
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited December 2018
    Yay for Ellie walking!!!!
    And I'm sure all (or most) moms/dads have thought up similar scenarios. I hope you get uninterrupted alone time soon. #1 on your Christmas wish list!!
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    In other news, I have to have glasses for the first time in my life. Well, the second time. I had bifocals to correct a lazy left eye when I was a teenager. But I will have to wear these all of the time.

    Welcome to the club. Glasses are great. I need mine most of the time. They hide the bags under my eyes caused by lack of sleep, so I'm calling it a win!

    I love this attitude!
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Ellie is walking!

    This post needs a celebration button. (Although, I am the one not chasing her & Andrew so that's easy for me to say.)
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    Did you ever crave alone time so much (real, not on call, alone time - not trying to relax while the baby might wake at any moment), that while you were chopping up veggies for dinner you thought, 'if I slip and slice my finger, I could sit in a&e for 4 hours, totally uninterrupted and ignored, waiting for somebody to give me a couple of stitches. I'd bring a book and some chocolate and I'd quietly sit anywhere they put me.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to actually do it. But the thought has passed my mind more than once...

    Why, yes, yes I have. It also crossed my mind this week that if I fell in the ice and broke my ankle, I could stay in bed for a week and people would have to wait on me. It would not be worth it in the end.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    Did you ever crave alone time so much (real, not on call, alone time - not trying to relax while the baby might wake at any moment), that while you were chopping up veggies for dinner you thought, 'if I slip and slice my finger, I could sit in a&e for 4 hours, totally uninterrupted and ignored, waiting for somebody to give me a couple of stitches. I'd bring a book and some chocolate and I'd quietly sit anywhere they put me.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to actually do it. But the thought has passed my mind more than once...

    When my job was at its worst and I was working 20 hours a day and getting beat up all the time, I used to pray to be in a car accident. A week or 2 in the hospital where no one could get to me and no one would tell at me for not getting things done. This sometimes still crosses my mind.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Ellie is walking!

    Yay, Ellie!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    Did you ever crave alone time so much (real, not on call, alone time - not trying to relax while the baby might wake at any moment), that while you were chopping up veggies for dinner you thought, 'if I slip and slice my finger, I could sit in a&e for 4 hours, totally uninterrupted and ignored, waiting for somebody to give me a couple of stitches. I'd bring a book and some chocolate and I'd quietly sit anywhere they put me.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to actually do it. But the thought has passed my mind more than once...

    Moms deserve a break too. Though sitting in the ER does not sound like much of one!
    Leave hubby with the kiddos once and a while and go out for a meal or a movie or something else you find relaxing!
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    Did you ever crave alone time so much (real, not on call, alone time - not trying to relax while the baby might wake at any moment), that while you were chopping up veggies for dinner you thought, 'if I slip and slice my finger, I could sit in a&e for 4 hours, totally uninterrupted and ignored, waiting for somebody to give me a couple of stitches. I'd bring a book and some chocolate and I'd quietly sit anywhere they put me.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to actually do it. But the thought has passed my mind more than once...

    Moms deserve a break too. Though sitting in the ER does not sound like much of one!
    Leave hubby with the kiddos once and a while and go out for a meal or a movie or something else you find relaxing!

    Or throw them out of the house
    I sent mine out for dinner on Friday because I didn't want to eat. I took a hot bath and was asleep when they got home.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one, I thought I was crazy! Maybe we're all a bit crazy.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I'm glad I'm not the only one, I thought I was crazy! Maybe we're all a bit crazy.

    Everyone is a little bit crazy. We happen to have an especially safe place to admit. We are blessed beyond measure.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Bangs head on desk.


    I'm sorry, Kelly. I spent 12 years in retail management (still always on the sales floor and dealing with customers).. I know how awful this time of year is. Take a deep breath. It'll be over soon.

    I feel it's a mixture of both the customers & associates.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Ellie is walking!

    Yay, Ellie!

    Way to go Ellie!
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »

    Bangs head on desk.


    I'm sorry, Kelly. I spent 12 years in retail management (still always on the sales floor and dealing with customers).. I know how awful this time of year is. Take a deep breath. It'll be over soon.

    I feel it's a mixture of both the customers & associates.

    I am so sorry, Kelly. It's unfortunate that what should be a peaceful, family time turns so many people into greedy, unkind snots.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    spamarie wrote: »

    Did you ever crave alone time so much (real, not on call, alone time - not trying to relax while the baby might wake at any moment), that while you were chopping up veggies for dinner you thought, 'if I slip and slice my finger, I could sit in a&e for 4 hours, totally uninterrupted and ignored, waiting for somebody to give me a couple of stitches. I'd bring a book and some chocolate and I'd quietly sit anywhere they put me.

    Don't worry, I'm not going to actually do it. But the thought has passed my mind more than once...

    The last 5 years when I worked in a different part of the hospital, I literally didn't stop moving for 8 hours & multi tasked all day & had one dinner break around 8 or 9 pm(shift was 3-11:30 pm) I was so stressed out all the time, I wished I would develop a heart problem so I can be a patient & not work for a while
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,628 Member
    no judgement? ok I really dislike Christmas & always signed up to work. I don't like anything about it, the songs, the lights, etc. wish I could skip it & I don't buy gifts, but this year our grand kids picked adult names to get them a gift, so we have 2 gifts to buy, ugh. It's not a religious thing as I'm a christian, It just seems to be all about $ and gift giving. I am glad that the world celebrates it though. I'll be glad when it's over
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    no judgement? ok I really dislike Christmas & always signed up to work. I don't like anything about it, the songs, the lights, etc. wish I could skip it & I don't buy gifts, but this year our grand kids picked adult names to get them a gift, so we have 2 gifts to buy, ugh. It's not a religious thing as I'm a christian, It just seems to be all about $ and gift giving. I am glad that the world celebrates it though. I'll be glad when it's over

    I am with you 100%
    I feel the exact same way
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    Evamutt wrote: »
    no judgement? ok I really dislike Christmas & always signed up to work. I don't like anything about it, the songs, the lights, etc. wish I could skip it & I don't buy gifts, but this year our grand kids picked adult names to get them a gift, so we have 2 gifts to buy, ugh. It's not a religious thing as I'm a christian, It just seems to be all about $ and gift giving. I am glad that the world celebrates it though. I'll be glad when it's over

    Oh, look, another one of us, @Beka3695 and @Italian_Buju.

    Welcome @Evamutt, to our crazy truly no judgment thread. I teach a Sunday school class and I detest commercialized Christmas.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    Augh!!! It is not even 7am and I am mad already. Someone came in here sometime since I left at 3:30 on Friday, found a charred pot of coffee, turned off the machine and moved the carafe to a cooler burner without even attempting to rinse it out and without throwing out the old grounds.

    WHY???? Why would you leave that for someone else??

    I half cleaned the pot because I can't leave things like that, but if I knew at whom to yell over it, I would probably get fired before 9am.
  • melissafeagins
    melissafeagins Posts: 1,421 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Evamutt wrote: »
    no judgement? ok I really dislike Christmas & always signed up to work. I don't like anything about it, the songs, the lights, etc. wish I could skip it & I don't buy gifts, but this year our grand kids picked adult names to get them a gift, so we have 2 gifts to buy, ugh. It's not a religious thing as I'm a christian, It just seems to be all about $ and gift giving. I am glad that the world celebrates it though. I'll be glad when it's over

    It's funny how it goes. I'm a deep-seated atheist, yet I love Christmas. Well certain aspects of it. I totally understand resenting the commercialisation of it. I don't stress over it and I don't get into debt, that's no fun. For me it's about family and silly fun and something to look forward to when the weather is so miserable.

    Plus I enjoy making things (when I have time) and the kids are just getting to that age where it's magical so I'm all in this year. I went big on homemade decorations this year. Our house is a taste free zone!

    I would love a Spam Christmas. I kind of have that in my house, but it's impossible to grocery shop without being assaulted by the person next to you. (Really, I was shoved aside at the milk last week. Y'all, they weren't out and I was also reaching for cream from the shelf above.)