

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I love both seasons of TD. Vince Vaughn was the weakest part of season 2 but I even liked how his character's arch ended.

    I'm really just watching Narcos (...well, trying to stay still long enough to watch it on the desktop) and Fear the Walking Dead atm
    I WAS watching Hannibal, but that ended prematurely last week. It did have a perfect ending.

    Glad to hear the bat was negative @ShibaEars !
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    Someone sent me a pretty nasty message earlier. In return, I ate 5 pieces of bacon (was going to be a pound but it burnt me and fell on the floor, and as mopey as I was, I won't eat floor bacon), grape juice (I've been drinking water only for quite a while, with the exception of an occasional glass of OJ) a big bowl of cereal (I didn't measure, but I guestimate it was 3 cups), and chicken tenders pan fried with mozzarella cheese. My normal 1000 - 1200 calories is pretty well shot. I tried to exercise to make up for it, but I just didn't want to. I'd rather go play a video game and sleep.
    Why do people do this? I hope today turns out better!

    I wanted to like Hannibal SO BAD, I watched the entire first season and just was not loving it.....

    I have Fear of the Walking Dead recorded but have not started it yet.....

    i LOVED Hannibal! it totally crushed me when they announced it was cancelled. the finale was last week and i'm still bereft.

    fear the walking dead is holding its own. it's only two episodes in, but i really like it thus far.

    Is it? I love the Walking Dead & was really excited about the new show but I found the first episode incredibly boring & didn't think it needed to be 90 minutes. I didn't bother watching week 2, but maybe I should watch a couple more episodes before giving up on it completely.

    I haven't been watching Fear the Walking Dead. I watched the first 2 seasons of Walking Dead and stopped. The second season bored me. Somebody told me that it was better Season 3, so I tried several episodes of that season, but I just couldn't find it interesting anymore. This happens to me with a lot of shows.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    *post date update*

    first date #15

    dude was nice enough, and i'd say his photos online to in person reality ratio was a good 75%-80%. which at this point is amazing. lol

    he talked. a lot. a real lot.
    he picked the place, which apparently is his normal spot because he knew about 60% of the people that came in. which i'm not sure why, but i find that kinda awkward. i'm just idly sitting there while some dude is talking about the next clam bake or tractor pull or whatever. not that fun.

    decided to play a round of pool. ok, i fully admit i'm terrible at it, but it's still fun to try. so we're playing the game and a dude stops over and puts a quarter on the table to "hold the next game." alright. so i'm losing epically, dude wins and i've still got most of my balls on the table. which to me has always meant, ok! now you can keep trying and get more practice, so maybe one day you won't suck at pool! awesome! well apparently the quarter dude was in a serious hurry to play, 'cause he comes over and starts pushing the remaining balls into various pockets.

    this is super not cool to me. it's flat out rude, and rarely do i ever shy away from letting someone know if i think they're being rude to me. i think my exact line was, dude, what the f**k do you think you're doing? and he's all well yer done yer game is over, i put my quarter on the table. we exchange a few not so polite adjectives, and the dude i'm with? does nothing. just stands there, then quietly says well he's kinda right, and walks with me back to the bar.

    dude, seriously? ok whatevs. but i fully admit i struggle to let things go. this issue intensifies after a few beverages. a lil time goes by, the lil jerk is still playing his round of pool, and i just say f it, get up walk over to the pool table, where he's about to go for the eight ball, grab it off of the table, drop it in the corner pocket and say oh? were you playing? 'cause yer done now douche canoe. a few more terse back and forths, i flip him off and go back to the bar. dude i'm there with? never left the bar.

    now i get it, guy meets a chick for the first time, i don't expect him to be all knight in shining armor, but can you at least back me up a little? maybe a hey, don't talk to her that way, or dude, that's not cool. something? maybe make sure i'm not over there getting my face bashed in (which i know will happen eventually, my mouth is making sure of it)?

    stayed out way too late (shocking, i know!), definitely paying for that aspect of it today. omg. overall? dude was nice, but i wasn't overly attracted to him and he didn't have my back (although he did pay for my beverages, which got him a few points). yeah, soooooo no.

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Well, you all were busy over the weekend and just now I am getting a chance to really catch up. @ShibaEars so glad the bat was negative. Huge relief for you!! I don't really get migraines, but I have seen my sister go through them and can sympathize with those of you that do get them. I have been trying to figure out what I want to watch next, but I have been walking more and losing interest in TV and movies pretty much. Give me a good book.

    Lee Ann! What are you reading now? I'm a book lover, ever in search of the next great story. :-)

    Hope I don't let anyone down, but I love Stephen King. Some of his more recent books I have enjoyed alot. Dr. Sleep is a sequel to The Shining. It was a good one. Then he has tied story lines across a couple of new books with Mr Mercedes and Finders Keepers. I finally got to read 11/22/63. It was an interesting spin on time travel and how changing things can possibly affect the future. Also, a guilty pleasure of mine, I like young adult ficiton and have been reading the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I am going to write down some of the books you guys are reading. Most of it for me is pure escape.

    Love Stephen King. Love. He is a master at character development, even though a lot of his endings suck. LOL I adore his short stories for the most part, and he's got a new collection coming out in November! *squee*

    That I may have to read, his short stuff is amazing!!

    Anyone love Rose Madder? That was one of my favorites by him. It is not a short, but really good.

    The Bachman Books were some of my favorites. The Long Walk is a favorite.

    YES! Mine, too! I have never forgotten that story.

    same here! i'm not really a stephen king fan, but the bachman books was fantastic!!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Well, you all were busy over the weekend and just now I am getting a chance to really catch up. @ShibaEars so glad the bat was negative. Huge relief for you!! I don't really get migraines, but I have seen my sister go through them and can sympathize with those of you that do get them. I have been trying to figure out what I want to watch next, but I have been walking more and losing interest in TV and movies pretty much. Give me a good book.

    Lee Ann! What are you reading now? I'm a book lover, ever in search of the next great story. :-)

    Hope I don't let anyone down, but I love Stephen King. Some of his more recent books I have enjoyed alot. Dr. Sleep is a sequel to The Shining. It was a good one. Then he has tied story lines across a couple of new books with Mr Mercedes and Finders Keepers. I finally got to read 11/22/63. It was an interesting spin on time travel and how changing things can possibly affect the future. Also, a guilty pleasure of mine, I like young adult ficiton and have been reading the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I am going to write down some of the books you guys are reading. Most of it for me is pure escape.

    Love Stephen King. Love. He is a master at character development, even though a lot of his endings suck. LOL I adore his short stories for the most part, and he's got a new collection coming out in November! *squee*

    That I may have to read, his short stuff is amazing!!

    Anyone love Rose Madder? That was one of my favorites by him. It is not a short, but really good.

    The Bachman Books were some of my favorites. The Long Walk is a favorite.

    YES! Mine, too! I have never forgotten that story.

    Man, I heard that one for the first time as an audiobook instead of reading it and it is burned in my brain because I listened to it while driving through rural Saskatchewan all night. Dark, silent, deserted roads. I scared the poo out of myself!

    I think Stephen King's short stories are stronger than his novels, often, but his characters are second-to-none regardless. There's a bit in the preface to the expanded version of The Stand where he explains his theory on writing scary stuff that I think describes him perfectly, though: "If you can't terrify, horrify. If you can't horrify, go for the gross-out." Hahaha.

    The Stand is by far my favourite of his, but Four Past Midnight, Different Seasons, and Full Dark, No Stars are all up there (short story collections). And I just read Doctor Sleep and Mr. Mercedes not long ago as well (campfire reading, both of them, which was the perfect place for it) which went a long way in redeeming him after the last one I read, Under the Dome (which...I won't give spoilers, but worst. ending. ever., another King hallmark.)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    clh72569 wrote: »
    I peeled the crayon wrappers off my color blind brothers crayons, so he could not read the colors. Then I would get all the crayons.

    I'm a mean big sister too. My younger brother had a thing whereby he wouldn't eat broken biscuits (cookies). So if he had annoyed me somehow that day, I would get to the biscuit tin a minute before him and snap every single biscuit cleanly in half. Even if you found the two matching halves, he refused to eat them. No biscuits for him.

    He deserved it, he used to eat the ends of my felt tip pens so they wouldn't draw. He'd have green or purple all over his face and deny he'd touched them. I regret nothing.

    Hahahaha that's hilarious! Did he have OCD or just wanted a perfect cookie?

    No OCD, just a funny 4 year old quirk. He grew out of it. He'll eat anything now (including wet cat food to whoever else owned up to that).

    I know I was a naughty child & would get into a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I am pretty sure I drank laundry detergent & my mom said either my sister or I ate a cigarette butt.

    When I was a teenager I would dig into the ice cream & look for all the cookie dough pieces or only take certain parts of the Neapolitan ice cream.

    Once, I got into my husband's Nestle Fitness Chocolate cereal, picked out all the chocolate covered pieces, and ate them--I left him all the plain pieces, though! ;) And I don't even have "being a teenager" as defense. :p
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    clh72569 wrote: »
    I peeled the crayon wrappers off my color blind brothers crayons, so he could not read the colors. Then I would get all the crayons.

    I'm a mean big sister too. My younger brother had a thing whereby he wouldn't eat broken biscuits (cookies). So if he had annoyed me somehow that day, I would get to the biscuit tin a minute before him and snap every single biscuit cleanly in half. Even if you found the two matching halves, he refused to eat them. No biscuits for him.

    He deserved it, he used to eat the ends of my felt tip pens so they wouldn't draw. He'd have green or purple all over his face and deny he'd touched them. I regret nothing.

    Hahahaha that's hilarious! Did he have OCD or just wanted a perfect cookie?

    No OCD, just a funny 4 year old quirk. He grew out of it. He'll eat anything now (including wet cat food to whoever else owned up to that).

    I know I was a naughty child & would get into a lot of stuff I shouldn't have. I am pretty sure I drank laundry detergent & my mom said either my sister or I ate a cigarette butt.

    When I was a teenager I would dig into the ice cream & look for all the cookie dough pieces or only take certain parts of the Neapolitan ice cream.

    Once, I got into my husband's Nestle Fitness Chocolate cereal, picked out all the chocolate covered pieces, and ate them--I left him all the plain pieces, though! ;) And I don't even have "being a teenager" as defense. :p

    I'm the only person in my family that likes cookie dough so I never had to worry about anyone taking the pieces o:)
    The second episode of FTWD is better than the first.

  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    What happened to the random pictures thread in the batcave?
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    What happened to the random pictures thread in the batcave?

    Its gone to more than one page, so you need to click all discussions.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I love both seasons of TD. Vince Vaughn was the weakest part of season 2 but I even liked how his character's arch ended.

    I'm really just watching Narcos (...well, trying to stay still long enough to watch it on the desktop) and Fear the Walking Dead atm
    I WAS watching Hannibal, but that ended prematurely last week. It did have a perfect ending.

    Glad to hear the bat was negative @ShibaEars !
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    Someone sent me a pretty nasty message earlier. In return, I ate 5 pieces of bacon (was going to be a pound but it burnt me and fell on the floor, and as mopey as I was, I won't eat floor bacon), grape juice (I've been drinking water only for quite a while, with the exception of an occasional glass of OJ) a big bowl of cereal (I didn't measure, but I guestimate it was 3 cups), and chicken tenders pan fried with mozzarella cheese. My normal 1000 - 1200 calories is pretty well shot. I tried to exercise to make up for it, but I just didn't want to. I'd rather go play a video game and sleep.
    Why do people do this? I hope today turns out better!

    I wanted to like Hannibal SO BAD, I watched the entire first season and just was not loving it.....

    I have Fear of the Walking Dead recorded but have not started it yet.....

    i LOVED Hannibal! it totally crushed me when they announced it was cancelled. the finale was last week and i'm still bereft.

    fear the walking dead is holding its own. it's only two episodes in, but i really like it thus far.

    Is it? I love the Walking Dead & was really excited about the new show but I found the first episode incredibly boring & didn't think it needed to be 90 minutes. I didn't bother watching week 2, but maybe I should watch a couple more episodes before giving up on it completely.

    The second episode is stitting on my DVR because I haven't felt bothered enough to watch it. I was highly unsatisfied by the premiere, even though I know I should give it another shot.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #15

    dude was nice enough, and i'd say his photos online to in person reality ratio was a good 75%-80%. which at this point is amazing. lol

    he talked. a lot. a real lot.
    he picked the place, which apparently is his normal spot because he knew about 60% of the people that came in. which i'm not sure why, but i find that kinda awkward. i'm just idly sitting there while some dude is talking about the next clam bake or tractor pull or whatever. not that fun.

    decided to play a round of pool. ok, i fully admit i'm terrible at it, but it's still fun to try. so we're playing the game and a dude stops over and puts a quarter on the table to "hold the next game." alright. so i'm losing epically, dude wins and i've still got most of my balls on the table. which to me has always meant, ok! now you can keep trying and get more practice, so maybe one day you won't suck at pool! awesome! well apparently the quarter dude was in a serious hurry to play, 'cause he comes over and starts pushing the remaining balls into various pockets.

    this is super not cool to me. it's flat out rude, and rarely do i ever shy away from letting someone know if i think they're being rude to me. i think my exact line was, dude, what the f**k do you think you're doing? and he's all well yer done yer game is over, i put my quarter on the table. we exchange a few not so polite adjectives, and the dude i'm with? does nothing. just stands there, then quietly says well he's kinda right, and walks with me back to the bar.

    dude, seriously? ok whatevs. but i fully admit i struggle to let things go. this issue intensifies after a few beverages. a lil time goes by, the lil jerk is still playing his round of pool, and i just say f it, get up walk over to the pool table, where he's about to go for the eight ball, grab it off of the table, drop it in the corner pocket and say oh? were you playing? 'cause yer done now douche canoe. a few more terse back and forths, i flip him off and go back to the bar. dude i'm there with? never left the bar.

    now i get it, guy meets a chick for the first time, i don't expect him to be all knight in shining armor, but can you at least back me up a little? maybe a hey, don't talk to her that way, or dude, that's not cool. something? maybe make sure i'm not over there getting my face bashed in (which i know will happen eventually, my mouth is making sure of it)?

    stayed out way too late (shocking, i know!), definitely paying for that aspect of it today. omg. overall? dude was nice, but i wasn't overly attracted to him and he didn't have my back (although he did pay for my beverages, which got him a few points). yeah, soooooo no.

    ... next!

    I suck at pool too but I've always loved playing. I'm okay with sucking because I'm very non-competitive and I'm just playing for fun.

    What often has happened to me after losing and leaving a whole mess of balls on the table is that the winner will then take the opportunity to show off his superior skills by sinking MY balls too, in a really condescending "let me show you how it's done" way. Which always makes me want to stab him with a cue... but I've never actually followed through on that, fortunately.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #15

    dude was nice enough, and i'd say his photos online to in person reality ratio was a good 75%-80%. which at this point is amazing. lol

    he talked. a lot. a real lot.
    he picked the place, which apparently is his normal spot because he knew about 60% of the people that came in. which i'm not sure why, but i find that kinda awkward. i'm just idly sitting there while some dude is talking about the next clam bake or tractor pull or whatever. not that fun.

    decided to play a round of pool. ok, i fully admit i'm terrible at it, but it's still fun to try. so we're playing the game and a dude stops over and puts a quarter on the table to "hold the next game." alright. so i'm losing epically, dude wins and i've still got most of my balls on the table. which to me has always meant, ok! now you can keep trying and get more practice, so maybe one day you won't suck at pool! awesome! well apparently the quarter dude was in a serious hurry to play, 'cause he comes over and starts pushing the remaining balls into various pockets.

    this is super not cool to me. it's flat out rude, and rarely do i ever shy away from letting someone know if i think they're being rude to me. i think my exact line was, dude, what the f**k do you think you're doing? and he's all well yer done yer game is over, i put my quarter on the table. we exchange a few not so polite adjectives, and the dude i'm with? does nothing. just stands there, then quietly says well he's kinda right, and walks with me back to the bar.

    dude, seriously? ok whatevs. but i fully admit i struggle to let things go. this issue intensifies after a few beverages. a lil time goes by, the lil jerk is still playing his round of pool, and i just say f it, get up walk over to the pool table, where he's about to go for the eight ball, grab it off of the table, drop it in the corner pocket and say oh? were you playing? 'cause yer done now douche canoe. a few more terse back and forths, i flip him off and go back to the bar. dude i'm there with? never left the bar.

    now i get it, guy meets a chick for the first time, i don't expect him to be all knight in shining armor, but can you at least back me up a little? maybe a hey, don't talk to her that way, or dude, that's not cool. something? maybe make sure i'm not over there getting my face bashed in (which i know will happen eventually, my mouth is making sure of it)?

    stayed out way too late (shocking, i know!), definitely paying for that aspect of it today. omg. overall? dude was nice, but i wasn't overly attracted to him and he didn't have my back (although he did pay for my beverages, which got him a few points). yeah, soooooo no.

    ... next!

    I suck at pool too but I've always loved playing. I'm okay with sucking because I'm very non-competitive and I'm just playing for fun.

    What often has happened to me after losing and leaving a whole mess of balls on the table is that the winner will then take the opportunity to show off his superior skills by sinking MY balls too, in a really condescending "let me show you how it's done" way. Which always makes me want to stab him with a cue... but I've never actually followed through on that, fortunately.

  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,454 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #15

    dude was nice enough, and i'd say his photos online to in person reality ratio was a good 75%-80%. which at this point is amazing. lol

    he talked. a lot. a real lot.
    he picked the place, which apparently is his normal spot because he knew about 60% of the people that came in. which i'm not sure why, but i find that kinda awkward. i'm just idly sitting there while some dude is talking about the next clam bake or tractor pull or whatever. not that fun.

    decided to play a round of pool. ok, i fully admit i'm terrible at it, but it's still fun to try. so we're playing the game and a dude stops over and puts a quarter on the table to "hold the next game." alright. so i'm losing epically, dude wins and i've still got most of my balls on the table. which to me has always meant, ok! now you can keep trying and get more practice, so maybe one day you won't suck at pool! awesome! well apparently the quarter dude was in a serious hurry to play, 'cause he comes over and starts pushing the remaining balls into various pockets.

    this is super not cool to me. it's flat out rude, and rarely do i ever shy away from letting someone know if i think they're being rude to me. i think my exact line was, dude, what the f**k do you think you're doing? and he's all well yer done yer game is over, i put my quarter on the table. we exchange a few not so polite adjectives, and the dude i'm with? does nothing. just stands there, then quietly says well he's kinda right, and walks with me back to the bar.

    dude, seriously? ok whatevs. but i fully admit i struggle to let things go. this issue intensifies after a few beverages. a lil time goes by, the lil jerk is still playing his round of pool, and i just say f it, get up walk over to the pool table, where he's about to go for the eight ball, grab it off of the table, drop it in the corner pocket and say oh? were you playing? 'cause yer done now douche canoe. a few more terse back and forths, i flip him off and go back to the bar. dude i'm there with? never left the bar.

    now i get it, guy meets a chick for the first time, i don't expect him to be all knight in shining armor, but can you at least back me up a little? maybe a hey, don't talk to her that way, or dude, that's not cool. something? maybe make sure i'm not over there getting my face bashed in (which i know will happen eventually, my mouth is making sure of it)?

    stayed out way too late (shocking, i know!), definitely paying for that aspect of it today. omg. overall? dude was nice, but i wasn't overly attracted to him and he didn't have my back (although he did pay for my beverages, which got him a few points). yeah, soooooo no.

    ... next!

    I suck at pool too but I've always loved playing. I'm okay with sucking because I'm very non-competitive and I'm just playing for fun.

    What often has happened to me after losing and leaving a whole mess of balls on the table is that the winner will then take the opportunity to show off his superior skills by sinking MY balls too, in a really condescending "let me show you how it's done" way. Which always makes me want to stab him with a cue... but I've never actually followed through on that, fortunately.

    Sounds like we need a girls night out of pool playing. I am not the best, but I do ok. Love to play when I get the chance, but my hubby is really good, and tries to direct me all the time and I am all like, let me be and make my shot my way.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    *post date update*

    first date #15

    dude was nice enough, and i'd say his photos online to in person reality ratio was a good 75%-80%. which at this point is amazing. lol

    he talked. a lot. a real lot.
    he picked the place, which apparently is his normal spot because he knew about 60% of the people that came in. which i'm not sure why, but i find that kinda awkward. i'm just idly sitting there while some dude is talking about the next clam bake or tractor pull or whatever. not that fun.

    decided to play a round of pool. ok, i fully admit i'm terrible at it, but it's still fun to try. so we're playing the game and a dude stops over and puts a quarter on the table to "hold the next game." alright. so i'm losing epically, dude wins and i've still got most of my balls on the table. which to me has always meant, ok! now you can keep trying and get more practice, so maybe one day you won't suck at pool! awesome! well apparently the quarter dude was in a serious hurry to play, 'cause he comes over and starts pushing the remaining balls into various pockets.

    this is super not cool to me. it's flat out rude, and rarely do i ever shy away from letting someone know if i think they're being rude to me. i think my exact line was, dude, what the f**k do you think you're doing? and he's all well yer done yer game is over, i put my quarter on the table. we exchange a few not so polite adjectives, and the dude i'm with? does nothing. just stands there, then quietly says well he's kinda right, and walks with me back to the bar.

    dude, seriously? ok whatevs. but i fully admit i struggle to let things go. this issue intensifies after a few beverages. a lil time goes by, the lil jerk is still playing his round of pool, and i just say f it, get up walk over to the pool table, where he's about to go for the eight ball, grab it off of the table, drop it in the corner pocket and say oh? were you playing? 'cause yer done now douche canoe. a few more terse back and forths, i flip him off and go back to the bar. dude i'm there with? never left the bar.

    now i get it, guy meets a chick for the first time, i don't expect him to be all knight in shining armor, but can you at least back me up a little? maybe a hey, don't talk to her that way, or dude, that's not cool. something? maybe make sure i'm not over there getting my face bashed in (which i know will happen eventually, my mouth is making sure of it)?

    stayed out way too late (shocking, i know!), definitely paying for that aspect of it today. omg. overall? dude was nice, but i wasn't overly attracted to him and he didn't have my back (although he did pay for my beverages, which got him a few points). yeah, soooooo no.

    ... next!

    I suck at pool too but I've always loved playing. I'm okay with sucking because I'm very non-competitive and I'm just playing for fun.

    What often has happened to me after losing and leaving a whole mess of balls on the table is that the winner will then take the opportunity to show off his superior skills by sinking MY balls too, in a really condescending "let me show you how it's done" way. Which always makes me want to stab him with a cue... but I've never actually followed through on that, fortunately.

    Sounds like we need a girls night out of pool playing. I am not the best, but I do ok. Love to play when I get the chance, but my hubby is really good, and tries to direct me all the time and I am all like, let me be and make my shot my way.

    I play in a weekly billiards league. It is a double jeopardy league, which means we play both 8 ball and 9 ball. I love to play pool. It has become a family thing for us, we were on a team with some co-workers that has evolved over time to me, my husband, my two sons, one of my daughter in laws, my son's best friend and two guys that work with me and hubby (we work at the same company).
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I stalk the profiles of people who make me laugh in forums. Then I friend them. Then I panic that they're going to think I'm a creep.

    ^That was my first contribution to this thread. (On page 27)

    I'm super bored at work today.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Jury duty is interesting, but I if I ever see the prosecutor outside court, I am going to tell her to learn muzzle discipline. She waved a shotgun in my face 3 times today. And, truthfully, the shotgun had nothing much to do with the alleged crime. It just happened to be in the defendant's truck at the time.

    If it works kind of like it does here in Houston, after the case is over, you will have the opportunity to speak with both attorneys. Let her know about it then.

    Nope. They just sent us home. The bailiff did say he would speak to her.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    As a person who has suffered from various forms of disordered eating I am terrified of trying to lose the weight again. I know I need to for health reasons but I am literally terrified I am going to take it to the extreme and get obsessed and end up in a very bad mental state. :(

    I totally understand that feeling, but I have successfully lost to a healthy weight and maintained for 18 months. I was so anxious during the process, but I don't want a knee replacement and that's where I was headed.

    You can do it
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I stalk the profiles of people who make me laugh in forums. Then I friend them. Then I panic that they're going to think I'm a creep.

    ^That was my first contribution to this thread. (On page 27)

    I'm super bored at work today.
    I still do this but I'm too nervous to try friending them. :(

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Still doing confessions?

    If so, I drink....a lot.

    Like to the point where I have to save massive amount of weekend calories to get my drink on.


    Yes, we still do confessions. Please just tell me you don't drive drink. And consider asking yourself if you chose not to this weekend, how hard would it be?

    Nope. I drink in the comfort of my own home. Sometimes on my deck enjoying the view.

    This weekend will be easy to cut out. So perhaps.....

    Maybe just cut back. I can totally relate to a relaxing drink and a beautiful sunset. I'd just rather drink coffee than alcohol.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    I stalk the profiles of people who make me laugh in forums. Then I friend them. Then I panic that they're going to think I'm a creep.

    ^That was my first contribution to this thread. (On page 27)

    I'm super bored at work today.

    This is funny! I'm going to friend you now, I hope you don't think I'm a creep :)
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I've never weighed a single piece of food. I rarely measure either...I just try to over "guesstimate". The MFP Police would HATE me ;)

    That's okay. I hate the food scale police. :-)