

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    The downside is it's going to cost a fortune for you to fly us all in to be bridesmaids.

    So, I guess since I wasn't included in this list I don't get to be a bridesmaid? Sigh. Oh well, being a guest is better anyway, I can wear whatever I want and don't have any chores!

    you and me can be guests together, and drink the free bar dry ;)
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    pfft! Lightweight ;)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    pfft! Lightweight ;)

    SSP told me yesterday that if he wants to(I don't know why anyone would WANT to) he can eat an entire giant Double Dave's Pizza... yuck!

    I used to be able to eat a half a Papa Murphy's Family Size stuffed pizza by myself. Now, I can MAX 2 slices. *flexes muscles*
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Another upbeat, chirpy day, which is good. Probably all holiday related though. Great sessions at the gym.

    My confession? I don't eat pork anymore (for a variety of reasons) and haven't done for about 15 years. The thing i miss the most? McDonald's sausage, egg and cheese mcmuffin.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I don't mind having blood drawn, but my mom can't stand it. She also can't stand to stay in the room with anyone else who is having blood drawn, because the needles freak her out. Both my sister and I would sit with her and hold her hand and comfort her while she sobbed through it--and once, I covered her eyes with my hands and told her not to look and I'd buy her ice cream after it was over. :p

    Speaking of having blood drawn, though... (squeamish people look away!) I once had an inexperienced nurse trying to draw blood from me, and I have VERY elusive and narrow veins. I usually have to warn the nurses that they'll have to get it from my hand, because they just can't find veins in my upper arm where they usually prefer to take it.

    Anyhow, I warned her that she should take it from my hand, but she wanted to try my upper arm first. She ended up having to prick me three separate times, and finally resorted to my hand (why does nobody want to listen to me to begin with? I always warn them... Bunch of know-it-alls. :p). After she was done, she tried to collect the tube and stuff, and dropped the whole thing. Blood sprayed EVERYWHERE. :D

    Did she have to take it again??

    I had a terrible experience when I was a kid once. I was about 7 years old and there was a nasty lab tech digging around not getting blood and it hurt, a LOT. I started crying and when she pulled out, I got up and tried to leave. Next thing you know, I have like five medical people holding me down, one was literally sitting on my lap so I could not get up, while this woman dug my arm with what felt like a hot poker. I even remember I tried to bite the girl sitting on me at one point, and then someone else pulled me back by the hair and held me that way. It was over 30 years ago, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

    You could sure if this happened to you today! That is s terrible way to treat a child.

    This is one of those things that when I became a parent I could not imagine someone doing that to my child and not killing them. Of course, my mother didn't see the problem.....
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Morning all. I read everything yesterday but didn't haveuch time to comment, sorry.

    Glad you're feeling chirpy @orangesmartie

    Glad your relationship is great @KylerJaye

    Sorry you can't exercise @pofoster21

    I hope everyone has a super great day! I'll be reading, probably not saying much, busy at work.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Another upbeat, chirpy day, which is good. Probably all holiday related though. Great sessions at the gym.

    My confession? I don't eat pork anymore (for a variety of reasons) and haven't done for about 15 years. The thing i miss the most? McDonald's sausage, egg and cheese mcmuffin.

    A life without Canadian bacon, or regular bacon for that matter is scary lol.
    May I ask the reasons?
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    pfft! Lightweight ;)

    SSP told me yesterday that if he wants to(I don't know why anyone would WANT to) he can eat an entire giant Double Dave's Pizza... yuck!

    I used to be able to eat a half a Papa Murphy's Family Size stuffed pizza by myself. Now, I can MAX 2 slices. *flexes muscles*

    I'm not proud of this, but I used to (regularly) order and eat potato wedges, chicken strips, a large pizza and a tub of ice cream, from Pizza Hut. I always planned to eat the wedges and strips one night, and the pizza the next. never happened. and when pizzas were on bogoff, i used to order 2, planning to eat one, save one. nup, that never happened either. I am such a pig!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited August 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I'm finally caught up on 550+ posts, but I read fast so I'm sure I missed something.

    I got sick over the long weekend - woke up at 3am Saturday morning to throw up, spent the rest of the day sleeping and feverish. I'm just starting to feel normal today, and I'm really ticked I missed out on my long weekend. No shopping with my mom, no hiking with my dog, no going to watch my friend's husband's band play, no drinks on the patio. I demand a do-over. Can we make the next 3 days a weekend, please? :smiley:

    My parents were over to help work on the patio Saturday (with just my brother & his girlfriend, since I was unable to help) and it was nice to have my mom there. Even though I'm 30 and haven't lived at home for 8+ years, she made me soup and took care of me while she was there. Maybe I should be a bit embarrassed but it was nice lol.

    But my poor mom ended up with it Saturday night - not from me, we'd been at my aunt's house the same night, where I'm sure we picked it up from.

    Ugh I hate whenever you're looking forward to a few days off, vacation, or a holiday & then you get sick! I hope you get another long weekend soon.

    When your mom recovers maybe you can do a girl's day out with shopping & going out to eat.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Another upbeat, chirpy day, which is good. Probably all holiday related though. Great sessions at the gym.

    My confession? I don't eat pork anymore (for a variety of reasons) and haven't done for about 15 years. The thing i miss the most? McDonald's sausage, egg and cheese mcmuffin.

    A life without Canadian bacon, or regular bacon for that matter is scary lol.
    May I ask the reasons?

    I really dislike bacon.

    The reasons are mostly, because improperly cooked pork can give you worms. And I had too many bouts, so i said no more. I only ever got them after eating pork. (and yes, i know you can get them from other things, and worse things from other meats). But touch wood, since not eating pork, i never had them again.

    and also, i'm not really keen on the texture (i don't eat turkey or fish for the same reasons)

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I really feel sorry for people who struggle with blood tests. They seem such an inevitable part of life, especially if you ever plan on having kids. I'm on my third set already within 16 weeks. Two were scheduled, the third was because they mislabelled the first one! Thankfully I'm not nervous about these things (I used to give blood regularly). I can't give any brilliant insights I'm afraid. Distract yourself, promise yourself something nice for afterwards, imagine they're going to cut a leg off an feel relieved when it's just a needle? I don't know! Good luck to you, I hope it goes well!
    I do plan on having kids, and in fact I want more than one. I'm terrified of blood tests but the thought of having a kid someday makes it seem very much worth it. I'm definitely going to promise myself something nice afterwards, thinking bubble tea and maybe even a movie (though my appointment is at 10 AM...).
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    I don't mind having blood drawn, but my mom can't stand it. She also can't stand to stay in the room with anyone else who is having blood drawn, because the needles freak her out. Both my sister and I would sit with her and hold her hand and comfort her while she sobbed through it--and once, I covered her eyes with my hands and told her not to look and I'd buy her ice cream after it was over. :p

    Speaking of having blood drawn, though... (squeamish people look away!) I once had an inexperienced nurse trying to draw blood from me, and I have VERY elusive and narrow veins. I usually have to warn the nurses that they'll have to get it from my hand, because they just can't find veins in my upper arm where they usually prefer to take it.

    Anyhow, I warned her that she should take it from my hand, but she wanted to try my upper arm first. She ended up having to prick me three separate times, and finally resorted to my hand (why does nobody want to listen to me to begin with? I always warn them... Bunch of know-it-alls. :p). After she was done, she tried to collect the tube and stuff, and dropped the whole thing. Blood sprayed EVERYWHERE. :D
    The thing about your mom- that's so sweet of you and your sister!! Crazy how you two didn't inherit that fear after watching her struggle though that kind of thing... though now that I think of it, my mom doesn't mind needles either (well, she is a nurse :lol: ). We can't choose our fears! You're an excellent daughter.

    Regarding the rest of your comment, I didn't heed your warning and I feel very nauseous now. My own dumb fault. The thing about blood spraying everywhere is a horrible fear. I've heard of people getting their blood lost or dropped and having to get it drawn again... if that happened to me I would retreat to my room and sob my heart out. :lol:

    I don't know if this will help you or not, but I wanted to point out that a little bit of blood, when spilt, can look like an awful lot, and look a lot worse than it truly is. For example, if you were to spill a blood donation (they take just under a pint) that would make an almighty mess and look like a murder scene, when in fact the person who just gave the donation would be fine. I'm 5'2" and medium build and can donate nearly a pint of blood with no problems. But it sure looks dramatic if they spill it!
    Hearing that you are 5'2'' (I am too) and can donate a pint of blood helped me tremendously. Makes me realize that it really isn't any problem to donate blood. We have a lot in the first place and can easily make more. Despite knowing that it isn't a logical fear, I still feel very anxious. Wish I could just stop these annoying feelings, but your post really helped me. Thank you!
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    pfft! Lightweight ;)
    HA! One time I went to the grocery store in the middle of the day, bought a huge 2 liter thing of ice cream, and downed the whole thing in one sitting. It was delicious, but that is not something I recommend. :lol:
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I'm going to have to get a police check and medical exam soon to apply for my Canada permanent residency and I am absolutely terrified. Not about the police check, but I KNOW I'm going to have to get a blood test and just knowing that makes me feel woozy and teary. On top of that I read a review of the place I am most likely going that said the woman giving the blood test made everything painful... oh please don't let that be the case for me.

    The last time I got a blood test I passed out on the floor and woke up utterly confused and nauseous, wondering if the woman above me was my mom and being scared that I didn't remember anything. Passing out is something I have a great phobia of. :( Blegh blood tests.

    Can you not go to a different place with a more skilled lab tech?

    Hope this goes well for you, my daughter has issues with this too. I told her she is gonna be my age and I am still gonna have to take time off work to hold her hand when she gets blood taken, lol.
    Apparently the place I'm going to is actually a very highly rated doctor in my city, I just freaked out over this one bad review when ALL of the other ones are very positive. And I wish my mom could come hold my hand :tongue: Also, I'm very sorry about your scary childhood experience. :( That sounds traumatizing. When I was little I was also held down by doctors so they could give me a shot, and I bit one of them so hard he bled. Oops!

  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I am holding a conversation with myself. :neutral: It is time for me to get some sleep. Goodnight all!

    I'm totally here! But I am at work and had to make my rounds. :smiley: I do a little bit more than just sit around all night watching videos on Youtube. :smiley:

    I want to take something difficult but not too hard. Maybe a beginner chemistry course? I've always hoped to understand chemistry. I made the attempt when I was married but my now ex-husband had me signed up for History, Biology, English Literature, and an Algebra refresher course along with Chemistry. I was also working 60+ hours a week I was supposed to do ALL of that and keep the house together while he was unemployed was a little beyond me.

    I think I will start with Math for my first class. I'm good at math and it makes sense to me.

    I admire people who understand math. I always struggled with it. But do it! I love school (obviously). I love to learn.

    I always hated math! I loved history, because it was easier for me to memorize dates & facts. The teacher I had in 11th grade for history was pretty odd though. I had to highlight half of my book with pencil to pass her tests since she would put the most random questions in that focused on the littlest details. I also remember she put a stupid question like how many one word syllables are in The Gettysburg Address. Who in their right mind would know that? I also found it odd that one of her bonus projects was to mail a grave of someone historic & if you got a response back from the caretaker you got extra credit.

    ... I have to admit that your teacher sounds SUPER weird. O.o What kind of exam questions/projects are THOSE?!

    I know right? The worst thing about mailing a famous grave was you couldn't send a letter to the graves students in previous years selected. I'm pretty sure that was her past time visiting famous graves.

    I may or may not have opened my book to help in one of her tests when she left the room one day o:).
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I confess, I am SERIOUSLY not into the idea of a run/walk/jog thing this morning.... But if I DON'T go, Tessa wont be able to sniff all the dead things. I can't disappoint Tessa. :disappointed:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I saw the allergist yesterday. He thought my nasal cavities, throat, and ear canals were fine, but expressed concerns about the sounds my jaws were making. He told me my allergies were likely exaggerated by some issues with my jaw, maybe TMJ, and refereed me to a specialist.

    MY SO probably has a similar issue. He's been having a lot of trouble with episodes of muffled hearing in one ear and takes an antihistamine daily, but the ear nose & throat specialist thinks it is a jaw problem rather than ear or sinus. He's supposed to see his dentist about getting a mouth guard thingy to wear at night.

    I already wear a mouth guard thingy because I grind my teeth at night, so I'm a little too thrilled that he will have to wear one too. Really I'm hoping that it helps with his awful snoring.

    I'd be thrilled to find something to help my husband's snoring! OMG, it's awful!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    laeli_ wrote: »
    I eat straight out of the container ALL THE TIME. Also, I can down a pint of ice cream like nobody's business.

    pfft! Lightweight ;)

    SSP told me yesterday that if he wants to(I don't know why anyone would WANT to) he can eat an entire giant Double Dave's Pizza... yuck!

    I used to be able to eat a half a Papa Murphy's Family Size stuffed pizza by myself. Now, I can MAX 2 slices. *flexes muscles*

    I'm not proud of this, but I used to (regularly) order and eat potato wedges, chicken strips, a large pizza and a tub of ice cream, from Pizza Hut. I always planned to eat the wedges and strips one night, and the pizza the next. never happened. and when pizzas were on bogoff, i used to order 2, planning to eat one, save one. nup, that never happened either. I am such a pig!

    I'm not proud of myself...but I have days where I can eat the world. Like, disgustingly huge amounts of food. Not sure how it all fits in there...but yeah. Kinda gross.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »

    I totally forgot to comment yesterday- I skimmed the thread but couldn't really post but I'm excited for you and Mr. Official Kyler :) We still want dating stories though ;) I live vicariously through people lol.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    So, I getting really excited about Halloween. I know it's still months away, but I just love that time of year so much...the weather, the fun decorations, the candy, picking out our son's costume and trick or treating with him! He woke up this morning telling me he wants to be a French fry this year. He was a piece of pizza last year!! :) His first Halloween, he was Superman. Second one, he was a dinosaur, and then last year was the pizza. I'll post pictures in the batcave later. I get ridiculously excited about picking out his costume and I will be pumped if I can find a French fry for him!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I am getting my skin cancer cut out today. I had no idea no running, riding, swimming, or anything but walking or the stationary bike after 2 days for TWO weeks. I am not happy.

    Not to mention the sound of the snipping of my flesh is making me a bit nauseous.

    *shudders at the sound of snipping flesh

    I had no idea that you'd have such exercise restrictions after the procedure. Huh. I wonder why? Man, I feel like you might go crazy not being able to do all the things you're used to for 2 weeks! Ack!

    Layman's explanation is that exercise increases the odds of infection by risking opening the wound and getting sweat and staph from your outer skin in it.

    Its also on my shoulder so movement would aggravate it. And according to them delay 2 weeks of healing to become 3 months...and the scar will be uglier.

    And I missed this yesterday too. I'm so sorry :( I know taking a break from exercise stinks and the whole, ya know, getting something cut off you. GL!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    The downside is it's going to cost a fortune for you to fly us all in to be bridesmaids.

    So, I guess since I wasn't included in this list I don't get to be a bridesmaid? Sigh. Oh well, being a guest is better anyway, I can wear whatever I want and don't have any chores!

    you and me can be guests together, and drink the free bar dry ;)

    Better and better!