

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    i missed the delete window...did the "this is my post and i want to delete it"
    i do understand how dumb i am :(

    You're NOT dumb! I'm reasonably certain there are a lot of women here who can relate to having unwanted sex for less-than-optimum reasons.

    In my own history I can say I've had sex on various occasions because I didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings by rejecting him, because I was too mentally exhausted to continue arguing about why we weren't going to have sex, because I just felt like having a brief period of physical closeness with another human being and my favourite lousy reason for sex: because I wanted to erase the last guy I'd had sex with. :|

    Granted, I may have a more casual attitude about the whole sex thing than others who were raised in more conservative or religious environments.

    I think you may have put yourself in a position of vulnerability by drinking in the company of someone you didn't know well... and that would be my only caution.

    *Puts hand up* I know I'm late to the party but I have, many a time. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, the worst one was at the end of a double date, the other couple went off happily and I did it because it seemed like the polite thing to do :lol:
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Ack! Prayers and positive thoughts friend Kristie's son was just in a gas station during a robbery!!! Zac is fine, but his carpool partner was shot. Zac is a wreck; Kristie is a wreck. They stopped for breakfast after a night shift. Zac's coworker is older and has three sad and senseless.

    This really breaks my heart. I hope when I catch up that there will be good news instead of more bad news. :(

    ^this^ hoping for good news!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I am in an unusually good mood today. Even for a Friday. Maybe it was the donut, or the smoked pork (sorry pof) I had a little bit ago, but regardless, I'm feeling really good today, and I hope someone doesn't piss me off and ruin it.
    Great! Enjoy it. I've just eaten two warm scones with my homemade clotted cream (recipe in Batcave - too good to not share!) and strawberry jam, and that's also given me a rather nice sense of well-being. Have a great weekend!

    Gonna find that bad boy later...
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Just sliding this in here for you all. I found it and thought maybe this could get people going again. Be a bit more optimistic etc :smile: <3

    Wow, this really did tear me up. Thank you. Although I have a lot of rough days, I do try to live life this way. I'm the one who takes way too many pictures and laughs too loud but I think it that is the way life should be.

  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    I am so mad at my DOH! We joined the Y instead of the nearby gym because it had all the things he wanted, a pool, free weights and child minding. Now in four months he has only gone once, and that was five weeks ago. I have adjusted; I have learned to appreciate the Y. The staff is very helpful, they made sure I have a better understanding of the equipment than any of the gyms I have belonged to in the past, no one is trying to up-sell me, the people who go there are very nice and I am going 3-4 times a week. Clearly, it is working for me.

    But I wanted to join the gym where I could watch Supernatural while on the treadmill! I wanted the gym that was open later than 4 on Saturday and noon on Sunday! I wanted a rowing machine!

    A happy wife is a happy life, so I am going to leverage my dissatisfaction into Belly Dancing lessons.

    That is all. :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    i missed the delete window...did the "this is my post and i want to delete it"
    i do understand how dumb i am :(

    You're NOT dumb! I'm reasonably certain there are a lot of women here who can relate to having unwanted sex for less-than-optimum reasons.

    In my own history I can say I've had sex on various occasions because I didn't want to hurt the guy's feelings by rejecting him, because I was too mentally exhausted to continue arguing about why we weren't going to have sex, because I just felt like having a brief period of physical closeness with another human being and my favourite lousy reason for sex: because I wanted to erase the last guy I'd had sex with. :|

    Granted, I may have a more casual attitude about the whole sex thing than others who were raised in more conservative or religious environments.

    I think you may have put yourself in a position of vulnerability by drinking in the company of someone you didn't know well... and that would be my only caution.

    *Puts hand up* I know I'm late to the party but I have, many a time. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, the worst one was at the end of a double date, the other couple went off happily and I did it because it seemed like the polite thing to do :lol:

    @lois_1989 and @KylerJaye

    Yup...done that too. I am really not puritanical at ALL about sex. I definitely understand people that are though.

    I'm sorry your dates have been so crummy as of late @KylerJaye but you will find someone worth your while eventually. Hopefully they won't be intimidated by how strong you're becoming through these experiences. :grin:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited August 2015
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    I am so mad at my DOH! We joined the Y instead of the nearby gym because it had all the things he wanted, a pool, free weights and child minding. Now in four months he has only gone once, and that was five weeks ago. I have adjusted; I have learned to appreciate the Y. The staff is very helpful, they made sure I have a better understanding of the equipment than any of the gyms I have belonged to in the past, no one is trying to up-sell me, the people who go there are very nice and I am going 3-4 times a week. Clearly, it is working for me.

    But I wanted to join the gym where I could watch Supernatural while on the treadmill! I wanted the gym that was open later than 4 on Saturday and noon on Sunday! I wanted a rowing machine!

    A happy wife is a happy life, so I am going to leverage my dissatisfaction into Belly Dancing lessons.

    That is all. :)

    BEST THING EVER! I have always wanted to do Belly Dancing but when I had them nearby in Odessa,TX, we couldn't afford it. Now if I want them I have to drive all the way into Austin... :confounded:

    ETA: I hit 1,000 posts and didn't even realize it. I hit my 40 pounds lost marker yesterday and didn't even record it yesterday. I guess my perspective is different and I'm focusing on other goals instead. :blush:
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited August 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I can TOTALLY relate! Had some crazy, weird, and even fun first dates until I came across SO (who happens to live across the pond haha) I know I've said it before but we have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the prince! So happy you posted, we've missed you! <3

    PS- I also couldn't understand why people put up pictures that don't look like them? Uhm, you're planning on meeting others outside of the internet right? C'mon we're not blind!!

    I don't get it either. I'm hesitant to put up pictures of me really done up because I don't feel it's a true representation of myself lol.

    Why my profile pic is what it is. lol

    @Italian_Buju My sister will only talk to ONE therapist that she has had before and she hasn't been able to find/get a hold of her and where he new practice is. My mother and my sister's fiance are working on that one. Hopefully, she'll start getting out more.
    The Freelee the banana girl thing was for the confessor who came in about eating 4 peaches in one sitting. Reminded me of Freelee. She will eat whole bowls of figs, peaches, pomegranates, or a half a watermelon in one sitting! I like her overall messages about how we need to stop poisoning our bodies with constant fast food consumption and we need to get fit and active. What I DON'T like is she has a very strong 'my way or the highway' attitude about it. She's a strict raw 'til 4 vegan who lives off of a fruit based diet. Works great for her but might not be so great for EVERYONE.

    And about Chipotle, it's 'okay'. SSP LOVES it but as for me, I'm half Mexican, I make my own burritos. :laugh:

    This is why I love you @Susieq_1994! Cheese IS life! I believe I confessed long ago about how I was suffering without cheese in my life because I thought it was affecting my skin. Well it wasn't, and I now have as much cheese as my calories will let me! Cheese is my one true love. :heart:

    I can't really stand the banana girl after she reckoned losing her period when she first went strict low fat vegan was a good thing. Um, no, that usually indicates there is a problem. Apparently it came back eventually so I'm not doubting her overall health (like you say, if it works for her then great for her), but to tell other young women that losing your period is fine is pretty bad advice in my book. I can imagine teenage girls getting some pretty damaging messages from that.

    The thing I find odd is how she says she eats 30-50 bananas a day. Right there would be around 3,000-4,000 calories in bananas alone.

    I thought I read that she suffered from either an eating disorder or disordered eating, but I might be thinking of someone else.

    The thing I find extremely damaging is the fact that normal people will try this diet thinking they will lose weight because they're eating healthier foods, & then wonder how they're gaining weight with eating healthier foods.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Whyyy would someone want to eat 30-50 bananas a day? Or even a week? WTH?
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited August 2015
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    Sorry, I meant the people who use low carb, low fat, sugar free, low protein, etc. as a gimmick to lose weight or a quick fix & then once they lose their desired weight they go right back to eating the way they did before.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I want to come I want to come!!! We didn't get to go to Hampton Court and that was one of the places I wanted to go realllllly bad! I may be living over there by that time :)

    Of course you can come! Hampton Court is a day trip and easy to get to.

    I've only got a little flat in Devon but everyone is welcome as long as you can cope with camp beds and air beds.

    Yesssss! If I'm not living there already I can just stay with my SO! He can drive me to meet up with y'all!

    Yay! We have three now, and I think eithe Julie or Lois was thinking of joining us too!

    I have never seen Downton Abbey, I guess I better watch before July 2016. I remember the Tower of London, that was cool. I haven't been to Hampton Court. I can't wait!

    Laura are you going to join us on the mountain climb?

    I'm happy to tag along! :smile: I'll bring Danny kicking and screaming as well if he is invited?
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Oh gosh - forgot to say @Tubbs216 - You must be so proud of your oldest for going through with such a grown up interview! I hope he gets the job.

    Great news that your daughter's tests came back normal! Excellent!

    I must admit that the name "clotted cream" makes me gag. I have this horrible aversion to milk specifically because it gets all clumpy and sooooo groooosssss when it starts to spoil. So "clotted cream" translates into "rotten nasty milk" for me.

    The worst part is that I've never actually tried clotted cream, as it's not a thing here in the US. I bet I'd LOVE it if I tried it elsewhere AND if they didn't tell me that's what I was eating. Just call it... ummm... buttery pudding... or sweetened cream.... or... well, anything but "clotted". Hee hee

    I wish I could send you all some clotted cream

    I have never had a desire for clotted cream. ..sounded disgusting. When I am in London next year I now vow to try it.

    Oh yes you will! If I can persuade you down to Devon for s couple of days, I will take you for the best cream tea ever at ny favourite café on the cliffs.

    I WANT to go to Devon! I want to meet Charlie and yet to be named baby girl and go to the zoo and check it all out! I have to get a Scotland/England guidebook and start reading up.

    We will put Devon on the itinerary, and anywhere else you want to go. And you Can meet my babies and.we'll take them to the zoo. And Windsor Castle tower of London, Hampton Court, Highclere house (Downton abbey) Covent garden,

    I would like to go to Dover too. Is that do-able?

    Dover is opposite side of the south of England to Devon. You wouldn't day-trip it. But you could feasibly do Dover from London in a day if that were your main place to see. Will anyone make it up north in their perfect trip to the UK? We have some stunning scenery round the Peak District. Just be sure to bring your brolly.

    Funnily enough I'm up in Liverpool next week, half way there. lol :smiley:
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I've seen a lot of overweight doctors too, but from the research that I've done, overweight/obese doctors are often taken less seriously by patients. Their medical advice is less likely to be followed. On top of that, medical schools are more hesitant to accept overweight/obese students, as they believe that the workload will be too demanding. The heavier you are, the harder it is to get in, and the more likely your GPA/MCAT scores will be used as deterrents (a 3.9 which would be considered a competitive GPA for a normal weight student would be considered less great for an overweight/obese student). Since I'm Caucasian, my chances go down there as well. Female and first generation are both working in my favor, though.

    @spamarie Thanks! Glad to know that I'm not alone in that.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    Sorry, I meant the people who use low carb, low fat, sugar free, low protein, etc. as a gimmick to lose weight or a quick fix & then once they lose their desired weight they go right back to eating the way they did before.

    OH low EVERYTHING! Isn't that the Southbeach diet? Yeah I would die. It's amazing how much you do actually need fat when you cut out carbs. I was skeptical at first and now I'm just like "Mmmmmm full fat cheeeeeeese"
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited August 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @KylerJaye I can TOTALLY relate! Had some crazy, weird, and even fun first dates until I came across SO (who happens to live across the pond haha) I know I've said it before but we have to kiss a lot of frogs to get to the prince! So happy you posted, we've missed you! <3

    PS- I also couldn't understand why people put up pictures that don't look like them? Uhm, you're planning on meeting others outside of the internet right? C'mon we're not blind!!

    I don't get it either. I'm hesitant to put up pictures of me really done up because I don't feel it's a true representation of myself lol.

    Why my profile pic is what it is. lol

    @Italian_Buju My sister will only talk to ONE therapist that she has had before and she hasn't been able to find/get a hold of her and where he new practice is. My mother and my sister's fiance are working on that one. Hopefully, she'll start getting out more.
    The Freelee the banana girl thing was for the confessor who came in about eating 4 peaches in one sitting. Reminded me of Freelee. She will eat whole bowls of figs, peaches, pomegranates, or a half a watermelon in one sitting! I like her overall messages about how we need to stop poisoning our bodies with constant fast food consumption and we need to get fit and active. What I DON'T like is she has a very strong 'my way or the highway' attitude about it. She's a strict raw 'til 4 vegan who lives off of a fruit based diet. Works great for her but might not be so great for EVERYONE.

    And about Chipotle, it's 'okay'. SSP LOVES it but as for me, I'm half Mexican, I make my own burritos. :laugh:

    This is why I love you @Susieq_1994! Cheese IS life! I believe I confessed long ago about how I was suffering without cheese in my life because I thought it was affecting my skin. Well it wasn't, and I now have as much cheese as my calories will let me! Cheese is my one true love. :heart:

    I can't really stand the banana girl after she reckoned losing her period when she first went strict low fat vegan was a good thing. Um, no, that usually indicates there is a problem. Apparently it came back eventually so I'm not doubting her overall health (like you say, if it works for her then great for her), but to tell other young women that losing your period is fine is pretty bad advice in my book. I can imagine teenage girls getting some pretty damaging messages from that.

    The thing I find odd is how she says she eats 30-50 bananas a day. Right there would be around 3,000-4,000 calories in bananas alone.

    I thought I read that she suffered from either an eating disorder or disordered eating, but I might be thinking of someone else.

    The thing I find extremely damaging is the fact that normal people will try this diet thinking they will lose weight because they're eating healthier foods, & then wonder how they're gaining weight with eating healthier foods.

    Honestly, she's crazy. An absolute lunatic with no logic or science to back her up, and a nasty attacking attitude towards anyone who disagrees with her (regardless of how polite they are).

    She also works out like a crazy person, hours of cardio a day, and denies it because she insists that you don't need to work out to lose weight while eating a ridiculous amount of food.

    Confession: To be completely honest, anyone who mentions her in a way that puts her or her way of life in positive terms reduces my opinion of their mental capabilities significantly.

    ETA: Not knocking raw vegans in this post at all. Just the loony one.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I started my fitness journey about 3 weeks ago. My initial weight was 215 lbs. and I am now at 203 lbs. I follow a strict Low-Carb diet ( 1500 calories) and a 25-minute fitness program. I want to reach 160 lbs. in the next 3 months. Any fitness and health advice are welcome and a special person to be my inspiration. :blush:

    Congrats on the weight loss so far.

    A few questions:

    1. Do you have a medical condition to eat low carb?
    2. Why do you want to reach 160 pounds in 3 months?

    My advice is if you don't have a medical condition to eat low carb then don't do it. Most people who eat low carb think they're losing weight since they're limiting their carbs when in reality they're eating less overall than they're burning thus creating a deficit to lose weight. Most once they're down to their desired weight go right back to the way they were eating before & gain weight from eating over their deficit. I always try & tell people to eat in a way that will be sustainable for life. Do you see yourself always limiting carbs once you reach your desired weight?

    Why are you only eating 1,500 calories a day? Do you weigh your food on a food scale? If not then you could be eating way more than you think. Since you're a 34 year old male I am sure you would need a lot more than 1,500 calories a day. You should look up Scooby's accurate calorie calculator & input your numbers in there & see what it tells you to eat.

    Why do you have to reach 160 pounds in 3 months? Event coming up?

    Some people do better on low myself. I feel better, I sleep better...I think everyone is different.

    Ditto. I haven't had pasta, rice or a sandwich in 7-8 weeks and I really don't care. I allow myself some potato every now and then. Some people adapt to low carb quite well, and I do think I could do this for the rest of my life. I miss fruit the most, but once I reach my goal weight I can lift it up to 100-150g carbs a day and easily squeeze in fruit :smile:
    I say don't knock it til you try it.

    Edit, I'm a bit behind on this thread so apologies

    I think I'd miss fruit the most too. I'm happy it's working out so well for you!!

    I get sad when I go food shopping and have to walk past all the bright coloured fruit and just head for the veg. Courgette (zucchini I believe in America?) is my new best friend. :yum:
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    So I admittedly had never heard of the banana girl, and decided to do a google search. The first thing I found was a petition on where someone is trying to get the banana girl and some guy named durianrider taken offline for good. She states that she followed their high carb/sugar diet and had such problems as a pulmonary embolism, pre-diabetes... This was a grown woman who was desperate to lose the weight. She doesn't appear to be alone. Imagine what all the younger children and teens must be thinking???
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    @MelissaPhippsFeagins I've seen a lot of overweight doctors too, but from the research that I've done, overweight/obese doctors are often taken less seriously by patients. Their medical advice is less likely to be followed. On top of that, medical schools are more hesitant to accept overweight/obese students, as they believe that the workload will be too demanding. The heavier you are, the harder it is to get in, and the more likely your GPA/MCAT scores will be used as deterrents (a 3.9 which would be considered a competitive GPA for a normal weight student would be considered less great for an overweight/obese student). Since I'm Caucasian, my chances go down there as well. Female and first generation are both working in my favor, though.

    @spamarie Thanks! Glad to know that I'm not alone in that.

    I think the patient perspective is worth thinking about, since I think you're right on that. I used to have a dentist with the worst teeth ever, and I used to think, 'what do you know?'. That being said, the nurse who helped me get on track with weight loss was a little overweight herself (having lost quite a bit previously) which I quite liked since I felt she had a better understanding of where I was coming from than someone for whom weight management came easily.

    I find it a bit rubbish that your weight should affect your chances of actually getting into a school. It's not like you're looking to be a 100m sprinter! You could be a wonderful doctor even if you were obese. I've no idea how one goes about getting into medical school in the States, I assume there's a face to face interview at some point?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Whyyy would someone want to eat 30-50 bananas a day? Or even a week? WTH?
    THIS lol
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    @spamarie The first part of the whole process is to submit a very generic application which gives your scores and a brief view of who you are. The generic application costs quite a bit to send to each school, but it gets uploaded to a giant database. Next, if one of the schools you applied for likes what you have to offer, you fill out a secondary application, which is a bit more personal and where you can really set yourself apart, with a picture of yourself, and another fee. Students from minority groups (female, first generation, disabilities, races) have higher chances of getting into medical school because many medical schools like to say that they are diverse. Obesity does not apply to diversity. After that, then the interviewing can be scheduled and everything.

    My doctor when I was a kid always used to tell me that I needed to lose weight (which, she wasn't wrong). She was lucky to be 100 pounds soaking wet, and I used to always think "what the heck would you know about struggling with weight??" I definitely understand better relating to someone who struggles with weight loss more than someone who's never had a weight problem.