induced though, so that's what I blame it on.

    I have horror movie scenes running through my head. What is this?!?

    ETA: I think I figured it out. "The only one induced" right?

    Oh my goodness this was one funny typo. Did he have 666 carved on his head too?

    No, but he was born on 06/13/06 at13:06. :)

    Close enough! And he was the last right? So is he the devil child? :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    German Choc cake is the one I'm the most tempted to do this with. I never make anything out of a box (My kitchen would have to be on fire first lol) but German Choc Cake from scratch tastes almost exactly like a box mix. If anything, scratch made is less sweet and mild chocolate flavor. The cake is a cinch to make, but the frosting is a PITA. Making the caramel base and throwing in the pecans and stirring til your arms hate you on extremely low heat drives me nuts... My mom asks for a GC Cake every year for her birthday and I do it but every year I swear I'm substituting Duncan Hines...Then no matter how cold/cooled off the cake is, even if you do a crumb coat, frosting it is HARD.

    This is the mix I used:

    It is delicious! It has a separate packet of coconut pecan mix to add in before baking. It is super moist! I baked it in a 9 x 13 pan and frosted it with whatever brand of coconut pecan frosting I grabbed first. (Betty Crocker, I think?)
    Edit: because spelling is hard.

    Would I be driven out of the thread if I admitted that I'd most likely HATE German Chocolate cake? I hate nuts in everything (they can only be eaten alone, unless we're talking nut butter), and I really hate coconut in desserts--and in everything else. I can only eat it plain and fresh.
    German chocolate cake has a special place in my heart. My dad used to buy one for everyone on their birthday, thinking it was our favorite cake. The truth is it wasn't the favorite cake of any of us... except for my dad. I think he convinced himself everyone loved it as much as him. Now it always makes me think about him <3

    I also do like German chocolate cake, and I'm not a big cake person. I love coconut!

    Apparently I loved licorice allsorts as a kid. I have no independent recollection of this.

    My father buys me a HUGE tin of them every Christmas as a result.

    I don't much care for them any more. Next tin is going to the office for the vultures to devour.

    I love black licorice. Its my favorite. :) I never eat it has no redeeming qualities besides taste and I get sugar shock from it nowadays.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    So, I finally heard back about "first steps" today. Apparently, it is through a daycare, and only for 4K, they do have a 2 and 3K, but you have to enroll them in daycare, whereas the 4K you have the option to not send them to daycare and just do the half day class.

    Since we can't afford a daycare, we looked over our finances again and talked things over, and I re-enrolled Raelynn back in the private church preschool she was in for 2K last year.

    The director there was more than happy to have her come back, and will actually be teaching Raelynn's class this year, so she will be familiar with someone already and it may be an easier transition. I feel stupid now for pulling her out to begin with, but I was going off the doctor's recommendation, and she wanted to get the district involved in some way or another.

    The good thing is, the district sends out speech therapists to the 3 and 4K classes to screen for any issues, so she would still be evaluated and if she qualifies for help, could also get OT through the district.

    Another good thing, there was a guy quit at hubby's job recently, and they gave hubby an additional part of his route permanently. This means his route goes up roughly $1000 or so in production which equals to a few hundred dollars more on his commission each month, so we will be able to afford her tuition this year! I'm not overly religious by any means, but when I say I believe God makes a way for things to happen, I mean it!

    I've spent these past few months and weeks so ridiculously stressed out and worried about everything. Between everything with Raelynn, our financial situation, and some other personal issues, I've been stretched so far thin it blows my mind. Hopefully now, I can breathe and shift a little of my focus to getting ready for tax school in 2 months (I have to go to a 10 week class each year to keep my job and certification) and get back to trying to get fit/healthier/lose weight. I know things are still going to be a bit rough and Raelynn isn't totally "out of the woods" as they say, but I'm finally feeling like I can somewhat breathe again, which is wonderful.

    I really appreciate all the kind words and well wishes, you've kept me going and motivated countless times! I'll definitely keep you all updated as things go along and with Raelynn's progress! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    This is great news on all fronts, especially hubby's job, money can be the biggest stressor ever. Hopefully you can take a bit of needed self time and decompress. Take care!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Okay, I deleted my last post, but I'm going to reword it here, it's regarding the DLB comments.

    It bothers me that people are being encouraged to be more body positive, and not body shame people who are overweight, but people who are super fit are still picked apart. I get it, I don't want to look like DLB either, but I don't think it's right to say she looks manly or scary. It's still body shaming. Just because she's muscular/fit doesn't make it okay. People wouldn't post things like that about an obese person, or they'd be torn apart!

    I hope that makes sense. I know it's judgment free and I think you are all super great, but I just had to put my $0.02 in.

    I wondered what your 'deleted' meant. Good point. I don't care for that look. I don't care for the anorexic look either. Both are too extreme. But totally get your point. And won't do it again and luckily, its within the hour, so I'll go delete it! :)

    That's totally fine. Everyone's "ideal" varies of course. :smile:

    It may have been mentioned already way back, but there's a double standard on body acceptance. You (general you) can't put down or say anything bad about an overweight person, but skinny people are told to "eat a hamburger" or accused of being anorexic when they're not. For some reason it's more acceptable to make remarks to a skinny person. I'm not sure why. I can only imagine the types of comments women like DLB must get, and while they might be used to it, I know I wouldn't want to hear unnecessary negative comments about my body.

    ETA: Now I'm stressed about these posts. I am not trying to stir anything up so I hope nobody takes offence to me stating my opinion.

    I've heard it all my life, from my mother's "Men like women better who are pleasingly plump" to my coworker's "You look too skinny to live" to another coworker's "So.... *kitten* happens to skinny people too, eh?" when she overheard me talking to someone else about my lymphedema, like it was a trade-off for not being overweight.

    I don't care for that DLB woman's body either... not sure how much of the look can be attributed to prepping and flexing and posing and possibly even a little graphic enhancement, however... but I don't have a hope of ever achieving that physique either, it's just not in my genes. Maybe if it was remotely possible I'd try for it, who knows? Everyone's goals and ideals are different.

    This is more like what I can realistically aim for:


    I think she is gorgeous. THIS is what I would like to look like (including facial features! :))
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    levan11 wrote: »
    I'm considering quitting my job because the boss's son in law that just started working here got a bigger annual bonus than me. This wouldn't be such a big deal if a) the son in law wasn't such a pretentious jerkwad and b) the bonus wasn't for the previous year in which HE DID NOT EVEN WORK HERE. I know I should just set my pride aside and be happy with what I did get but man is that hard to do.

    Okay, so I'm almost 100 pages behind and I don't know if anyone else has addressed this or if you're even looking back at this thread, but I don't agree at all. Being happy with what you get implies that you did nothing to earn it. You earned your past bonus. He did not earn it. You have every right to be mad about that.

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ljmorgi wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So TMI alert but here's a thought (you've been warned).

    As previously bemoaned, a lovely side effect of pregnancy is the slowing down of one's bowel and all the delightful consequences associated therewith.

    While I finally managed to 'lighten my load' earlier today after a few days of stalling, it occurred to me that perhaps this is nature's way of readying the body for birth. I swear I had to do breathing exercises to get through it!

    I feel better now...

    As I don't have children and therefore have never given birth, this scares me :#

    Aaah I didn't mean to put anyone off. Pregnancy has thus far not been too bad. I haven't puked once! Also now I'm at the stage where people officially know, I feel I can stick my gut out as far as I like (even if it is primarily due to too much lunch rather than baby). There are positives too!

    I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end.

    I'm just waiting for the clock to run out and hoping my health conditions mean early menopause!

    Eeek. Be careful what you wish for...

    My favourite quotation is from a fridge magnet... saw it, didn't buy it, regretted it, hunted high and low for it, ended up buying online.

    Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
    ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ooh i like this one too!

    That one is a good one! So often when we make mistakes we beat ourselves up repeatedly.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    That's all great news, @raelynnsmama52512! Fingers crossed it'll all work out. You can breathe!! :)
    We are always here for you!

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @raelynnsmama52512 Glad you are breathing again! We're always here for you.

    @froggybug I hope the counselling goes well, and you get what you need from it.

    @orangesmartie I love the pictures you posted.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    So, I finally heard back about "first steps" today. Apparently, it is through a daycare, and only for 4K, they do have a 2 and 3K, but you have to enroll them in daycare, whereas the 4K you have the option to not send them to daycare and just do the half day class.

    Since we can't afford a daycare, we looked over our finances again and talked things over, and I re-enrolled Raelynn back in the private church preschool she was in for 2K last year.

    The director there was more than happy to have her come back, and will actually be teaching Raelynn's class this year, so she will be familiar with someone already and it may be an easier transition. I feel stupid now for pulling her out to begin with, but I was going off the doctor's recommendation, and she wanted to get the district involved in some way or another.

    The good thing is, the district sends out speech therapists to the 3 and 4K classes to screen for any issues, so she would still be evaluated and if she qualifies for help, could also get OT through the district.

    Another good thing, there was a guy quit at hubby's job recently, and they gave hubby an additional part of his route permanently. This means his route goes up roughly $1000 or so in production which equals to a few hundred dollars more on his commission each month, so we will be able to afford her tuition this year! I'm not overly religious by any means, but when I say I believe God makes a way for things to happen, I mean it!

    I've spent these past few months and weeks so ridiculously stressed out and worried about everything. Between everything with Raelynn, our financial situation, and some other personal issues, I've been stretched so far thin it blows my mind. Hopefully now, I can breathe and shift a little of my focus to getting ready for tax school in 2 months (I have to go to a 10 week class each year to keep my job and certification) and get back to trying to get fit/healthier/lose weight. I know things are still going to be a bit rough and Raelynn isn't totally "out of the woods" as they say, but I'm finally feeling like I can somewhat breathe again, which is wonderful.

    I really appreciate all the kind words and well wishes, you've kept me going and motivated countless times! I'll definitely keep you all updated as things go along and with Raelynn's progress! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Great to hear that things are working out especially with Raelynn's preschool & nice to hear everything else is falling into place. God is good.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Yayyy @raelynnsmama52512 I've been sending positive thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed, very happy things are falling into place for you and your family!! <3
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Okay, I deleted my last post, but I'm going to reword it here, it's regarding the DLB comments.

    It bothers me that people are being encouraged to be more body positive, and not body shame people who are overweight, but people who are super fit are still picked apart. I get it, I don't want to look like DLB either, but I don't think it's right to say she looks manly or scary. It's still body shaming. Just because she's muscular/fit doesn't make it okay. People wouldn't post things like that about an obese person, or they'd be torn apart!

    I hope that makes sense. I know it's judgment free and I think you are all super great, but I just had to put my $0.02 in.

    I wondered what your 'deleted' meant. Good point. I don't care for that look. I don't care for the anorexic look either. Both are too extreme. But totally get your point. And won't do it again and luckily, its within the hour, so I'll go delete it! :)

    That's totally fine. Everyone's "ideal" varies of course. :smile:

    It may have been mentioned already way back, but there's a double standard on body acceptance. You (general you) can't put down or say anything bad about an overweight person, but skinny people are told to "eat a hamburger" or accused of being anorexic when they're not. For some reason it's more acceptable to make remarks to a skinny person. I'm not sure why. I can only imagine the types of comments women like DLB must get, and while they might be used to it, I know I wouldn't want to hear unnecessary negative comments about my body.

    ETA: Now I'm stressed about these posts. I am not trying to stir anything up so I hope nobody takes offence to me stating my opinion.

    I've heard it all my life, from my mother's "Men like women better who are pleasingly plump" to my coworker's "You look too skinny to live" to another coworker's "So.... *kitten* happens to skinny people too, eh?" when she overheard me talking to someone else about my lymphedema, like it was a trade-off for not being overweight.

    I don't care for that DLB woman's body either... not sure how much of the look can be attributed to prepping and flexing and posing and possibly even a little graphic enhancement, however... but I don't have a hope of ever achieving that physique either, it's just not in my genes. Maybe if it was remotely possible I'd try for it, who knows? Everyone's goals and ideals are different.

    This is more like what I can realistically aim for:


    I aim for this look too!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    If you can't tell, I'm wasting time at work, but enlightening your day :)

    Yes, you are! Thanks for the smiles.
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @raelynnsmama52512 glad the evaluation went well and hope they find some programming to help her!

    Can somebody please explain to me how it is that I can stop at the store, buy black beans, brownie mix, and ALL the ingredients for pistachio salad from memory... but can't remember to buy the toothpaste I've needed for the past couple of days? *bangs head*

    (no, I'm not entirely without toothpaste, it just takes me 5 minutes to squeeze the dregs out of the tube)

    And, for the record, black beans smell like cat food.

    Ditto to @raelynnsmama52512!!!

    And I love this whole post.


    I've always thought that Refried Beans while tasty looks like dog food/cat food.

    Oh definitely. I love them...but they look awful!

    Try pureeing them. It took a great deal of faith in @peleroja to pour that purplish soup out of the blender into a nice bowl of brownie mix.

    (They're dense brownies. I couldn't believe the weight of the Tupperware container when I went to put them in the fridge.)

    Hahaha! It would take a great deal of faith for me to do the same to the brownies. Though I would really like to try this. How did they taste @ythannah ??

    They're quite good... good enough that I managed to scarf down two pieces last night. Very dense and moist inside with a very thin exterior crispyness.

    The beans are undetectable but somehow serve to mute the sweetness and possibly a bit of the chocolate flavour. I used a cheap generic packaged brownie mix so for a true comparison I'd have to bake a batch the regular way and taste test both... I suspect they are probably very sweet in their intended form.

    With my food intolerance(s) I've used banana (makes it chewy), applesauce, plum babyfood (pretty good) and other. I would try the beans and expect it to taste good.

    For gluten free people I have used gluten free goddess blog for recipes a number of times and they have all been good.

    I had a friend who was vegan for awhile, so I started making brownies with banana for him. I put peanut butter frosting on them and called them Elvis brownies and people went NUTS for them. I have no idea.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    To catch up:

    My favorite pizza is pepperoni and mushrooms, but I also love white pizza, buffalo chicken pizza, plain, and this amazing creation we used to make at Sbarro called Southwest chicken. Really, I just like pizza.

    Like @spamarie, I'm short (under 5'2") so clothing is a challenge. I'm cheap, so hunt clearance racks, and really like "discount" places like TJ Maxx, Marshall's, and Ross. The rest is Target and Kohl's generally, plus the occasion trip to the thrift store for fun. I do some alterations if needed, and I wear a lot of tank tops under tops that need me to be 6 inches taller or a DDD to make them work. ;)

    I do nearly all of my grocery shopping at Wegmans because it's a half mile from my house. And open 24 hours. And the most amazing place in the world.

    I love Wegman's! Always on my must go list when I visit my brother in Virginia!

    Our closest one used to be a good half hour away, so it was a definite planned trip. Then they built one at our mall in late 2013. I can walk there. It's wonderful and terrible all at once. On the plus side, my cheese plate game has never been so on point. ;)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    It's easy to make. Butter, confectioner's sugar, cream (just a bit), dash salt, dash vanilla or cocoa powder depending on flavor. Takes just a few minutes and OMG is it worth the effort.

    That's for buttercream and if you whip it longer/sub heavyweight whipping cream for the cream it gets super fluffy... More butter, it gets fudgier...

    Omgggg, don't tell me this!!!!

    Kelly, IKR? If I make any dessert I'll either try the black bean brownies or make a dessert dip from the recipes I pinned.

    Ugh, struggle was real yesterday and it was hard to read all these yummy descriptions!! I did really well (awesome in fact) yesterday during the day. BUT once my son was in bed and my husband left for fishing overnight, I raided my desserty snack stash that I bought. I had hidden it in my son's closet earlier while he napped but *stupidly* removed it later and so it became available to me once I was alone. :(
    Ended the day in red. Oh well.
    On the brighter side, I'm only 2 pounds heavier this morning rather than my usual 4. :)
    I'm about to go start my run so I'll catch up with you all later. Have a good day/weekend.

    Kelly, except for the child you and I are the same people today! I ate stupidly yesterday (lots of nuts, M&Ms, Peppermint Patties) and was in the red as well. I am up for my morning run as well! Shockingly, my weight was flat (probably due to sleeping for 8 (interrupted) hours as I went to bed as soon as I got home.

    The best thing about weekends is I find it easy to stay within goals and I exercise a TON so hopefully I'll be back in my desired range by Monday (2 lbs over my lowest and 3.2 from my goal).

    Have a good run!

    Wow, 8 hours!! Nice!
    That's good that you have an easy time on weekends staying on track. Weekends are sometimes harder for me because my husband goes fishing one of the days. But when he goes, he's gone from about 7pm until 9pm the following over 24 hours without him. I sometimes make bad decisions when he's not here (it's alone time that is hard for when he's gone and my son naps/sleeps, it can get messy). Then the 2nd day of the weekend, we usually go out for dinner...and I get really excited about restaurant food, sooo yeah. Haha.
    And thanks, I had a good run. I did 8.5 miles and felt pretty good despite my extra 2 pounds.
    How'd your run go? Also...strike??
  • runawayescape
    runawayescape Posts: 58 Member
    Love this thread
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Love this thread

    Aw. Welcome!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I am known at work for making really good cakes, usually from scratch. Today one of the guys is leaving to take a job out of state, so they asked me to make him a German chocolate cake. I made it- box mix, can of frosting. Everyone is raving about how good it is. I don't know whether I should be flattered or disappointed.

    ETA: Yay me, I can follow directions!

    That's awesome! Did you admit it was box?
    Yes! I owned it! Thursday night is my regular girls' bike group ride. I knew I would be pretty late getting home and didn't want to take the time to make one from scratch. I usually at least make frosting from scratch, but didn't even bother this time. Apparently, there are plenty of people here who can't even make a decent cake using box mix. :neutral:

    Man, I bet frosting from scratch is AMAZING!

    Oh, it is. And super easy, too--I HATE frosting in a can, ever since I tasted frosting from scratch. You just can't go back!

    I'd love to hate frosting in a can.

    I polished off the leftover tub in one night.

    When I bought the brownie ingredients, I also grabbed a tub of frosting just in case I needed to jazz them up. I ate about a quarter of it (with a spoon, @Italian_Buju just in case you were wondering) while waiting for the brownies to cool enough to sample.

    Once I'd decided the brownies didn't need frosting, I then ate some more frosting out of the tub.

    Clearly, I need to make frosting from scratch so I can break this nasty habit.

    Just frosting on a spoon? I think that would be yucky!

    Apparently not....
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    For those who want to know, This is why I am mad at Sgt. Sexy Pants:

    He sent me a text about how he was talking to another coworker

    "She's talking about how she and her father hate the Chinese because they bombed Pearl Harbor."

    I was stunned into silence. I finally responded with
    "I don't even have words..."

    He said: "Are you trying to figure out how that is wrong?"

    I said: "Seriously?! You think I'm THAT dumb?! The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor!"

    He said: "Well now that you googled it."

    All in all, not REALLY anything to be mad about but I gave him a big piece of my mind about how I have not one but TWO parents who served in the United States Armed Forces and my Grandfathers fought in WW2 so of COURSE I would know who bombed Pearl Harbor.

    I bond with my father watching all kinds of war documentaries and I just can't believe he... I really just. UGH!

    I can't believe he thinks so little of me and I'm wondering if I will get past it or not.

    Any tips are welcome. I did send him a text saying I didn't know he thought so little of my intellect and that he really hurt my feelings. I have gotten nothing back. :disappointed:

    Tip (1) get some rest before you decide anything / say anything more on the subject. That gives you better perspective and clarity of thought.
    (2) Journal. Write all your crappy feelings out just to help you acknowledge them and sort through them. When I do this I challenge myself to also dig deeper and see if other things or other people are bothering me that I am channeling to whatever situation I think is bothering me. Sometimes there is. I also challenge myself and dig and figure out what I WANT from a situation. I also examine overall pattens, is this part of a pattern?
    (3) When you are not actively upset with him talk to him. The way you word it is up to you. I would probably say something along the lines of:
    What I understood from you was that you were saying / implying ______(whatever words you want to use saying that you felt he doubted your knowledge of these events). Ask him if that is what he meant. Listen to what he says and how he says it. Follow up questions so that you understand where he is coming from. Once you have some answers take more time to sort through his answers and examine yourself. Was there a misunderstanding? Do the answers you got from him satisfy you? Are you being treated the way you need to be treated? Respected? Etc. Do this examining by yourself and in your own time and then decide the next actions.


    I love this advice!

    I know I get emotionally fragile/touchy/oversensitive when I'm sleep-deprived. However, knowing that doesn't stop me from getting all butt-hurt about things that would just wash over me any other time.

    (I'm not American, but even I know the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour... I'm pretty sure that was covered in middle school history, lol.)